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Red dress exhibitionist hunted by Thai police


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Maybe she was placed in the pic digitally? Gonna be hard to find in that case.

In any case, why waste valuable police time?

Oh, forgot, police time is not valuable 'cos they get paid so little . . .

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IF the moral card is being played then they need to start in all the cities and clean them up. Singling one person out is absolute ridiculous

Considering that only one person did this it's not that ridiculous, unless you know that it is happening in every city, of course.

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Why don't people like this come round my way. If she's reading this she is welcome to 'exhibit' herself all over my carpet and garden......

I would not mind her putting on a show at my place as well but my wife would probably throw her out. wub.png

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Lampqng is discussed with this? Didn't it happen 122 kilometres away?

.........................."The reputation of all Lampang was so damaged"..............................

Yes, but I think they mean anyone within a 122 km radius of the scene of the crime was affected by this hideous display................whistling.gif

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Think its about time the Police set up a new division,

"The Flash Squad", to hunt down these people who

are tainting the reputation of Northern Thailand.facepalm.gif

had to put a smiley in there,just in case anyone thought

i was been serious.

regards Worgeordie

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