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Suthep's old 'reform' war cry unsettles the government

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Suthep's old 'reform' war cry unsettles the government


BANGKOK: -- THE CALL for reform before election has been revived with the return of veteran politician Suthep Thaugsuban to the political scene. Suthep has insisted he will never return to politics, and what he is currently involved in is civil society politics.

Suthep has resumed his role as "Uncle Kamnan", the nickname he got when leading massive street protests against the Yingluck Shinawatra administration for more than six months between 2013 and 2014. As secretary-general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), Suthep led a campaign for "reform before election".

People who campaigned along with him during the PDRC-led rally have come out in support of Suthep's revived call. These include Wanchai Sornsiri and Seree Suwanpanont, both now members of the National Reform Council (NRC). They both vowed to vote against the draft constitution in order to allow more time for national reforms to be completed before the next election.

Paiboon Nititawan, another NRC member with links to the PDRC, has suggested a national referendum on the new constitution should also ask voters if they agreed with reforming the country for two years before the next election. In effect, that is to ask the voters if they wanted the current government to stay on in power for two more years.

This government may overstay the road map's deadline set in the post-coup provisional charter if the draft constitution fails to get endorsement from the NRC, or fails to pass a national referendum. However, that way the government would not stay much longer, as the interim charter states that a new referendum must be held six months after the first one. During that time, a new constitution drafting committee would be set up to write a new charter.

Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam, who is the government's chief legal adviser, said that if the new draft constitution does not pass referendum for the second time, the government has a solution for that scenario. This process would not become trapped in an endless cycle.

Before the interim charter was amended, this process would have gone on and on until the draft constitution passed a referendum.

The next general election could be held no later than mid-2017, which is in line with remarks by some figures in the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) who expected an elected government to be formed within 2017.

Paiboon's suggestion comes with a clear timeframe when the next election is to be held. But the call by Suthep and his group has no time limit.

There has been no clear definition about "completion" of the reform. National reform is not like changing spare parts. The process is time-consuming and the time taken for different areas of reform varies.

It might come to pass that nobody knows with certainty how long it would take to complete the reform and whether the reform "is completed".

This call for the next election to be held after the reform is completed may be just a ploy by some people who do not want to contest an election because they have no chance of winning.

Such a call seems to have caused uneasiness for the government and the NCPO. They are now in a difficult position, as they may be viewed with suspicion if the draft constitution ends up failing to pass the NRC. Also, Suthep's call is likely to revive conflict in society despite attempts by the government and the NCPO to retain peace and order.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Sutheps-old-reform-war-cry-unsettles-the-governmen-30266018.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-06

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"This call for the next election to be held after the reform is completed may be just a ploy by some people who do not want to contest an election because they have no chance of winning."

For the win! post-4641-1156694083.gif

Another day, another story, another vesrsion.

Yesterday the BP quoted the PM as backing Suthep and saying he would not be working for the govt rather working for the country and he wouldn't affect the govt.

Today the Nation has Suthep's old war cry ' unsettling ' the govt.

It doesn't really matter as no good is likely to come from this unholy alliance. There will be problems irrespective of whether they work together, and not necessarily for the good of the nation, or they fall out and get into it.


Reforms before elections will give them plenty of time to get their new electronic voting system up and running.....then they'll be sure to win!


This whole constitution mess is because they are trying to cover every angle and please every faction that supports the current regime. The constitution should be a set of principles to which every new law must pay homage to. It is the laws that need changing from the infantile basic version Thailand now has to a proper integrated system based on principles of law and Justice which the current laws and mindset of the judiciary has little concept of.

Sadly Thai people just do not understand the concept of a constitution which is why everyone is floundering about like headless chickens. It will be some time yet before the whole mess is sorted out because they are going the wrong way about it.


Oh the darling of the right won't be involved in politics, never, ever, ever... only 'civil society politics'

only a Thai could come up with that one and only Thais could believe it


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?


If Prayut is ever going to show he is truly unbiased and he really wants reforms, then he has to stop this megalomaniac dead in his track NOW!


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

Doubtful it matters if true or not. I have nothing but contempt for suthep but he isn't stupid. Doing thaksin's bidding benefits no one but thaksin. Suthep knows that.


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

Doubtful it matters if true or not. I have nothing but contempt for suthep but he isn't stupid. Doing thaksin's bidding benefits no one but thaksin. Suthep knows that.

I know but to state that Thaksin has offered Suthep money when they loathe each other is absurd and incredulous and about as truthful as finding a virgin on Walking Street


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

I doubt it. You only buy a man if you can trust him to stay bought - and Suthep does not fall into that category. " ..... as a rubber corkscrew" springs to mind.


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

I doubt it. You only buy a man if you can trust him to stay bought - and Suthep does not fall into that category. " ..... as a rubber corkscrew" springs to mind.


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

.................."most stupid post of the month award".......................

I have often "thought" the same thing whenever I read any of your comments, but I have never been rude enough to actually come out and say it. biggrin.png

I don't know what that snake Suthep is up to, but I bet whatever it is he is in cahoots with the PM. Doubt if he would be in bed with the despot in self exile, not if there is such a thing as honor among thieves.


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

Making it up ?. You should learn to read : Suthep has been a monk for the last year. As the OP said, not the best thing he could do. Tick that box as true.

