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Stupid Rumour Of The Day


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alright then, i'll have another crack at that.

unknown's avatar is a very ugly women and her mommy was slapped by the doctor when she was born . :D


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/Mod Edit - inappropriate comments for a public forum deleted.

alright then, i'll have another crack at that.

unknown's avatar is a very ugly women and her mommy was slapped by the doctor when she was born . :D


Jee...sus Terry, You've used that "joke" so many times. You running out of funnies? ;-)

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/Mod Edit - inappropriate comments for a public forum deleted.

alright then, i'll have another crack at that.

unknown's avatar is a very ugly women and her mommy was slapped by the doctor when she was born . :D


Jee...sus Terry, You've used that "joke" so many times. You running out of funnies? ;-)

look jens, :D

im real sorry about that, but i thought that maybe there's some newbies that would like it. :D

but you are correct my friend and i'll never throw that one up again. :D

i do like that joke as it killed me the first time i heard it and i nearly dropped a darky in my undies.

thanks for your top advice jen's.

your a real cracker bloke my friend.

cheers mate :D

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Sondhi Limthongkul

Quote Jai Dee June 16, 2006 “Thaksin Returns as Pm” thread Post #630

On Wednesday, Thaksin’s lawyers filed criminal and civil lawsuits against the Democrat party and three daily newspapers for likening the premier to a mythical creature that feasts on human innards and feces. The lawsuits, which seek a total of 800 million baht from the main opposition party, Matichon, Khao Sod and Daily News, follow criminal defamation lawsuits filed two weeks ago against 11 defendants who claimed the premier and ruling party members concocted a plan in Finland to push the country away from a constitutional monarchy.

BANGKOK- Friday a lawyer representing a mythical creature filed a law suit against the Democrat party and three daily newspapers for attempting to Portray Thaksin as his client.

The complaint reads that mythical creatures must hold to a certain level of ethics and act within the parameters of their job description. The plaintiff further states that he is greatly insulted and humiliated in that such a low form of creature would ever be confused with him. There is no place in mythology for a square headed earless creature that feeds on the wealth of others. The minimum requirement to be considered as a mythical creature is at least one redeeming characteristic.

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tutsiwarrior is a closet moderator...

How do you moderate a closet?


by opening doors very slowly...or by not emerging from the closet...


(imagine the gold hat bandit from Treasure of the Sierra Madre who says 'hey, doan I know you from somewhere before?'

mods...investigate this man...)

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inappropriate comments... Ahhhh... I have no words...

tutsiwarrior is a closet moderator...

How do you moderate a closet?



By sending in the Tutsi

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/Mod Edit - inappropriate comments for a public forum deleted.

inappropriate comments... Ahhhh... I have no words...

tutsiwarrior is a closet moderator...

How do you moderate a closet?



By sending in the Tutsi

payaso borracho y disgrasciado...please proceed to the lake and take a plunge...


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Forum Rules Tutsers. English Please. Pissado.

Don`t make me put you back in the closet!


hiisssss....what's this 'pissado' bulshed, some kinda central am colloquialism?...you guys never could speak proper spanish down there...'siempre al comer las palabras igual como las tortillas y los frijoles...'

speaking of which, it is 1:30 am in the morning in Vietnam and I'm hungry and could go for a righteous fritanga...gallo pinto, tortilla, fried cheese, yum...

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Forum Rules Tutsers. English Please. Pissado.

Don`t make me put you back in the closet!


hiisssss....what's this 'pissado' bulshed, some kinda central am colloquialism?...you guys never could speak proper spanish down there...'siempre al comer las palabras igual como las tortillas y los frijoles...'

speaking of which, it is 1:30 am in the morning in Vietnam and I'm hungry and could go for a righteous fritanga...gallo pinto, tortilla, fried cheese, yum...

Pissado _ Drunken Pisser.

We speak waaaaaaay better than bloody spaniards. They all sound nasal and snobby, like bleeding conquistadores when they talk...

We speak it in a relaxed half drunken half stoned manner! :o:D

Oh! In Guate, we don`t eat Gallo. We drink it!


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Forum Rules Tutsers. English Please. Pissado.

Don`t make me put you back in the closet!


hiisssss....what's this 'pissado' bulshed, some kinda central am colloquialism?...you guys never could speak proper spanish down there...'siempre al comer las palabras igual como las tortillas y los frijoles...'

speaking of which, it is 1:30 am in the morning in Vietnam and I'm hungry and could go for a righteous fritanga...gallo pinto, tortilla, fried cheese, yum...

Pissado _ Drunken Pisser.

