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Aussie arrested for selling drugs to plain clothes police in Phuket

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Do they still Execute them here for Drugs??

Hope so, we don't need this sort of creature in our midst. Of course, the Bleeding Heart mob in Australia will be screaming for "mercy."

They'll reckon it was his First time, he's a loving husband/son whatever and should be spared.

Yes spared, just like the kids he has sold his filth to in the past.

Congratulations to the COPS on some excellent work!

Not the crime of the century

A bit of weed


A gram of cocaine and a bit of ganja...Wow, they took down an empire! What a joke. For all those pointing jokes at how old he looks, some people age much quicker in the face, particularly if they've been out on a beach most of their life. Fact is, he is probably far slimmer and fitter than those passing judgement, as they look down over their beer bellies trying to see the keyboard. Slim people wrinkle easier too; when you're body is inflamed by a poor diet and bloated through drinking your face puffs up too and therefore shows fewer lines. Moreover, those saying 'hang him high' for a a gram of coke will do well to remember that alcohol does far more destruction to a society than any other drug. FACT.


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

same as in the western world. So if we, in the western world can't stop it how on earth could thai do ut better !


Why they say in the headline,,,Aussie arrested,,,, They should State THAI & Aussie arrested,,,,this is Farang bashing wai.gif Report it the right way or Don't report at all bah.gif


His relatives were one of the first of the founding fathers of Ausy sent out on the first prison boat. So you can see nothing much has changed in Ausy over the years.



48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

Cheered me up no end! I'm looking good for 50 if he's 48!!smile.png

And me at 66 ...

And me--------- I dont look that old and I'm 79 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I hear 89 ... Going, Going, Gone! 89 to the gentleman on the third row!


Do they still Execute them here for Drugs??

Hope so, we don't need this sort of creature in our midst. Of course, the Bleeding Heart mob in Australia will be screaming for "mercy."

They'll reckon it was his First time, he's a loving husband/son whatever and should be spared.

Yes spared, just like the kids he has sold his filth to in the past.

Congratulations to the COPS on some excellent work!

For 1 g of Coke and 22 grams of weed, no way.

Probably a short time in jail and a hefty fine.

How about the 20-something ex-soldier farang who recently received a 50-year sentence from a Thai court for selling ecstasy tablets???


How about cut a deal? Name your supplier and we will give you two years in Aussie jail.

Well, this crackdown is good in a way. Lots of us geezers feeling younger than we are, given the photo


I wonder if he owns a Pitt Bull. whistling.gif What I freakin' idiot though.

Welcome to the Bangkok Hilton. Your reservation has just been confirmed. Enjoy your stay!


48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

Tweeker age fast.


You have to laugh at the sheer stupidity of these people.

What gave him away, apart from the blindingly obvious? The appalling tattoos, crumpled, leathery skin or the fact that rarely has anyone looked so clearly a criminal?

Oh - did I judge? Damn right. Let him rot here for a while then go and pollute his home country.


whistling.gif As another reader said these are small fry but they look like the Vermin they are.

If that Aussie is 48 he must have worked on the Death Railway in his past life.....disgusting state to be in.

I think the other rats in the jail will complain at having to share with him!


Simple solution to people seeling drugs. Have them ingest all of the drugs they have and if they walk away after a nigt in a cell fine. If they dont well who cares. Would save a lot of time and money taking them to court


1 gram of Cocaine, definitely a big shot dealer. And yes, he looks shit for 48. Feeling so young today whistling.gif


Simple solution to people seeling drugs. Have them ingest all of the drugs they have and if they walk away after a nigt in a cell fine. If they dont well who cares. Would save a lot of time and money taking them to court

In this case, he could ingest all the drugs he had and walk home with a smile on this face. The amount he has is miniscule. Which makes it all the weirder. Why the heck sell such a small amount considering the penalties for getting caught for trafficking. Again, not the sharpest tack in the box.


So the Aussie was out on the street at Patong, no shirt, heavy tatts, heavy chains, selling drugs to unknown Thai men. Seems like he needs to attend a drug dealing 101 class.


An Aussie, no way, he has to be claiming his nationality fraudulently, us Aussies are hansum types and even if we are over 60 we are more hansum then this, whatever it is. Just ask the girls, (NOT BOYS) they'll tell you how hansum and wealthy we Aussies are. No need to sell drugs but a few might buy them.


Glad to hear the police in Phuket are prioritizing their activities and spending time solving Thailand's most serious problems </sarcasm>


Simple solution to people seeling drugs. Have them ingest all of the drugs they have and if they walk away after a nigt in a cell fine. If they dont well who cares. Would save a lot of time and money taking them to court

In this case, he could ingest all the drugs he had and walk home with a smile on this face. The amount he has is miniscule. Which makes it all the weirder. Why the heck sell such a small amount considering the penalties for getting caught for trafficking. Again, not the sharpest tack in the box.

That is true the ones that have been caught with 1,000 YaBa tablets wouldnt


Good news story on TV for a change two more drug dealers taken off the streets and as for the Ausie he looks like an old weather beaten leather hand bag. Lets hope they get a long rest in a grotty Thai prison.


48? Hard living makes him look 60. Will get worse in jail.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

Cheered me up no end! I'm looking good for 50 if he's 48!!smile.png

Cheered me up I look great for 63 love the Baseball mitt quote clap2.gif

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