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Baht plunges 'quite fast' to six-year low against US dollar


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Should be +40$$$ to the USD. I Can't believe a dump is so expensive to live in. I'll keep staying in Hong Kong, for this year at least.

View from my dump in Bangkok. 555

$350 a month.

Olympic pool, beautiful gym, roof top gardens, on demand hot water, bone chilling Air Con...... triple security (road, grounds, and lobby) .. laundry and restaurants in the lobby .. Oh, did I mention the gardens ON THE RIVERSIDE?

Match that in Hong Kong...

Please... stay there .. please!

Your view looks lovely, what's the room like? I'm flying to Hong Kong on Sunday and paying $146 to stay one night at the Novotel, I can't believe someone thinks Bangkok is expensive.

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British tourists will be happy, it'll be 55 baht to the £ again

I'd be even happier if it ever got back to the 70's and 80 would be just great, but I can't see it happening so shut your mouth MB1 and stop dreaming....gigglem.gifgigglem.gif

Ah, those were the days! smile.png

In 2004 a singha was around 25 to 30 baht at Sailor Bar on Soi 8 Pattaya and the UK pound was at a high at the time depending where you changed your money, bar fine was around 100 to 150 baht depending on bar, short time was around 300 and long time was 500 to a thousand, depending on quality of girl and attitude, if handsum man then sometimes maybe a freebie....

I only know about this because a good freind Iv'e known all my life, Lets just call him Pecker told me so....

Aaaaah the good old days hey, pull up a sandbag and tell them a story...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Man, you have found all of the important things for Pattaya expats. And what about the museum, theatre, movie, national park, tickets at 2004? :))))

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Should be +40$$$ to the USD. I Can't believe a dump is so expensive to live in. I'll keep staying in Hong Kong, for this year at least.

Well it isn't particularly cheap there either is it.

I can afford a cat to swing here, and get room to do so.

Horribly overcrowded place HK.

No worries my friend, no one with any working knowledge of Bangkok verses Hong Kong could possibly write this tripe.

I smell a whine made for very sour grapes indeed!

I don't live in Bangkok either, you should do some research.

So are you claiming Hong Kong is cheaper and less crowded than Bangkok or just posting for your own benefit?

*sigh* Read it again sir.

I was AGREEING with you.

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Interesting connection to the local price of gold. Since gold is priced in dollars and hitting new lows in dollar terms, the local baht price for gold hasn't dropped that much because of the exchange rate.

Good time to use US$ to buy baht and use those baht to buy some gold (maybe waiting for the Fed to finally hike rates a bit). If you have the time & patience to wait and believe inflation is bound to kick in sometime, when the dollar cycles lower, the exchange rate will make baht more expensive and drive up the price of commodities, including gold. Potential win-win assuming you're willing to take some risk and don't need the cash for day to day expenses.

Right now a lot of people are selling (paper) gold to meet margin requirements or cover losses.

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^^^ @kamahele - economics is not my strong point, but your post doesn't seem to add up to this dunce. I, too, earn baht, so sending money to my home country is now cheaper. Whereas if I earned my contract fees in dollars, it would buy me less baht.

I think u have that 100% wrong.... You are correct that economics isn't your strong point.

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^^^ @kamahele - economics is not my strong point, but your post doesn't seem to add up to this dunce. I, too, earn baht, so sending money to my home country is now cheaper. Whereas if I earned my contract fees in dollars, it would buy me less baht.

OK, please let my try and help out.

What you are doing is going to the "store" and buying something that gets more expensive every day.


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Interesting connection to the local price of gold. Since gold is priced in dollars and hitting new lows in dollar terms, the local baht price for gold hasn't dropped that much because of the exchange rate.

Good time to use US$ to buy baht and use those baht to buy some gold (maybe waiting for the Fed to finally hike rates a bit). If you have the time & patience to wait and believe inflation is bound to kick in sometime, when the dollar cycles lower, the exchange rate will make baht more expensive and drive up the price of commodities, including gold. Potential win-win assuming you're willing to take some risk and don't need the cash for day to day expenses.

