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Decisions made for returning to the USA


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Ok calm your titsxxxxx everybody lol

Don't need to be jealous at him or what he has . In long run, we are all die!

Is that so? Then maybe we should stop breathing right now lol.

I mean that we should value our time not other thing and enjoy your life.

So I congrats the op. I'm happy that you and your family happy and successful. And I hope it will stay like that.

Lol what we or me should do is focus on my life and find what really make me happy. What is the truly meaning of my life then go after it blah blah blah

I finish my rants wink.png runaway !

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You make some good points about valuing and focussing on one's own life, and finding happiness and success in a way that satisfies your own self.

However whilst I can't speak for everybody, here I'm pretty sure 'everybody' is not jealous of the OP. Wwould we be?

Jealous of a house the interior of which looks like something from the Ideal Homes catalogue mixed in with a bit of Gypsy caravan style thrown in, un-lived in appearance and not exhibiting much of a warm happy family life? - ummm no.

Jealous of his oh so perfect looking wife, make-up applied with surgical precision and perfectly posed? Well lovely and good hearted girl though she may actually be - again no.

Jealous of his small collection of mundane cars or the postcard picture images of beaches which may or may not be near his house? Absolutely not.

Don't forget this is a forum - a place to air opinions and discuss.

The OP expressed a lot of opinions - and remember opinions are like a'holes - everybody has one, and if you don't want yours to be inspected closely then it might be best not to show it on a forum like this one ;-)

I'm sure if the OP had posted a story about how he had left his family for 2 years to go to South Africa to do missionary work for no pay, helping starving people to build schools and wells and enduring hardship himself, we would all be loudly congratulating him.

However he posted a story about re-locating back to his home country, getting a job and providing his family with what appear to be by western standards, fairly average circumstances. Hardly the worlds toughest achievement.

Moreover the self laudatory manner in which he presented it, along with his comparisons between the USA and Thailand almost exclusively favouring the former, were bound to elicit a large amount of opinions, queries and even criticisms.

Although there may be a few individuals who feel a degree of jealousy towards the OP, because we are not all falling over ourselves to congratulate him does not mean we are all jealous and not focussed on being happy in our own lives.

I'm sorry for my Instantly conclusion.

I just read his story and few comment.

Cuz i can't bear it. His story is nice and make me a little bit greedy . Want a boat lol kidding

Then I think maybe someone start to question their ways of living like I do. So i just post comment that will kick up their sense what they really want with their life. Maybe they want same thing as op or different

I like it when people show their own opinion. That is why I'm here :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Ok calm your titsxxxxx everybody lol

Don't need to be jealous at him or what he has . In long run, we are all die!

Is that so? Then maybe we should stop breathing right now lol.

I mean that we should value our time not other thing and enjoy your life.

So I congrats the op. I'm happy that you and your family happy and successful. And I hope it will stay like that.

Lol what we or me should do is focus on my life and find what really make me happy. What is the truly meaning of my life then go after it blah blah blah

I finish my rants wink.png runaway !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You make some good points about valuing and focussing on one's own life, and finding happiness and success in a way that satisfies your own self.

However whilst I can't speak for everybody, here I'm pretty sure 'everybody' is not jealous of the OP. Why would we be?

Jealous of a house the interior of which looks like something from the Ideal Homes catalogue mixed in with a bit of Gypsy caravan style thrown in, un-lived in appearance and not exhibiting much of a warm happy family life? - ummm no.

Jealous of his oh so perfect looking wife, make-up applied with surgical precision and perfectly posed? Well lovely and good hearted girl though she may actually be - again no.

Jealous of his small collection of mundane cars or the postcard picture images of beaches which may or may not be near his house? Absolutely not.

Don't forget this is a forum - a place to air opinions and discuss.

The OP expressed a lot of opinions - and remember opinions are like a'holes - everybody has one, and if you don't want yours to be inspected closely then it might be best not to show it on a forum like this one ;-)

I'm sure if the OP had posted a story about how he had left his family for 2 years to go to South Africa to do missionary work for no pay, helping starving people to build schools and wells and enduring hardship himself, we would all be loudly congratulating him.

