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2016 Republicans use Trump, TV to make debate cut


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Good news I'm afraid that "Carly" Fiorina will not get any traction unless she is in the debate and I like what I have heard so far. Give her a chance.

They definitely need a woman on the ticket if Hillary gets the nomination.

A black hispanic woman is what they really need.

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The republican debates will be about fear and hate. They will shy away from the numbers.

Below: 50 year charts. 5 Democrats vs 5 Republicans - Performance per term.








Democrats +29% average per term

Republican 85% average per term

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The more they hammer Trump the more he wins. They are creating distance between themselves and Trump to his advantage. The voters are figuring out the mainstream candidates are pathetic.

The more he wins? He's winning with the "crazies." That's not exactly winning.

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The more they hammer Trump the more he wins. They are creating distance between themselves and Trump to his advantage. The voters are figuring out the mainstream candidates are pathetic.

The more he wins? He's winning with the "crazies." That's not exactly winning.

Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

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The more they hammer Trump the more he wins. They are creating distance between themselves and Trump to his advantage. The voters are figuring out the mainstream candidates are pathetic.

The more he wins? He's winning with the "crazies." That's not exactly winning.

Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

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The more they hammer Trump the more he wins. They are creating distance between themselves and Trump to his advantage. The voters are figuring out the mainstream candidates are pathetic.

The more he wins? He's winning with the "crazies." That's not exactly winning.

Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.

So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.

Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.

I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

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Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.

So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.

Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.

I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

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Good news I'm afraid that "Carly" Fiorina will not get any traction unless she is in the debate and I like what I have heard so far. Give her a chance.

They definitely need a woman on the ticket if Hillary gets the nomination.

A black hispanic woman is what they really need.

To be sure of success they need a lesbian black Hispanic disabled solo mother child of illegal immigrants ( that was born in the US ) community organiser that espouses 'social justice'. Her campaign slogan will be "benefits for all that want them" and "make the rich pay".

Bound to be a shoo in.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.

So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.

Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.

I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

You have selective memory. He hasn't mentioned the birther thing in any interview I've seen with him. You are bringing up old news. That's as bad as the scum media that are trying to smear him on his divorce 30 years ago.

He was referring to ILLEGAL immigrants, not Mexicans in general.

Those other leaders are better leaders and negotiators because they've screwed the US on everything.

Most of the world probably does dislike the US. The world is not just the Euro. Leaders sucking up to the US do not represent their average citizen on this. As long as the US supports Israel, the middle Eastern peoples will hate the US and there are a lot of them. Peruvians and Vietnamese haven't forgotten what the US did to them, etc etc.

I like wacky, I like outlandish, I like brash. I dislike grey men and women that lie every time they open their mouths to try and suck on the taxpayer teat for another term.

Trumps greatest risk is that when he is in with a real chance he starts to become like them. See the end of Animal Farm to understand what I mean.

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Ruben Navarrette, on Trump's appeal to Hispanics.

Trump’s immigration hard line is not a deal killer with all Hispanics, many of whom want stricter border security. More than half of all Border Patrol agents — about 52 percent — are Hispanic. Moreover, the closer you get to the border, the more likely you are to find Hispanics who worry about the issue that Trump brought to light: the alleged criminal element coming across the border. That was true in Arizona, where a controversial immigration law requiring police to check the legal status of anyone with whom they came in contact found pockets of support among those who lived on the front lines.


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Please Please Please let him win the nomination!


Precisely what Jimmy Carter said about Ronald Reagan.

Yes but I doubt Trump is doing dirty deals with Iran but you never know smile.png

If Trump is doing any deals with Iran, you can be sure of one thing. It's better than the one negotiated by Obama and Kerry.

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Each time The Donald Dragon fires flames from its fearless mouth JEB falls further in the polls, as does Rubio. Good thing McCain's not running or Trump would have blown him out of the skies over Washington by now to get fished out of the Potomac by the RNC First Responders.
No R candidate is gaining on The Dragon in the polling and, in fact, they are losing as a consistent trend.
Walker barely hangs on but only because he is naturally a Lilliputian candidate who keeps low and stays small. If anything, Walker's lead in Iowa is eroding and he's significantly behind in New Hampshire. No R needs the debates more than Walker and no R needs Trump up there overshadowing him less than Walker. Walker and Kasich.
Even a polite and on his best Sunday go-to-meetin' behavior Donald Dragon debater is going to be a hot ticket. The pallapalooza itself is priceless Americana, the stuff of P.T. Barnum, J.P. Morgan, William Jennings Bryan et al brought forward to the 21st century.
In the long term Trump looks just too agile to self-immolate. One of 'em out there is going to have to beat Trump head to head and strip him bald, but there ain't a one of 'em who's got the sword and armor to slay The Dragon. JEB is, well, a Bush Republican who accepts mildly and with a silent suffering that a loud lout is buying out the staid and charming old country club.
How much anyway is each R candidate willing to risk when the Fair Damsel Republican Party has turned into a tavern wench.


