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Decisions made for returning to the USA


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First off, thank you to all the good comments. My intent was to show a realistic view of what happened in my case and no one else.

In any forum, no matter what, there will always be those (that have such a great life in Thailand that they have all this time for bitching and complaining about something that has nothing to do with them)

I liked the comments about showing off when I simply took a factual picture of my house, which is average standard at best, so people living in Thailand could use it for comparison.

Someone was bitching about 3 cars, when another poster has a Lexus that cost more than the 3 of mine combined. I also wrote that I restored 2 of those cars as they are both over 20 years old and bought the pair for less than US $5k

But is not the details, it is the fact so many people have such a brilliant life in Thailand, but every single thing they comment on is a bitch about something or someone.

One guy posted he would not post a photo of his wife because everyone would be leering at her? What the hell? You must be one insecure dude if you are worrying about people looking at a photo on the internet.

I think when people are so negative then turn around and tell everyone how brilliant their life in Thailand is, something is out of whack and they are kidding themselves.

Anyone that is truthful enough to share a story and back it up with facts, it should be left as is whether you like it or not because quite simply is is not you and has nothing to do with you.

The people that want the information will welcome it, the people that do not, should disregard it.

When all you negative commentators, who have a history of always posting negative comments, start sharing your happy life with evidence, I will gladly believe you.

Until then, rest on your corporations, investments, riches, and everything else you claim to have making you so happy that you have to write negative comments.

I have never met a happy person that has everything, be so negative about something that has nothing to do with them.

The only logical answer is they are trapped in their own stories and are probably not really happy at all.

Talk is cheap, happy people do not sit around posting nothing but negative comments.

If you have a happy rich life in Thailand, share it with everyone instead of wasting time posting negative comments.

Ron the Pig Farmer did such a post and a link to his website. He is happy with what he has, which for him is his kingdom and I salute him for sharing his story.

If you have nothing to do but post negative comments, I suspect you are full of yourself and don't really have a happy life to share.

Take a long look in the mirror and worry about yourself before you waste your precious happy time in Thailand railing on mine.

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I have a happy rich life in Thailand -- people on here often say 'You need to get out more."

To the above: The guy says "When all you negative commentators, who have a history of always posting negative comments ..."

This from a guy who as been a Member for 4 days.

Edited by JLCrab
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if you had no money, your wife would be back to Isaan without hesitation. I could write same story in UK, Germany, Australia... living in a country where people shoot and kill at each over in movie theatre is not what I can call a good country.

I never liked the USA with their car everywhere and people are too materialist. the US food is just too boring and US farangs are the dumbest in the world. I stay in Thailand.(no US bashing, just the reality)

Edited by VIPinthailand
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if you had no money, your wife would be back to Isaan without hesitation. I could write same story in UK, Germany, Australia... living in a country where people shoot and kill at each over in movie theatre is not what I can call a good country.

I never liked the USA with their car everywhere and people are too materialist. the US food is just too boring and US farangs are the dumbest in the world... I stay in Thailand.(no US bashing, just the reality)

I don't know any farang from USA in Thailand -- I don't know if I would like the farang from wherever you come from but, then again, it seems that you don't come from anywhere.

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if you had no money, your wife would be back to Isaan without hesitation. I could write same story in UK, Germany, Australia... living in a country where people shoot and kill at each over in movie theatre is not what I can call a good country.

I never liked the USA with their car everywhere and people are too materialist. the US food is just too boring and US farangs are the dumbest in the world. and they piss me off with their IRS bs .. I stay in Thailand.(no US bashing, just the reality)

You sound like a dumb US farang when you say US farangs are the dumbest in the world.

At least you are consistent in that regard.

Good job!

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if you had no money, your wife would be back to Isaan without hesitation. I could write same story in UK, Germany, Australia... living in a country where people shoot and kill at each over in movie theatre is not what I can call a good country.

I never liked the USA with their car everywhere and people are too materialist. the US food is just too boring and US farangs are the dumbest in the world... I stay in Thailand.(no US bashing, just the reality)

I don't know any farang from USA in Thailand -- I don't know if I would like the farang from wherever you come from but, then again, it seems that you don't come from anywhere.
no, you would not like me or where I m from ! trust me :) Edited by VIPinthailand
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if you had no money, your wife would be back to Isaan without hesitation. I could write same story in UK, Germany, Australia... living in a country where people shoot and kill at each over in movie theatre is not what I can call a good country.

