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Polish man found dead with throat slashed in Bangkok Sukhumvit Soi 23 hotel

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What an intelligent BIB. Originally thought the man killed himself, factors leading to this conclusion, no signs of a struggle and nothing stolen. How does he know this, did the victim have a prepared inventory of what he brought with him. Fair dinkum, these people are getting sillier and sillier everyday with their statements. The matter needs to be investigated fully, a shame he didn't do that before he made any statement.

And before anyone is critical, yes one can take one's life in this manner but very unlikely, so the BIB, before offering any response to the press, the room should have been immediately classified as a crime scene, and the incident treated as suspicious. It looks like he was going to take the easy way out thus reducing the paperwork and his need to do some real police work. In the end it may be nothing but then if may be something so hopefully, it will be taken out of this pretender's hands and given to someone that knows what needs to be implemented. Am I just whistling Dixie, probably? whistling.gif


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Or they are just sick and tired of stupid farangs coming to thailand and putting themselves at risk.


another mystery death in los I think checking the cctv might reveal something ? who knows he might have come to Thailand to commit suicide it seems to be the in thing nowadays .


'Pol Sub Lt Thotsaphol said police initially believed the man might have killed himself but they need to investigate further.'

What a stupid statement , better to just say the investigation is ongoing .... gigglem.gif

Not at all stupid, maybe your comment is.... haha

Most signs the police observed at the site indicate suicide, but they will examine further in order to be sure of their conclusion.

Seems a logic and correct police job for me.


I want to know: do Thai's really commit suicide by cutting their own throats. Must happen often enough that the Police would automatically think a farang would cut his own throat.


easy case for police ?

was he left or right handed ?

was the cut made with his 'master' hand on the right side ?

what about blood spatter ?

mhhh, suicide, let's go have lunch guys


'Pol Sub Lt Thotsaphol said police initially believed the man might have killed himself but they need to investigate further.'

What a stupid statement , better to just say the investigation is ongoing .... gigglem.gif

Sorry but I think Pol Sub Lot Thot is right. .........they need to investigate further. They probably won't being a ferlung but certainly they need to..


but they need to investigate further

really? you could not make it up

They need "further" time to make up a good suicide story.....


From what I've been reading here on TV lately, if people want a fair and impartial investigation into someone's death, apparently that requires making a formal written petition to the PM.

If that doesn't happen, the cases just get dumped into the same "don't really care" file as all the others do. Ahhh.. but if the PM's office gets involved, then the police really snap to!!! whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


Yes, do investigate further, people don't just slit their throats like this, there are many better and faster

ways to die, foul play for sure, sexual act that went horribly wrong maybe,,,,

Sexual act in the bathroom with a nice involving cutting the neck???

Atypical for a suicide method but not rare. Happened not long ago in NY, http://nypost.com/2014/11/19/man-found-dead-with-his-throat-slashed-in-apartment/


The Thai press reports that the cops had to cut a safety chair to get in, and that the room number was 2102, which is probably a high floor. No items were missing and there were no signs of a struggle. He checked in alone. Police will check CCTV to see if anybody entered or left the room.

The hotel was not named, but was described as a luxury hotel, i.e. 3-star +

(1) I think that is a typo, yes .. and you mean safety chain? (no worries, we all do it ...)

(2) How can we all read the same report?

I want to know, because before Thai Visa lights up and spend 20 pages ranting .. a room 21 stories up, with the safety chain in place, is a very interesting plot twist.

Unless Spider Man has turned to a life of homicide !!

Easy Peasy. Drop down on a rope from the balcony above and return the same way.



I have to leave this country. Can't listen to this bullshit every day. Ley the Chinese have it.....

Dear Sir, We, the Legions of Thai Visa, are here to help you !

Just tell us where you are, and more importantly, who is holding that gun to your head and forcing you to stay, and we will be there pronto presto to

(1) Disarm that SOB

(2) Drive you directly to the airport!

(3) Ummm .. is that SOB with the gun also forcing you to read Thai Visa and post on it ???


I have to leave this country. Can't listen to this bullshit every day. Ley the Chinese have it.....

ridiculous! bad stuff happens everywhere. Just stay away from certain areas, late at night and stay away from hookers and this country is as safe as anywhere else in the world except Utopia!! Try walking down a British high street after 11pm on a Sat night and you'll see what dangerous is....


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Not necessarily you must understand they are just following orders. Unfortunately they do not want to expose any crime that may hurt business even if it means sweeping things under the rug. So in a warped way they are efficient at what they do. However, they are certainly misdirected and unethical in many instances.


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

And Thong Lor police are the cream! Or is it something else that floats to the top?


The Thai press reports that the cops had to cut a safety chair to get in, and that the room number was 2102, which is probably a high floor. No items were missing and there were no signs of a struggle. He checked in alone. Police will check CCTV to see if anybody entered or left the room.

The hotel was not named, but was described as a luxury hotel, i.e. 3-star +

(1) I think that is a typo, yes .. and you mean safety chain? (no worries, we all do it ...)

(2) How can we all read the same report?

