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Thanks to Thaivisa Members for Opening My Eyes


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That's an uncharacteristically vague response BS, care to quantify the numbers into less darkness (whilst I eat dinner)?

I usually agree with most of your posts, so I'm not sure why you're having a hard-on with this particularly point. And perhaps I should make fun of your handle. What do you think, Mr. CuM?

I really don't have a "hard on" for this point but I do enjoy debate and I reckon that if somebody (or a group) is going to present a point as fact they (collectively) should be prepared to argue, justify and defend their case. As things stand presently the link between Thai's who speak some English and the sex market in Thailand remains nothing more than casual and unsupportable.

As for my handle: you'll note that I am small "c" and small "m" and there is no "u" anywhere in sight. giggle.gif

I too enjoy a good debate. But if you're asking for scientific evidence, this is not one of those generalizations that have been vetted by the sociologists community. Just like when folks say you shouldn't marry bargirls or that Thai women love their parents, there are no scientific evidence to support those contentions as well.

Having lived in Thailand 10+ years and dating countless Thai women, I'm offering my opinion. When I hear or read of farangs who only want to date Thai women who can speak English because they themselves can't speak Thai, it's clear that they are severely limiting themselves. Not just in quantity, but quality as well.

"When I hear or read of farangs who only want to date Thai women who can speak English because they themselves can't speak Thai, it's clear that they are severely limiting themselves. Not just in quantity, but quality as well".

On that point we can totally agree.

Scientific evidence, Perhaps something along the lines of:

Population = 65 mill, 50% female hence 32 mill.

Sex industry employs 200k people http://www.unc.edu/~pcvelich/bangkok/net1024.htm

Estimate 130k Thai females involved in the Thai sex trade - ah what the heck, let's even say it's 200k. http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/media-centre/press-releases/WCMS_007994/lang--en/index.htm

70% of sex industry users are Thai hence no need for English language skills there.

Average 1.9 mill tourists a month (sept. 2014), Asian visitors account for 1.3 mill visits - western visitors account for 450k visits. http://www.tourism.go.th/home/details/11/221/24331

There was estimated to be over 17 million English speakers in Thailand in 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population

So, is that 17 million ex sex market workers or is it 200 k or is it 30% of 200k ex sex market workers since they all speak English!

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Met last year on the internet and plan to marry? Spent January together.

Why do all these guys want to marry so quickly? Time and time again it's all the same thing. " Met online spent a month or two together want to marry but don't trust her" The simple answer is this:

If your so desperate that you fall in love online and after a month or two of actually having sex you need to marry her you are either immensely insecure or suffer from "White Knight" syndrome. Either way not a good basis for marriage. Any girl willing to marry such a man is obviously not in it for the long haul. Step back take a breath relax and take it slow.

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All I see in other counties now is 100-200 kilo wifes yelling at husbands,telling them what to do.

YEEZZZZZZZZ. .....That is not my life.


I'm sure there's a forum somewhere on which hot women are slagging off old, fat, bald men who genuinely think that salivating while talking to a woman's cleavage gives them a better chance of a date.

There are 100kg women in the West but there are lots of 50kg hotties too.

You just couldn't get them . . . well, not for the kind of money a Thai woman wants anyway

Edited by Cypress Hill
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From an overly-nested post above (to wit): I've been in Thailand for 10+ years and have dated countless Thai women --

So counting to maybe 4000 is beyond your capabilities?

Are you intentionally trying to be stupid? Congrats, you've succeeded.

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"When I hear or read of farangs who only want to date Thai women who can speak English because they themselves can't speak Thai, it's clear that they are severely limiting themselves. Not just in quantity, but quality as well".

On that point we can totally agree.

Scientific evidence, Perhaps something along the lines of:

Population = 65 mill, 50% female hence 32 mill.

Sex industry employs 200k people http://www.unc.edu/~pcvelich/bangkok/net1024.htm

Estimate 130k Thai females involved in the Thai sex trade - ah what the heck, let's even say it's 200k. http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/media-centre/press-releases/WCMS_007994/lang--en/index.htm

70% of sex industry users are Thai hence no need for English language skills there.

Average 1.9 mill tourists a month (sept. 2014), Asian visitors account for 1.3 mill visits - western visitors account for 450k visits. http://www.tourism.go.th/home/details/11/221/24331

There was estimated to be over 17 million English speakers in Thailand in 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population

So, is that 17 million ex sex market workers or is it 200 k or is it 30% of 200k ex sex market workers since they all speak English!

17 million English speakers in Thailand? That's like 27% of the population. You serious?

Regardless of those questionable numbers, you need to include the serial farang-hunters in your calculations.

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From an overly-nested post above (to wit): I've been in Thailand for 10+ years and have dated countless Thai women --

So counting to maybe 4000 is beyond your capabilities?

Are you intentionally trying to be stupid? Congrats, you've succeeded.

Thank you -- it's really pretty easy: One, Two, Three, Four, ...

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I'm sure there's a forum somewhere on which hot women are slagging off old, fat, bald men who genuinely think that salivating while talking to a woman's cleavage gives them a better chance of a date.

Very little chance of any man salivating over a Thai woman's cleavage.

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"When I hear or read of farangs who only want to date Thai women who can speak English because they themselves can't speak Thai, it's clear that they are severely limiting themselves. Not just in quantity, but quality as well".

On that point we can totally agree.

Scientific evidence, Perhaps something along the lines of:

Population = 65 mill, 50% female hence 32 mill.

