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I need truemoveh sim to use true mobile hotspots correct? Or can I use it some other way... I've seen some WiFi packages being sold in 711. On my phone or laptop to access true wifi do I need to log in to true hotspots via web browser every time I go to a new area or does it connect automatically to true hotspot if in range? And does it log you out automatically after so long



True WiFi Hotspot access can be purchased independently, as you've noticed, though True Partners,

or as add-ons with TrueMove-H WiFi or other True Branded Services.

Nationally, 3BB offers similar WiFi HotSpot Service that can be subscribed independently or as a add-on with AIS, or DTAC.

Depending on the subscription type (based on length of Time or Mb/Gb amount of Data), each service will provide you instructions.

Normally you get close enough to a Wireless WiFi Access Point with the name of your provider, connect to the open WiFi signal, then open a Web Browser that's redirected to the services login page. You provide the login credentials (name/pass or phone/pin) of special purchase code, and begin using the service.

Some Web Browsers can remember the login page credential and supply them. Other times, the service remembers your devices MAC hardware address and grants access automatically so long as the subscription is still valid.


Not sure if this is still the case but several years ago, TRUE sold WI-FI access cards at TRUE coffee shops, located in many local malls. As I recall, they were about B150/30days.

If you have a TRUE ONLINE home internet package, they will give you free Wi-Fi if you request it.


And the trivial must do answer: access cards also available at 7/11 tongue.png

You can buy about every kind of credit/credentials for internet services at 7/11.

Just that some clerks simply don't know what to select on their handheld wink.png


I have True WiFi. It's 100 baht per month, unlimited access. Almost all 7/11's have Access Points, plus most malls (except Maya and Promenada in Chiang Mai) and thousands of other locations. I find it to be a great service for such a small monthly outlay. I always have to log on, but my browser has the details saved, so no biggie. Stability is very good most of the time.


I am confused re Wi-Fi. We have 3BB (B590mth) - 10MB

To have Wi-Fi, must the equipment be plugged into a telephone connection?

Wife has a Samsung tablet with a SIM card.

I have a Lenovo laptop - no SIM.

For email & social media forum usage, worth an upgrade? If so, to what package?


I am confused re Wi-Fi. We have 3BB (B590mth) - 10MB

To have Wi-Fi, must the equipment be plugged into a telephone connection?

Wife has a Samsung tablet with a SIM card.

I have a Lenovo laptop - no SIM.

For email & social media forum usage, worth an upgrade?

If so, to what package?

WiFi is just a technology to deliver data packets over the air (using license-free frequency spectrum).

You can add it to your home connection simply by purchasing a WiFi Access Point and plugging it into an available Ethernet LAN jack on your current Router. As you own the equipment there's no additional charge.

Other companies use the same/similar technology to deliver WiFi Internet to mobile devices, but charge a subscription fee for connection to pay for the cost of equipment outlay, Internet connectivity and maybe a bit of profit.

You can either ask 3BB to swap your current Modem/Router with a Modem/Router/WiFi model (for which they will charge an ongoing fee for the equipment upgrade), or purchase your own upgraded ADSL/Router/WiFi, get it configured and swap it with the non-WiFi ADSL/Router.

Yet another option is to add just a WiFi Access Point to your existing equipment. IF you have an open Ethernet LAN port on your current Modem/Router you can purchase a device with antennas that's designed to be used ONLY ** as a WiFi Access Point. Costs are usually between 1000-2000 THB. Just plug it in, configure it and go.

** I write "ONLY" because most shops only sell ADSL/Router/WiFi or WAN/Router/WiFi devices where the Router can't be disabled and create issues. Just make sure the box description lists WiFi Access Point Mode as one of the working options.


Spoke with 3BB rep in BKK this afternoon. He had no idea.

Original installation - good service.

Honestly, I do not understand your recommendation. Problem is obviously at my end.

Although I now live at Fang, I use a computer tech from CNX. He uses TeamViewer to make modifications.

The 3BB techs in Fang would offer a recommendation for a local tech.

Another option - do nothing.


If your current 3BB ADSL/Router does not include a WiFi feature (a lack of a WiFi external antenna is a clue), then you can choose to remedy that oversight and gain the ability to allow portable devices to wirelessly connect to your Internet Connection.

Normally, 3BB offers customer premises Routers with different features.



ADSL/Router in Bridge Mode, used to connect to your own equipment.

3BB may be willing to swap out your current Router with one that includes WiFi.

Alternately... Since you are using their ADSL service you have the option of purchasing your own ADSL/Router/NAT/WiFi independently from almost any computer shop to replace their Router.

I also mentioned a third option, that of ADDING an additional box, called a WiFi Access Point, that just provides the missing WiFi feature.

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