I never liked the USA with their car everywhere and people are too materialist. the US food is just too boring and US farangs are the dumbest in the world... I stay in Thailand.(no US bashing, just the reality)

I don't know any farang from USA in Thailand -- I don't know if I would like the farang from wherever you come from but, then again, it seems that you don't come from anywhere.
no, you would not like me or where I m from ! trust me smile.png


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First off, thank you to all the good comments. My intent was to show a realistic view of what happened in my case and no one else.

In any forum, no matter what, there will always be those (that have such a great life in Thailand that they have all this time for bitching and complaining about something that has nothing to do with them)

If it "has nothing to do with them," OP, then why did you bother posting in the first place? Whom are you talking to, and why? Was not your original posting, complete with photos of the house and the lovely wife, nothing more than a troll for all the comments that followed? And now you complain?

I think maybe it's best summarized in comment #107, above, and related follow-ons: you're trying to convince yourself that you made the right decision. Some of the other comments are sympathetic with your outcome. Maybe jealous. And many are not. Did you expect a different outcome? If so, why?

Anyone can have a good life, or bad, in pretty much most parts of the world, depending on how they approach things. I live in Thailand. I have a few houses (30/30 leases on the land beneath them). I have no mortgages. My wife (me, too, if you want to view it that way) has five rai out in the countryside, all completely paid for.I have a pretty newish truck, for which I paid cash.Same for my "big bike" - I paid cash. In fact, I have an income, with no debt at all. Unlike you, I have no job. And so I have no boss, and no morning commute. And I have time to at least look at threads on ThaiVisa if I want... If they look at all interesting to me. When I get bored with that, maybe I go scuba diving, or touring on the motorcycle. I have the time for whatever. Oh, and trust me when I say that your wife, lovely as she may be, is no more lovely than my own. And I don't need to post photos of any of all that on ThaiVisa. Why? Because it's really none of the business of anyone here, and I don't have to prove a thing to anyone.

Does Thailand have problems, political or otherwise? Of course it does. Just like most any other country. But I haven't seen too many burnt churches around Thailand. Not too many mass shootings here, either (203 mass shootings in the USA this year, as of 7/20/2015: http://shootingtracker.com/wiki/Mass_Shootings_in_2015). The levels of political corruption in the western world, and especially the states, tend to suggest that the governments of the west are in no way superior to the governments of SE Asia.

My sole "criticism" of your original post was to congratulate you on reinserting yourself into the matrix. For me -- and I speak for no one else in this thread -- the west is "the matrix." It comes with a level of unreality that leaves me constantly shaking my head in disbelief. Your photos and words demonstrate, again, to me only, that you are committed to this path. To a belief in the matrix, and to having a lovely life there. And I do indeed say "good on ya," if that's what you want! Sincerely! Me? Just as the characters in the movie were happier in the beat up world of their city of Zion, I'd rather live in Thailand, or Haiti, or Botswana, or most anywhere in which the world makes sense at the most fundamental levels. I'd rather be a divemaster living in a shack in Khao Lak with a wife and 3-4 kids living on $1,000US per month, than plugged in back in the USA, making $5,000 per month, with the mortgage, commute, car payments, etc, etc., etc.

Your post does indeed, invite comment, criticism. Is that not what you wanted? Do you miss Thailand, deep down in your heart? Are you sure you've made the right choice? I hope so, and the very best of luck to you, wherever your life may take you.

Edited by RedQualia
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First off, thank you to all the good comments. My intent was to show a realistic view of what happened in my case and no one else.

In any forum, no matter what, there will always be those (that have such a great life in Thailand that they have all this time for bitching and complaining about something that has nothing to do with them)

I liked the comments about showing off when I simply took a factual picture of my house, which is average standard at best, so people living in Thailand could use it for comparison.

Someone was bitching about 3 cars, when another poster has a Lexus that cost more than the 3 of mine combined. I also wrote that I restored 2 of those cars as they are both over 20 years old and bought the pair for less than US $5k

But is not the details, it is the fact so many people have such a brilliant life in Thailand, but every single thing they comment on is a bitch about something or someone.

One guy posted he would not post a photo of his wife because everyone would be leering at her? What the hell? You must be one insecure dude if you are worrying about people looking at a photo on the internet.

I think when people are so negative then turn around and tell everyone how brilliant their life in Thailand is, something is out of whack and they are kidding themselves.

Anyone that is truthful enough to share a story and back it up with facts, it should be left as is whether you like it or not because quite simply is is not you and has nothing to do with you.

The people that want the information will welcome it, the people that do not, should disregard it.

When all you negative commentators, who have a history of always posting negative comments, start sharing your happy life with evidence, I will gladly believe you.