However he posted a story about re-locating back to his home country, getting a job and providing his family with what appear to be by western standards, fairly average circumstances. Hardly the worlds toughest achievement.

Moreover the self laudatory manner in which he presented it, along with his comparisons between the USA and Thailand almost exclusively favouring the former, were bound to elicit a large amount of opinions, queries and even criticisms.

Although there may be a few individuals who feel a degree of jealousy towards the OP, because we are not all falling over ourselves to congratulate him does not mean we are all jealous and not focussed on being happy in our own lives.

"Why would we be...?" You discount every single thing I wrote with zero evidence.

It is my house, it is exactly the way I want it to be. It is not your house, did I keep you in mind when I furnished my house?

Why are you so, so, so concerned with the way I want MY HOUSE to be furnished?

A photo taken with a cell phone turns into "Surgical precision and perfectly posed" for a face shot? Really? How about a selfy from a Samsung phone.

Small collection of mundane cars? What separates a mundane car from a regular car? 3 is not a collection, sorry. I have a car to go to work, my wife has a car to do her things and we have a Jeep for driving around the beach on occasion. Did you see any Mercedes at my house?

Absolutely not near the beach? Look it up on a map, there is water on both sides of the land so it must be near the beach.

You would think if this post was all hype I would have a Ferrari and a Mercedes in the yard, an ocean front Mansion, a few housekeepers etc. I am not sure why you would think an average house with 2 out 3 old cars (1987 and 1995) would be something out of the ordinary? That is exactly what I can afford. Sorry, no hype there. My house was built in 1964. Is there anything special about that? Is that bragging?

The poster states not to POST my opinions here? What is the idea of the forum if users are going tell us not to post opinions or photos?

Average standards is what I claimed all along.

No one said this was a tough achievement, one man's story only. I am not really quite sure why this have affected you personally. It is like watching TV, if you do not like the show, turn the TV off or change channels. Same concept.

The forum is here for people to share what ever it is they want to share. Coming on to any forum and trying to discount things you have no facts or idea about, well that really isn't the idea of sharing at all is it? It shouldn't be something that excites hate and discontent with people you do not even know.

One thing I can say, is I have discovered some really great people via this post (one that lived right down the street from where I do), I have met several nice people that did the same thing I did and moved back to the USA or their own country with their Thai wife's. There are many certainly more well off than I am.

I did not discount their stories or photos, only felt happiness that they found a happy place in their own lives.

You would applaud me if I was a missionary? What would your applause get me or anyone else? Honestly? The fact that you cannot be happy that I am happy is kind of sad. No applause for being a good husband or family man I guess.

You need to understand something? Information in all forms is useful to the people that need it. That is why there are so many people on this forum. If the information is useful, great. If it is not useful, no need to discount it with no facts of your own.

The reason being, some people, for whatever reason that is THEIR OWN CHOICE, might choose to return to their countries. Some people are wondering after years in Thailand if they can make the transition. Others want to know the reason why people move back? Others want to know how they did it. Others may want to know how long and much the current marriage visa costs?

It may help someone, not you of course, but in the back of your mind you should understand information can always help someone.

We are all grown men and we make decisions that are best for US and OUR FAMILIES. Have some respect to that fact. There is no need to get all wound up with someone/something you don't even know outside of this post.

If my post helped just one person at the expense of upsetting 1000 that are not in this situation of thinking about moving home, then I am happy to have helped at all.

Chock dee to you and I hope you find your happiness and share with others.


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I'm curious, MockingJay, how it is you have met and come to know so well the students attending the majority of international schools in Thailand. I find it equally interesting that while you mock the OP for "boating" of his portfolio while managing to slip in the fact that yours far outperforms his.

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Op also need to calm his titsxxxxx

If it's true then you don't need to defend yourself. When someone don't believe you or appreciate you, nothing will change them.

Anybody care to tell that how can I upload avatar pic I wanna show my pretty face too :D

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

Edited by beachproperty
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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

You never know. We should cut the guy some slack. Drudgereport today says one in three young USA adults still live with mom and pop. Maybe he is living with mom and dad. whistling.gif

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

I don't know what the problem is or why this is an issue. I can tell you I've spent more than ten years at something more than once and got burned out on it. When I started it seemed like a good idea and once into it, it was harder to change than it was to start.

