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Video shows how Texas traffic stop escalated into confrontation


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I once had an employee in Saudi Arabia that had an angry wife living in our compound.

She lit into me one day using much of the same language as this young lady did with the Highway Patrolman.

I exercised remarkable restraint and simply walked away from her.

That evening I called her husband into my office and told him if she ever talked to me like that again, I would have exit only visas in their passports and he would be unemployed and on the way home, along with his wife, within 24 hours.

She never said another word to me for the next five years.

This young lady wasn't exactly pure and innocent in her choice of words nor her attitude.

Did the Patrolman overreact? Probably.

But what would you have done under the very same circumstances?

Rhetorical question.

You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?

With that sort of abuse of power attitude, something tells me the poor chap's wife may have had very good reason to mouth off at you.

The cop asked her why she was irritated. She told him...and that irritated the cop. She didn't want to put out her ciggie (her right...not under arrest and in her car)...and that irritated the cop to the point of ordering her out of the car and arresting her...

Power-hungry men abusing their power all over the world.

"You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?"

When the offending person is the wife of an employee of mine in Saudi Arabia...absolutely I would.

Since you have likely never been to Saudi Arabia, you might like to learn something. In Saudi a husband is the sponsor of his wife when she is in country...not the company, the husband.

As a result he is responsible for her actions. As his boss, I had no recourse against her. I did have recourse against her husband and took the action I took and would do so again under the same circumstances.

Now you may put your little rose colored glasses back on and reconcile yourself to the fact the entire world does not march to your drummer's politically correct beat.

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The video has been removed; I'd like to have seen it. But from the write-up, I do think the policeman overstepped. The woman was irritated. Fine. He mentioned it and she told him why. End of story. The policeman should have just let it go at that point. He'd already handed her the warning. Case closed. No reason to start needling her, making a confrontational issue out of the smoking, etc. They both had attitude. His job to control his and avoid escalating a minor infraction.

And she took her own life over something that started out with this?! Maybe depression, PTSD, the arrest, her history, etc., do explain it, but there needs to be some careful investigating of what she experienced in the jail. And not sure this cop has quite the right disposition for law enforcement work - maybe that should be looked into by a professional as well.

This is 180deg out from my usual take on these black-vs-cop incidents, which the Obama/Holder duo did all possible to precipitate and inflame, and which the media have done all possible to mischaracterize and obscure. But surly, overbearing, defensive cops shouldn't be turned loose on the public.

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I once had an employee in Saudi Arabia that had an angry wife living in our compound.

She lit into me one day using much of the same language as this young lady did with the Highway Patrolman.

I exercised remarkable restraint and simply walked away from her.

That evening I called her husband into my office and told him if she ever talked to me like that again, I would have exit only visas in their passports and he would be unemployed and on the way home, along with his wife, within 24 hours.

She never said another word to me for the next five years.

This young lady wasn't exactly pure and innocent in her choice of words nor her attitude.

Did the Patrolman overreact? Probably.

But what would you have done under the very same circumstances?

Rhetorical question.

You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?

With that sort of abuse of power attitude, something tells me the poor chap's wife may have had very good reason to mouth off at you.

The cop asked her why she was irritated. She told him...and that irritated the cop. She didn't want to put out her ciggie (her right...not under arrest and in her car)...and that irritated the cop to the point of ordering her out of the car and arresting her...

Power-hungry men abusing their power all over the world.

"You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?"

When the offending person is the wife of an employee of mine in Saudi Arabia...absolutely I would.

Since you have likely never been to Saudi Arabia, you might like to learn something. In Saudi a husband is the sponsor of his wife when she is in country...not the company, the husband.

As a result he is responsible for her actions. As his boss, I had no recourse against her. I did have recourse against her husband and took the action I took and would do so again under the same circumstances.

Now you may put your little rose colored glasses back on and reconcile yourself to the fact the entire world does not march to your drummer's politically correct beat.

To steer this back on topic....It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death. In the video he was using the "I've given you a lawful order" to back himself up.

Hiding behind or using regulations to enable the outlet of his inferiority complex.

He didn't like being spoken to like that, especially by a woman.

