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PM Prayut sets integrated water management as long-term agenda


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PM sets integrated water management as long-term agenda

BANGKOK, 21 July 2015 (NNT) – Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has confirmed the government is laying down a long-term plan on integrated water management in an attempt to avert drought problems in the future.

Following the Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Prayut revealed that the attendants discussed and placed importance on the prevention of drought and management of water resources in an integrated manner, agreeing to include the matter into the long-term national agenda to be implemented through the year 2026.

In the initial stage, the premier said related officials are dredging waterways and expanding reservoirs in order to increase water storage capacity and enable the irrigation system to support the agricultural sector more effectively.

As for the assistance of drought-affected farmers, the Ministry of Interior is organizing a supplementary job program for them while there is also a plan to give out compensation for the damage on crops and produce. In the meantime, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has been assigned to disseminate knowledge about the cultivation of alternative crops so as to alleviate the impact from water shortage.

Gen Prayut admitted he is concerned about the creation of understanding among the people regarding the government’s reduction of water discharge from reservoirs during the drought crisis, saying it is part of the measure to ensure sustainable water supply for the country. He also asked agriculturists to have trust in the government’s ability to take care of them.

-- NNT 2015-07-21 footer_n.gif

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"In the initial stage, the premier said related officials are dredging waterways and expanding reservoirs in order to increase water storage capacity and enable the irrigation system to support the agricultural sector more effectively."

Why isn't there immediate planning for a water catchment system? A properly designed water catchment system would not only protect against droughts, but it would reduce the severity of flooding during the wet season.

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Let's hope he doesn't suggest staying in office to see it's completion.

You beat me to it. There he goes with this "Long term" talk again. Surely it must be raising a fair few Thai eyebrows too...

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And that is why him and his ultra corrupt elite cronies cancelled the previous governments water management projects - he and his corrupt elite backers are not getting their 40% cut.

Now he is proposing a long term water management project. Any one who can not see through this façade are either stupid, yellow shirts or people that support the ongoing feudalisation of Thailand.

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I imagine water rates will triple over the next 5 yrs.

I think that is a very sensible suggestion.

Domestic water is very cheap here (when it's available), and applying to peoples "better instincts" to not wash their cars etc. is a waste of breath.

Increasing the cost of supply would hit people in their pockets and make them more aware of what they are wasting.

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Another step in the right direction, with the inevitable step back to come later. The Prayuth is so busy taking one step forward and one back iot is amazing he can even talk to anyone.

I call it the Prayuth Shuffle -- you put your right foot in, you take your right foot out.....

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"In the initial stage, the premier said related officials are dredging waterways and expanding reservoirs in order to increase water storage capacity and enable the irrigation system to support the agricultural sector more effectively."

Why isn't there immediate planning for a water catchment system? A properly designed water catchment system would not only protect against droughts, but it would reduce the severity of flooding during the wet season.

There is a water catchment system planned for where I live and has been for several years. The EIA has been done and everything was ready to go.

The Pu Yai Ban convinced many of the villagers who would have been affected that it would have been a bad Idea so it was stopped.

I wonder what he thinks now as there has been NO government water supply (controlled by him) for 6 months?

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And that is why him and his ultra corrupt elite cronies cancelled the previous governments water management projects - he and his corrupt elite backers are not getting their 40% cut.

Now he is proposing a long term water management project. Any one who can not see through this façade are either stupid, yellow shirts or people that support the ongoing feudalisation of Thailand.

Of course you know all of this and have all the information to prove it of course simply because you were at all the meeting from both the previous and current government.

Sometimes I look at posts like yours and wonder where all this super knowledge is coming from.

If YOU know all this and YOU can prove it then please do so.

Of course if you really don't have ANY idea at all why do you bother to post rubbish like this.

The PM is corrupt YOU say. His elite backers are corrupt YOU say.

Put your cards on the table with some proof and I for one will believe you.

Until that day happens I will call you a teller of untruths.

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Long term water management, agenda, blahblahblah.... coffee1.gif

How about reforestation, huh?

What kind of trees are you talking about?

How long will they take to grow?

Where will they be planted?