Right now a lot of people are selling (paper) gold to meet margin requirements or cover losses.

Happy someone else is looking at this.

My dollars buy more baht.

Gold is CHEAPER in absolute terms + the "bonus" exchange differential.

Really giving this some thought in terms of a nest egg for the wife.

Gold is "double cheap" and really sitting at ten year lows.

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"And what about the museum, theatre, movie, national park, tickets at 2004?" Who cares? Pattaya was great back in those days. It started it's downhill slide around late '04/05 with an influx of mostly, but not all by any means, young men that didn't give a damn about how the treated the Thais and the women in particular. Add to that internet and cell phones. I said then, you treat all these women like whores and they will treat all of us like Johns. Pretty much true today. It was 43 bht to the USD when I first came. Times have changed. Slippery, you are wrong. It isn't Obama stopping our pensions from rising as they should, it is the Republicans and their plutocrat masters. I doubt we ever see 43 again or the prices like back in the early 2000's. You should hear my wife, well maybe not, when she comes back from the market, Tesco, Big C etc. Prices seem to go up every week and frankly I don't know how many of the workers can afford much anymore. I've said for some time that like the US, the Thai economy is a house of cards. Both are still a house of cards just waiting for the right breeze to blow.

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Should be +40$$$ to the USD. I Can't believe a dump is so expensive to live in. I'll keep staying in Hong Kong, for this year at least.

UP TO YOU DARLING.........Stay in Hong Kong and enjoy, we no miss you Tirak...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

555 - and by that I know you mean it the way they say it in that "local" way ... "Dak Ling"

It is mind boggling that a person believes

(1) BKK is more expensive that HK, and

(2)does not even understand they are trapped because the HKD and USD are locked in a range.

In other words, the USD is the HKD, and vica versa.

OMG .. so funny what you see on this site sometimes.

Good bye "DAK LING" enjoy Hong Kong.

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Good news for people living out of tourist spots.......Business selling to foreigners adjust prices very fast.....

You think exporters are going to pass on the benefit in double quick time? Businesses are about the get higher fuel bills. Running the boilers in some factories cost as much as the labour. Edited by Thai at Heart
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^^^ @kamahele - economics is not my strong point, but your post doesn't seem to add up to this dunce. I, too, earn baht, so sending money to my home country is now cheaper. Whereas if I earned my contract fees in dollars, it would buy me less baht.

I think u have that 100% wrong.... You are correct that economics isn't your strong point.

:) Some people are dyslexic with numbers - I'm 2 of them.

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British tourists will be happy, it'll be 55 baht to the £ again

I'd be even happier if it ever got back to the 70's and 80 would be just great, but I can't see it happening so shut your mouth MB1 and stop dreaming....gigglem.gifgigglem.gif

Ah, those were the days! smile.png

In 2004 a singha was around 25 to 30 baht at Sailor Bar on Soi 8 Pattaya and the UK pound was at a high at the time depending where you changed your money, bar fine was around 100 to 150 baht depending on bar, short time was around 300 and long time was 500 to a thousand, depending on quality of girl and attitude, if handsum man then sometimes maybe a freebie....

I only know about this because a good freind Iv'e known all my life, Lets just call him Pecker told me so....

Aaaaah the good old days hey, pull up a sandbag and tell them a story...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

me too landed in LOS in 2004 and Singha can was 30 baht at 7-11 , barfine was 300 , short time 500 and long time 1,000 ... just to be precise coffee1.gif

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Ah, those were the days! smile.png

In 2004 a singha was around 25 to 30 baht at Sailor Bar on Soi 8 Pattaya and the UK pound was at a high at the time depending where you changed your money, bar fine was around 100 to 150 baht depending on bar, short time was around 300 and long time was 500 to a thousand, depending on quality of girl and attitude, if handsum man then sometimes maybe a freebie....