Until then, rest on your corporations, investments, riches, and everything else you claim to have making you so happy that you have to write negative comments.

I have never met a happy person that has everything, be so negative about something that has nothing to do with them.

The only logical answer is they are trapped in their own stories and are probably not really happy at all.

Talk is cheap, happy people do not sit around posting nothing but negative comments.

If you have a happy rich life in Thailand, share it with everyone instead of wasting time posting negative comments.

Ron the Pig Farmer did such a post and a link to his website. He is happy with what he has, which for him is his kingdom and I salute him for sharing his story.

If you have nothing to do but post negative comments, I suspect you are full of yourself and don't really have a happy life to share.

Take a long look in the mirror and worry about yourself before you waste your precious happy time in Thailand railing on mine.

Soooo....you're only looking for kudos and slaps on the back on how great your life is!

I do not believe I posted anything negative ....just asked a few questions ....which you are steering away from


Why did you come to Thailand in the first place? and why stay for 10 years?

is it because you were wanted by the police? Running away from some crappy life you had in the US and thought things would be better in Thailand? Bad divorce?

Well I could go on speculating but this was a simple question asked (one of which I easily answered "As to why I moved to Thailand?" ..... in an earlier post) and you choose to ignore it! Why?



Your age? (This was asked by another poster but I was also interested to know)

Are you afraid to answer this question because of the flak you might get by stating that you are 60 (or older?) and your "bride" is 20? well if that's the case, I say "good on you" if your happy, that's all that counts

Really, I find it confusing that you tell a story but refuse to paint to whole picture.....Why not just post "I am happy and have a great life" and leave it at that....

Well, you obviously have issues? just not willing to admit them or discuss them yet ...blink.png

Good Luck with that whistling.gif


Forgot to add in the "My junk is bigger than your junk" catagory ....PROOF (as you put it) of my place in Thailand where I have made a good life (Life is only as good as the people around you...loved ones)


Edited by beachproperty
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Nice post, OP!

I do have to disagree on a couple of items, though. Firstly, you do not need to be employed in order to sponsor a wife of fiance for a visa. I sponsored my wife solely on the basis of assets/net worth. Secondly, I disagree about the beaches in Florida being so much better than those in Thailand. I think it depends upon the area in each of the two places. In my opinion, the beaches on Florida's Atlantic coast are nowhere near as nice as those in Phuket. On the other hand, those on Florida's gulf coast, in my opinion, are on a par with Phuket.

In our case, we made the opposite move - from atlantic coast Florida (just a couple of counties south of you), back to Phuket. I think that many TV members would be very surprised at the cost of living (including housing) in certain parts of Florida. At one point, we sold our home in the silicon valley area of California, where real estate was ridiculously expensive and bought a fairly new home in Florida, where the real estate was ridiculously inexpensive. The cost of housing in that area of Florida is much lower than many areas of Thailand. Land prices are dirt cheap (no pun intended) - working out to about 500,000 baht per rai for developed land with full infrastructure in a residential community about 6-7 miles from the beach. I've seen remote farmland in BFE Thailand selling for more than that. Newer (less than 10 years old) houses can be had for about 50 per square foot (about 17,000 baht per square meter), and that includes the land.

Ultimately, when deciding whether to live in Thailand or the US, like any other major decision, you make a list of pros and cons for each, and see which outweighs the other. Different people will put different emphasis on each item in the list, which then makes it personal preference. The overriding factor, in my opinion, is the future well-being of any children that might be involved. I think the OP has really made the right decision regarding his family's future.

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Having to wait 16 month apart before they could come to the USA seems crazy. Happy that it all worked out but people reading this shouldn't assume that will be the norm.

Actually, the norm is 18 months.


It took us only six months in 2010-2011 but perhaps there are variables in each individual application that can lead to longer or faster wait times.

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Quotes from OP:

"My wife has embraced the USA way of life and has learned what it takes to be respected as a Thai in the USA."

"She has learned how to dress and how to get respect in this kind of social environment."

"Simple things like letting her pay at restaurants or the store, gives her self-respect and respect from the people serving us."

Personally, I don't think I would want to live somewhere where I had to worry all the time about whether people respected my marriage and were constantly snickering behind my back down at the country club about my SE Asian mail order bride. America's social climate, which all too often is marked by exclusivity rather than inclusivity, competitiveness rather than cooperation, social isolation and alienation rather than communality, and worsening racial and class divisions is why I have never seriously considered moving my Thai family back to the States. I am exceedingly confident that this was the best decision for my family. Each person's life circumstances are different, but greater income and educational opportunities (which are certainly available in Thailand as well) aren't the only factors worth considering.