So, words hurt him. Just words. Words, whatsmore, that may have been justified albeit uncouth.

Power over a woman or a subordinate with some questionable legal excuse because he had no other recourse to extract revenge for those hurtful words.

She was right...the cop's a pussy.

Do you see any parallels? Even with my rose-tinted glasses I do.

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I once had an employee in Saudi Arabia that had an angry wife living in our compound.

She lit into me one day using much of the same language as this young lady did with the Highway Patrolman.

I exercised remarkable restraint and simply walked away from her.

That evening I called her husband into my office and told him if she ever talked to me like that again, I would have exit only visas in their passports and he would be unemployed and on the way home, along with his wife, within 24 hours.

She never said another word to me for the next five years.

This young lady wasn't exactly pure and innocent in her choice of words nor her attitude.

Did the Patrolman overreact? Probably.

But what would you have done under the very same circumstances?

Rhetorical question.

You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?

With that sort of abuse of power attitude, something tells me the poor chap's wife may have had very good reason to mouth off at you.

The cop asked her why she was irritated. She told him...and that irritated the cop. She didn't want to put out her ciggie (her right...not under arrest and in her car)...and that irritated the cop to the point of ordering her out of the car and arresting her...

Power-hungry men abusing their power all over the world.

"You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?"

When the offending person is the wife of an employee of mine in Saudi Arabia...absolutely I would.

Since you have likely never been to Saudi Arabia, you might like to learn something. In Saudi a husband is the sponsor of his wife when she is in country...not the company, the husband.

As a result he is responsible for her actions. As his boss, I had no recourse against her. I did have recourse against her husband and took the action I took and would do so again under the same circumstances.

Now you may put your little rose colored glasses back on and reconcile yourself to the fact the entire world does not march to your drummer's politically correct beat.

To steer this back on topic....It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death. In the video he was using the "I've given you a lawful order" to back himself up.

Hiding behind or using regulations to enable the outlet of his inferiority complex.

He didn't like being spoken to like that, especially by a woman.

So, words hurt him. Just words. Words, whatsmore, that may have been justified albeit uncouth.

Power over a woman or a subordinate with some questionable legal excuse because he had no other recourse to extract revenge for those hurtful words.

She was right...the cop's a pussy.

Do you see any parallels? Even with my rose-tinted glasses I do.

You have got to be kidding me. "It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death." What??? Somehow, I don't think the size of this police officer's penis had anything to do with this lady committing suicide.

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You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?

With that sort of abuse of power attitude, something tells me the poor chap's wife may have had very good reason to mouth off at you.

The cop asked her why she was irritated. She told him...and that irritated the cop. She didn't want to put out her ciggie (her right...not under arrest and in her car)...and that irritated the cop to the point of ordering her out of the car and arresting her...

Power-hungry men abusing their power all over the world.

"You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?"

When the offending person is the wife of an employee of mine in Saudi Arabia...absolutely I would.

Since you have likely never been to Saudi Arabia, you might like to learn something. In Saudi a husband is the sponsor of his wife when she is in country...not the company, the husband.

As a result he is responsible for her actions. As his boss, I had no recourse against her. I did have recourse against her husband and took the action I took and would do so again under the same circumstances.

Now you may put your little rose colored glasses back on and reconcile yourself to the fact the entire world does not march to your drummer's politically correct beat.

To steer this back on topic....It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death. In the video he was using the "I've given you a lawful order" to back himself up.

Hiding behind or using regulations to enable the outlet of his inferiority complex.

He didn't like being spoken to like that, especially by a woman.

So, words hurt him. Just words. Words, whatsmore, that may have been justified albeit uncouth.

Power over a woman or a subordinate with some questionable legal excuse because he had no other recourse to extract revenge for those hurtful words.

She was right...the cop's a pussy.

Do you see any parallels? Even with my rose-tinted glasses I do.

You have got to be kidding me. "It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death." What??? Somehow, I don't think the size of this police officer's penis had anything to do with this lady committing suicide.

Not kidding.

Watch the video. I am sure you have met people like him...smallish stature, very nice and polite at the outset, but should someone slight him, he becomes insecure, aggressive and nasty. And being of weak character, he uses tools to boost his power...a gun perhaps, a regulation perhaps, guile and stealth perhaps, even just words.

watch him. He shouts and screams, he's angry...all because she questioned him about her cigarette.