I'm a country boy having grown up on a large wheat and cattle ranch in the western US. I moved to the big city for a job as a banker. Not only didn't I like the big city, after more than ten years I got bored with banking. I had no "need" to quit other than my personal preferences.

There isn't anything that unusual about someone making mid course corrections in life. It happens regularly.


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At the end of the day, it's a bragging post - and this is due to the photos, plus will it not help anyone who is on the fence about leaving Thailand or not as financial and educational preconditions will vary vastly. Several questions of curious posters were left unanswered, so I give this post a 2 out of 10.

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I think a lot of people who commented on this thread in a less than laudatory fashion were legitimately put off by some of the comments the OP made in the process of sharing his story about his transition back to America. Because many people, some of whom I have a degree of respect for, seem to not understand why some reacted this way, I would like to say a few words in defense of “the vulture club,” even though I do not consider myself a card-carrying member of said club.

Tim Robbins in the house?

The OP makes several comments which suggested he saw his post as a sort of motivational pep talk for other expats who may have lost sight of or perhaps forgotten all that America has to offer. For example, he starts out by saying, The decision to return to the USA after 10+ years living in Thailand was not as hard as what I imagined,’ and concludes by remarking, ‘For those contemplating moving back or starting over, it is not impossible.’

So far, so good. At first blush, this all sounds encouraging enough. But once the gist of the OP’s story is fully digested, the reader quickly realizes that in order to do what the OP has recounted, a person would more than likely need to be relatively young (in order to restart his career, pay off the mortgage, earn money to support his family in a suburban lifestyle, etc.), as well as have highly marketable job skills (mostly gained through higher education), and have had a way to have maintained these skills while on a 10+ year sabbatical in Thailand. The number of expats who enjoy all of these life circumstances is fairly limited, and for those who are fortunate enough in this regard, I seriously question whether they need the OP’s guidance as their self-appointed life coach in deciding whether returning to their home country is the best course of action. For those who don’t fall into this niche, they cannot easily emulate what the OP recounted. A person obviously can’t turn back the hands of time or acquire advanced degrees or in-demand job skills over night. I think that this is why some readers perceived the OP as doing something other than giving us a collective pep-talk.

Does somebody need an ego-boost?

When you set aside the OP’s claim that he was just innocently sharing his story in the hopes that it might inspire others to consider following his example, the tone of the post did strike my ear as, if not outright bragging, certainly a little too self-congratulatory, at least to my ear:

“….my own business doing quite well… huge SUV…

I have an advanced education in engineering …easy to find a very high paying job in the USA…. bought my wife a brand new car… live in Florida about 1600 feet from the beach… my mother, who is a retired doctor.”

The OP also posted a picture of a youthful, attractive Thai woman who was impeccably made up (hair highlights, meticulously plucked brow line, sophisticated mascara and lipstick, perfect teeth, maybe even wearing colored contact lenses? It’s hard to believe that that picture wasn’t calculated to instill envy in viewers. I also asked myself If everyone’s so blissfully happy and adjusting so well, why no pictures of the family together? Why just the wife?

America good; Thailand bad. Americans good; Thais bad. (yawn)

The OP doesn’t have much of anything positive to say about Thais and Thailand and glorifies America and Americans in an unbalanced biased manner.

Thailand is the land of insufferable heat, floods, water shortages, power outages, grinding poverty, and low educational standards. America is just the opposite: no extreme weather, crime free, a social paradise where anyone can grow up to be President. The land of “no hardships.”

Thais are scam artists, corrupt, poorly educated, dishonest, and criminally inclined. Americans are warm, friendly, welcoming, non-judgmental, better educated, just plain smarter, hard-working, and well bred.

The OP may be fortunate enough to be able to largely insulate himself and his family from the realities of what day to day life is like for many Americans, but as we all know there’s two sides to every story, and the OP does seem to be in need of being reminded of this.