We speak waaaaaaay better than bloody spaniards. They all sound nasal and snobby, like bleeding conquistadores when they talk...

We speak it in a relaxed half drunken half stoned manner! :o:D

Oh! In Guate, we don`t eat Gallo. We drink it!


never meant to compare with Spanish spanish but with andean spanish...ah's half bolivian and that's where I learned.

I was in Guate in 1987 and don't remember no cerverza Gallo...you're making it up, you are a fraud and a reprobate living in a bedsit in Toronto engaged in an elaborate deception...

sing the guate national anthem over the internet or stand accused of breaking the hearts of thaivisa members everywhere...


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Forum Rules Tutsers. English Please. Pissado.

Don`t make me put you back in the closet!


hiisssss....what's this 'pissado' bulshed, some kinda central am colloquialism?...you guys never could speak proper spanish down there...'siempre al comer las palabras igual como las tortillas y los frijoles...'

speaking of which, it is 1:30 am in the morning in Vietnam and I'm hungry and could go for a righteous fritanga...gallo pinto, tortilla, fried cheese, yum...

Pissado _ Drunken Pisser.

We speak waaaaaaay better than bloody spaniards. They all sound nasal and snobby, like bleeding conquistadores when they talk...

We speak it in a relaxed half drunken half stoned manner! :o:D

Oh! In Guate, we don`t eat Gallo. We drink it!


never meant to compare with Spanish spanish but with andean spanish...ah's half bolivian and that's where I learned.

I was in Guate in 1987 and don't remember no cerverza Gallo...you're making it up, you are a fraud and a reprobate living in a bedsit in Toronto engaged in an elaborate deception...

sing the guate national anthem over the internet or stand accused of breaking the hearts of thaivisa members everywhere...



no bolivian marching dust then?

Okay are you ready...

1. �Guatemala feliz! que tus aras

No profane jam�s el verdugo;

Ni haya esclavos que laman el yugo

Ni tiranos que escupan tu faz.

Si ma�ana tu suelo sagrado

Lo amenaza invasi�n extranjera,

Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera

A vencer o a morir llamar�.


Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera

A vencer o a morir llamar�.

Que tu pueblo con �nima fiera

Antes muerto que esclavo ser�.

2. De tus viejas y duras cadenas

T� forjaste con mano iracunda

El arado que el suelo fecunda

Y la espada que salva el honor.

Nuestros padres lucharon un d�a

Encendidos en patrio ardimiento

Y lograron sin choque sangriento

Colocarte en un trono de amor,


Y lograron sin choque sangriento

Colocarte en un trono de amor,

Que de patria, en en�rgico acento,

Dieron vida al ideal redentor.

3. Es tu ense�a pedazo de cielo

En que prende una nube su albura,

Y ay de aquel que con ciega locura,

Sus colores pretenda manchar!

Pues tus hijos valientes y altivos,

Que veneran la paz cual presea,

Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea

Si defienden su tierra y su hogar,


Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea

Si defienden su tierra y su hogar,

Que es tan s�lo el honor su alma idea

Y el altar de la patria su altar.

4. Recostada en el ande soberbio,

De dos mares al ruido sonoro,

Bajo el ala de grana y de oro

Te adormeces del bello quetzal.

Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo

Paladi�n que protege tu suelo;

�Ojal� que remonte su vuelo,

M�s que el c�ndor y el �guila real


�Ojal� que remonte su vuelo,

M�s que el c�ndor y el �guila real

Y en sus alas levante hasta el cielo,

Guatemala, tu nombre inmortal!



1. Fortunate Guatemala! May your altars

Never be profaned by cruel men.

May there never be slaves who submit to their yoke,

Or tyrants who deride you.

If tomorrow your sacred soil

Should be threatened by foreign invasion,

Your fair flag, flying freely in the wind,

Will call to you: Conquer or die.


Your fair flag, flying freely in the wind,

Will call to you: Conquer or die;

For your people, with heart and soul,

Would prefer death to slavery.

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Forum Rules Tutsers. English Please. Pissado.

Don`t make me put you back in the closet!


hiisssss....what's this 'pissado' bulshed, some kinda central am colloquialism?...you guys never could speak proper spanish down there...'siempre al comer las palabras igual como las tortillas y los frijoles...'

speaking of which, it is 1:30 am in the morning in Vietnam and I'm hungry and could go for a righteous fritanga...gallo pinto, tortilla, fried cheese, yum...

Pissado _ Drunken Pisser.

We speak waaaaaaay better than bloody spaniards. They all sound nasal and snobby, like bleeding conquistadores when they talk...

