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Housing Decisions


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It's not playful banter, it's reality. I knew a guy who retired early. Set himself up in a swank Condo in Manila with a young wife. (Not Thailand but similar ) Of course she was "different". They shared an interest in Karate. He had adult American kids already and was not trying to start a new family. He explained some of the details and I had to tell him "man don't make yourself worth more dead than alive". He was not giving her much spending money but had applied for life insurance and willed her assets. He was a known cheap skate sitting on a mountain of money, a chartered stock trader, and decided he would stop flying to trade full time. He also did part time work as a simulator instructor for a well known Asian airline,as he had experience in that area.

Three years later he was found stabbed to death in the boot of a stolen taxi.

Very sorry to hear about that but still off topic as it's not related to my original post and I've already said I'm not bothered if I lose the money. Life's too short to worry.

I will be wary of taxi drivers in the future.

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My wife is a working housewife, she wants to work but I said it's not really woth it looking after two kids and always better for the kids to be with their mother, than hired help. Hence she doesn't have any income of her own. Of course when we were in England she saved us loads of money simply by looking after the kids and not working as child are is expensive in the UK.

I see it as a worthwhile investment that my wife doesn't work from a family perspective. When the boys get older she might work but for now especially with me working abroad the current model works best ;-)

Divorce in the UK,

If you work and she doesn't, they award 100% custody to the woman (based on she spends most time with them).

If you work and she doesn't, they award 50% of your pension and NI (based on she gave up work to look after them).

Just a thought.

It was a big mistake on my part, which I never thought of, and nobody told me about.

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