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800k N-O for 30 yr old?

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I did have my work permit with me ( but did not hand it over to them or show them ), but I did have a copy of my work permit in the file with the application and Revenue Department documents. What I think the "problem" is, is them thinking that the 40k monthly income has to come from overseas. I am so happy that I have the savannakhet option...trying to explain them their rules would only cause unnecessary problems and headaches :). I'll just try Phibun again next year.

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If you are working in Thailand you need a work permit legally.

Your plan to work with a Non-O visa is illegal.

The OP did mention he was going to get a Work Permit as soon as his Visa situation is all cleared out.

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A Visa and a work permit are two seperate documents. You need to have a visa ( from the immigration ) to obtain a work permit ( Labor department ). And there are only certain visas that allow you to get a work permit. The two Visa I know of are O-Visa based on marriage ( NOT Retirement ) and B-Visa

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A Visa and a work permit are two seperate documents. You need to have a visa ( from the immigration ) to obtain a work permit ( Labor department ). And there are only certain visas that allow you to get a work permit. The two Visa I know of are O-Visa based on marriage ( NOT Retirement ) and B-Visa

That's what I understood as well, the VISA and the workpermit are two separate things, hence I came here on non-immigrant O spouse visa and got work afterwards. In this way I indeed think of the Non-Immigrant O spouse visa as a "backup plan" in case things go bad with the employer.

Anyway thanks everyone for taking the time to reply my posts so far smile.png It is appreciated.

Today I came back from the labor office, got my work permit application looked at and received the slip to be able to pick it up next week. This is great.

I also tried at Krungthai today and after some pushing and a couple of "no"'s they indeed now all of the sudden seem to allow me to open an account there, although recommend me to wait until I have the permit so that I can open accounts "with more benefits". Considering I'll get the workpermit next week, I can wait a few more days and open it then.

So, still need to get my visa extension sorted. Im in the south of Thailand by the way, so going to Savannekhet wouldn't be a good option for me because of the distance to do visa runs being so far away. I'm closer to the malaysian border. So it would have be down south. I can arrange car, but to get it licensed to drive internationally might become a problem so I might have to go by van or on foot it's necessary. Or fly if it's cheap. Recommendedations?

I'm quite convinced now the officer asking for a split 400k from me and my wife (800k total) is wrong, so we'll be going to another immigration office in another city and try to avoid this person.

My salary with the employer here is also below 40k. This makes me question if it is at all possible to do 1 year extension based on the work-permit because I'm not earning that 40k per month. Are they really strict with this? My employer is high profile, if that would matter at all.

It would be nicer to get the extension through workpermit, since then I don't have to worry about the 400k and can keep that money back in my homecountry, instead of converting it to Thaibaht and have it sitting there on an account, unable to use, with currency fluctuations.

If "yes they are superstrict with the 40k salary regulation to obtain extension based on workpermit", then, as i initially assumed my options would be

1. 90 day visa run, while having a workpermit but not show unless asked (is this the right way to do?)

2. go for 1 year extension of Non-immigrant O spouse visa, need 2 months of 400k in Thai bankaccount. For this it's too late to do it now (i'm on my third month of the Non-Immigrant O spouse visa that I used to enter Thailand - got multiple-entry visa), but I can do it if I can do a VISA run first I buy myself time to get the 400k into my Thai bank account and have it there for two months, whereafter I could go for 1-year extension based on marriage/spouse.

Any comments, corrections or tips to point me in the right direction and possible pitfalls would be appreciated. Thanks a lot guys.

Edited by Eekarooz
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Regarding your financial proof for the extension:

I believe ( not 100% sure ), you may be able to combine your monthly income and a certain amount in the bank account i.e. 20k salary + 200k in the bank account. Again, I remember reading somewhere it was possible, but not sure if it was for the retirement visa and / or Marriage Visa.

Regarding your Bank account:

Maybe look in to getting a bank account with Bangkok Bank. I was able to open one shortly after arriving in Thailand ( this was in Surin ). All they needed was my passport with valid Visa. A nice "feature" they have as well is that you can open a foreign currency account as well and wire your currency onto that foreign currency account you have with them. Whenever you need Baht, log on to your iBanking account and transfer your foreign currency easily and conveniently to THB....at a very reasonable exchange rate. You'll get a better exchange rate transferring $100 this way, than walking into the Bank with $100 and exchanging it to THB.

