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oh yes, exactly what id expect you to say guest house.

well, id rather be with a person who can enjoy a drink and a conversation than someone like you and your screaming kids.

rome is the place for you mate, so give it a rest will you, stay there and dont subject us paying public to your problems

Steady on Terry, no need for these personal attacks just because I've expressed an opinion.

Goodness, if we were all as snappy as this, I'd be having a field day taking the p1ss out of your claims to be a fireman down in Oz.

Not to mention the fact that from where you really are, a five hour flight in the direction of Thailand would drop you somewhere near Siberia..

Now, there's an idea.

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oh yes, exactly what id expect you to say guest house.

well, id rather be with a person who can enjoy a drink and a conversation than someone like you and your screaming kids.

rome is the place for you mate, so give it a rest will you, stay there and dont subject us paying public to your problems

Steady on Terry, no need for these personal attacks just because I've expressed an opinion.

Goodness, if we were all as snappy as this, I'd be having a field day taking the p1ss out of your claims to be a fireman down in Oz.

Not to mention the fact that from where you really are, a five hour flight in the direction of Thailand would drop you somewhere near Siberia..

Now, there's an idea.

brilliant guesthouse,

as now ive got your arse exactly where i want you. :D

i will now expose your lack of facts to all the punters on this forum and only because you have pulled me on and accused me of lying to the punters.

told you before mate, i only deal in fact and never fiction.

unless im dealing with one of those farting threads and am having a giggle.

you claim to be a business man who has lived in thailand but now live in rome and absolutley adore the place. [ rome ]

you have told us that you are returning to thailand but by the way you post you arn't to keen on the place so do us all a favour and stay in rome please. :D

we got enough whingers and dont need you to complain about the mighty los all day long.

we want happy positive punters coming over here and not whinging people.

as far as you being a proprietor of a guest house goes, your joking mate as your a real sad case with absolutely no sense of humour at all and god help your guests.

very boring as a matter of fact.

jes--us mate,

any guest house you run would have to be called fawlty towers and you would make a perfect basil fawlty. :D

your having a go about my top job as a firefighter but ive got you there again guesthouse as a punter on this forum lives in perth and we are going to have a little drink . :D

actually oldcrock is his name and he will pm you if you really want cold hard proof.

never met the dude before but soon will.

sorry mate but you are not invited as we want to have a laugh.

as far as a five hour flight from perth goes guesthouse, guess where that puts me mate ?

go on guesthouse have a little think fella?

sorry fella, no where near siberia but its got to be singapore every time . :D

perth - singapore 5 hours. :D

singapore - bangkok 2 hours.

cricky's guesthouse your not a very bright fellow are you.

jes---us mate,

your getting a head ache arn't you. ?

off you go and have a nice lay down.

bye bye guest house. :D

cheers mate :o

now one more thing guesthouse,

i never make a personnal attack on anybody as there's no need too, as im dealing in fact my friend.

im loving you, as you are no match what so ever and grasp at straws every post you make to me.

can you please step it up a bit a give me a challenge. :D

i will give you one thing though, i dont speak good thai and i should do by now but im trying hard.

chio guesthouse.

nighty night,

sleep well,

sweet dreams.

now there's a better idea. :D

oh yes, exactly what id expect you to say guest house.

well, id rather be with a person who can enjoy a drink and a conversation than someone like you and your screaming kids.

rome is the place for you mate, so give it a rest will you, stay there and dont subject us paying public to your problems

Steady on Terry, no need for these personal attacks just because I've expressed an opinion.

Goodness, if we were all as snappy as this, I'd be having a field day taking the p1ss out of your claims to be a fireman down in Oz.

Not to mention the fact that from where you really are, a five hour flight in the direction of Thailand would drop you somewhere near Siberia..

