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jaffa cakes in thailand ?


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Marks & Sparks in Pattaya Central Festival Shopping Mall stock them, was there yesterday and also called into Waitrose and stocked up on Scottish Kiln Smoked Kippers!

Not a cheap place though is it?

I have not seen Jaffa Cakes elsewhere, but the aforementioned jammy dodgers are pretty common, biscuit shelf at Big-C. Also Tesco (Nua in Pattaya) seem to have developed the idea of a UK falang display located at the booze end, central area, corned beef, drinking chocolate and many similar items. I have managed to 'let-go' of most of these things over the years, but tea bags ex-uk I still need.

Edited by jacko45k
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  • 2 weeks later...

Siam Expat food on Soi Siam Country Club Pattaya have Jaffa Cakes and they are 80 Baht.

Somebody mentioned HP sauce, they have that for 80 Baht a bottle. They also have Cadburys Cream eggs,

after eight mints and lots of other good stuff. Directions below


They list HP sauce original ? 80 THB and also have HP brown sauce 120 THB.

what is the difference,apart from price,

regards worgeordie

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Siam Expat food on Soi Siam Country Club Pattaya have Jaffa Cakes and they are 80 Baht.

Somebody mentioned HP sauce, they have that for 80 Baht a bottle. They also have Cadburys Cream eggs,

after eight mints and lots of other good stuff. Directions below


They list HP sauce original ? 80 THB and also have HP brown sauce 120 THB.

what is the difference,apart from price,

regards worgeordie


I am not sure but the original comes in a glass bottle and the brown sauce comes in a squeezy bottle and I think it is bigger.

I don't think there is any difference in taste. I will try to find out for you as a friend from the UK is visiting me tomorrow.

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Yes Marks & Spencers Central Festival Pattaya. Bit expensive though.

About 150 baht last time I looked, but I reckon they are better than McVitie's. Beware! Highly addictive. Once the packet is opened, that's it.

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  • 4 months later...

This was one of those weird aging monkey brain moments, but as I was shopping in Tops this morning, for whatever reason I remembered this thread, I think because the name of the cookie was kinda cute.

Anyhoo, what prompted this flurry of neural activity was that I saw these. I have to say, impulse purchase maybe, but they are rather tasty little devils I have to say...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Snap. Was in Tops the other day and also stumbled upon the Waitrose mini jaffa cakes. Haven't had jaffa cakes for years so had to buy a pack. About 110 baht so not terribly expensive. Very tasty they were too. Will be back for more.

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