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Please Please Please let him win the nomination!


Precisely what Jimmy Carter said about Ronald Reagan.

Yes but I doubt Trump is doing dirty deals with Iran but you never know smile.png

If Trump is doing any deals with Iran, you can be sure of one thing. It's better than the one negotiated by Obama and Kerry.

The Don Trump.

And the 17 families.

The right kisses his ring.

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I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.

So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.

Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.

I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

You have selective memory. He hasn't mentioned the birther thing in any interview I've seen with him. You are bringing up old news. That's as bad as the scum media that are trying to smear him on his divorce 30 years ago.

He was referring to ILLEGAL immigrants, not Mexicans in general.

Those other leaders are better leaders and negotiators because they've screwed the US on everything.

Most of the world probably does dislike the US. The world is not just the Euro. Leaders sucking up to the US do not represent their average citizen on this. As long as the US supports Israel, the middle Eastern peoples will hate the US and there are a lot of them. Peruvians and Vietnamese haven't forgotten what the US did to them, etc etc.

I like wacky, I like outlandish, I like brash. I dislike grey men and women that lie every time they open their mouths to try and suck on the taxpayer teat for another term.

Trumps greatest risk is that when he is in with a real chance he starts to become like them. See the end of Animal Farm to understand what I mean.

I was asked a question and I answered. I'm sure that if I was to ask you about President Obama, you'd be stricken with a severe case of "selective memory."

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Please Please Please let him win the nomination!


Precisely what Jimmy Carter said about Ronald Reagan.


Precisely what LBJ said about Barry Goldwater in '64.

Exactly what Richard Nixon said about George McGovern in '72.

Heartily what RR said about Walter Mondale in '84.

Quite what Bill Clinton said about Bob Dole in '96 after enthusiastically saying the same about Ross Perot in '92.

Smack dab what we're saying about Donald Trump in 2016.

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Has every one already forgotten Trump's birther movement?????

I am not a great admirer of the republicans, but if I was forced to support one, I would have a serious look at John Kasich

He seems to be the only adult in the house.

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Has every one already forgotten Trump's birther movement?????

I am not a great admirer of the republicans, but if I was forced to support one, I would have a serious look at John Kasich

He seems to be the only adult in the house.

But I don't think Fox will let him on the top table.

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Has every one already forgotten Trump's birther movement?????

I am not a great admirer of the republicans, but if I was forced to support one, I would have a serious look at John Kasich

He seems to be the only adult in the house.

But I don't think Fox will let him on the top table.

The top table will be a comedy show with not one candidate getting a chance to make a serious presentation.

not being allowed there might be a blessing in disguise.

Or at least I hope

I would hate it if it came down to one of these clowns and the dragon lady . But if it did , perhaps it will open the door wide open for a third party candidate.

319 million people in the US and that's all we can come up?sad.png

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Ruben Navarrette, on Trump's appeal to Hispanics.

Trump’s immigration hard line is not a deal killer with all Hispanics, many of whom want stricter border security. More than half of all Border Patrol agents — about 52 percent — are Hispanic. Moreover, the closer you get to the border, the more likely you are to find Hispanics who worry about the issue that Trump brought to light: the alleged criminal element coming across the border. That was true in Arizona, where a controversial immigration law requiring police to check the legal status of anyone with whom they came in contact found pockets of support among those who lived on the front lines.


The consensus going in to this election of the prez is that for the Republican nominee to win, he'll need to get 47% of the Hispanic vote.
A newly released Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 81 percent of Hispanic voters had an unfavorable opinion of Trump, compared to just 13 percent who viewed him favorably. Donald Trump apparently confused love with hate, as his net favorable rating with Latino voters is negative 68 points. Even by the most charitable assessment, those results can only be summarized as Hispanic voters can’t stand Trump.
So let's see what expires transpires with Trump and the other kamikaze Republicans at the televised debate coming Thursday evening on the anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb of 1945.
In the meantime there are material data.....
Willard Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote, 27% for Romney, 71% for Prez Obama.
In 2004 GW Bush got 43% of the Hispanic vote on the promise to reform immigration laws which were foiled by the Republicans in Congress.
Trump's bluster that he is "Number One" with Hispanic voters is fiction, fantasy, a circus buffoonery that only a rightwinger could entertain.
Here is the Republican share of the Hispanic vote in elections of the president since 1980:
1980: 38 percent
1984: 37 percent
1988: 30 percent (GHW Bush)
1992: 29 percent
1996: 23 percent
2000: 36 percent
2004: 43 percent
2008: 32 percent
2012: 28 percent
During this 32 year period, the total Hispanic vote grew from about 1.5 percent of the electorate to nearly 12 percent.
Trump would be fabulously lucky to get 12% of the 12%. Any Republican would be deliriously lucky to get more than 10% of the black vote or even 30% of the Asian-American vote. That is because during these past 32 years Republicans have learned less than zero.
Edited by Publicus
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Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.