Should I head to Mukdahan to look for my next wife or not???

The OP at first describes Isaan as a mecca which anyone hoping to find a wife in Thailand should make a beeline to. But then the OP says stuff like: “Many of the people working or even owning the restaurants appear to me to be the same types as you would run into in Isaan with the same behaviors.” or poverty and lack of education in Isaan.” The OP also opined that: “Honesty is not a common trait in Thailand.” Isn’t Isaan part of Thailand? I don’t understand why the OP is recommending Isaan as a good place to look for a wife, when he appears to hold everyone else in Isaan aside from his wife in quite low regard. I mean, why would I look for a wife in a place where everyone behaves badly, is poorly educated and dishonesty is part of their genome???

Newsflash, OP, we’re not all emotional retards in need of marriage counseling from you.

If there’s one thing in the OP’s post which really had me gagging it was the insufferably self-congratulatory rhetoric about how the OP had “grown up” and “unlike some men saw his wife as his equal” and how it takes a “special kind of person to put his family first.”

Just, FYI, OP, what you describe here is the norm, and nothing special at all. I don’t know any family men who don’t put their family first. As far as treating your wife as your equal, I am curious to know ---beyond buying her a car and setting her up with ATM and credit cards--- the extent to which you encourage her (1) to embrace her Thai culture (music, religion, art, customs, heritage, decorating the house, etc.), (2) to develop a social life independent of you (perhaps with other Thais), (3) to improve her English skills, (4) continue her education, and (5) seek employment? That would be the real test of your true commitment to helping her fulfill her full potential, not just providing things such as a car and ATM cards to facilitate her role as a housewife. Frankly, some of the comments you made about your wife being Americanized (de-Thai-ed, if you will) and the negativity you have expressed about Thailand and Thais (which is after all your wife’s homeland) disturbed me, and I hope that you will give this a great considerable thought, for the sake of your wife and future domestic happiness.

But, again, I genuinely wish the OP and his family happiness ever after, and it was informative to read his story.

BRAVO!!! Best post getting down to the root of the OP's "problem". Well done, gecko 123 and well put! thumbsup.gif

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

I don't know what the problem is or why this is an issue. I can tell you I've spent more than ten years at something more than once and got burned out on it. When I started it seemed like a good idea and once into it, it was harder to change than it was to start.

I'm a country boy having grown up on a large wheat and cattle ranch in the western US. I moved to the big city for a job as a banker. Not only didn't I like the big city, after more than ten years I got bored with banking. I had no "need" to quit other than my personal preferences.

There isn't anything that unusual about someone making mid course corrections in life. It happens regularly.


Why would you or he think anyone would care? I don't tune into Thai Visa to hear about Florida crackers or Kansas Jayhawks.

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At the end of the day, it's a bragging post - and this is due to the photos, plus will it not help anyone who is on the fence about leaving Thailand or not as financial and educational preconditions will vary vastly. Several questions of curious posters were left unanswered, so I give this post a 2 out of 10.

90 contacts outside of this forum pretty much dispute what you are saying. Are they all wrong and you are right?

Well sorry to say, it already helped someone that is trying to get himself and his wife back to the USA.

Do I win anything getting a 2 out of 10 for this post?

Edited by bwpage3
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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

90 contacts outside of this public forum appreciated my story.

I am sure they cannot all be wrong and you are right?

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

I don't know what the problem is or why this is an issue. I can tell you I've spent more than ten years at something more than once and got burned out on it. When I started it seemed like a good idea and once into it, it was harder to change than it was to start.

I'm a country boy having grown up on a large wheat and cattle ranch in the western US. I moved to the big city for a job as a banker. Not only didn't I like the big city, after more than ten years I got bored with banking. I had no "need" to quit other than my personal preferences.

There isn't anything that unusual about someone making mid course corrections in life. It happens regularly.


Well said.

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Ok about op advice you guy to find Thai isan wife. Maybe it's because he think every farang have same type.

I'm lucky that my man is not or he will never choose me lol

Ok I wanna show off myself too

I mean share my experience lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Ok calm your titsxxxxx everybody lol

Don't need to be jealous at him or what he has . In long run, we are all die!