He got upset that she was not intimidated by him or his uniform, and the more she displayed a lack of being scared, the more upset he became.

Classic Napoleon Complex.

Just like an employer, probably a chauvinist, who gets upset at a woman being rude to him and taking it out on an employee....because he had no power over the woman.

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I think you got it wrong this hows how a white guy cooperates with the police. You will notice he is out of the car voluntarily and doing as asked by the officer no arquements or abusive language. Definetely quite different.A more mature and understanding of authority.way of doing things

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"You would summarily sack somebody for the actions of another person?"

When the offending person is the wife of an employee of mine in Saudi Arabia...absolutely I would.

Since you have likely never been to Saudi Arabia, you might like to learn something. In Saudi a husband is the sponsor of his wife when she is in country...not the company, the husband.

As a result he is responsible for her actions. As his boss, I had no recourse against her. I did have recourse against her husband and took the action I took and would do so again under the same circumstances.

Now you may put your little rose colored glasses back on and reconcile yourself to the fact the entire world does not march to your drummer's politically correct beat.

To steer this back on topic....It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death. In the video he was using the "I've given you a lawful order" to back himself up.

Hiding behind or using regulations to enable the outlet of his inferiority complex.

He didn't like being spoken to like that, especially by a woman.

So, words hurt him. Just words. Words, whatsmore, that may have been justified albeit uncouth.

Power over a woman or a subordinate with some questionable legal excuse because he had no other recourse to extract revenge for those hurtful words.

She was right...the cop's a pussy.

Do you see any parallels? Even with my rose-tinted glasses I do.

You have got to be kidding me. "It was the cop's small-dick Napoleon complex that ultimately led to the woman's death." What??? Somehow, I don't think the size of this police officer's penis had anything to do with this lady committing suicide.

Not kidding.

Watch the video. I am sure you have met people like him...smallish stature, very nice and polite at the outset, but should someone slight him, he becomes insecure, aggressive and nasty. And being of weak character, he uses tools to boost his power...a gun perhaps, a regulation perhaps, guile and stealth perhaps, even just words.

watch him. He shouts and screams, he's angry...all because she questioned him about her cigarette.

He got upset that she was not intimidated by him or his uniform, and the more she displayed a lack of being scared, the more upset he became.

Classic Napoleon Complex.

Just like an employer, probably a chauvinist, who gets upset at a woman being rude to him and taking it out on an employee....because he had no power over the woman.

I'm not small in stature, insecure, aggressive, nasty or chauvinistic.. I did not respond to her at the time and let her have her say. I did not attempt to confront her in any way in a public place and embarrass her. I simply heard her out and walked away without comment, as I stated in my original post.

I took the action of confronting her husband in my office behind closed doors and got the situation resolved.

You have obviously never been in Management.

How would the Highway patrol in the outback have handled the situation?

I've got a couple of friends that are retired Aussie police officers. I can't see them ignoring a woman that is snippy, argumentative and possibly blowing smoke in their faces during a traffic stop.

The Highway Patrolman could have handled it better. He didn't, but she is dead at her own hands. Your attempt to blame him for her death is uncalled for.

Edited by chuckd
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I don't understand. I've been in a lot of countries and the one thing I know is that when the police ask you to do something, it's a very good idea to do it and do it as reasonably quickly as possible.

I also try to make it a point not to argue with anyone who has a gun.

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The police national crime wave continues against black Americans resulting now in another serial killing or death, this time of this particular unarmed black woman in Texas.

The history of police and black people in the United States is that the police are the enemy, which is the principal reason that in black culture it is the expected norm to resist hostile police and sheriffs armed with weapons, dogs, unjust and indefensible laws, corrupt police departments, secretive seedy jails. These are the facts of life.

Organized policing in the USA began at the turn of the 18th century when municipalities and counties deputized white citizens as slave patrol members whose sole purpose was to track down runaway slaves, apprehend them, put them in chains to be returned to their master for punishment.