I want to know, because before Thai Visa lights up and spend 20 pages ranting .. a room 21 stories up, with the safety chain in place, is a very interesting plot twist.

Unless Spider Man has turned to a life of homicide !!

Easy Peasy. Drop down on a rope from the balcony above and return the same way.


OMG .. Thank You!

Easy Peasy ! Perhaps for you Spider Man!

So, your theory is, the person who killed him was so professional and driven, they had the ability to get the room above his, drop down, somehow enter the room undetected, get close enough .. elected to use a knife, left it there, and managed to escape ...UP a rope?

That is your thesis?


Easy Peasy !!!


If the word is 'safety chain' rather than 'safety chair' then it looks like suicide. Sad, if so. To all reading this thread: if you meet someone who's lonely or sad, try to cheer 'em up. As a farang coming to and residing in Thailand for a third of a century, I've noticed farang men (particularly middle aged and older) rarely if ever get eye contact when out and about town. Come on guys, it's ok to love or even idolize Thais, but don't be so standoffish when seeing a 'stranger' in public. I don't go to bars, but I do have the occasion to meet farang men my age once in awhile. They're travelers, like me. Without exception, every man I converse with has interesting stories to tell. One guy told me about sneaking out of Czechoslovakia on foot, across hundreds of miles - to gain freedom from Soviet domination. Another told me about captaining a small pleasure boat with Rod Stewart as guest. Open up. It wasn't so long ago we were all schoolboys running around the sandlot, yelling at our buddies to 'pass the ball'

I do agree with you - but! I come across half a dozen miserable looking foreigners each and every time I visit my local Mall; I smile, I nod, I greet them, I say "Hello", Sawadee". 'Good morning", "Good day" - but nothing. They look straight through me, sometimes dont even look at me! I've given up now - after ten years of trying to be friendly.


The BIB have to be the laziest and most incompetent police force in the world.

Or they are just sick and tired of stupid farangs coming to thailand and putting themselves at risk.

Mr. RTP, They should not worry, that problem will soon be solved - nobody will come to this dump exept a few chinese ... gigglem.gif

I have experienced Police forces in diff African but they dont even come close to the incompetence, lazyness and idiocy that RTP have - They are in a class of their own but eventually they will end up in prison where they belong clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

BTW very appropriate username and avatar you have ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


The Thai press reports that the cops had to cut a safety chair to get in, and that the room number was 2102, which is probably a high floor. No items were missing and there were no signs of a struggle. He checked in alone. Police will check CCTV to see if anybody entered or left the room.

The hotel was not named, but was described as a luxury hotel, i.e. 3-star +

(1) I think that is a typo, yes .. and you mean safety chain? (no worries, we all do it ...)

(2) How can we all read the same report?

I want to know, because before Thai Visa lights up and spend 20 pages ranting .. a room 21 stories up, with the safety chain in place, is a very interesting plot twist.

Unless Spider Man has turned to a life of homicide !!

Easy Peasy. Drop down on a rope from the balcony above and return the same way.


OMG .. Thank You!

Easy Peasy ! Perhaps for you Spider Man!

So, your theory is, the person who killed him was so professional and driven, they had the ability to get the room above his, drop down, somehow enter the room undetected, get close enough .. elected to use a knife, left it there, and managed to escape ...UP a rope?

That is your thesis?


Easy Peasy !!!

Motive: one of the hotel staff, with access to the room above, had information ( from a maid/desk staff) that the victim was carrying a large sum of money. Since not quite everyone in Thailand has a gun, a knife is a common weapon for murder because they are easy to acquire, carry, are unregistered, and difficult to trace. It also wouldn't be hard to put the dead victim's prints on it. There in no residue like with a gunshot.

It wouldn't be the first murder of a tourist in Thailand by staff of the hotel he was staying in. Missing cash would not be noticed as missing by investigators and, if the staff entered from the room above, the investigators will probably not look at security video from the floor above.

Climbing up or down a rope is not difficult if you tie large knots in it.

Since the victim's room was on the 21st floor, the balcony door was most likely unlocked; in any case, staff would have a key.

The OP says the victim was wearing a bath robe and that the knife (he supposedly killed himself with) was found in the bathroom.

That leads me to believe the body was not far from the knife (if they think it was a possible suicide) so the victim was most likely in the bathroom and possibly did not notice someone enter from the balcony.

Why is the tourist owning a 3.9" blade? Who kills themselves by cutting their own throat?

Cutting your throat is difficult due to the fact that the carotid arteries are protected by your windpipe (feel where your arteries are with your fingertips, & slice from the side). I've seen photos of people who have used this method - the depth of the cut required is amazing http://www.depressed.net/suicide/suicidefaq/other.html

I guess you haven't read many murder mysteries or seen many murder mysteries on television and the movies. I have no idea what really transpired, I was merely pointing out that it was not so difficult to imagine a plausible scenario. I grew up reading A. Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Cristie's Poirot mysteries.

Why are you getting so upset? I'm sorry if you took my post as a personal attack. That was not my intention.


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