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It seems to me that it is petty kids stuff to deny some from leaving Thailand to go to Thaksin's 66th , all they are doing is stalling the inevitable , a civilian elected Democratic government will probably give permission, indeed it would be a violation of an individual's rights , of course the Junta are in residence till late 2017 so nothing much will change except more subtle discontent and more use of the section 44 rule.coffee1.gif


My my my all you falang so critical of the former PM. The problem is that this guy (and his sibling) still command the respect and following of the majority of the Thai nation regardless of what he/she has or hasn't done. So long as he is alive and able to travel freely to most countries in the world and command a certain amount of media interest he will not go away. Whatever the junta (and their elite supporters) do to try and quell this guy will have little effect on the masses that support him. Thai politics will forever be in a state of flux so long as the modus operandi remains as it is today.

And of course you can always be a financial backer to a party with your choice of candidate and still be a million miles away.


Well he is 66......so with any luck , around ten or so more years from now he wont matter anymore.

And what he has done in the last 10 or so years has done nothing but cause problems for the country he claims to love. If he had any sense he would have realized he was no longer able to continue a political life and gracefully retire and spend some of the money he has stolen. If he was a normal thinking person he cannot be pleased with what he has done to this country.

I am sure that Thaksin is 100% sure that he has done no wrong... just like the current PM !!! It is human nature to delude yourself, but harder to fool the rest of the world... except perhaps the Thai public by manipulating the media as these two have.

narcism !!


Please grow up and stop this sophomoric Thaksin bashing. Why are people so concerned and stopping Thais from "freely" traveling to wherever they wish? What dictatorial powers does this illegal coup have to stop citizens from any travel?

Also, why does EVERY article concerning Thaksin state "fugitive" Prime Minister? Gets very boring.


Please grow up and stop this sophomoric Thaksin bashing. Why are people so concerned and stopping Thais from "freely" traveling to wherever they wish? What dictatorial powers does this illegal coup have to stop citizens from any travel?

Also, why does EVERY article concerning Thaksin state "fugitive" Prime Minister? Gets very boring.

Yes very boring, it should be criminal fugitive former Prime Minister.


food for thoughts

Is it a coincidence that since Khun Thaksin out of the way, the euro has dropped to junk status, forcing pensioners out of Thailand not being able to meet the financial retirement visa requirements....??

If you would have been a business man like Taksin, you would not have that problem.... start some cheese making business and maybe you'l meet the requirements


"Little" Oak is now a big boy. Yet for all his grooming, his educational opportunities, his privileges, his self-entitlement, he is a zero. He is old enough at 35 to have a mind of his own and be intellectually capable of being his own man. But he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, so to speak. None of the daughters seem to be showing any propensity for political battle, either. And Ms Burberry is a hopeless case. That just leaves the chubby sister, who doesn't seem to like the limelight. So I guess the Thaksin dynasty is all but over before it really had a chance to get established. Sad, huh?

Sad, I'm absolutely shattered.

Actually it will be sad to have no opposition to a military regime (and their supported elite that need to topple 4 democratically elected governments in a row.)

No opposition to a military regime is a dangerous beast.

But never mind, you and others keep on banging on about Evil Thaksin, blah blah blah if it makes you feel good.


He also will not host his 66th birthday anniversary party on July 26, but will just have a small party with family members.

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to." guitar.gif


As per par for the course, it's the disgruntled farangs who are more up in arms about this occasion, than your average run of the mill Thai citizen, who care more about the lives of their soap stars than an old has been.

No matter how much you junta sycophants try, Thaksin is under your skin deeper than an Alabama tick, and it's countering the Junta's own desires to keep him out of the headlines.

Big deal he's in Singapore, all you hard cases who yell for his head, hop onto a flight, and confront him, do your utmost to bring him back to Thailand to face justice, I'm sure you'll be rewarded handsomely.

The Junta need Thaksin, who else can they blame for "having to stay" in power? Without him their need to control the population and country would crumble like Bambi on ice.


"Little" Oak is now a big boy. Yet for all his grooming, his educational opportunities, his privileges, his self-entitlement, he is a zero. He is old enough at 35 to have a mind of his own and be intellectually capable of being his own man. But he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, so to speak. None of the daughters seem to be showing any propensity for political battle, either. And Ms Burberry is a hopeless case. That just leaves the chubby sister, who doesn't seem to like the limelight. So I guess the Thaksin dynasty is all but over before it really had a chance to get established. Sad, huh?

Sad, I'm absolutely shattered.

Actually it will be sad to have no opposition to a military regime (and their supported elite that need to topple 4 democratically elected governments in a row.)

No opposition to a military regime is a dangerous beast.

But never mind, you and others keep on banging on about Evil Thaksin, blah blah blah if it makes you feel good.


I think past events clearly show that thaksin was never any opposition to the military, but you are correct about "evil" Thaksin, is, was and always will be unless neutered once and for all.


My my my all you falang so critical of the former PM. The problem is that this guy (and his sibling) still command the respect and following of the majority of the Thai nation regardless of what he/she has or hasn't done. So long as he is alive and able to travel freely to most countries in the world and command a certain amount of media interest he will not go away. Whatever the junta (and their elite supporters) do to try and quell this guy will have little effect on the masses that support him. Thai politics will forever be in a state of flux so long as the modus operandi remains as it is today.