With the police on the front lines against the Black Civil Rights Movement throughout the South 50 years ago and since, black Americans have been the serial focus of police, which blacks do not accept.

The slave patrol mindset of the cop in Texas is another serial capital offense in the first degree against black Americans.

That people in Saudi Arabia need to get their heads out of the sand has no bearing whatsoever on the United States.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

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I read the OP expecting to sympathise with the cop, but he is just a nasty bully, IMO. Seems like the sort of person I despise- small minded and overly officious.

BTW, if they charged everyone in Thailand that doesn't signal lane changes, the courts would be backed up for years.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

No, he was not letting her off with a warning, he was fining her.

Yes, she should have acted differently, but you're forgetting the major part here: the trooper who was way out of line and provoked this and escalated the incident.

You're blaming her is simply ludicrous, especially since you first admitted the cop was wrong.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

No, he was not letting her off with a warning, he was fining her.

Yes, she should have acted differently, but you're forgetting the major part here: the trooper who was way out of line and provoked this and escalated the incident.

You're blaming her is simply ludicrous, especially since you first admitted the cop was wrong.

You have your opinion and I have my opinion. If you act like a disrespectful animal, you might get treated like one, rightly or wrongly. The world is not always fair. If she kept her mouth shut and acted somewhat respectful, she would have been on her way.

Interesting that it is too much of a logical leap for you to understand how she could still have a part in all of this even if the cop ultimately acted wrongly. Just wow.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

No, he was not letting her off with a warning, he was fining her.

Yes, she should have acted differently, but you're forgetting the major part here: the trooper who was way out of line and provoked this and escalated the incident.

You're blaming her is simply ludicrous, especially since you first admitted the cop was wrong.

Intersting. Did you watch the video or can you read? If you miss this kind of detail, it makes the rest of your observations suspect.


"The video posted by the Texas Department of Public Safety shows the trooper stopping Bland for failure to signal a lane change. After he hands her a written warning, . . ."

Quote in the OP.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

We're almost on the same page...but not quite.

The US is a democracy with a constitution and human rights. Why do you humble yourself to a uniform? Why do you feel the need to be obsequious to a cop? Why do you have to be polite to a cop?.....of course it's "nice" to be polite to cops and everyone else, but why do you have to make sure you're polite when it happens to be a cop? Why can't you ask the question, "Why can't I smoke in my own car?" with whatever attitude?

Cops shouldn't be cops if they think the citizens have to treat them any differently, within the law, than other people. You're in Thailand if you think otherwise.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

No, he was not letting her off with a warning, he was fining her.

Yes, she should have acted differently, but you're forgetting the major part here: the trooper who was way out of line and provoked this and escalated the incident.

You're blaming her is simply ludicrous, especially since you first admitted the cop was wrong.

You have your opinion and I have my opinion. If you act like a disrespectful animal, you might get treated like one, rightly or wrongly. The world is not always fair. If she kept her mouth shut and acted somewhat respectful, she would have been on her way.

Interesting that it is too much of a logical leap for you to understand how she could still have a part in all of this even if the cop ultimately acted wrongly. Just wow.

Sure, you can have your opinion, and yes, if she had acted differently she would probably still be alive. So? The cop was wrong, and by your reasoning should be held responsible for her death. And why the flame, you're showing what kind of person you are here.

BTW, the video may have been doctored by the police before releasing it. Video has some inconsistencies while the audio continues.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

We're almost on the same page...but not quite.

The US is a democracy with a constitution and human rights. Why do you humble yourself to a uniform? Why do you feel the need to be obsequious to a cop? Why do you have to be polite to a cop?.....of course it's "nice" to be polite to cops and everyone else, but why do you have to make sure you're polite when it happens to be a cop? Why can't you ask the question, "Why can't I smoke in my own car?" with whatever attitude?

Cops shouldn't be cops if they think the citizens have to treat them any differently, within the law, than other people. You're in Thailand if you think otherwise.

All I was thinking when reading that Comment was What a Good Lil Sheep he was, All cops should be Questioned, Here to Protect and Serve, Not Lately though.
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When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

And cowardly.........

I don't want to live my life in fear of government officials.

I do stand up to them, armed or not, better to be shot, than live a life of fear.