We speak it in a relaxed half drunken half stoned manner! :o:D

Oh! In Guate, we don`t eat Gallo. We drink it!


never meant to compare with Spanish spanish but with andean spanish...ah's half bolivian and that's where I learned.

I was in Guate in 1987 and don't remember no cerverza Gallo...you're making it up, you are a fraud and a reprobate living in a bedsit in Toronto engaged in an elaborate deception...

sing the guate national anthem over the internet or stand accused of breaking the hearts of thaivisa members everywhere...



no bolivian marching dust then?

Okay are you ready...

1. �Guatemala feliz! que tus aras

No profane jam�s el verdugo;

Ni haya esclavos que laman el yugo

Ni tiranos que escupan tu faz.

Si ma�ana tu suelo sagrado

Lo amenaza invasi�n extranjera,

Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera

A vencer o a morir llamar�.


Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera

A vencer o a morir llamar�.

Que tu pueblo con �nima fiera

Antes muerto que esclavo ser�.

2. De tus viejas y duras cadenas

T� forjaste con mano iracunda

El arado que el suelo fecunda

Y la espada que salva el honor.

Nuestros padres lucharon un d�a

Encendidos en patrio ardimiento

Y lograron sin choque sangriento

Colocarte en un trono de amor,


Y lograron sin choque sangriento

Colocarte en un trono de amor,

Que de patria, en en�rgico acento,

Dieron vida al ideal redentor.

3. Es tu ense�a pedazo de cielo

En que prende una nube su albura,

Y ay de aquel que con ciega locura,

Sus colores pretenda manchar!

Pues tus hijos valientes y altivos,

Que veneran la paz cual presea,

Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea

Si defienden su tierra y su hogar,


Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea

Si defienden su tierra y su hogar,

Que es tan s�lo el honor su alma idea

Y el altar de la patria su altar.

4. Recostada en el ande soberbio,

De dos mares al ruido sonoro,

Bajo el ala de grana y de oro

Te adormeces del bello quetzal.

Ave indiana que vive en tu escudo

Paladi�n que protege tu suelo;

�Ojal� que remonte su vuelo,

M�s que el c�ndor y el �guila real


�Ojal� que remonte su vuelo,

M�s que el c�ndor y el �guila real

Y en sus alas levante hasta el cielo,

Guatemala, tu nombre inmortal!



1. Fortunate Guatemala! May your altars

Never be profaned by cruel men.

May there never be slaves who submit to their yoke,

Or tyrants who deride you.

If tomorrow your sacred soil

Should be threatened by foreign invasion,

Your fair flag, flying freely in the wind,

Will call to you: Conquer or die.


Your fair flag, flying freely in the wind,

Will call to you: Conquer or die;

For your people, with heart and soul,

Would prefer death to slavery.

get outta here clown...without audible musical accompanyment, no es sostenible...

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Taksin is nominated to replace Tony Blair as leader of British Labour Party and Prime Minister. It is felt that a scammer like Taksin will take no time to solve the fiscal problems of the old dart, especially as he has been employed on a % basis. Will Britain be Great again? Will it be renamed Taksinimum? Will British Telecom benefit from his expertise? Will all the characters on Pommy Soap Operas be forced to talk in Thinglish? Will BA ever fly to Thailand again? The possibilities are endless.

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ok punters ,

no earth shattering rumours today but let's give one a crack shall we. :D

thai girls are NOT very sexy and terry57 dont like them very much. :D

tery57 does NOT like rambuttri st and a top plate of noodle soup.

terry57 hates M.B.K and the 3rd floor full of telephones. :D

terry57 does'nt like the paragon and checking out all the stunners.

terry57 hates los and will never live there full time. :o

terry 57 does'nt posess a great sense of humour. :D

ok all my punting mates out there, :D

im off to the rubbery now so see you all later my friends and last but not least :


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Dr Pat Pong was approached to be the new Interim Prime Minister. The Thais were greatly impressed with his savvy wisdom in thousands of posts on TV. The interview was going well until Dr Pat Pong neglected to ask the key question “what’s in it for me?” At that point discussions quickly deteriorated.

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Dr Pat Pong was approached to be the new Interim Prime Minister. The Thais were greatly impressed with his savvy wisdom in thousands of posts on TV. The interview was going well until Dr Pat Pong neglected to ask the key question “what’s in it for me?” At that point discussions quickly deteriorated.

sumbody to get sum bumperstickers made up to say 'Dr PP for PM'...

any ob you yanks remember 'Ben Davis for President' wid the picture of the gorilla?...

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