Edited by Gecko123
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if you had no money, your wife would be back to Isaan without hesitation. I could write same story in UK, Germany, Australia... living in a country where people shoot and kill at each over in movie theatre is not what I can call a good country.

I never liked the USA with their car everywhere and people are too materialist. the US food is just too boring and US farangs are the dumbest in the world... I stay in Thailand.(no US bashing, just the reality)

I don't know any farang from USA in Thailand -- I don't know if I would like the farang from wherever you come from but, then again, it seems that you don't come from anywhere.
no, you would not like me or where I m from ! trust me smile.png

I'm an American, but I feel pretty much the same as VIP about my countrymen, who are, with some exceptions, a bunch of yahoos.

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Quotes from OP:

"My wife has embraced the USA way of life and has learned what it takes to be respected as a Thai in the USA."

"She has learned how to dress and how to get respect in this kind of social environment."

"Simple things like letting her pay at restaurants or the store, gives her self-respect and respect from the people serving us."

Personally, I don't think I would want to live somewhere where I had to worry all the time about whether people respected my marriage and were constantly snickering behind my back down at the country club about my SE Asian mail order bride. America's social climate, which all too often is marked by exclusivity rather than inclusivity, competitiveness rather than cooperation, social isolation and alienation rather than communality, and worsening racial and class divisions is why I have never seriously considered moving my Thai family back to the States. I am exceedingly confident that this was the best decision for my family. Each person's life circumstances are different, but greater income and educational opportunities (which are certainly available in Thailand as well) aren't the only factors worth considering.

I always thought California, and Sacramento, were fairly tolerant areas. And maybe they are. Much better than the American south, to be sure. But I'll never forget the blonde bimbo encountered as we walked past The GAP in Sacramento, telling my Thai wife to "go back where she came from," completely out of the blue. Fortunately, I did my best to shelter her from the worst of the USA, and my wife didn't really understand what she was being told at the time. Nor did she really notice the old, red-faced white guy in a Kentucky restaurant staring at her with absolute and pure hatred. Trust me... I was only too happy to return with my wife to the place where she came from.

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Thanks -- I moved full-time to Thailand in 2004, 5 years before that was written in 2009

Same year as me. Join the club. I've had some great times, some not so great, made a lot of money, spent a decent wedge of it, saved a lot, travelled SE Asia, seen a few coups, never been in trouble with the law, followed the law and all the bureaucratic BS which is thrown at you every so often, but most importantly, met the best woman of my life.

My kids in the UK love her, as do I and other family members (although she's yet to be faced by my ex at No 2 son's wedding in a month! smile.png ) and well, life is decent. I'm not a wealthy person, (and I've never craved riches, stature or fame) but I've always worked hard and long hours because I enjoy it.

I'll get by and with good luck, survive to my late 80's as most males in my family do. Life is what you make it and for some, nothing is ever enough.

What you DON'T ever do though, is tell people how special you think you are and BLAH it all into other people's faces. That gypsy caravan tat, that trophy wife and those three cars.

Life is ephemeral and things don't last. Enjoy what you have, don't be acquisitive and greedy for more, and love the love of your life to the bottom of your heart.

What could be simpler?

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OP you mentioned that you always had in the back of your mind moving back to the US. Why did you move to Thailand in the first place? AND why stay 10+ years?

Bam!!!!! clap2.gif

Why does it matter?

I moved here on a one year contract, which I knew would be extended if I wanted to stay here. But I always had in mind that my time in Bangkok would be temporary, I just didn't know if it would be 3 years, 5 years, 20 years; but ultimately I figured I'd return home to Hong Kong.

7 years on I'm still here in Bangkok and starting to feel like I may never go home to HK, in fact I'm beginning to feel like Bangkok really is home now and I don't want to leave. That is not to say I definitely won't leave, just that it's no longer something I expect to do.

For the record I'm not married and don't have a Thai GF at that moment, I'm just here because the opportunities for business are superb.

Perhaps the OP felt the same as me, come for a few years with no fixed plan, but eventually head home.

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OP you mentioned that you always had in the back of your mind moving back to the US. Why did you move to Thailand in the first place? AND why stay 10+ years?

Bam!!!!! clap2.gif

Why does it matter?

I moved here on a one year contract, which I knew would be extended if I wanted to stay here. But I always had in mind that my time in Bangkok would be temporary, I just didn't know if it would be 3 years, 5 years, 20 years; but ultimately I figured I'd return home to Hong Kong.