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When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

And cowardly.........

I don't want to live my life in fear of government officials.

I do stand up to them, armed or not, better to be shot, than live a life of fear.

Lol, how does that serve you? Hiding out in Thailand or living a good life in the US. It is not about being cowardly. It is about being respectful. In life, you have to be respectful to parents, employer and just about everyone with whom you come into contact.

Being respectful does not equate to being a coward. Interesting that some apparently can not distinguish between the two concepts.

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Cop was wrong, but seriously. What is wrong with people? No common sense or intelligence.

When I am pulled over, and it happens more than I care to admit and sometimes just for having Florida tags in drug courier stop zones, I am polite and do exactly as they say. Gues what? Things go smoothly and I am on my way.

This women was a ignorant, loud mouth, low class POS. dude was letting her off with a warning. Say thank you, sorry and move the F on, but no. This fool had to get better if the situation and look where it got her. Is this a gene pool issue or is this learned behavior from the environment.

If I acted that way the same thing would happen to me. I am just smart enough and have enough class to not act that way.

We're almost on the same page...but not quite.

The US is a democracy with a constitution and human rights. Why do you humble yourself to a uniform? Why do you feel the need to be obsequious to a cop? Why do you have to be polite to a cop?.....of course it's "nice" to be polite to cops and everyone else, but why do you have to make sure you're polite when it happens to be a cop? Why can't you ask the question, "Why can't I smoke in my own car?" with whatever attitude?

Cops shouldn't be cops if they think the citizens have to treat them any differently, within the law, than other people. You're in Thailand if you think otherwise.

All I was thinking when reading that Comment was What a Good Lil Sheep he was, All cops should be Questioned, Here to Protect and Serve, Not Lately though.

Lol, good little sheep? Is that what you call being respectful to people no matter what their job? Cops have a difficult stressful job. No reason to provoke them or make it more difficult.

It is amazing how when you are ice and respectful to people, how they tend to react to you no matter who it what they are. Some apparently have no people skills. Perhaps that is why they work crap dead end jobs or are unemployed.

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4f you aren't even in Thailand, I'm not sure you have ever even been here, and what do you know about Texas and Waller County in particular? The DPS has released the "undoctored" video. I can see being respectful, up to a point. That cop should have written the citation or warning and been on his way. Instead he started a fight. Whether she was killed or did commit suicide in jail it is his fault. Believe me, I've had some folks push my buttons as a cop but I did my job and everybody walked away. Nobody should have to kowtow to a cop, we are human beings. And yea I've been on the other side. I know the procedure when being stopped and I follow it but in what used to be America, now the Corporate Police State of Amerika, I had the right to not be bullied and to be treated with respect by the cops. When I went through New Mexico Police Academy we were told over and over and over again to respect people and their civil liberties. When, if, you watch the video she at no time refuses to ID herself, in fact she had to have already give the cop a DL for the citation. She has the absolute right to not talk to him and in fact most good attorneys, probably not ones like you, would advise their clients to never talk to the cops. When I taught classes to the American war in Vietnam protesters about talking (do not) to the fbi it started with one sentence, "never talk to fbi, never let them in your house". I have a feeling the ex-cop in the video really means uppity rather than arrogant. http://www.alternet.org/media/cnn-panel-explodes-after-ex-cop-says-sandra-bland-died-because-she-was-arrogant-beginning?akid=13322.85778.IZzL3C&rd=1&src=newsletter1039757&t=13

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4f you aren't even in Thailand, I'm not sure you have ever even been here, and what do you know about Texas and Waller County in particular? The DPS has released the "undoctored" video. I can see being respectful, up to a point. That cop should have written the citation or warning and been on his way. Instead he started a fight. Whether she was killed or did commit suicide in jail it is his fault. Believe me, I've had some folks push my buttons as a cop but I did my job and everybody walked away. Nobody should have to kowtow to a cop, we are human beings. And yea I've been on the other side. I know the procedure when being stopped and I follow it but in what used to be America, now the Corporate Police State of Amerika, I had the right to not be bullied and to be treated with respect by the cops. When I went through New Mexico Police Academy we were told over and over and over again to respect people and their civil liberties. When, if, you watch the video she at no time refuses to ID herself, in fact she had to have already give the cop a DL for the citation. She has the absolute right to not talk to him and in fact most good attorneys, probably not ones like you, would advise their clients to never talk to the cops. When I taught classes to the American war in Vietnam protesters about talking (do not) to the fbi it started with one sentence, "never talk to fbi, never let them in your house". I have a feeling the ex-cop in the video really means uppity rather than arrogant. http://www.alternet.org/media/cnn-panel-explodes-after-ex-cop-says-sandra-bland-died-because-she-was-arrogant-beginning?akid=13322.85778.IZzL3C&rd=1&src=newsletter1039757&t=13