Regarding your Visa:

You can definitely give it a try with a different Immigration office ( assuming they are also in charge of your district you live in ). If you can get your extension...congratulations :).

If not, I would still recommend doing a Visa run to Savannkhet and get a 1 year non-o Visa. It is VERY easy to obtain ( Application filled out, 2 passport pictures, passport and copies, copy of wifes Housebook and ID and of course your marriage certificate ). There are many threads here with detailed information and instructions. The good thing is, you do not need a map of your house location, no pictures of you and your wife with / in the house, no financial proof. After you get your Visa there, you don't have to go there anymore...you can do your border runs at the nearest border you live ( you mentioned Malaysia )

Regarding your Work permit:

Receiving the slip to pick it up next week isn't a guarantee of approval, I think. I believe they hand in your application to a supervisor and s/he goes over your application and approves or denies it. I could be wrong though. But by them accepting your application your paperwork was probably complete and "good enough" to hand to their supervisor.

Good luck :)

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won't the non-o visa be cancelled the moment the work permit is issued?

his desire is to have the non-o visa and then get a work permit and have the non-o as a "back up" plan.

doesn't sound logical to me.

No visa is ever cancelled at the moment a work permit is issued.

And it,s perfectly legal to be working while having a non-imm 'O' visa. Example, people with Thai relatives, volunteers.

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With non-o extension based on marriage you only need to do your 90 day report. You won't need to do visa runs. This really is the best way to go if you and your wife are planning to stay in Thailand indefinitely. When you do get the extension, do this for 3yrs. in a row and then do what alot of others fail to do for some reason, apply for your PR status then you won't need to worry about a visa anymore.

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With non-o extension based on marriage you only need to do your 90 day report. You won't need to do visa runs. This really is the best way to go if you and your wife are planning to stay in Thailand indefinitely. When you do get the extension, do this for 3yrs. in a row and then do what alot of others fail to do for some reason, apply for your PR status then you won't need to worry about a visa anymore.

Most don't apply because of the requirement that you have to be working here with a work permit and have tax records for those 3 years.

If you meet those requirements and are married to a Thai you can apply for Thai nationality without the need to have PR first.

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Wrong.... I 5hink you need to visit the immigration website. Also to qualify for "citizenship" you need to be a permanent resident for 10 yrs.

Would you be kind enough to provide authoritative link(s) which support that assertion ?


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Work permit fine on non O marriage.

Not allowed non O retirement.

Im unsure about non O dependant.

Also fine on Non B and Non BOI.

Think but no first hand experience that allowed on Non I visa too (investment).

So certainly no truth in non O being cancelled when work permit issued.

And citizenship...not studied recently but could certainly apply after 3 years in certain situations as little as a year ago (not heard any changes). For the uneligable yes you needed a longish stint under PR before applying.

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Regarding your financial proof for the extension:

I believe ( not 100% sure ), you may be able to combine your monthly income and a certain amount in the bank account i.e. 20k salary + 200k in the bank account. Again, I remember reading somewhere it was possible, but not sure if it was for the retirement visa and / or Marriage Visa.

Regarding your Bank account:

Maybe look in to getting a bank account with Bangkok Bank. I was able to open one shortly after arriving in Thailand ( this was in Surin ). All they needed was my passport with valid Visa. A nice "feature" they have as well is that you can open a foreign currency account as well and wire your currency onto that foreign currency account you have with them. Whenever you need Baht, log on to your iBanking account and transfer your foreign currency easily and conveniently to THB....at a very reasonable exchange rate. You'll get a better exchange rate transferring $100 this way, than walking into the Bank with $100 and exchanging it to THB.

Regarding your Visa:

You can definitely give it a try with a different Immigration office ( assuming they are also in charge of your district you live in ). If you can get your extension...congratulations smile.png.