Now, there's an idea.

brilliant guesthouse,

as now ive got your arse exactly where i want you. :D

i will now expose your lack of facts to all the punters on this forum and only because you have pulled me on and accused me of lying to the punters.

told you before mate, i only deal in fact and never fiction.

unless im dealing with one of those farting threads and am having a giggle.

you claim to be a business man who has lived in thailand but now live in rome and absolutley adore the place. [ rome ]

you have told us that you are returning to thailand but by the way you post you arn't to keen on the place so do us all a favour and stay in rome please. :D

we got enough whingers and dont need you to complain about the mighty los all day long.

we want happy positive punters coming over here and not whinging people.

as far as you being a proprietor of a guest house goes, your joking mate as your a real sad case with absolutely no sense of humour at all and god help your guests.

very boring as a matter of fact.

jes--us mate,

any guest house you run would have to be called fawlty towers and you would make a perfect basil fawlty. :D

your having a go about my top job as a firefighter but ive got you there again guesthouse as a punter on this forum lives in perth and we are going to have a little drink . :D

actually oldcrock is his name and he will pm you if you really want cold hard proof.

never met the dude before but soon will.

sorry mate but you are not invited as we want to have a laugh.

as far as a five hour flight from perth goes guesthouse, guess where that puts me mate ?

go on guesthouse have a little think fella?

sorry fella, no where near siberia but its got to be singapore every time . :D

perth - singapore 5 hours. :D

singapore - bangkok 2 hours.

cricky's guesthouse your not a very bright fellow are you.

jes---us mate,

your getting a head ache arn't you. ?

off you go and have a nice lay down.

bye bye guest house. :D

cheers mate :o

now one more thing guesthouse,

i never make a personnal attack on anybody as there's no need too, as im dealing in fact my friend.

im loving you, as you are no match what so ever and grasp at straws every post you make to me.

can you please step it up a bit a give me a challenge. :D

i will give you one thing though, i dont speak good thai and i should do by now but im trying hard.

chio guesthouse.

nighty night,

sleep well,

sweet dreams.

now there's a better idea. :D



get it right donzzy,

its not an argument mate but dealing in facts only.

i never argue but love a bit a verbal sparing and general banter.

one liners like yours just dont do it for me. :D

cheers mate :o

you should give it a crack some time.


I've got 5 kids, all under 9 years old. I've flown quite a few times with them when they were babies, (one of them still is a baby...).

Usually, they sleep fine or are quite happy.

But sometimes, they have gone completely berserk!! This is when they decide to be the devil in baby clothes! They scream as if you are trying to kill them.... (One of my daughters threw up everywhere - by the time we got to our destination my wife was covered in vomit.....)

Suffice to say, such occasional tantrums are the norm for all babies. But of course it seems much worse when you are stuck on board a plane :o

Well, although I sympathize with the other passengers, I certainly don't feel any guilt at all! Babies are babies (and we were all babies at one stage..). If a baby decides to exercise its lungs, then that is life and you should put on your headphones and listen to the film or music.

Some people are just toooo critical of other people :D Jai yen yen


I think the most sensible thing you have done is get a two leg flight. I am going to try this next time as the last trip with our little angel was a real trial and I think I can handle two legs of 6/7 hours better than one 12 hour nightmare. :o

It is not just the strain of managing the little one, it is the pressure you feel with all those eyes drilling in the back of your head every time they make a noise. I am going to try for a two leg flight with a one or two night stoppover.

I would be interested to know how Gulf turn out. :D

I'm not sure if it's better to get the flight over in one go or have the stop-over in bahrain, we are only doing it this way cos it's a bit cheaper. I'll let u know how it goes.



I don't know about coups i'm more affraid of taking my 18 month old son on the plane when we go to Thailand in November in case i get a thump from another passenger. Seriousley i get mild panic attacks just thinking of it! We are flying with Gulf Air to BKK via Bahrain, two 6/7 hour flights. Anyone got any tips/advice how to get through it (aside from leaving him behind that is). I'v heard Calpol is good for subdueing them a bit? What about Gulf Air? any one flown with them and their off-spring?

The Wife (Thai) is far less worried but not much seems to faze her anyway.

Any help would be appreciated.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but my wife and I flew with our then 19 month old daughter on Gulf Airlines at christmas. I can honestly tell you it was one of the worst experiences of my life.

Gulf air will provide you with an 'aircot' which is far to small for anything other than a new-born baby. Not only that there is a bright light situated above it which cannot be turned off.

