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Aussie arrested for selling drugs to plain clothes police in Phuket

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Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

just for the records........yesterday the Lao police caught 2 men with 80 kg of herione.

ampel recorded but true! source: Vientianetimes.la katern 2

They start catching the mr Bigs in the areas where they produce!

Just workers.The real boss is nowhere near his drugs,probably never see's them.Follow the money,unusually wealthy,tax records,big spenders in casinos laundering,overseas bank accounts.They don't want to catch these guys.

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Do they still Execute them here for Drugs??

Hope so, we don't need this sort of creature in our midst. Of course, the Bleeding Heart mob in Australia will be screaming for "mercy."

They'll reckon it was his First time, he's a loving husband/son whatever and should be spared.

Yes spared, just like the kids he has sold his filth to in the past.

Congratulations to the COPS on some excellent work!

No westerner has been executed for drugs,especially for pissant amounts.Get a grip on reality man.


1st lesson in been a drug dealer,don't look like a drug dealer,

and better still a drug user.

regards Worgeordie

You gotta dress for the part bro !!!!

And he certainly does.

Whenever I see a man or a woman having a lot of tattoos , such as that guy does....I immediately think of ...Heroin.....lots and lots of Heroin.


You must be hanging for a fix then.I just think waste of money,but hey live and let live.


1st lesson in been a drug dealer,don't look like a drug dealer,

and better still a drug user.

regards Worgeordie

You gotta dress for the part bro !!!!

And he certainly does.

Whenever I see a man or a woman having a lot of tattoos , such as that guy does....I immediately think of ...Heroin.....lots and lots of Heroin.


Biggest load of rubbish written, and there has been lots posted on this thread. Sorry, but junkies spend their money on smack, not tattoos. Another incorrect "judge a book by it's cover" statement by someone who obviously has not been out and about in the real world. As for the hang 'em high brigade, so noble...


I see all the "coffin dodgers" are preening themselves on how young they look.

Newsflash------You're all old and degrees of oldness is still old.

Would have thought you guys would have outgrown vanity by now.


Comprehension, Why Would it make Pattaya Nicer, Pattaya Bashers United.

This guy is an example of why Phuket is now the same Pattaya, in relation to its "quality" of expats.


Why risk it in Thailand? Maybe because he has nowwhere else to go ? Probably overstayed his visa?


Lots of Schadenfreude here today. Pleasure from another's misfortunes. Especially the age we look factor. No doubt the effect of his habits.


Is it time for to world to legalise these drugs?

Governments could gain tax revenues and the Drug Barons would be out of bussiness.

Oh I forgot, the drug Barons are the rich and powerful so no way do they want to lose control of this dreadful racket!


Is it time for to world to legalise these drugs?


More and more countries are now admitting that The War on Drugs is lost and there has to be a better way.

Uruguay, Portugal, Holland and even the US are re-thinking their strategy.

They banned alcohol in the US in the 20's and gave rise to the Mafia.

Banning drugs spawned all the violent Cartels in Mexico and South America.

It wasn't as if this was unpredictable.


Is it time for to world to legalise these drugs?

Governments could gain tax revenues and the Drug Barons would be out of bussiness.

Oh I forgot, the drug Barons are the rich and powerful so no way do they want to lose control of this dreadful racket!

I agree. I was called "misguided" for the same thoughts because drugs are dangerous not only to the person taking them but society in general.

Same with cigarettes, but smoking has been reduced from 60% to under 20% (in western countries) in 50 years. Drug use continues to rise.

The war does nothing.

Regulate, tax, and then gradually reduce demand. Pump money into mental health and recovery.


Come on guys he look a fine upstanding gentleman, he was framed he thought it was talc.

Why is he not wearing a shirt?

He does look as if he's had a hard life, hope I don't look like him in four years.

I am seventy two and hope I never look like him, garbage should be tossed in the bin, hope he does not buy his way out.


Lots of Schadenfreude here today. Pleasure from another's misfortunes. Especially the age we look factor. No doubt the effect of his habits.

And your point is ? Let me guess, another clown you can visit in the slammer , pity him and feel good,


Do they still Execute them here for Drugs??

Hope so, we don't need this sort of creature in our midst. Of course, the Bleeding Heart mob in Australia will be screaming for "mercy."

They'll reckon it was his First time, he's a loving husband/son whatever and should be spared.

Yes spared, just like the kids he has sold his filth to in the past.

Congratulations to the COPS on some excellent work!

What kind of a retard would say something like this. Execute someone over 1g of cocain???? Think about what you are saying you moron!!!!!!!

Congratulations to the COPS, yeah right. What a big bust. 1g of cocaine and 20something of weed. WOW.


Lots of Schadenfreude here today. Pleasure from another's misfortunes. Especially the age we look factor. No doubt the effect of his habits.