Is that so? Then maybe we should stop breathing right now lol.

I mean that we should value our time not other thing and enjoy your life.

So I congrats the op. I'm happy that you and your family happy and successful. And I hope it will stay like that.

Lol what we or me should do is focus on my life and find what really make me happy. What is the truly meaning of my life then go after it blah blah blah

I finish my rants wink.png runaway !

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You make some good points about valuing and focussing on one's own life, and finding happiness and success in a way that satisfies your own self.

However whilst I can't speak for everybody, here I'm pretty sure 'everybody' is not jealous of the OP. Wwould we be?

Jealous of a house the interior of which looks like something from the Ideal Homes catalogue mixed in with a bit of Gypsy caravan style thrown in, un-lived in appearance and not exhibiting much of a warm happy family life? - ummm no.

Jealous of his oh so perfect looking wife, make-up applied with surgical precision and perfectly posed? Well lovely and good hearted girl though she may actually be - again no.

Jealous of his small collection of mundane cars or the postcard picture images of beaches which may or may not be near his house? Absolutely not.

Don't forget this is a forum - a place to air opinions and discuss.

The OP expressed a lot of opinions - and remember opinions are like a'holes - everybody has one, and if you don't want yours to be inspected closely then it might be best not to show it on a forum like this one ;-)

I'm sure if the OP had posted a story about how he had left his family for 2 years to go to South Africa to do missionary work for no pay, helping starving people to build schools and wells and enduring hardship himself, we would all be loudly congratulating him.

However he posted a story about re-locating back to his home country, getting a job and providing his family with what appear to be by western standards, fairly average circumstances. Hardly the worlds toughest achievement.

Moreover the self laudatory manner in which he presented it, along with his comparisons between the USA and Thailand almost exclusively favouring the former, were bound to elicit a large amount of opinions, queries and even criticisms.

Although there may be a few individuals who feel a degree of jealousy towards the OP, because we are not all falling over ourselves to congratulate him does not mean we are all jealous and not focussed on being happy in our own lives.

I'm sorry for my Instantly conclusion.

I just read his story and few comment.

Cuz i can't bear it. His story is nice and make me a little bit greedy . Want a boat lol kidding

Then I think maybe someone start to question their ways of living like I do. So i just post comment that will kick up their sense what they really want with their life. Maybe they want same thing as op or different

I like it when people show their own opinion. That is why I'm here smile.png

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I appreciate your post. Information, as needed, will always be welcomed from those that need it. Others? negativity seems to be their ownly course in life.

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Ok about op advice you guy to find Thai isan wife. Maybe it's because he think every farang have same type.

I'm lucky that my man is not or he will never choose me lol

Ok I wanna show off myself too

I mean share my experience lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I love to hear about other peoples experiences.

Knowledge is a good thing

I like to hear stories and learn things from others

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Oh the Joy of going

Shopping where one can get back in your car without some tit turd leaving you a foot to open the door

At a chockablock Costco car park last week, I suggested to an untraveled US family member, that we simply leave our car parked perpendicular to those parked correctly in marked stalls, just leave ours in neutral so it can be rolled forward or backward as required.


Oh yes!


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Ok calm your titsxxxxx everybody lol

Don't need to be jealous at him or what he has . In long run, we are all die!

Is that so? Then maybe we should stop breathing right now lol.

I mean that we should value our time not other thing and enjoy your life.

So I congrats the op. I'm happy that you and your family happy and successful. And I hope it will stay like that.

Lol what we or me should do is focus on my life and find what really make me happy. What is the truly meaning of my life then go after it blah blah blah

I finish my rants wink.png runaway !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You make some good points about valuing and focussing on one's own life, and finding happiness and success in a way that satisfies your own self.

However whilst I can't speak for everybody, here I'm pretty sure 'everybody' is not jealous of the OP. Why would we be?

Jealous of a house the interior of which looks like something from the Ideal Homes catalogue mixed in with a bit of Gypsy caravan style thrown in, un-lived in appearance and not exhibiting much of a warm happy family life? - ummm no.