On the outward flight we didn't check our buggy but were given a slip of paper that would allow us to give it to the staff just before we boarded and were told that it would be returned to us when we got off in Bahrain for stop over. When we arrived in Bahrain we were told that because I had checked it at the check-in desk (not true) we couldn't have it. After complaining to the service desk repeatedly (please remember that because of the aircot which my daughter was too big to fit in none of us had slept by this point) the buggy was finally brought to us, broken and unusable, 3 hours after we had gotten off the plane. When I requested the necessary forms to make a claim I was simply told 'it's not my fault' and 'we don't have any forms'.

I have been pursuing the claim for the buggy ever since and acheived nothing.

By the time we got onto the second leg of the journey my daughter was so tired that she pretty much screamed for the whole way to London. We weren't even offered an aircot on this leg of the flight as our daughter was over the weight limit for it (not that it was much use anyway) and I was told that this was my fault for not having booked an extra seat for my daughter. I had checked with Gulf Air in Bangkok prior to booking and they had assured me that the aircot was suitable for a child of up to 2 years old and that booking an extra seat wouldn't be necessary.

After we finally got to my parent's house where we were staying my daughter was sick through exhaustion and we had to take her to the doctor the following day. It took all of us almost a week to get over what was definitely the worst journey of my life.

For three weeks in the UK I repeatly phoned the airline to try and make more suitable arrangements for the return journey, on the day before our departure the mant that I had been dealing with told us that he was happy to confirm that we would have an extra seat to make up for the 'difficulties' on the outward journey. When we checked in we were told that no such arrangement had been made and that no one at the call center had the authority to do so.

The return journey was only slightly better in that it was a day flight and the aircot provided a small space for my daughter to sit rather than being on our laps the whole way.

When I got back here I wrote a long letter to Gulf Airlines outlining what had happened (those things above and many more) after a week or so I received an email saying that they were 'looking into it'. I have heard nothing since.

I will never fly Gulf again. I would recommend you to do the same, whether you are travelling with a child or not, the food is crap, the staff are rude and you get more leg-room on a Bangkok bus.

Good luck.

Sounds like a nightmare, can't change flight now so may need your "good luck"!!

get it right donzzy,

its not an argument mate but dealing in facts only.

i never argue but love a bit a verbal sparing and general banter.

one liners like yours just dont do it for me. :D

cheers mate :o

you should give it a crack some time.

I dont need to write a novel to get my point across


get it right donzzy,

its not an argument mate but dealing in facts only.

i never argue but love a bit a verbal sparing and general banter.

one liners like yours just dont do it for me. :D

cheers mate :o

you should give it a crack some time.

I dont need to write a novel to get my point across

yes i realise that donz,

but it sure makes things a lot clearer for the punters not that it worries me anyway mate.

carry on regardless fella :D

P.S. you are a winner in my books as you got a lovely thai gf and love thailand so its all good is'nt it. :D

brilliant guesthouse,

as now ive got your arse exactly where i want you.

In the interests of peace and harmony I'm going to step down from the argument and offer an olive branch, a hand shake to Terry over the internet. (an E-Handshake :o )

I hope Terry you are able to accept my greetings for what they are, a friendly call to cease personal abuse Please Accept my e-handshake

I have to admit Terry it is not easy to step back like that, so please I hope you have the grace to respond with respect and humility Or Perhaps Respond in Equal Terms.

brilliant guesthouse,

as now ive got your arse exactly where i want you.

In the interests of peace and harmony I'm going to step down from the argument and offer an olive branch, a hand shake to Terry over the internet. (an E-Handshake :D )

I hope Terry you are able to accept my greetings for what they are, a friendly call to cease personal abuse Please Accept my e-handshake

I have to admit Terry it is not easy to step back like that, so please I hope you have the grace to respond with respect and humility Or Perhaps Respond in Equal Terms.

Quality mate :D

You sure your guesthouse and not lacoste? :o:D

brilliant guesthouse,

as now ive got your arse exactly where i want you.