Sex industry employs 200k people http://www.unc.edu/~pcvelich/bangkok/net1024.htm

Estimate 130k Thai females involved in the Thai sex trade - ah what the heck, let's even say it's 200k. http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/media-centre/press-releases/WCMS_007994/lang--en/index.htm

70% of sex industry users are Thai hence no need for English language skills there.

Average 1.9 mill tourists a month (sept. 2014), Asian visitors account for 1.3 mill visits - western visitors account for 450k visits. http://www.tourism.go.th/home/details/11/221/24331

There was estimated to be over 17 million English speakers in Thailand in 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population

So, is that 17 million ex sex market workers or is it 200 k or is it 30% of 200k ex sex market workers since they all speak English!

17 million English speakers in Thailand? That's like 27% of the population. You serious?

Regardless of those questionable numbers, you need to include the serial farang-hunters in your calculations.

17 mill. is not my number, it's a published number. So if 17 mill. speak English and 50% of them are Thai females that's 8 mill rounded down. That versus 200k in the sex industry of which only 60k are focused on English speaking country residents, 8 mill. vs 60k, that's quite a grand canyon don't ya think, less than 1% of English speaking Thai women are likely to have worked in the sex industry! Case closed, Next. laugh.png

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I'm sure there's a forum somewhere on which hot women are slagging off old, fat, bald men who genuinely think that salivating while talking to a woman's cleavage gives them a better chance of a date.

Very little chance of any man salivating over a Thai woman's cleavage.


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"When I hear or read of farangs who only want to date Thai women who can speak English because they themselves can't speak Thai, it's clear that they are severely limiting themselves. Not just in quantity, but quality as well".

On that point we can totally agree.

Scientific evidence, Perhaps something along the lines of:

Population = 65 mill, 50% female hence 32 mill.

Sex industry employs 200k people http://www.unc.edu/~pcvelich/bangkok/net1024.htm

Estimate 130k Thai females involved in the Thai sex trade - ah what the heck, let's even say it's 200k. http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/media-centre/press-releases/WCMS_007994/lang--en/index.htm

70% of sex industry users are Thai hence no need for English language skills there.

Average 1.9 mill tourists a month (sept. 2014), Asian visitors account for 1.3 mill visits - western visitors account for 450k visits. http://www.tourism.go.th/home/details/11/221/24331

There was estimated to be over 17 million English speakers in Thailand in 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_English-speaking_population

So, is that 17 million ex sex market workers or is it 200 k or is it 30% of 200k ex sex market workers since they all speak English!

17 million English speakers in Thailand? That's like 27% of the population. You serious?

Regardless of those questionable numbers, you need to include the serial farang-hunters in your calculations.

17 mill. is not my number, it's a published number. So if 17 mill. speak English and 50% of them are Thai females that's 8 mill rounded down. That versus 200k in the sex industry of which only 60k are focused on English speaking country residents, 8 mill. vs 60k, that's quite a grand canyon don't ya think, less than 1% of English speaking Thai women are likely to have worked in the sex industry! Case closed, Next. laugh.png

So you're buying all that? Up to you. I'd prefer to go by my own personal experiences. Again, this is not science, but just basic observation, trial and error, life experiences, etc. If you want to confine yourself to Thai women who are fluent English speakers, please do. I'm just saying that there are so many more attractive and trustworthy Thai women who don't speak English (or not very well). Live and let live.

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Some relationships with 'working girls' work out, some don't. From my observations of friends and acquaintances in long term relations with ex working girls more are successful than not.

Don't know why you would expect a working girl to lay all her cards on the table or indeed any other women if you've only spent a month together. Hopefully you're not sending her money right now, so why would she her stop current activities? Have you honestly told her all the details of your past relationships, short & long term, encounters with other working girls etc?

Many working girls in Thailand financially support their families, so likely you would need to negotiate a reasonable agreement for ongoing support. However, at your age why would you marry someone you've only known face to face for a month, no matter their background.

EDIT: Just saw your last post so why are you bothering to raise this topic

She was fully and brutally honestly apprised of my past relationships, my infatuation with American-style massage parlors included, and my marital infidelities. That was her perfect opportunity to lay her cards on the table. Instead, she chose to lie. I did not meet her as a working girl. She portrayed herself to be "a good girl". It is the lies that bother me, lies that I have just found out are still going on. I can live with whatever the sexual past is. But not lies that there was no need to tell. My concern now is "once a liar, always a liar". Like I have read but didn't believe until lately

, Welcome to Thailand".

One thing you have to lean in thailand thai woman are born to lie all of them not just a few all of them but that is how it works you will get man on here and say my wife my gf good lady not lie but i have seen it in my years going and come home that thai lady's are just lies , you just play the game if you want her or piss her of if you not like the lies but I think you will find it very hard to get one that dose not lie I just expect it and get on with my life with thai lady's . And I will get a lot of them on her have a go at me about the lie thing but I not give a sh?t because all my money is not tied up in thailand and with my thai lady .

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And from what I read on Thaivisa, you included, lying is part of Thai culture.

There's a subtle difference between saving face by not telling the whole truth and outright lying. When you are new to Thai culture it all seems the same but after awhile you learn to spot the difference between wanting to avoid embarrassment and wanting to deceive.

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She may be covering up her past for fear of losing you. If you really convince her that you accept her unconditionally and will never turf her for telling you bad news, she will tell you the truth of her background. Up to you though to make her feel completely safe and she'll open up to you especially about her past that may have been shady. This may take some time until she trusts you! Trust goes both ways. Building trust in a relationship takes time.

Edited by jerojero
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