And your point is ? Let me guess, another clown you can visit in the slammer , pity him and feel good,

Your guess work is paltry, slightly inflammatory and also quite pointless. Go look in the mirror for your answers.


Wow some weathered old tattooed guy has really got to some here.

He's a low level nobody riff raff street dealer. The sort the cops can arrest without the a pre arrest phone call to see if they can proceed.


Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

I really can't understand how you guy's see this world we live in, the often much maligned (and very often justifiably) RTP get their act together and bust two drug dealers. There looks to be no doubt about their guilt as they were caught in the act, but still we see the same regurgitated irrelevant comments.

What has this got to do with Thai bankers and Mr Bigs? Two criminals were caught and hopefully taken off the street for a substantial amount of time, one in particular will hopefully be deported after serving his time.

Why do you see it necessary to make negative and derogatory comments? Yes we would all like to see the Mr Bigs arrested and jailed indefinitely, no one would argue about that, but until then I will be happy to see ten lowlife like this jailed every day of the week with twenty on a Sunday.

Every arrest is a bonus, every single dealer whether big or small who is taken out of circulation is a win for the community. These selfish, arrogant people have no concern for the damage they are doing, their only concern is the money they make.

Well done to the RTP, instead of carping about progress we should be applauding it...

That's the only thing he can do, regurgitate the same old hackneyed irrelevancies.


A gram of cocaine and a bit of ganja...Wow, they took down an empire! What a joke. For all those pointing jokes at how old he looks, some people age much quicker in the face, particularly if they've been out on a beach most of their life. Fact is, he is probably far slimmer and fitter than those passing judgement, as they look down over their beer bellies trying to see the keyboard. Slim people wrinkle easier too; when you're body is inflamed by a poor diet and bloated through drinking your face puffs up too and therefore shows fewer lines. Moreover, those saying 'hang him high' for a a gram of coke will do well to remember that alcohol does far more destruction to a society than any other drug. FACT.

What a joke! It's not a fact. Even if it was, alcohol consumption is legal, drug dealing is not. FACT.


A gram of cocaine and a bit of ganja...Wow, they took down an empire! What a joke. For all those pointing jokes at how old he looks, some people age much quicker in the face, particularly if they've been out on a beach most of their life. Fact is, he is probably far slimmer and fitter than those passing judgement, as they look down over their beer bellies trying to see the keyboard. Slim people wrinkle easier too; when you're body is inflamed by a poor diet and bloated through drinking your face puffs up too and therefore shows fewer lines. Moreover, those saying 'hang him high' for a a gram of coke will do well to remember that alcohol does far more destruction to a society than any other drug. FACT.

What a joke! It's not a fact. Even if it was, alcohol consumption is legal, drug dealing is not. FACT.

Alcohol causes more deaths every year than either cocaine or heroin. Legal or not it's true. FACT.


A gram of cocaine and a bit of ganja...Wow, they took down an empire! What a joke. For all those pointing jokes at how old he looks, some people age much quicker in the face, particularly if they've been out on a beach most of their life. Fact is, he is probably far slimmer and fitter than those passing judgement, as they look down over their beer bellies trying to see the keyboard. Slim people wrinkle easier too; when you're body is inflamed by a poor diet and bloated through drinking your face puffs up too and therefore shows fewer lines. Moreover, those saying 'hang him high' for a a gram of coke will do well to remember that alcohol does far more destruction to a society than any other drug. FACT.

What a joke! It's not a fact. Even if it was, alcohol consumption is legal, drug dealing is not. FACT.

Alcohol causes more deaths every year than either cocaine or heroin. Legal or not it's true. FACT.

Lol - because millions more CONSUME it, genius! FACT. Only per capita figures are meaningful. FACT. You're just parroting the pro-druggy talking points. FACT.


A gram of cocaine and a bit of ganja...Wow, they took down an empire! What a joke. For all those pointing jokes at how old he looks, some people age much quicker in the face, particularly if they've been out on a beach most of their life. Fact is, he is probably far slimmer and fitter than those passing judgement, as they look down over their beer bellies trying to see the keyboard. Slim people wrinkle easier too; when you're body is inflamed by a poor diet and bloated through drinking your face puffs up too and therefore shows fewer lines. Moreover, those saying 'hang him high' for a a gram of coke will do well to remember that alcohol does far more destruction to a society than any other drug. FACT.

What a joke! It's not a fact. Even if it was, alcohol consumption is legal, drug dealing is not. FACT.

Alcohol causes more deaths every year than either cocaine or heroin. Legal or not it's true. FACT.

Lol - because millions more CONSUME it, genius! FACT. Only per capita figures are meaningful. FACT. You're just parroting the pro-druggy talking points. FACT.

Believing the path to reducing drug use and its associated crime is legalization is nowhere near pro-drugs, genius.

I am not for drug use, I'm for harm reduction.

It's a bit like saying Pro-Choice is Pro-Abortion. No one wants abortion, but access to it if necessary.