In the interests of peace and harmony I'm going to step down from the argument and offer an olive branch, a hand shake to Terry over the internet. (an E-Handshake :D )

I hope Terry you are able to accept my greetings for what they are, a friendly call to cease personal abuse Please Accept my e-handshake

I have to admit Terry it is not easy to step back like that, so please I hope you have the grace to respond with respect and humility Or Perhaps Respond in Equal Terms.

absolutely no problem guesthouse, i give you an E-handshake as well and now our debating is at an end.

but cricky's mate,

you've got to get over the personal abuse factor.

if the mods thought i was personally abusing you i would of been in the bin quicker than you could say george bush was a dildo. :D

this was never my intention as its light years away from my posting style, i know the rules my friend and fear being deposited in the sin bin more than anything, as it cramps my style.

ask meadish about that. :D

i had to defend my honor as you had accused me of lying, thats a very serious charge and you gave me no choise but to respond in kind.

i was mearly using my intelligence, engaging you in a bit of verbal sparing and general banter to press the point home that what i was telling you was indeed the truth.

anyway guest house,

its all good now, and i wish you the best of luck with your new venture in thailand. :D

i hope your guesthouse is a success and you will be happy back in thailand. :D

keep us punters up to date and maybe i can send you some business some day.

thanks very much for being a good guy and cheers to you and your family.

terry :o

absolutely no problem guesthouse, i give you an E-handshake as well and now our debating is at an end.

Great, you mean I can look forward to a photo sending me greatings from a real Oz fire station.... I can't wait.

I'll treasure it and use it as solid evidence to put down anyone who dares say that you are not an Ozy fireman.

Quick as you can, I'd like to help you scotch uggly lies as soon as possible.

"A sign saying Hello Guesthouse, this is your mate Terry' would be fantastic, I could use it to impress my mates.

Don't worry, I won't be prettending to be a fireman... I have my bad days, but I'm not that sad.

absolutely no problem guesthouse, i give you an E-handshake as well and now our debating is at an end.

Great, you mean I can look forward to a photo sending me greatings from a real Oz fire station.... I can't wait.

I'll treasure it and use it as solid evidence to put down anyone who dares say that you are not an Ozy fireman.

Quick as you can, I'd like to help you scotch uggly lies as soon as possible.

"A sign saying Hello Guesthouse, this is your mate Terry' would be fantastic, I could use it to impress my mates.

Don't worry, I won't be prettending to be a fireman... I have my bad days, but I'm not that sad.

are you really cranking this up again guest house or am i just misreading your post ?


Again in the spirit of not wanting to crank things up, perhaps I'm not communicating very well.

Perhaps it's my eagerness to receive a photo greeting from you at your firestation.

Don't missunderstand, I'd be real proud to have such a greating.

A bit like the call sign cards my dad used to collect back in Radio Ham days.

Again in the spirit of not wanting to crank things up, perhaps I'm not communicating very well.

Perhaps it's my eagerness to receive a photo greeting from you at your firestation.

Don't missunderstand, I'd be real proud to have such a greating.

A bit like the call sign cards my dad used to collect back in Radio Ham days.

your not communicating very well at all guesthouse and i'll go as far as to say your talking the piss.

bye bye guesthouse.

you've had your little moment.


Again in the spirit of not wanting to crank things up, perhaps I'm not communicating very well.

Perhaps it's my eagerness to receive a photo greeting from you at your firestation.

Don't missunderstand, I'd be real proud to have such a greating.

A bit like the call sign cards my dad used to collect back in Radio Ham days.

your not communicating very well at all guesthouse and i'll go as far as to say your talking the piss.

bye bye guesthouse.

you've had your little moment.

I was thinking we are some way off the original topic i'd posted but i'v really enjoyed the banter between the two of you, love the "Trumpton Town" firemen, i think Guesthouse has got you good Ozy!

Sorry you feel like that, anyway thanks for the photo, I'm going to set it as wallpaper on my office PC.

Can you just help out by letting me which fireman is you, You all look much the same in those fireman uniforms.

cricky's guest house,

you really are a silly blighter and get things terribly messed up dont you ? :D

us aussie firefighters are real big, brave and fit looking fellows. :D

those little critters are for sure 100 % straight up ROME firefighters and that little fellow driving the engine is definately you mate. :D:D:o

you look exactly the same in the photo you sent me. :D

actually, id say you are the chief officer of that lot. :D

you still cant match me guesthouse and your looking more silly at every post.

of you go to bed mate and your mommy will tuck you in.

sweet dreams mate. :D

P.S. you just make sure you dont crash that little fire truck mate as you will have to shout all your little mates a bowl of that top spaghetti you fellows eat over there.

bye bye guesthouse,

game over, you lose mate. :D


Again in the spirit of not wanting to crank things up, perhaps I'm not communicating very well.