7 years on I'm still here in Bangkok and starting to feel like I may never go home to HK, in fact I'm beginning to feel like Bangkok really is home now and I don't want to leave. That is not to say I definitely won't leave, just that it's no longer something I expect to do.

For the record I'm not married and don't have a Thai GF at that moment, I'm just here because the opportunities for business are superb.

Perhaps the OP felt the same as me, come for a few years with no fixed plan, but eventually head home.

Just curious ....that's all....Would like to know the WHOLE picture. NOT just his fantasy/bragging part.

As you can see...it's a harmless question which you willingly answered (as did I)....and thanks for that. You said more about you in your short post than OP did in his braggadocious post of happiness and wealth ...whistling.gif

BUT then we may never know ....as OP is obviously too embarrassed to answer wub.png

Edited by beachproperty
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The interesting thing is this - how do we know all those photos are real? If he's the same person I think he is, using 'allot' rather than 'a lot', how did he get an advanced degree in whatever? Any self-respecting prof with any self-respect or knowledge would have thrown that right back at him ...

And those house pics could have come from any real estate site in the US, as could the trophy photos if his 'wife' from any dating site ...

But here we have silence - no age, no details, no nothing ... A braggart, nothing less, a straw man who feels the need to puff himself up in his fantasy world ,,,

I still reckon he's the con-artist I came across some years ago, trying to get me to write my unpaid experiences of Thailand for his (probably fake) living in Thailand website ...

Nothing at all rings true about all this ... Little things, like being unable to spell 'a lot' , give people away in all this hubris-laden cr@p ...

Edited by Mister Fixit
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New here... did read most of the comments and was astounded at first to see negative ones. Now after reading what Mister Fixit wrote, I had a look at the photos again and the first thought that came to mind was "hollow"... It all looks hollow, empty, unreal... If I were to write my "escape from Thailand" story here (apart from the fact that I'd never lay out my private life and thoughts in written and photographed form in an open forum), I'd use - if at all - a photo of me with wife and kid at a Florida Beach or something, but not photos of an empty house, the dinner table with crystal glasses, the cars in the open garage, my hottie wife (alone), but then no pics of myself, the kid or anything that would reflect my utter happiness laid down in writing...

Given the photos, I'd refer to this post as boasting or most likely: fake! In one conversation he asked someone who had some good points (too lazy now to check for his name) for "evidence"... because that guy stated his assets would be of greater value or something... By experience I can say that most likely the ones stating, "I never lie" or ask "I want proof" are the people who lie and can't provide proof themselves. Several times posters asked for his age and some other details. He never answered those questions but kept on ranting about the doubters...

Now any sane person would ask, "But why should he do that, come up with a fake story?" and I would reply, "Well, because perhaps that is his "thing" like making up fake picture book life stories to sound more interesting or to fix his lack of self-esteem, whatever... There are even people out there who stand in for crimes they have never commited, just to get into newspapers or at least be "someone"... It's crazy, I know! Well sorry, original poster, I take your story as fraud. I might be a newbie here, but I am not stupid!

Edited by chillywilly
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New here... did read most of the comments and was astounded at first to see negative ones. Now after reading what Mister Fixit wrote, I had a look at the photos again and the first thought that came to mind was "hollow"... It all looks hollow, empty, unreal... If I were to write my "escape from Thailand" story here (apart from the fact that I'd never lay out my private life and thoughts in written and photographed form in an open forum), I'd use - if at all - a photo of me with wife and kid at a Florida Beach or something, but not photos of an empty house, the dinner table with crystal glasses, the cars in the open garage, my hottie wife (alone), but then no pics of myself, the kid or anything that would reflect my utter happiness laid down in writing...

Given the photos, I'd refer to this post as boasting or most likely: fake! In one conversation he asked someone who had some good points (too lazy now to check for his name) for "evidence"... because that guy stated his assets would be of greater value or something... By experience I can say that most likely the ones stating, "I never lie" or ask "I want proof" are the people who lie and can't provide proof themselves. Several times posters asked for his age and some other details. He never answered those questions but kept on ranting about the doubters...

Now any sane person would ask, "But why should he do that, come up with a fake story?" and I would reply, "Well, because perhaps that is his "thing" like making up fake picture book life stories to sound more interesting or to fix his lack of self-esteem, whatever... There are even people out there who stand in for crimes they have never commited, just to get into newspapers or at least be "someone"... It's crazy, I know! Well sorry, original poster, I take your story as fraud. I might be a newbie here, but I am not stupid!

