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2016 Republicans use Trump, TV to make debate cut


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Yes but I doubt Trump is doing dirty deals with Iran but you never know smile.png

If Trump is doing any deals with Iran, you can be sure of one thing. It's better than the one negotiated by Obama and Kerry.

The Don Trump.

And the 17 families.

The right kisses his ring.

If you'd been paying attention instead of wasting time thinking about lame cinematic references, you would see that the right is not kowtowing to Trump.

Thanks Fredo for the excellent consigliere advice.

Spoken like a true Dutch uncle, thx. wai.gif

Trump is in big bucks land and construction deals on a couple of continents dealing with numerous interests large and small to include governments, so I'd wonder who is his consigliere....

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Has every one already forgotten Trump's birther movement?????

I am not a great admirer of the republicans, but if I was forced to support one, I would have a serious look at John Kasich

He seems to be the only adult in the house.

But I don't think Fox will let him on the top table.

The top table will be a comedy show with not one candidate getting a chance to make a serious presentation.

not being allowed there might be a blessing in disguise.

Or at least I hope

I would hate it if it came down to one of these clowns and the dragon lady . But if it did , perhaps it will open the door wide open for a third party candidate.

319 million people in the US and that's all we can come up?sad.png

That's all you can come up with because of the way the media treat politicians. No sane person is going to subject themselves and their families to the scum media garbage that is so evident in the way they have been treating Trump. So far Trump has kept his family out of the media except a bit caused by that scum reporter bringing up his divorce 30 years ago, but as time goes on, all restraint will be forgotten as the scum media seek to destroy him using any excuse. Can you imagine what they would have done to Kennedy nowadays, given his philandering.

Same in every country. Only the thick skinned and the desperate seek public office, not the best the country has to offer.

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Donald Trump is the most recent manifestation of the cancer that has been growing within the GOP for the last 5-6 years. Heaven help us if he should somehow get the nomination, because he will never win the presidency and quite possibly will be the death-knell for the party of Lincoln. He takes up all the oxygen in the room with his braggadocio and the serious candidates and their messages can't get even the slightest mention in the media. Who do you think is laughing the hardest about Trump's ascendance? You have to realize that it's the Democrats and the liberal media. It's all Trump all the time on nearly every news channel.

I personally want to hear from Governor Kasich, but he can't even be included in the main debate because of Trump. Governor Kasich could help the GOP take Ohio, and therefore quite possibly take the White House back. I don't know about the rest of you, but that's what I think is the most important thing.

It pains me to say it, but this first debate is probably going to be a catastrophe for the Republicans. Trump is going to call someone (probably Governor Perry) a "dummy", and it will devolve from there into a dung slinging match where no one will come out clean.

Finally, it seems to me that many conservatives have taken their eyes off the prize and are more interested in cheap shots and one liners. Let me tell you something of which I have no doubt: That sort of nonsense turns off moderates of every stripe and will only aid Secretary Clinton and a continuation of the President Obama's policies.

Nowadays, people get the leaders they deserve, not the leaders they need. No such beast as a statesman anymore. The scum media devour everything and spit it out as stupid sound bites. If that's what people want, that's what they'll get. Ever watched a "music video" recently. Cut so frequently that they are unwatchable by anyone over 10. Ever looked at the "news" that sites like Yahoo are publishing- 99% garbage. That's what the scum media have made us- a garbage in garbage out culture, more interested in gossip than real stuff when it comes to politics.

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Yes but I doubt Trump is doing dirty deals with Iran but you never know smile.png

If Trump is doing any deals with Iran, you can be sure of one thing. It's better than the one negotiated by Obama and Kerry.

The Don Trump.

And the 17 families.

The right kisses his ring.

If you'd been paying attention instead of wasting time thinking about lame cinematic references, you would see that the right is not kowtowing to Trump.

Thanks Fredo for the excellent consigliere advice.

Spoken like a true Dutch uncle, thx. wai.gif

Trump is in big bucks land and construction deals on a couple of continents dealing with numerous interests large and small to include governments, so I'd wonder who is his consigliere....

Do you ever stay on topic? In your clownish attempt at deriding Trump, you inadvertantly showed he already knows how to deal with foreign governments.
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Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.
So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.
Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.
I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

Thank you. While I do not agree with you that that makes him wacky, it is good to see your reasoning.
I like the fact that there are those that shake up convention, as Trump does. And it makes the left far more nervous that those on the right. Trumps' policies (I have no other term for them so far,) are just to the right of center. That place the left needs to win any presidential election.

Look at what is happening. The right is nervous, not the left.

But to you Jeb Bush is left, so yes, the left is nervous.

Quiet. Grown ups are talking.
So, which way did I vote in the last election? You don't know, do you? Look up Annise Parker. Look up her job. I worked on her first mayoral campaign, and all her previous ones.
You have no idea how politics work if you think JEB is to the left of me.
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Since when is middle America the "crazies?" That is who he is appealing to. Elsewise the mainstream media wouldn't be all over him like a fly on crap. Trump is not trying to appease the right, he's playing to the middle. The middle is not ideologically set in stone party-wise.

Call them what you want. But John McCain was right, Trump is mobilizing the "crazies." They're not middle America any more than those Tea Party wackos. Anyone who thinks Trump should even be in this race, let alone win the GOP nomination, has got to be a little cuckoo. I'm talking Republicans because pretty much every Democrat hopes that Trump will be the GOP nominee. It will just make things so much easier.