So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.

Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.

I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

Thank you. While I do not agree with you that that makes him wacky, it is good to see your reasoning.

I like the fact that there are those that shake up convention, as Trump does. And it makes the left far more nervous that those on the right. Trumps' policies (I have no other term for them so far,) are just to the right of center. That place the left needs to win any presidential election.

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Please Please Please let him win the nomination!


Precisely what Jimmy Carter said about Ronald Reagan.

Yes but I doubt Trump is doing dirty deals with Iran but you never know smile.png

If Trump is doing any deals with Iran, you can be sure of one thing. It's better than the one negotiated by Obama and Kerry.

The Don Trump.

And the 17 families.

The right kisses his ring.

If you'd been paying attention instead of wasting time thinking about lame cinematic references, you would see that the right is not kowtowing to Trump.
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Donald Trump is the most recent manifestation of the cancer that has been growing within the GOP for the last 5-6 years. Heaven help us if he should somehow get the nomination, because he will never win the presidency and quite possibly will be the death-knell for the party of Lincoln. He takes up all the oxygen in the room with his braggadocio and the serious candidates and their messages can't get even the slightest mention in the media. Who do you think is laughing the hardest about Trump's ascendance? You have to realize that it's the Democrats and the liberal media. It's all Trump all the time on nearly every news channel.

I personally want to hear from Governor Kasich, but he can't even be included in the main debate because of Trump. Governor Kasich could help the GOP take Ohio, and therefore quite possibly take the White House back. I don't know about the rest of you, but that's what I think is the most important thing.

It pains me to say it, but this first debate is probably going to be a catastrophe for the Republicans. Trump is going to call someone (probably Governor Perry) a "dummy", and it will devolve from there into a dung slinging match where no one will come out clean.

Finally, it seems to me that many conservatives have taken their eyes off the prize and are more interested in cheap shots and one liners. Let me tell you something of which I have no doubt: That sort of nonsense turns off moderates of every stripe and will only aid Secretary Clinton and a continuation of the President Obama's policies.

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Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.
So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.
Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.
I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

Thank you. While I do not agree with you that that makes him wacky, it is good to see your reasoning.
I like the fact that there are those that shake up convention, as Trump does. And it makes the left far more nervous that those on the right. Trumps' policies (I have no other term for them so far,) are just to the right of center. That place the left needs to win any presidential election.

Look at what is happening. The right is nervous, not the left.

But to you Jeb Bush is left, so yes, the left is nervous. Edited by Scott
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Donald Trump is the most recent manifestation of the cancer that has been growing within the GOP for the last 5-6 years. Heaven help us if he should somehow get the nomination, because he will never win the presidency and quite possibly will be the death-knell for the party of Lincoln. He takes up all the oxygen in the room with his braggadocio and the serious candidates and their messages can't get even the slightest mention in the media. Who do you think is laughing the hardest about Trump's ascendance? You have to realize that it's the Democrats and the liberal media. It's all Trump all the time on nearly every news channel.

I personally want to hear from Governor Kasich, but he can't even be included in the main debate because of Trump. Governor Kasich could help the GOP take Ohio, and therefore quite possibly take the White House back. I don't know about the rest of you, but that's what I think is the most important thing.

It pains me to say it, but this first debate is probably going to be a catastrophe for the Republicans. Trump is going to call someone (probably Governor Perry) a "dummy", and it will devolve from there into a dung slinging match where no one will come out clean.

Finally, it seems to me that many conservatives have taken their eyes off the prize and are more interested in cheap shots and one liners. Let me tell you something of which I have no doubt: That sort of nonsense turns off moderates of every stripe and will only aid Secretary Clinton and a continuation of the President Obama's policies.

Perry has a plan for that contingency, In addition to wearing the glasses to make him look smart ,during the debate he will also wear a high school graduation hat.cheesy.gif

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What a clown show. "Fox News Channel" is not news. Fox News announced they are not news. They defended themselves in court, like Rush Windbag, by calling themselves "entertainment".

I actually love this above post. By your post, in opposition to fox news (presumably), you establish the entire rebuttal to the fox news haters on TV. Why on earth would any in opposition to "entertainment" spend so much energy trying to impugn fox news as a source of information for those they oppose on the forums? Indeed, the very nature of railing against fox news demonstrates at a minimum a category error in reasoning if not complete dyslogia.

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