I'm not Mister Fixit, in the sense that I don't pay enough attention to ThaiVisa to know who has different spelling patterns, writes "allot" vs. "a lot," and etc. And while it's certainly possible the original post was a complete fabrication, I tend to think not. It's just that the odds seem against it... That's a lot of work to go to for nothing more than trolling. Stealing photos would also tend to be kind of uncool, at the very least. No... I tend to believe OP is legit. He's written an awful lot of words in an effort to not just convince us all, but himself as well, of the correctness of his choice.

And too, it's an interesting hypothetical for the rest of us that's been offered before in various forms: what would you do if you had to leave LOS tomorrow? Where would you go? Are you happy living in LOS, and etc., etc., etc.

I worked pretty hard to leave the USA and relocate to another place, which for me turned out to be Thailand (why do they have bars on all the windows in Latin America, including all the little poor churches?). I had a reasonably well paying job back then, working for a large corporation. Their headquarters building was "affectionately" know as the Borg Cube... Filled with cubicles which were in turn filled with drones? Most of those working there were Living the High Life. You could tell they were all great success stories and enormously happy because they were all buying Volvos, Porsches, BMWs and Mercedes every year. Well, they and the banks, at a rate of $1,000 per month, maybe, plus or minus. Me? I was driving a beat up old Chevy Cavalier for a long time, for which I paid $600, and a few years later, an elderly Mitsubishi pickup for which I paid $900. My friends and coworkers were all buying McMansions as well, for prices ranging from $500,000 to $1 million or more, and then taking out second mortgages to put in $50-100,000 swimming pools. Me? I was living in almost the cheapest one bedroom apartment I could find on the wrong side of town, while building far, far less expensive houses overseas. My friends and coworkers were also busily investing in the stock market and their 401Ks. As for me, I was depositing every last cent I could in foreign bank accounts, where I might earn 4-5% (US banks have paid almost no interest at all for many, many years).

I finally sold that Mitusbishi pickup in 2009, for a bit more than I had paid, and shipped a single pallet containing all the things I felt the need to keep to Thailand. My friends and coworkers had all lost 75-80% of the value of whatever they had invested in the stock market, and were so upside down on their McMansions that they didn't qualify for a refinance package to roll the cost of their fabulous swimming pools into their first loans. Bosses had become tyrants overnight, and people were losing their jobs right and left. I remember that it was about that time that a couple, both of whom had been let go by Kaiser Permanente, committed suicide, taking their five children with them. Lots of other suicides happening then as well. But George W. Bush and company were giving a trillion dollar bailout to Wall Street.

Me? I smiled at my friends and coworkers, said goodbye to them all, and got on the plane.

I visited the states for the first time since then late this past year. I spent time in Fort Lauderdale. I guess it might be attractive to someone from Iowa or Ohio, but I wouldn't want to live there. And in Houston. I wouldn't want to live there. And in Kentucky. Wouldn't want to live there either.

I sincerely hope that OP has made the right choice and that he and his family are now Living the Good Life in The Promised Land.

Me? I couldn't wait to get out of that place, and to get back home to Thailand. I certainly wouldn't want to go back there to live. The Philippines, maybe. Laos, perhaps. The Czech Republic also seems relatively nice and affordable. But not the states, thanks.

Edited by RedQualia
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New here... did read most of the comments and was astounded at first to see negative ones. Now after reading what Mister Fixit wrote, I had a look at the photos again and the first thought that came to mind was "hollow"... It all looks hollow, empty, unreal... If I were to write my "escape from Thailand" story here (apart from the fact that I'd never lay out my private life and thoughts in written and photographed form in an open forum), I'd use - if at all - a photo of me with wife and kid at a Florida Beach or something, but not photos of an empty house, the dinner table with crystal glasses, the cars in the open garage, my hottie wife (alone), but then no pics of myself, the kid or anything that would reflect my utter happiness laid down in writing...

Given the photos, I'd refer to this post as boasting or most likely: fake! In one conversation he asked someone who had some good points (too lazy now to check for his name) for "evidence"... because that guy stated his assets would be of greater value or something... By experience I can say that most likely the ones stating, "I never lie" or ask "I want proof" are the people who lie and can't provide proof themselves. Several times posters asked for his age and some other details. He never answered those questions but kept on ranting about the doubters...

