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Thailand confident it can avoid US sanctions as trafficking report looms


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Thailand confident it can avoid U.S. sanctions as trafficking report looms

BANGKOK: -- Thailand will likely avoid U.S. sanctions even if it stays on the lowest tier of an annual State Department human trafficking report, Thailand's defence minister said on Wednesday, days before the crucial progress report is due out.

The United States automatically downgraded Thailand, one of the oldest U.S. treaty allies in Asia, to the lowest "Tier 3" status in its 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report after Thailand stayed on the report's so-called Tier 2 Watch List, the second-lowest rank, for four consecutive years.

Washington said Thailand, a regional human trafficking hub, had not met the minimum standards for the elimination of the illicit trade.

A Tier 3 rating would normally trigger a range of sanctions from the United States but President Barack Obama waved the sanctions in Thailand's case.

Full story: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/07/15/uk-thailand-trafficking-idUKKCN0PP0R820150715

-- Reuters 2015-07-15

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If there are no sanctions imposed it will probably be to mute the outrage coming from Thailand because Malaysia is rumored to be getting upgraded to Tier 2. If that sounds inexplicable then you don't know how badly US (worst) President (ever) Barack Obama wants the Trans Pacific Partnership deal and upgrading Malaysia is rumored to be a political nod to that effort.

Editorialist in the Bangkok Post yesterday was livid that Malaysia was rumored to be moving up while Thailand is likely to stay Tier 3.

(Forum policy prohibits posting to the link in the newspaper.)

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Why avoid sanction. Can't read why this it likely

Read the article. If Obama waived the sanctions once he will certainly do it again especially given what has happened recently and the fact Obama is just a weak president.

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Why should Thailand or people on this forum care? Thai officials and a majority of TV members constantly inform us that Thailand doesn't need the US. Thailand has China and Europe. No need big, bad America. Trade sanctions from the US would mean nothing. Okay, let's find out.

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If there are no sanctions imposed it will probably be to mute the outrage coming from Thailand because Malaysia is rumored to be getting upgraded to Tier 2. If that sounds inexplicable then you don't know how badly US (worst) President (ever) Barack Obama wants the Trans Pacific Partnership deal and upgrading Malaysia is rumored to be a political nod to that effort.

Editorialist in the Bangkok Post yesterday was livid that Malaysia was rumored to be moving up while Thailand is likely to stay Tier 3.

(Forum policy prohibits posting to the link in the newspaper.)

Yes, no sanctions then means it is likely no sanctions anytime soon (and it will mute the outrage, but GW Bush was the worst US President, not Obama.

Edited by FangFerang
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Seems any Minister can make statements, anytime and on any subject. The accuracy of such statements speaks for themselves.

We shall see.

Edited by Benmart
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I look forward to the outcome from the "boss of the world" the USA.

As stated previously when my family and I entered Thailand recently from Laos at Nong Kai the changes have been representative of a proactive response by the current govt of their reaction to the threat of US sanctions.

The majority of Thailand as well as the overall global community would be very thankful that the govt have been so pro active in their approach to this issue.

Edited by djjamie
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