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Have Tickets And Wedding Date, Now This Coup!?

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ok, so there's an army rumbling around bangkok and getting rid of gov't officials and such, soooo.... does that mean that in november the MFA might not be in working order????

any good guesses??

am sitting tight for a week before i pay for tickets i ordered, but WE (anon and i) have a deadline of 24 of december (before israel wonderboys start mucking around with their usual work permit stuff for all thai workers) to get married and it can only be done in thailand.....

(our tickets are for 1/11 to 24/11) and anon's owner (er...boss) is making nasty faces as it is...we have to give the boss some dates, soon....

SO CLOSE and then a coup!!!!

what horrible things i must have done in a former life to have constant obstacles thrown at me........argh!!

hope all bangkokians are doing ok, all this stuff has made major news in israel now that lebanon is finished and gaza is boring news,

BUT i'm purely selfishly frustrated and worried that we cant get married and therefore cant get visa, etc etc etc for here

and calming words of wisdom?? or wait a week jai yen ?



p.s. dont want to bug them at consulate here; probably full up with hysterical parents of backpackers et al....they've put out a general warning for not travelling to thailand until htings straighten out...


I wouldn't worry too much about it. In general, life goes on here. Nov is still quite a ways away and usually the unrest doesn't last that long.

Don't stress, it will turn out fine :o


:o Sorry for you, it must feel as though you have been reallly bad in a previous existence. I would sit tight for a week and see how it pans out. The school that my girls go to has been closed for the day, but will probably open tomorrow. :D

Stick watching the boards.

good luck

Leisurely :D

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