Jealous of his oh so perfect looking wife, make-up applied with surgical precision and perfectly posed? Well lovely and good hearted girl though she may actually be - again no.

Jealous of his small collection of mundane cars or the postcard picture images of beaches which may or may not be near his house? Absolutely not.

Don't forget this is a forum - a place to air opinions and discuss.

The OP expressed a lot of opinions - and remember opinions are like a'holes - everybody has one, and if you don't want yours to be inspected closely then it might be best not to show it on a forum like this one ;-)

I'm sure if the OP had posted a story about how he had left his family for 2 years to go to South Africa to do missionary work for no pay, helping starving people to build schools and wells and enduring hardship himself, we would all be loudly congratulating him.

However he posted a story about re-locating back to his home country, getting a job and providing his family with what appear to be by western standards, fairly average circumstances. Hardly the worlds toughest achievement.

Moreover the self laudatory manner in which he presented it, along with his comparisons between the USA and Thailand almost exclusively favouring the former, were bound to elicit a large amount of opinions, queries and even criticisms.

Although there may be a few individuals who feel a degree of jealousy towards the OP, because we are not all falling over ourselves to congratulate him does not mean we are all jealous and not focussed on being happy in our own lives.

"Why would we be...?"

It is my house, it is exactly the way I want it to be. It is not your house, did I keep you in mind when I furnished my house?

Why are you so, so, so concerned with the way I want MY HOUSE to be furnished?

A photo taken with a cell phone turns into "Surgical precision and perfectly posed" for a face shot? Really? How about a selfy from a Samsung phone.

Small collection of mundane cars? What separates a mundane car from a regular car? 3 is not a collection, sorry. I have a car to go to work, my wife has a car to do her things and we have a Jeep for driving around the beach on occasion. Did you see any Mercedes at my house?

Absolutely not near the beach? Look it up on a map, there is water on both sides of the land so it must be near the beach.

You would think if this post was all hype I would have a Ferrari and a Mercedes in the yard, an ocean front Mansion, a few housekeepers etc. I am not sure why you would think an average house with 2 out 3 old cars (1987 and 1995) would be something out of the ordinary? That is exactly what I can afford. Sorry, no hype there. My house was built in 1964. Is there anything special about that? Is that bragging?

The poster states not to POST my opinions here? What is the idea of the forum if users are going tell us not to post opinions or photos?

Average standards is what I claimed all along.

No one said this was a tough achievement, one man's story only. I am not really quite sure why this have affected you personally. It is like watching TV, if you do not like the show, turn the TV off or change channels. Same concept.

The forum is here for people to share what ever it is they want to share. Coming on to any forum and trying to discount things you have no facts or idea about, well that really isn't the idea of sharing at all is it? It shouldn't be something that excites hate and discontent with people you do not even know.

One thing I can say, is I have discovered some really great people via this post (one that lived right down the street from where I do), I have met several nice people that did the same thing I did and moved back to the USA or their own country with their Thai wife's. There are many certainly more well off than I am.

I did not discount their stories or photos, only felt happiness that they found a happy place in their own lives.

You would applaud me if I was a missionary? What would your applause get me or anyone else? Honestly? The fact that you cannot be happy that I am happy is kind of sad. No applause for being a good husband or family man I guess.

You need to understand something? Information in all forms is useful to the people that need it. That is why there are so many people on this forum. If the information is useful, great. If it is not useful, no need to discount it with no facts of your own.

The reason being, some people, for whatever reason that is THEIR OWN CHOICE, might choose to return to their countries. Some people are wondering after years in Thailand if they can make the transition. Others want to know the reason why people move back? Others want to know how they did it. Others may want to know how long and much the current marriage visa costs?

It may help someone, not you of course, but in the back of your mind you should understand information can always help someone.

We are all grown men and we make decisions that are best for US and OUR FAMILIES. Have some respect to that fact. There is no need to get all wound up with someone/something you don't even know outside of this post.

If my post helped just one person at the expense of upsetting 1000 that are not in this situation of thinking about moving home, then I am happy to have helped at all.

Chock dee to you and I hope you find your happiness and share with others.