I understand your position, (Except for the Tea Party thing. Ruins most arguments.) Those crazies are what determines the outcome of any presidential election. Therefore, either side must appeal to those voters.
So, try, without insults, to explain why it is cuckoo to support Trump. The, "If you don't know, I can't explain," argument doesn't work. As he doesn't really have a platform yet, I am neutral on him. I'm waiting for this debate to see where he really stands.
Is he not presidential enough for you? Not enough gravitas? What is it that makes you think his supporters are cuckoo? Is it his ideology? Explain, please.
I'm not really interested in anyone else's explanation, either, if you cannot contain your insults.

Sure, and I'm just going to go by memory. There are too many examples to mention, but let's start with the "birther" issue. Pretty much every sane Republican believe that President Obama was born in the US, yet Trump kept pushing this issue. You have to be a real nutter to believe this one and I'm sure there are still folks who refuse to concede they're wrong. Definition of crazies. His comments that the world hates us. I never spoke to many Euros while in America, but I have here in Thailand. I can assure you that Euros hated America much more during the Bush years. His hypersensitivity to any criticism, evidenced by his attacks on Graham and McCain. His strategy of attacking other frontrunners with not much facts, evidenced by his attacks on J. Bush and Walker. I'm not even a Republican and I can see how he's being rather irrational in his attacks. And the whole Mexican thing. Now he's saying how he loves the Mexicans and the Mexican government and that he'll win the Hispanic vote. He says Mexico, China, Iran, et al, all better leaders and negotiators than us. Oh yea, and the Middle East. He says he can solve Syria but wouldn't say how. He also says he'd bomb ISIS into oblivion. There's much more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'll also say that Trump is not done, he'll say stuff even wackier than what he has so far. And I'm pretty sure that there will still be people that blindly supports him.

Thank you. While I do not agree with you that that makes him wacky, it is good to see your reasoning.
I like the fact that there are those that shake up convention, as Trump does. And it makes the left far more nervous that those on the right. Trumps' policies (I have no other term for them so far,) are just to the right of center. That place the left needs to win any presidential election.

Look at what is happening. The right is nervous, not the left.

But to you Jeb Bush is left, so yes, the left is nervous.

Quiet. Grown ups are talking.
So, which way did I vote in the last election? You don't know, do you? Look up Annise Parker. Look up her job. I worked on her first mayoral campaign, and all her previous ones.
You have no idea how politics work if you think JEB is to the left of me.

As usual a childish reply.
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Does anybody know...will the US Republican Debate be shown in Thailand (live), I believe 8:00 AM Friday morning (Aug 7)...?

No idea, but I hope it doesn't run into one of the PM speeches. I'd hate to miss one of those. clap2.gif

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Does anybody know...will the US Republican Debate be shown in Thailand (live), I believe 8:00 AM Friday morning (Aug 7)...?

It will be live on Fox channel. Hopefully without ad breaks. Then they will dissect it ALL day ad nauseam.

I doubt any other channel ( maybe BBC ) will show the whole thing live. Don't know about CNN.

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Please Please Please let him win the nomination!


Precisely what Jimmy Carter said about Ronald Reagan.


Precisely what LBJ said about Barry Goldwater in '64.

Exactly what Richard Nixon said about George McGovern in '72.

Heartily what RR said about Walter Mondale in '84.

Quite what Bill Clinton said about Bob Dole in '96 after enthusiastically saying the same about Ross Perot in '92.

Smack dab what we're saying about Donald Trump in 2016.

Except that none of the people you mentioned actually said those things. Carter did welcome Reagan's nomination and planned his entire strategy around picturing Reagan as a dangerous right wing radical.

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Could we get a volunteer committee together to advise on using the quote function.

Nobody's perfect but.....

Far upper left corner the BBCode Mode button on to give it a few moments, then off usually squares it away.

Quite often the Thai Visa App is to blame.

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Please Please Please let him win the nomination!


Precisely what Jimmy Carter said about Ronald Reagan.


Precisely what LBJ said about Barry Goldwater in '64.

Exactly what Richard Nixon said about George McGovern in '72.

Heartily what RR said about Walter Mondale in '84.

Quite what Bill Clinton said about Bob Dole in '96 after enthusiastically saying the same about Ross Perot in '92.

Smack dab what we're saying about Donald Trump in 2016.

Except that none of the people you mentioned actually said those things. Carter did welcome Reagan's nomination and planned his entire strategy around picturing Reagan as a dangerous right wing radical.

Not publicly to include Carter not publicly and HRC will not publicly say anything in this election either, not publicly no.

The Donald Dragon shooting flames from his mouth is the only candidate predicting he will win in a landslide, that he's Number One with Hispanics, stands well with blacks yadda yadda yadda.

The instances provided in the post stand.

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2016 Republicans use Trump

Wasn't sure if the "2016" referred to the election year or the current number of candidates.

Hopefully Trump will decide to use his billions to run as an independent and split the right wing wacko vote. He can campaign on traditional family values with his 3 wives and use his four corporate bankruptcies to demonstrate his financial/economic acumen.

good post!

I don't know much specs about Trump, but I do recall two things he said in recent years:

(talking to his wife) "see that tramp on the sidewalk? He's got more money than I have. ha ha ha." (...when he about to declare bankrupcy for the 2nd or 3rd or 4th time). Then they get in their limousine to get driven to their bazillion dollar Park Avenue penthouse.

(talking of why he split with Ivanna): "I gave her the top job in one of my hotels. But when she'd come home, she would want to talk about things that happened to her that day. I've got my own things to deal with, I can't be bothered with listening to someone else's issues. So I divorced her."

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Could we get a volunteer committee together to advise on using the quote function.

Nobody's perfect but.....

Far upper left corner the BBCode Mode button on to give it a few moments, then off usually squares it away.

Quite often the Thai Visa App is to blame.

I spent a fair amount of time trying to correct them, but sometimes I am not quick enough and they get quoted further.

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