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Proof of Trump's charity giving elusive

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Its easy to tire when rolling an intellectual rock uphill. Perhaps you are not familiar with your Athenian and other forebears- our framers were. Yes, Democracy is mob rule. Yes, they were keenly sensitive to this. That you cannot follow discourse when the large and small "d's" are in text does not constitute a measure of truth. It shows you do not know the material."What Features of the US Constitution Had Distrust of a Democracy?" http://classroom.synonym.com/features-constitution-distrust-democracy-20581.html

"Many of the framers of the U.S. Constitution feared direct democracy." http://classroom.synonym.com/did-framers-fear-direct-democracy-9227.html

"A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule)." http://www.whatourforefathersthought.com/DemoRep.html

"The Founders' Greatest Fears About Democracy Are Playing Out." http://www.forbes.com/sites/billfrezza/2013/07/31/the-founders-greatest-fears-about-democracy-are-playing-out/

"Why Our Founders Feared a Democracy." http://www.americantraditions.org/Articles/Why%20Our%20Founders%20Feared%20a%20Democracy.htm

Mob rule means infringement upon others by the vox de jure, vox populi. Mob Rule=Democracy. Democracy imposes upon the minority. In this case, those who have money being subject to evidence of compassion- a bankruptcy of the collective polity. It is truly no one's business what another does with their money, or charity.

Yes, of course they feared democracy, because they feared giving up power.

Your definitions are still off, and in spite of an admission earlier from your side that the case on hand is not about what Trump does with his money but what he claims to do with his money your back to your usual mantra without any care at all what this is about.

Good luck, I won't be able to read any of your posts anymore.

Fewer ignorant things may be said than to assert the US founders "feared giving up power," power that belonged to the monarch alone. They lost nearly all creating a republic with democratic processes, not the insidious opiate of Democracy. In a Republic, the many cannot legislate nor successfully malign the few into parting with either Rights or Wealth. A graduated tax and social engineering of a population to demand charity are marks of a very intellectually depraved mob mind. Trump does not likely represent these statements, but my statements generally do represent the best of the virtues of America's hopeful design. Your statements are a woeful revision of America's founding. Fortunately, numerous others in the US now agree with you.

"I won't be able to read any of your posts anymore." You may read but you clearly do not understand.

The following link supports the narrative that giving money is equal to a virtue in our leaders. I insist it is absurd to measure a man by giving "stuff" to others.


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