Perhaps it's my eagerness to receive a photo greeting from you at your firestation.

Don't missunderstand, I'd be real proud to have such a greating.

A bit like the call sign cards my dad used to collect back in Radio Ham days.

your not communicating very well at all guesthouse and i'll go as far as to say your talking the piss.

bye bye guesthouse.

you've had your little moment.

I was thinking we are some way off the original topic i'd posted but i'v really enjoyed the banter between the two of you, love the "Trumpton Town" firemen, i think Guesthouse has got you good Ozy!

you spoke to soon mr henry, :D

cricky's mate give me 30 seconds to reply will you.

guest house has got the scanner but ive got a better wit and crackin missile busting retorts so ive got to get the gernsy dont i. ? :D

any dumb arse can scan a photo but not every body can be brilliant at verbal sparring and general banter.

thats why guesthouse has cranked up the scanner as hes lacking badly in bleedin brain matter and wit.

he just aint got it my friend but im loving making him look very average in deed.

cheers friend :o

game over, you lose mate.

I think to be faire Terry, we should let TV members judge that....

for the first time ever guesthouse i agree with 110%.

ok punters,

who is better at general banter and verbal sparring ?


give it a crack punters :o

As a punter, i think i speak for all my punting brethren when i say that we really need the picture of Terry with his fire engine to settle this one....

Complete with a card bearing a greeting to TV members... We don't want any accusations of having 'poached' a photo do we.

As a punter, i think i speak for all my punting brethren when i say that we really need the picture of Terry with his fire engine to settle this one....

cricky's eddie thats a bit easy isnt it,

but isn't this a question of who is the best verbal sparrer and and wordmizzter ?

cheers mate :o

P.S fella

a picture is easy and verbal sparring requires a bit of brain matter after all. :D

Well GuestHouse has certainly shown that he is indeed in Rome, we will have to wait for the picture from Terry57.

Untill that surfaces i will have to sit on the fence.

thats a far enough comment to make my friend and i will step up and provide the picture complete with a sign for the tv punters. :D

this will surely prove that i do indeed speak the truth and once and for all prove that guesthouse is barking up the wrong tree, " so to speak " and lacking badly in brain matter and humour.

not something that i can do this very second but will be provided. :D ( the picture )

ok that sorts out the picture issue and let deal with the verbal sparring and general banter question. :D

who wins the game and the money on this issue ?

speak up punters and have a say. :D

cheers friends :o

a picture is easy and verbal sparring requires a bit of brain matter after all.

Come on then Terry, give us the photo 'You standing in your fire station holding up a card with a greeting to TV Members'.

It can't be that hard ..... For a real fireman.

It seems people are doubting your claims...

a picture is easy and verbal sparring requires a bit of brain matter after all.

Come on then Terry, give us the photo 'You standing in your fire station holding up a card with a greeting to TV Members'.

It can't be that hard ..... For a real fireman.

It seems people are doubting your claims...

im at home guesthouse and its 11.15 pm in perth so you'll have to wait, as im going to blow your arse away with a cracking photo of my self and said fire truck.

you will have no reason to doubt my self ever again fella and you'll fade away into the sunset where you belong.

putting your silly self to rest once and for all. :D

so of you go and tuck your self up in your bed. :D:D

cricky's mate,

your a real impatient blighter arn't you. :D

B.T.W. people arn't doubting me, there asking for the picture you silly fellow.

nighty night guesthouse. :D

your setting yourself up again guesthouse and im loving it even more matey.

chio mate. :o


to reply to the OP I would say stay away from Gulf Air as in the best of times their service is the worst...irresponsible and surly ground staff and hopelessly confused cabin crew. I'd say stick with reputable airlines like BA as their staff is competent especially with kids, if a bit more expensive.

Having said that, I must say that Garuda/Indonesia offered a good service from SG to Jakarta when I was travelling with my infant son and his mother...they had lots of room in first class and upgraded us and were very attentive...and this a cheap airline.

generally speaking with cheap airlines on long haul you get what you pay for...

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