Now any sane person would ask, "But why should he do that, come up with a fake story?" and I would reply, "Well, because perhaps that is his "thing" like making up fake picture book life stories to sound more interesting or to fix his lack of self-esteem, whatever... There are even people out there who stand in for crimes they have never commited, just to get into newspapers or at least be "someone"... It's crazy, I know! Well sorry, original poster, I take your story as fraud. I might be a newbie here, but I am not stupid!

I'm not Mister Fixit, in the sense that I don't pay enough attention to ThaiVisa to know who has different spelling patterns, writes "allot" vs. "a lot," and etc. And while it's certainly possible the original post was a complete fabrication, I tend to think not. It's just that the odds seem against it... That's a lot of work to go to for nothing more than trolling. Stealing photos would also tend to be kind of uncool, at the very least. No... I tend to believe OP is legit. He's written an awful lot of words in an effort to not just convince us all, but himself as well, of the correctness of his choice.

And too, it's an interesting hypothetical for the rest of us that's been offered before in various forms: what would you do if you had to leave LOS tomorrow? Where would you go? Are you happy living in LOS, and etc., etc., etc.

I worked pretty hard to leave the USA and relocate to another place, which for me turned out to be Thailand (why do they have bars on all the windows in Latin America, including all the little poor churches?). I had a reasonably well paying job back then, working for a large corporation. Their headquarters building was "affectionately" know as the Borg Cube... Filled with cubicles which were in turn filled with drones? Most of those working there were Living the High Life. You could tell they were all great success stories and enormously happy because they were all buying Volvos, Porsches, BMWs and Mercedes every year. Well, they and the banks, at a rate of $1,000 per month, maybe, plus or minus. Me? I was driving a beat up old Chevy Cavalier for a long time, for which I paid $600, and a few years later, an elderly Mitsubishi pickup for which I paid $900. My friends and coworkers were all buying McMansions as well, for prices ranging from $500,000 to $1 million or more, and then taking out second mortgages to put in $50-100,000 swimming pools. Me? I was living in almost the cheapest one bedroom apartment I could find on the wrong side of town, while building far, far less expensive houses overseas. My friends and coworkers were also busily investing in the stock market and their 401Ks. As for me, I was depositing every last cent I could in foreign bank accounts, where I might earn 4-5% (US banks have paid almost no interest at all for many, many years).

I finally sold that Mitusbishi pickup in 2009, for a bit more than I had paid, and shipped a single pallet containing all the things I felt the need to keep to Thailand. My friends and coworkers had all lost 75-80% of the value of whatever they had invested in the stock market, and were so upside down on their McMansions that they didn't qualify for a refinance package to roll the cost of their fabulous swimming pools into their first loans. Bosses had become tyrants overnight, and people were losing their jobs right and left. I remember that it was about that time that a couple, both of whom had been let go by Kaiser Permanente, committed suicide, taking their five children with them. Lots of other suicides happening then as well. But George W. Bush and company were giving a trillion dollar bailout to Wall Street.

Me? I smiled at my friends and coworkers, said goodbye to them all, and got on the plane.

I visited the states for the first time since then late this past year. I spent time in Fort Lauderdale. I guess it might be attractive to someone from Iowa or Ohio, but I wouldn't want to live there. And in Houston. I wouldn't want to live there. And in Kentucky. Wouldn't want to live there either.

I sincerely hope that OP has made the right choice and that he and his family are now Living the Good Life in The Promised Land.

Me? I couldn't wait to get out of that place, and to get back home to Thailand. I certainly wouldn't want to go back there to live. The Philippines, maybe. Laos, perhaps. The Czech Republic also seems relatively nice and affordable. But not the states, thanks.

Well, THAT is a success story, showing that and how a person made clever choices and made the right decisions, I can applaud to! thumbsup.gif

I left my home country more than 20 years ago, when everyone thought things gonna be so great. Told my fellow countrymen that they will not get a pension, or at best a pittance, regardless of how long or hard they have worked in their lifes. They laughed at me - well, they're not laughing anymore. While most of my friends here ion LOS were partying like crazy, living the dream, I focused on my work - all alone, working 09:00am until 02:00am, sometimes falling asleep at the keyboard (the drool killled two of them). If at all, I ventured to the local disco on Saturday, but back on the computer by Sunday morning, no days off... In that time I made enough cash to buy a small plot of land on the West Coast of LOS and build a small house, nothing fancy but nice, only a stone throw from shore and everything else originated from there, 'cause I still was working long hours to get started with property.