"You're just parroting the pro-druggy talking points. FACT. " No, that's your OPINION not a FACT.


What a joke! It's not a fact. Even if it was, alcohol consumption is legal, drug dealing is not. FACT.

Alcohol causes more deaths every year than either cocaine or heroin. Legal or not it's true. FACT.

Lol - because millions more CONSUME it, genius! FACT. Only per capita figures are meaningful. FACT. You're just parroting the pro-druggy talking points. FACT.

Believing the path to reducing drug use and its associated crime is legalization is nowhere near pro-drugs, genius.

I am not for drug use, I'm for harm reduction.

It's a bit like saying Pro-Choice is Pro-Abortion. No one wants abortion, but access to it if necessary.

"You're just parroting the pro-druggy talking points. FACT. " No, that's your OPINION not a FACT.

Nope. Obviously the fact that there are more alcohol deaths than either cocaine or heroin deaths is due to the fact that, by orders of magnitude, many many more use alcohol than those two drugs put together. No person who's actually thinking about what he's saying would try and assert that as a reason for legalizing drugs (unless he was gambling on his readers not having any critical thinking skills of their own)!

I was amused by the FACT that you DIDN'T even mention my first two statements...


(Still say you're just parroting.... ^^^^^^^^^^ LOL )


Drugs is a nasty habit , just like alcohol . But cocain is a fast killer , we dont need drug dealers in this kingdom .


Drugs is a nasty habit , just like alcohol . But cocain is a fast killer , we dont need drug dealers in this kingdom .

I am confused balo, as alcohol—like nicotine and caffeine—is a drug, so why do you make a distinction? I can forgive you for mis-spelling "cocaine," but surely you must realize that alcohol is a drug!

Then, if you follow the logical train of thought, so to speak, you will then realize the ridiculousness of your statement regarding "drug dealers," as convenience stores sell two of the aforementioned drugs—the drug dealers are already established throughout The Kingdom, and they are very, very, very wealthy and have been so for many, many, many years.

Does this make sense?


Cocaine fuxx up your mind more than a few drinks of alcohol, it's a deadly habit, that was my point, people trying to legalize that stuff are already there and can't stop.


Drugs is a nasty habit , just like alcohol . But cocain is a fast killer , we dont need drug dealers in this kingdom .

I am confused balo, as alcohol—like nicotine and caffeine—is a drug, so why do you make a distinction? I can forgive you for mis-spelling "cocaine," but surely you must realize that alcohol is a drug!

Then, if you follow the logical train of thought, so to speak, you will then realize the ridiculousness of your statement regarding "drug dealers," as convenience stores sell two of the aforementioned drugs—the drug dealers are already established throughout The Kingdom, and they are very, very, very wealthy and have been so for many, many, many years.

Does this make sense?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cough syrup and aspirin are "drugs", too. Just because there happens to be one word in the dictionary by which they can all be referred to, doesn't mean they're all the same, or similar in any way. 'Always the beyond lame attempt to lump the far more dangerous, and usually more addicting, narcotics in with everything else in the drug universe in an insane attempt to rationalize legalizing them (the insanity I'm referring to is the idea that there can be no "distinction" between one "drug" and another "drug". It's always laughably absurd to insist there's no difference between drugs like cocaine & heroin along with their derivatives, and other "drugs" like nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. Now THAT'S what is ridiculous!).

I'm not even going to ask if that makes sense to you. (That would be ridiculous, too...)


The tattoo guy looks a real moron. Would you want him as a son in law ? Sorry I meant in your family, sorry I mean would you want to speak to this trash.


Drugs is a nasty habit , just like alcohol . But cocain is a fast killer , we dont need drug dealers in this kingdom .

I am confused balo, as alcohollike nicotine and caffeineis a drug, so why do you make a distinction? I can forgive you for mis-spelling "cocaine," but surely you must realize that alcohol is a drug!

Then, if you follow the logical train of thought, so to speak, you will then realize the ridiculousness of your statement regarding "drug dealers," as convenience stores sell two of the aforementioned drugsthe drug dealers are already established throughout The Kingdom, and they are very, very, very wealthy and have been so for many, many, many years.

Does this make sense?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cough syrup and aspirin are "drugs", too. Just because there happens to be one word in the dictionary by which they can all be referred to, doesn't mean they're all the same, or similar in any way. 'Always the beyond lame attempt to lump the far more dangerous, and usually more addicting, narcotics in with everything else in the drug universe in an insane attempt to rationalize legalizing them (the insanity I'm referring to is the idea that there can be no "distinction" between one "drug" and another "drug". It's always laughably absurd to insist there's no difference between drugs like cocaine & heroin along with their derivatives, and other "drugs" like nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. Now THAT'S what is ridiculous!).

I'm not even going to ask if that makes sense to you. (That would be ridiculous, too...)

Couple of idiots.

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