Who will pay for them?

Who will look after them and make sure that they are not cut down in the future?

Come up with some sensible suggestions instead of quote "How about reforestation, huh?"

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Does the Word "Long-term" exist in thai language ... ? Maybe exist but not used, only short-term like where is the next meal ...

That "PM" is gonna stay for a decade or more ... bah.gif

I think I must be drinking the same Kool Aid you are or is it great minds think alike. Have no fear the rains will come and all will be well again in Riceland.

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"Intergrated".... not adhoc construction with use of funds to the advantage of a large landholder with political connections perhaps?

Reticulation schemes are not simplistic or simple if are broadly effective and by 2026 is there a single person who can say authoritively now the weather will be " normal"?rolleyes.gif

A nation wide water management system strategically constructed is not so long.

Some Hydro Electric developments take as or longer and can also be intergrated < into such schemes.

Do knockers here have to be privy to plans and give approval?

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And that is why him and his ultra corrupt elite cronies cancelled the previous governments water management projects - he and his corrupt elite backers are not getting their 40% cut.

Now he is proposing a long term water management project. Any one who can not see through this façade are either stupid, yellow shirts or people that support the ongoing feudalisation of Thailand.

Of course you know all of this and have all the information to prove it of course simply because you were at all the meeting from both the previous and current government.

Sometimes I look at posts like yours and wonder where all this super knowledge is coming from.

If YOU know all this and YOU can prove it then please do so.

Of course if you really don't have ANY idea at all why do you bother to post rubbish like this.

The PM is corrupt YOU say. His elite backers are corrupt YOU say.

Put your cards on the table with some proof and I for one will believe you.

Until that day happens I will call you a teller of untruths.

Corruption exists at every level of Thai bureaucracy. He was part of the military that bought the crazy GT 2000.

Has he spanked anyone's backside for that minor mess at all? The military conduct lotteries for conscripts every year. A fee will exempt anyone if paid.

So, as former head of the army he oversaw a massive long term corruption of the national service system of the country. I would expect he couldn't know that for 15k any youth can exempt himself.

Stop being so deliberately ignorant of the truth of Thailand and learn that they are all corrupt on all sides.

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And that is why him and his ultra corrupt elite cronies cancelled the previous governments water management projects - he and his corrupt elite backers are not getting their 40% cut.

Now he is proposing a long term water management project. Any one who can not see through this façade are either stupid, yellow shirts or people that support the ongoing feudalisation of Thailand.

Of course you know all of this and have all the information to prove it of course simply because you were at all the meeting from both the previous and current government.

Sometimes I look at posts like yours and wonder where all this super knowledge is coming from.

If YOU know all this and YOU can prove it then please do so.

Of course if you really don't have ANY idea at all why do you bother to post rubbish like this.

The PM is corrupt YOU say. His elite backers are corrupt YOU say.

Put your cards on the table with some proof and I for one will believe you.

Until that day happens I will call you a teller of untruths.

Corruption exists at every level of Thai bureaucracy. He was part of the military that bought the crazy GT 2000.

Has he spanked anyone's backside for that minor mess at all? The military conduct lotteries for conscripts every year. A fee will exempt anyone if paid.

So, as former head of the army he oversaw a massive long term corruption of the national service system of the country. I would expect he couldn't know that for 15k any youth can exempt himself.

Stop being so deliberately ignorant of the truth of Thailand and learn that they are all corrupt on all sides.

Where have I said that the military are pure as the driven snow?

I was commenting on what a wonderfuldays post only.

He has made some accusations against the PM and the military without any oroof, any link, anything at all, other than HIS word.

I have asked him to put his money where his mouth is.

Now if you wish to answer for him that is fine by me.

YOU provide, facts, links, articles etc confirming what he is saying otherwise like him you also are a teller of untruths.

The truth in Thailand is what whoever is in power at the time deems to be the truth. I understand that and I accept that whilst hoping that Thailand will slowly improve.

However where I come from if you make a statement you need to be prepared to back it it. If all you can offer is slurs, innuendo, weasel words etc don't be surprised if not everybody accepts your version of the truth.

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