Today (don't want to and don't feel the need to put a list or photos of what I have achieved here) I can relax and work only if I want to, run several businesses, have a great family, etc. but all this after having been down to zero twice, almost died during the Tsunami, etc. Most of the party friends are having it hard today but haven't even been through all the mayhem I experienced... They are not partying anymore for about the same reasons why your ex co workers and friends won't party today smile.png

Timing and making the right decisions in combination with honesty, love, family is what life is all about. I would never trade my life here in Thailand with its ups and downs for a smooth sail in Europe, all being happy chappy easy peasey as such a life does not help a person to grow. I cheated death countless times, was shipwrecked, lost loved ones, friends, house and possessions in the tsunami, but always stood up again and never would become a victim of circumstances. I just love it! And if the lord decides to throw more at me, so be it - but at least my life is/was exciting and that's what makes me happy and proud.

I also think the OP is trying to justify his decision while being unsure of whether he made the right choice after all. My wife also comes from a poor family, but she neither needs proper closing nor to learn how to adapt or behave to be respected here. She's working alongside our burmese staff at times, dressed just like them, digging through the garden, eating Som Tam with them, not bossing them around, etc. and this is how it should be. People have respect for her, because she is a kind, well spoken and hard working person. No need to adapt or play golf... The simple life... is mostly the better one.

Edited by chillywilly
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First off, thank you to all the good comments. My intent was to show a realistic view of what happened in my case and no one else.

In any forum, no matter what, there will always be those (that have such a great life in Thailand that they have all this time for bitching and complaining about something that has nothing to do with them)

I liked the comments about showing off when I simply took a factual picture of my house, which is average standard at best, so people living in Thailand could use it for comparison.

Someone was bitching about 3 cars, when another poster has a Lexus that cost more than the 3 of mine combined. I also wrote that I restored 2 of those cars as they are both over 20 years old and bought the pair for less than US $5k

But is not the details, it is the fact so many people have such a brilliant life in Thailand, but every single thing they comment on is a bitch about something or someone.

One guy posted he would not post a photo of his wife because everyone would be leering at her? What the hell? You must be one insecure dude if you are worrying about people looking at a photo on the internet.

I think when people are so negative then turn around and tell everyone how brilliant their life in Thailand is, something is out of whack and they are kidding themselves.

Anyone that is truthful enough to share a story and back it up with facts, it should be left as is whether you like it or not because quite simply is is not you and has nothing to do with you.

The people that want the information will welcome it, the people that do not, should disregard it.

When all you negative commentators, who have a history of always posting negative comments, start sharing your happy life with evidence, I will gladly believe you.

Until then, rest on your corporations, investments, riches, and everything else you claim to have making you so happy that you have to write negative comments.

I have never met a happy person that has everything, be so negative about something that has nothing to do with them.

The only logical answer is they are trapped in their own stories and are probably not really happy at all.

Talk is cheap, happy people do not sit around posting nothing but negative comments.

If you have a happy rich life in Thailand, share it with everyone instead of wasting time posting negative comments.

Ron the Pig Farmer did such a post and a link to his website. He is happy with what he has, which for him is his kingdom and I salute him for sharing his story.

If you have nothing to do but post negative comments, I suspect you are full of yourself and don't really have a happy life to share.

Take a long look in the mirror and worry about yourself before you waste your precious happy time in Thailand railing on mine.

Thanks for the pictures of your house. Personally I think your decore choices are just plain ugly. Why have a beach house and decorate it like a cheap innercity motel with pastels and wall prints. And the blame for that lies soley on you becaue you decorated while you waited for you wife to arrive...right?

A friend of mine has just moved into a property down the road from me here in Thailand, I put him on to the place. His wife is currently overseas (working) but will arrive here in about 3 months. Other than a mattress and some bare basic kitchen ware he has not purchased a single piece of furniture because (in his words) he wants to wait for his wife to arrive so that she can share in the decorating decisions. Where in your new house has your wife been able to express her personality, tastes and choices? At the risk of being rude was the arrival of your wife state side the final decoration to add to YOUR house?

Unlike some members, I do not care what your age is. If you have a working relationship good for you. Say hi to your mum for me and give her my love. I lost mine to breast cancer when I was just 15 and she was my sole care provider. I would give everything I am and everything I own just to sit at table with her and have a cup of tea.

You have stated that your two fixer up cars cost less than 5K USD. I know that is the truth and hilarious when you compare what cars cost in Thailand. But I am very interested in what you paid for your house. If it is not too personal a question I would love to know so that I can compare it with housing both in Thailand and other countries with which I am familiar.

Good luck and best wishes with your new life. And don't forget to ponder a while upon my comments about including your wife in decorating decisions moving forward.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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