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How many hours (days) need to spend in neighbor country between Entries via Tourist Visa?


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How many hours (days) need to spend in Malaysia(for ex.) between Entries via Tourist Visa?

I am interesting if someone has had fresh personal experience activating second (or third) entry of double (or triple) TR visa in Chiangmai air post. Especially if you have just left Thailand and returned back in the same day.

Someone tried this in 1 day?

p.s. if there has been visa extension certainly 60 +30

Thank You!

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10 seconds may do it ...sometimes.

A visa allows you to travel to a country not to enter it, that is the decision of the immigration officer and whilst they have guidelines they also have discretion. It all depends on how earnest the immigration officer is and whether that earnest officer considers you are entering for purposes consistent with your visa. Pretty much the same rule all over the world, often inconsistently in Thailand, with the odd flash of rigid enforcement.

As far as a Malaysian run ...once ok, twice ok maybe.....but each quick turn around ultimately increases your risk (especially if returning to point of origin). There MAY be issues if the officer thinks that you are doing the run simply to avoid fronting an immigration office as you have more or less self assessed that you do not have a chance with them and consequently voted with your feet.

I have done it a few times...years ago. Not sure I would be so certain nowdays so understand your checking.

You pays your money you takes your chance.

Edited by mamborobert
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10 seconds may do it ...sometimes.

A visa allows you to travel to a country not to enter it, that is the decision of the immigration officer and whilst they have guidelines they also have discretion. It all depends on how earnest the immigration officer is and whether that earnest officer considers you are entering for purposes consistent with your visa. Pretty much the same rule all over the world, often inconsistently in Thailand, with the odd flash of rigid enforcement.

As far as a Malaysian run ...once ok, twice ok maybe.....but each quick turn around ultimately increases your risk (especially if returning to point of origin). There MAY be issues if the officer thinks that you are doing the run simply to avoid fronting an immigration office as you have more or less self assessed that you do not have a chance with them and consequently voted with your feet.

I have done it a few times...years ago. Not sure I would be so certain nowdays so understand your checking.

You pays your money you takes your chance.

"but each quick turn around ultimately increases your risk "

You're confusing a tourist visa with a visa exempt entry and misinforming the O/P

If you have a 2 or 3 entry tourist visa that has not expired nor been fully used, there is no problem with just exiting and immediately returning.

If you do repeated turn around visa exempt entries, you may face a problem, but with a valid visa, that's simply not true.

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You only need to enter the other country and then return. No minimum time is mandated.

Everything is dependant on the Immigration officer and the border entry. I know its not an airport but just as example, the land crossings in the south.

Sadao - Require you to spend 24 hours out of the country, irrelevant if you have a multi-entry visa and they may ask to see 20,000B on entry.

Padang Besar - Don't care, no minimum time / no showing funds. I can do it within 3 minutes on the bike.

Ban Prakob - I used it once, the officer was so shocked to see me do the turn around and re-enter within minutes, he came out of his office and grilled me face-to-face ( probably as you have been grilled today ) He 'advised' me on this occasion, it was OK, but in future to go to Malaysia for at least 24 hours or leave / enter at different border posts.

I wouldn't worry too much if you have had a friendly 'chat' with an IO, they just like hearing their own voice and busting our balls. You just answer that this is the first you have heard of it and has never been a problem in the past. How can they keep track of everyone they have given an informal warning to ?

Its never too much of a worry to me, I don't mind to ride to the other side of the border, there is some nice reservoirs and roads, I can either camp out for the night, head to Penang for an Indian curry or enter into a different point after a days riding in the hills, but I could imagine it being a costly visa run if you have to get a taxi and hotel in KL.

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10 seconds may do it ...sometimes.

A visa allows you to travel to a country not to enter it, that is the decision of the immigration officer and whilst they have guidelines they also have discretion. It all depends on how earnest the immigration officer is and whether that earnest officer considers you are entering for purposes consistent with your visa. Pretty much the same rule all over the world, often inconsistently in Thailand, with the odd flash of rigid enforcement.

As far as a Malaysian run ...once ok, twice ok maybe.....but each quick turn around ultimately increases your risk (especially if returning to point of origin). There MAY be issues if the officer thinks that you are doing the run simply to avoid fronting an immigration office as you have more or less self assessed that you do not have a chance with them and consequently voted with your feet.

I have done it a few times...years ago. Not sure I would be so certain nowdays so understand your checking.

You pays your money you takes your chance.

"but each quick turn around ultimately increases your risk "

You're confusing a tourist visa with a visa exempt entry and misinforming the O/P

If you have a 2 or 3 entry tourist visa that has not expired nor been fully used, there is no problem with just exiting and immediately returning.

If you do repeated turn around visa exempt entries, you may face a problem, but with a valid visa, that's simply not true.

Nope...no confusing, no misinformation...and consistent with post from Recom273.

I have previously worked at Swampy and a couple of other internationals in the area....with Immigration. Visa or Visa Exempt or Valid Visa makes no difference. A visa (or VOA or Visa Exempt) allows you to travel to a country. An immigration officer gives you clearance into that country. A person can be refused entry to the US, UK, Australia, and Thailand with a valid visa (such as travelling and then declaring on entry a serious criminal conviction)

We digress slightly. Op may want to consider spending a few days in Malaysia...or returning to another airport in Thailand (Swampy) and then catching an internal. That way if he is questioned only has to state that still doing tourism in a different area and travel arrangements were cheaper and/or more convenient (caught up with mother transiting through Malaysia on her own holidays, have not seen her for a long time, she was really happy etc).

Edited by mamborobert
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If u r looking for personal experience, last Winter on triple entry 3x60 tourist visa from UK, I bused crossed Nakhon Phanom bridge entered and exited Laos without leaving the bridge and jumped on the 1st Thai Laos bus coming back into Thailand. Given 60 day re-entry stamp by Thai immigration with no questions asked.

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If u r looking for personal experience, last Winter on triple entry 3x60 tourist visa from UK, I bused crossed Nakhon Phanom bridge entered and exited Laos without leaving the bridge and jumped on the 1st Thai Laos bus coming back into Thailand. Given 60 day re-entry stamp by Thai immigration with no questions asked.

Exactly .. most of the time its like this.

From personal experience, It's just once in a while, that you can get a little bit of verbal grief, from some officious little man, you let him run his path and and he lets you in. There are also a very small number of people who will tell you of the time when they were sent away back to Malaysia, the visa companies that had to lend people 20,000B on the day that Sungai Kolok immigration decided to clamp down a year or so back.

What mamborobert is saying that we shouldn't rely on the fact our visa doesnt guarantee entry, it all depends upon the recent orders from above or even if the immigration officer has had his dinner.

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It has been a while, but I've even seen families doing 20,000 THB hand-offs through the fence at MaeSai...and that was before there was any 1,2,3 numbering, and it was only 5 USD to enter Myanmar. Never be to complacent with rules they don't enforce. Like the proof of residence at a 90 day check-in....would have ruined my afternoon, had I not had my Yellow Book with me for banking purposes. And the guy before me was having a problem, because they called my number, and the farang was stills standing their arguing with the intern.

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Thank you to everybody for understanding and for replying. Especially to those who shared their own recent experience.

But yet no one was about Chiang Mai air post ... As I beleive it may depends on IO and so depends on the location

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