Oh dear, touch a nerve did I? It seem like actually you are the one getting wound up and throwing your toys out of your pram with the 'shouty' capitalisations peppered through your response....

Perhaps if you had read my post with a little more comprehension before you got up on your high horse, it would have sunk in that I was responding to Puggaddong who was inferring that we are all jealous of you.

You discount every single thing I wrote with zero evidence.

Not true. I did not discount anything you wrote. The closest I came to that was saying that the beach photos may or may not be near your house.

It is my house, it is exactly the way I want it to be. It is not your house, did I keep you in mind when I furnished my house?

Why are you so, so, so concerned with the way I want MY HOUSE to be furnished?

I'm not in the slightest concerned how you decorate or furnish your house although I do have an opinion on it. I was responding to someone else as to why I am not jealous of it. However maybe your wife might have quite liked to have a say in the matter though... I note you refer to it as 'MY' house and not 'our' house, kinda re-inforcing what others have also said that you actually see your wife as some kind of fashion accessory to be shown off at the country club - after you have taught her how to dress and act of course.

Absolutely not near the beach? Look it up on a map

Once again in your haste to be so defensive your reading comprehension has failed you. I did not say your house is 'absolutely not' near the beach. I asked a rhetorical question 'am I jealous of the beach which may or may not be near your house?' to which I answered 'Absolutely not' Neither did I question what camera you used to take the photo of your wife - it was only mentioned again in response to Puggaddong regarding jealousy.

You would applaud me if I was a missionary? What would your applause get me or anyone else? Honestly? The fact that you cannot be happy that I am happy is kind of sad. No applause for being a good husband or family man I guess.

Well its pretty normal to applaud people who make sacrifice to help others, and it would not be done to benefit them. Why would you expect applause for being a good husband or family man anyway - that is just a normal and natural thing to be, is it not?...

You would think if this post was all hype I would have a Ferrari and a Mercedes in the yard, an ocean front Mansion, a few housekeepers etc. I am not sure why you would think an average house with 2 out 3 old cars (1987 and 1995) would be something out of the ordinary? That is exactly what I can afford. Sorry, no hype there. My house was built in 1964. Is there anything special about that? Is that bragging?

...and again where are you getting all this from - are you some kind of a paranoid? I did not say that your house or cars were out of the ordinary, or accuse you of bragging about them. I described them exactly as they are - mundane and average, and before you get on your high horse again, that was not to disparage them but simply to state that they are unlikely to inspire jealousy in someone.

You seem to have missed the whole point I was making, that there are a whole host of reasons unrelated to jealousy as to why you are getting lots of negative comments on your OP

You claim your post is a selfless act in sharing your knowledge of re-patriating yourself with your home country that will be helpful to others. I say it isn't.

In fact there is virtually zero useful information there save for the fact that it took a long time to get a visa for your wife and son.

You are correct that information is a great thing to share, and I have found much useful info in the past regarding Thailand on this forum. By comparison I think your self laudatory 'story' complete with unnecessary photos of your possessions is actually more suited to Facebook.

Oh and by the way, I am very happy with my life already - just don't feel any need to convince myself, or anyone else, by sharing it with the world.

Edited by Shadychris
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I think you feel very happy with your life now.

You feel like you are successful with your life and you are on the top of the world. So you try to persuade people to do the same thing as you do like finding wife from isan.

That really bad

Atleast for Thai girl who live in Bangkok like myself. Lol

My point is people are really really different.

Example myself

I'm a person who is Buddhism . and I try a lot to subside greed and selfishness also ego. Cuz that is not good thing from what my religious taught and also my experience.

My husband and me share same life gole. We wanna have warmful family. So short story I know lol.

Ok show off part photo hehe

* delete now it's an eyesore :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I think you feel very happy with your life now.

You feel like you are successful with your life and you are on the top of the world. So you try to persuade people to do the same thing as you do like finding wife from isan.

That really bad

Atleast for Thai girl who live in Bangkok like myself. Lol

My point is people are really really different.

Example myself

I'm a person who is Buddhism . and I try a lot to subside greed and selfishness also ego. Cuz that is not good thing from what my religious taught and also my experience.