I only know about this because a good freind Iv'e known all my life, Lets just call him Pecker told me so....

Aaaaah the good old days hey, pull up a sandbag and tell them a story...facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Man, you have found all of the important things for Pattaya expats. And what about the museum, theatre, movie, national park, tickets at 2004? smile.png)))

Museum, theatre ???

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Should be +40$$$ to the USD. I Can't believe a dump is so expensive to live in. I'll keep staying in Hong Kong, for this year at least.

The trouble with HK is cost of accomodation. With 1 month's rent for a shoebox there I can pay for a mia noi harem here smile.png

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Afghanistan has just made their 2nd payment to the USA and Iraq is going to be making their 2nd payment as well it's in the billions of dollars so that is why one reason why the dollar is so strong, and interest rates are at some of the all time lows with great rates.

Careful the yuan may slip in the back door in October and be included in the IMF basket of currencies for international settlements. These products could include oil, gold and a host of other items. I feel that China has started the war against gold as the large trade that knocked the price down took place in Shanghai and they obviously understated their reserves for what reason? To drive the price down and buy more cheaper. More countries are doing currency swaps when selling goods i.e. Russia selling oil/gas to China. Even the US government has some moves up its sleeve to bring the dollar down as it is seriously hurting American companies doing business abroad and after all big business is the tail that wags the American government dog. Methinks a global currency is not to far down the road. Everywhere you look they are prepping us for this. A lot of places in the USA will no longer accept cash as payment. They also want to kill the underground cash economy that takes a big bite out of tax revenues and as the rich are desperately moving money overseas this will also give big government a window to watch this. Look at Fatca. These Iraq and Afghanistan payments are small potatoes when you look at the trillions in debt the USA took on to fight these useless and still ongoing wars. Its one of the many reasons they keep interest rates low so they can cheaply finance these trillions. Its all a mugs game.

Edited by elgordo38
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This guy is smiling. Nothing like spending dollars in Thailand, and getting a pay raise, while Obama refuses to increase my retirement.

The world kind of evens things out, regardless. Enjoying the windfall.

add the words while you can.

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Currencies are like a roller coaster ride up and down. The speed factor could still be coming so brace yourselves. Then there is the manipulation factor the money masters are in and out constantly affecting a currencies value. We are at their mercy as the governments no longer want to protect us expats. We are so few in numbers that we do not create even a blip on the voter radar screen. We are the relics of the past who swallowed all that government garbage "save your money for your retirement." "Pension funds will dry up you will need savings" and all that other assorted drivel that this young man(young in heart anyway) swallowed during his working years when he was dumb enough to trust governments and their phony shell games. I admire the Donald he is sure making the others jump through hoops. His (Dixie Chicks) "I do not want to make nice" attitude is throwing them all for a loop. They are all saying "Who is this guy he does not play by the Marquis of Queensberry rules." They are looking in their ancient election playbooks to find answers but all they can find is BS. I look forward to watching "The gunfight at the OK Corral" on August 6th should be a real shootout. Go get em Donald.

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If Us Feds raise interest rates and Thai drought and economy remain the same as now- we shud see 37 Baht to the Dollar and 57 Baht to the Pound unless the BOT intervenes which would be a huge mistake The smartest thing the Uk ever did was not join the EU currency scheme . The Euro is tanking and will remain so until Europe sans UK recovers.. Regarding the Chinese floating loans all over the place- very strategic. They have a huge population and need to guarantee energy and food supplies for their people. the Chinese are not altruistic-they are carnivores looking to take the next bite.

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This guy is smiling. Nothing like spending dollars in Thailand, and getting a pay raise, while Obama refuses to increase my retirement.

The world kind of evens things out, regardless. Enjoying the windfall.

Sounds more like the white cracker Republican/Tea Party that refuses to increase your retirement. Oh and now this same party wants to raid Social Security again to pay for transportation improvements rather than raise the gas tax which hasn't been raised in over a decade.

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