And Abhisit already said that Thaksin had approached them looking for a deal to get his own amnesty (I expect you missed it: it was the whole point of charging them with murder). It would be reasonable to assume Suthep was included in that given Pheu-Thai tried to nail them both on several different occasions. My favourite was that clown Sukumpol who spent he whole time trying to find draft papers from 30 years ago while violence flared in the South.

I would say that makes your posts more stupid - but given the competition you have from your comrades who write like under-developed 6 year olds having a tantrum, you don't make the winner this month I'm afraid.


I can only see before 2013 being re-enacted sometime down the road , not that I have anything against Khun Suthep or the red shirts , but to pave the way forward for Thailand , these players now must retire to the rose garden , a fresh set of new like minded independent thinkers are needed , if not, a rehash of previous anti social behaviour will start all over again, for as we all know regardless of the Junta's presence, Thailand still remains divided , nothing has changed. coffee1.gif


I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore

Suthep's masters here in Thailand can give him much, much, much more than "the man in Dubai".

They brought him off the bench, as we are nearing penalty time in the current "fixture". He needs to injure a few opposing players - permanently, and make sure that there are no elections until the antagonists in this silly play are no longer around.


If Prayut is ever going to show he is truly unbiased and he really wants reforms, then he has to stop this megalomaniac dead in his track NOW!

Thais don't think that way......he will be allowed to continue with impunity.


This whole constitution mess is because they are trying to cover every angle and please every faction that supports the current regime. The constitution should be a set of principles to which every new law must pay homage to. It is the laws that need changing from the infantile basic version Thailand now has to a proper integrated system based on principles of law and Justice which the current laws and mindset of the judiciary has little concept of.

Sadly Thai people just do not understand the concept of a constitution which is why everyone is floundering about like headless chickens. It will be some time yet before the whole mess is sorted out because they are going the wrong way about it.

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

.................."most stupid post of the month award".......................

I have often "thought" the same thing whenever I read any of your comments, but I have never been rude enough to actually come out and say it. biggrin.png

I don't know what that snake Suthep is up to, but I bet whatever it is he is in cahoots with the PM. Doubt if he would be in bed with the despot in self exile, not if there is such a thing as honor among thieves.

he was suggesting that Thaksin offered money for silence and I think not even you or Englishjohn would claim that


Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

most stupid post of the month award

do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

Making it up ?. You should learn to read : Suthep has been a monk for the last year. As the OP said, not the best thing he could do. Tick that box as true.

And Abhisit already said that Thaksin had approached them looking for a deal to get his own amnesty (I expect you missed it: it was the whole point of charging them with murder). It would be reasonable to assume Suthep was included in that given Pheu-Thai tried to nail them both on several different occasions. My favourite was that clown Sukumpol who spent he whole time trying to find draft papers from 30 years ago while violence flared in the South.

I would say that makes your posts more stupid - but given the competition you have from your comrades who write like under-developed 6 year olds having a tantrum, you don't make the winner this month I'm afraid.

you should learn to read "my friend" (as your mate djjamie puts it) he was suggesting Thaksin offered money for 'silence' and i credit even YOU with not making a post as stupid as that


"This call for the next election to be held after the reform is completed may be just a ploy by some people who do not want to contest an election because they have no chance of winning."

For the win! post-4641-1156694083.gif



"This call for the next election to be held after the reform is completed may be just a ploy by some people who do not want to contest an election because they have no chance of winning."

For the win! post-4641-1156694083.gif

What nonsense.... everyone and their dog wants a free and fair election in Thailand... "free and fair" And sure, reform is desperately needed before this can happen... Reform in the countryside where the Thais have to get rid of the village headman system... it stinks of corruption.. Get rid of Nepotism... another huge source of corruption.. Move policemen around, new locations every 6 months... move civil servants around... different departments.. Corruption is so engrained here in Thai society... so, make the punishment fit the crime.. And , pay fair wages and pension schemes... make it so peoples are afraid to lose those benefits... Allow any person of any party to go into any area and canvass for him/herself... Any citizen selling their votes to be jailed... 6 months... (maybe not enough prisons)

But what the hell, I am farang and can go home any time I want... let the Thai people stew in the broth of their own cooking..... Bring Thaksin back, give him the keys of all the cities.... Haha.... All policeman will rejoice with the return of their Messiah...... Rock on Prayuth in your thankless job..! Suicide is painless.....wai2.gif


Suthep has surprisingly proven a very good tool for those who is using him, I bet even they did not expect him to be this good. But then he single-handedly brought down a complete government in the 90's, that should be a good indication of his capabilities.


well you can bet there will be more blood coming to the streets again. Just like in 1991. All over again.

I pray you are wrong but neither a Military Junta nor a Returning Thaksin nor a Menacing Suthep is the answer

people need to change from a nationalistic me,me,me culture but that will take decades of paradigm shift


I am not sure about Pryut . He seems to be lost in this cultural malaise that is called Thailand, however , Suthep is truly a horse of a different color and this pantomime of the PDR Federation is simply an indictment as to how easy it is to manipulate people who have no understanding of social conscience .

Suthep should consider himself fortunate that he did not end up in jail and his pathetic duck and run to monastic life in order to make merit and cover his sorry ass only serves to show how manipulative this quasi Buddhist country truly is.

This country is doomed to disarray and failure for perhaps the next decade and nobody seems to realize what the signs are saying.

The world is seeing Thailand for what it truly is for perhaps the first time

and they are fast running out of resource, friends and infamous Thai excuses

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