My husband and me share same life gole. We wanna have warmful family. So short story I know lol.

Ok show off part photo hehe

* delete now it's an eyesore :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I did not see where he was trying to persuade anyone to do anything. I appreciated and enjoyed his story and just viewed it as one person's experience; sharing with a forum group who, with Thailand and Thai people as an important part of our lives, have quite a bit in common.

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Ok if you read every comment. You will see it. But if you see it different then I am totally fine with that :D

I also enjoy his story. It's like reading ladyinter.com website. Some girl is just really have something that want advice. And some girl feel the same as op


Show about how great her husband is and how much money her husband give her monthly or sinsod and how she left ex bf who didn't. ( that is like most ultimate goal of Thai girl life and they are successful with their life goal so I

Can compare this with op experience)

It's nice to read when people are different. And what is reason behind their action.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Ok if you read every comment. You will see it. But if you see it different then I am totally fine with that biggrin.png

I also enjoy his story. It's like reading ladyinter.com website. Some girl is just really have something that want advice. And some girl feel the same as op


Show about how great her husband is and how much money her husband give her monthly or sinsod and how she left ex bf who didn't. ( that is like most ultimate goal of Thai girl life and they are successful with their life goal so I

Can compare this with op experience)

It's nice to read when people are different. And what is reason behind their action.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thai lady have better English reading comprehension than you! Who say Thai education so bad? Dawg, you just got played! biggrin.png

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

90 contacts outside of this public forum appreciated my story.

I am sure they cannot all be wrong and you are right?

And later......Well sorry to say, it already helped someone that is trying to get himself and his wife back to the USA.

Well....IT's confirmed now....thumbsup.gif

OP was not just trying to tell a nice story about his life.whistling.gif

He is a missionary. His mission .....convert all us lost souls (farangs) who live in Thailand to come to the blissful land of US.blink.png

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I did not see where he was trying to persuade anyone to do anything. I appreciated and enjoyed his story and just viewed it as one person's experience; sharing with a forum group who, with Thailand and Thai people as an important part of our lives, have quite a bit in common.

I agree with SpokaneAl. I interpreted the OP as simply a heads-up to those that think that living in the US is not an option because it's too expensive. Perhaps the OP was a little over the top (personally, I don't think many of the pictures were necessary, but I would certainly not feel the need to criticize his taste in wife, decor or cars). I do however, think that many people have possibly benefited from the information in his post, and some of the constructive discussion that has ensued. The negative discussions and personal attacks seem to be just petty schoolyard squabbling and bullying.

In my case, my wife and I live in Thailand, and have no immediate plans to return to the US. I can, however, appreciate that some former expats have returned to the US for various reasons that make sense to them. For us, we will live wherever conditions are more favorable to us at the time - we have not burned bridges in the US, and will not burn bridges in Thailand. There are many things that come into play when deciding where to live: family, economics, health, and so on. Labeling an expat who returns to their home country after a number of years as some kind of "loser" or "failure" shows a complete lack of understanding of the factors that come into play in making a decision like this.

In the event that the balance of conditions change as to make the US more favorable to us in the future, I have no doubt that we'll move back. Until then, we're staying here. Very simple.

Life is about choices. We suffer the consequences of bad choices, and enjoy the fruits of good choices. The OP seems to be happy with the choice he has made. Hopefully, each of us make the choices that bring us the most happiness, and it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

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OP ....you told a nice story....

Yes...your lifestyle in the US is nothing special....Mundane house, old used cars, bland furniture etc.

But the real question ....one that you have been asked but fail to answer is .....Why did you come to Thailand 10+ years earlier and Why did it take you 10+ years to decide to relocate back to the US when it appears that, that is what you wanted in the first place?

Your patronizing attitude " if I can do it ...so can you" is not appreciated by me......fact of the matter is, most of us, if we wanted to move back ...WOULD... but we choose NOT to!....then again, there are some that can't (don't have the resources)

I know for me, personally, when I decide something it doesn't take 10+ years whistling.gif

most of us cant relocate to the US because we arent american

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