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North Korean local elections 'achieves 99.97 per cent turnout'

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North Korean elections 'achieves 99.97 per cent turnout'
Worker's Party expected to fare well in polls this Sunday with only one name on ballot paper and punishment for anyone who fails to endorse Kim Jong-un's policies
By Julian Ryall, Tokyo, and Andrew Marszal

LONDON: -- North Koreans went to the polls on Sunday for tighly controlled local elections that saw a 99.97 per cent turnout, state media reported.

Pyongyang's state news agency reported that voters were "singing and dancing" as they cast their votes in polls to elect new provincial, city and county representatives put forward by the ruling party.

All polling stations were "clad in a festive atmosphere", according to official Korean Central News Agency.
The elections were the first at the local level since Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader and first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, inherited the leadership of the world's only hereditary communist dictatorship in December 2011.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/11748166/North-Korean-elections-not-too-close-to-call.html

-- The Telegraph 2015-07-20


"...with only one name on ballot paper and punishment for anyone who fails to endorse Kim Jong-un's policies"

Why even waste time and money on a poll?


No excuses will be allowed for missing the vote, including be deceased.

The .03% that did not show up will be executed later today with a new chemical weapon NK is testing.


"...with only one name on ballot paper and punishment for anyone who fails to endorse Kim Jong-un's policies"

Why even waste time and money on a poll?

The Greeks are asking the same question


So, state media publish a figure that indicates only 0.03% of the population are terminally ill, medically incapacitated, house-bound, etc etc or have died since voter registration,

A very healthy population by any measure.

What's "mai pen rai" in Korean?


Why bother to have elections when the whole world included the N. koreans know it is a sham.

Face (please change) and inflated ego of the beloved and his supremeness I suppose. Just incredible.

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