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Thai Passport renewal- GOOD SERVICE


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My wife's passport had expired. She contacted the Royal Thai Embassy in London (a long distance away!) and was told that, as there was a new issue of passports, she would have to attend in person with the application. However, embassy staff would be visiting Edinburgh (a lot nearer!) in the near future, she could wait and make her application there.

So, she made an appointment for 1600 on Saturday 11 July. She was seen promptly, the process was a bit stop and start as she had to have fingerprints, official photographs,etc taken and all checked. We got away at 1920. There were about 25 applicants still to finish when we left.

I heard later that, over 3 days, 6 embassy staff processed approx 350 applications. The fees were £25 for the passport and £8 carriage.

Her new passport arrived this morning, 29th. by Royal Mail Special Delivery. WELL DONE Royal Thai Embassy.

I cannot but compare this treatment with the contempt wit which the British Embassy in Bangkok treats its citizens

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Anyone know If this service is available to other parts of the UK at different times???

The embassy used to do it every year at Sandy Stewart's garden party at Ardvorlich. This is no longer on going.

I was informed about the visit to Edinburgh by Khun Yut . The embassy's website news page gives some information but you need to keep watching it.

I believe that in the past, visits have been made to Manchester and Newcastle.

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Any chance of those fine people at Trendy House, BKK doing a tour of Thailand's extreme provinces for UK passport renewals?

I doubt that will ever happen. I have just renewed my passport (used an agent) and was told by them 2 to 3 weeks for the new passport to arrive. I have read many stories where people have had to wait anything from 4 to 6 weeks to get their new passport back, I got mine back in 17 days. The downside is that because my permission to stay was issued in Hat Yai then I will have to go there to transfer the visa from the old passport to the new passport, pain in the ass.

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