Not that it is relevant, I stayed in Thailand 6 months in 2008 and spend at least 30 days there every year.

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The woman was wrong initially for turning it into a (presumably) black pride issue. Then the cop was wrong for losing control of his (presumably) white-pride ego.

If the woman proved emotionally unstable enough to kill herself - that's just unfortunate. Everyone should draw lessons from this and move on.

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4f you aren't even in Thailand, I'm not sure you have ever even been here, and what do you know about Texas and Waller County in particular? The DPS has released the "undoctored" video. I can see being respectful, up to a point. That cop should have written the citation or warning and been on his way. Instead he started a fight. Whether she was killed or did commit suicide in jail it is his fault. Believe me, I've had some folks push my buttons as a cop but I did my job and everybody walked away. Nobody should have to kowtow to a cop, we are human beings. And yea I've been on the other side. I know the procedure when being stopped and I follow it but in what used to be America, now the Corporate Police State of Amerika, I had the right to not be bullied and to be treated with respect by the cops. When I went through New Mexico Police Academy we were told over and over and over again to respect people and their civil liberties. When, if, you watch the video she at no time refuses to ID herself, in fact she had to have already give the cop a DL for the citation. She has the absolute right to not talk to him and in fact most good attorneys, probably not ones like you, would advise their clients to never talk to the cops. When I taught classes to the American war in Vietnam protesters about talking (do not) to the fbi it started with one sentence, "never talk to fbi, never let them in your house". I have a feeling the ex-cop in the video really means uppity rather than arrogant. http://www.alternet.org/media/cnn-panel-explodes-after-ex-cop-says-sandra-bland-died-because-she-was-arrogant-beginning?akid=13322.85778.IZzL3C&rd=1&src=newsletter1039757&t=13

Not that it is relevant, I stayed in Thailand 6 months in 2008 and spend at least 30 days there every year.

Spend every other August in the USA and not in one single place, since 1996 (this year not). BTW don't have to be so defensive about time in the former LOS.gigglem.gif

Haven't been stopped by a US cop since my Camaro got a mind of its own on an open back road one night in Georgia, 1993. The cop with his flashing blueberries (inducing chromostereopsis) was rather pleased with himself so I didn't want to bust up his chipper mood. Besides, white and white means polite.

I don't consider the rear ending we got at a stop sign on Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga 1994 to be a police snagging.

Pleased to note my metallic blue RS Camaro frequently got a mind of its own without the cops being anywhere around, savvy car that the sleek sucker wuz. wink.png

Note: RS = Rapid Speed. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Publicus
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The woman was wrong initially for turning it into a (presumably) black pride issue. Then the cop was wrong for losing control of his (presumably) white-pride ego.

If the woman proved emotionally unstable enough to kill herself - that's just unfortunate. Everyone should draw lessons from this and move on.

Not quite move on as if there were nothing here to see, know, act upon. Forget this put on the deceased brush off stuff.

This one is too reminiscent of the beserker former corporal iron knickers in McKinney TX throwing 15 year old girls around on the ground for swimming while black. I reiterate, it is the norm for black Americans to sass the police given the 300 year history of deputized white police slave patrols hunting down runaway slaves to chain 'em up and deposit them back on their master's Dixieland plantations. Then there were the police and their dogs against the Black Civil Rights Movement demonstrators of 50 years ago and since.

Among the multi-state serial killings by right wing Republican police in this national police crime wave against black Americans, TX is starting to look like we're going to need a scorecard. And that is the terrible truth.

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