Another rewrite of the now very old playbook. Mostly distorted and dishonest.

Got anything new to add?


"Little" Oak is now a big boy. Yet for all his grooming, his educational opportunities, his privileges, his self-entitlement, he is a zero. He is old enough at 35 to have a mind of his own and be intellectually capable of being his own man. But he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, so to speak. None of the daughters seem to be showing any propensity for political battle, either. And Ms Burberry is a hopeless case. That just leaves the chubby sister, who doesn't seem to like the limelight. So I guess the Thaksin dynasty is all but over before it really had a chance to get established. Sad, huh?

Bad genes!


Well he is 66......so with any luck , around ten or so more years from now he wont matter anymore.

Well, I've been 66 since January and I certainly hope to matter for another 25+ years. thumbsup.gif

As to Mr Thaksin, sooner rather than later would be ideal ... whistling.gif


I might have a worse opinion of Thaksin if it wasn't for the relentless vitriol of the anti-Thaksinites. The hate tactic is so monotonous and repellent that it only serves to make Thaksin seem like some kind of political genius in comparison. Perhaps they should understand that their hatred is his power.


Please grow up and stop this sophomoric Thaksin bashing. Why are people so concerned and stopping Thais from "freely" traveling to wherever they wish? What dictatorial powers does this illegal coup have to stop citizens from any travel?

Also, why does EVERY article concerning Thaksin state "fugitive" Prime Minister? Gets very boring.

Yes very boring, it should be criminal fugitive former Prime Minister.

yeah big time criminal. Convicted of a "shady" land deal, not a politically motivated arrest/warrant in any way shape or form ay?


food for thoughts

Is it a coincidence that since Khun Thaksin out of the way, the euro has dropped to junk status, forcing pensioners out of Thailand not being able to meet the financial retirement visa requirements....??

Are you serious?


Had to removed several members, one of them permanently. Any comments regarding the Monarchy, and its place in current or future Thai politics can and will lead to a permanent ban. It can also land you in serious legal trouble.

Don't talk about it, link to it, or hint about it.

This is the LAW here, not just our rules.


Well he is 66......so with any luck , around ten or so more years from now he wont matter anymore.

Don't hold your breath, the Chinese are very big on longevity potions. Lee Kwan Yew lived past 90.

A few years back T admitted that he was on chemotherapy, but he didn't say what it was for.


question, after revoking his Thai passport,

whic one he is using now ?

Maybee Khung K.J. Un have granted him one ??

If you search back a few years you'll find a few threads regarding his various names and collection of passports. Uganda and Montenegro are just a few.


Good to see that Mr T is still welcomed and respected in other Asian countries. Kudos for him for getting up the nose of this illegal M.D. without even trying...


Why is Singapore, a country with close ties to Thailand, allowing a wanted Thai criminal to enter its country?

Possibly because LoS has never sought his arrest anywhere in the world via an Interpol Red Notice and the latest practice of passing notes, classroom style, to ambassadors doesn't work.


The Oligarch Thaksin is right at home in the Corporate Lee Mafia Stronghold of Singapore.

The fact that Singapore allows him to come and go is testimony to Singapores Mafia Status.


Actually it will be sad to have no opposition to a military regime (and their supported elite that need to topple 4 democratically elected governments in a row.)

No opposition to a military regime is a dangerous beast.

But never mind, you and others keep on banging on about Evil Thaksin, blah blah blah if it makes you feel good.


"in a row"

I'm curious as to how you might claim that "their supported elite" were somehow behind the 2011 electoral-defeat of former-PM Abhisit's Democrat-led coalition-government ? Perhaps you didn't actually mean "in a row" ? wink.png

"topple 4 democratically elected governments"

Surely the TRT-led governments in 2005 & 2006, also the PTP-led government in 2013, all voluntarily resigned to hold new elections, so they cannot be stated to have been toppled against-their wills ?

I only count two coups, over the past decade, not four ? whistling.gif


Please grow up and stop this sophomoric Thaksin bashing. Why are people so concerned and stopping Thais from "freely" traveling to wherever they wish? What dictatorial powers does this illegal coup have to stop citizens from any travel?

Also, why does EVERY article concerning Thaksin state "fugitive" Prime Minister? Gets very boring.

In answer to your question why does EVERY article concerning Thaksin state "fugitive" Prime Minister. only a small number of small circulation print media use that term. They do so because they are aligned with the group(s) which do not support democracy in Thailand. Multiple reputable media outlets, do not use the term in the manner that Nation Media does. Examples are AP, Reuters, BBC, Deutsche Weekly, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Straits Times, Wall Street Journal.


The Oligarch Thaksin is right at home in the Corporate Lee Mafia Stronghold of Singapore.

The fact that Singapore allows him to come and go is testimony to Singapores Mafia Status.

Most likely Singapore doesn't care what the Thai military administration thinks.

More importantly, Thaksin entered and departed China. I keep seeing stories emphasizing some sort of strong and powerful between China and Thailand. Can't be too strong or of importance to the Chinese if the Thai regime's public enemy No. 1 can enter and leave China freely.

Maybe this is why the USA doesn't lose sleep over the China- Thailand relationship.

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