If not, I would still recommend doing a Visa run to Savannkhet and get a 1 year non-o Visa. It is VERY easy to obtain ( Application filled out, 2 passport pictures, passport and copies, copy of wifes Housebook and ID and of course your marriage certificate ). There are many threads here with detailed information and instructions. The good thing is, you do not need a map of your house location, no pictures of you and your wife with / in the house, no financial proof. After you get your Visa there, you don't have to go there anymore...you can do your border runs at the nearest border you live ( you mentioned Malaysia )

Regarding your Work permit:

Receiving the slip to pick it up next week isn't a guarantee of approval, I think. I believe they hand in your application to a supervisor and s/he goes over your application and approves or denies it. I could be wrong though. But by them accepting your application your paperwork was probably complete and "good enough" to hand to their supervisor.

Good luck smile.png

Thanks for the extensive reply. Let me make sure I understand it correctly.Do you mean to get the 1 year non-o specifically in Savannakhet? (I thought it had to be done in at Immigration in the city where the wife is written in the Tabien Baan) Or did you mean to do a visa run to Savannakhet for a 90 day extension, prior to getting 1 year non-o marriage extension, which would happen the period after?

In that case what's so special doing it in Savannakhet that can't be done in Malaysia, like a visa run/airplane trip to Kuala Lampur? Is there a specific reason for going to Savannakhet instead, even if I'm living down south of Thailand?

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An extension of stay ( 30 or 60 days ) I think you can apply for at your local immigration.

What I was saying, IN CASE your local immigration gives you a hard time applying for or receiving your 1 year extension of stay based on marriage ( which happened in my case 2 weeks ago ), you can EASILY obtain a 1 year non-o visa ( based on marriage ) in Savannakhet. With the Visa you get in Savannakhet you get to stay in thailand for 1 year...however, the downside to that is you will need to do a border run every 90 days ( whichever border is closest / most convenient for you ).

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n order to apply to become a Thai Permanent Resident, you must meet the following criteria:

You must have had a Thai non-immigrant visa for at least three years prior to the submission of your application. Holders of multiple NON-Immigrant visas can not apply. You must have 3 consecutive yearly extensions in order to qualify.

You must be a holder of a non-immigrant visa at the time of submitting your application.

You must be able to meet one of these categories to apply for PR status in Thailand:

Investment category (minimum 3 – 10 Mil. Baht investment in Thailand)

Working/ Business category

Support a family or Humanity Reasons category: In this category, you must have a relationship with a Thai citizen or an alien who already posses a residence permit as a husband or wife; father or mother; or a guardian of a Thai child under 20 years of age.

Expert / academic category

Other categories as determined by Thai Immigration

You should note that the list of required documents for the application depends on the category under which the application is made.

Once your application for Thai Permanent Residency is approved, a residence blue book is issued to you. You must then register your place of residence in Thailand at the local Amphur and obtain a house card. A week after the receipt of your residence certificate you can then apply for an alien book (red book) at the local police station, which is the equivalent of the Thai national ID card. You must re-register there every year.

The Residency Permit itself never expires, unless revoked. To be able to leave the country and return to Thailand, however, requires you to apply for a re-entry permit (endorsement).

You can file an application to become a Thai naturalized citizen after holding Permanent Resident status in Thailand for 10 consecutive years

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Not sure what immigration website your info is from. You should read this list of required document to a apply for PR based upon marriage. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/doc/residence/residence_th_sponser_en.pdf

For Thai nationality read here: Guidelines and documents required for application for Thai citizenship by naturalization

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In my case with my non immigrant O - (spouse) multiple-entry VISA who's still on his first 3 months, would a VISA run to Sadao border (Padang Besa) work to get another 90 days? As in, come by car, park it at a friends place in Sadao or close to the border. Then simply walk in, hoolahoop and walk back into Thailand. Would this work?
And... is it possible to go on foot or do you really need to be into a vehicle in order to be allowed to cross the border?

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You can depart the country, enter/depart the other country and re-enter Thailand within minutes at a border crossing.

At some crossing you can walk across. At others such as the bridges to Laos you must use the shuttle bus.

There are two border crossings in Sadao district.. One is the main one called Sadao and the other is Pedang Besar. Pedang Besar is the better of the 2 to do a border hop.

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