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Thailand considers cloning ancient contested Preah Vihear temple


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Not surprised. My ardent yellow-shirt ex-gf insisted that all of the 'supposedly Khmer' ruins in Thailand had actually been constructed by ancient Thai kingdoms, not those 'stupid and violent' people across the border. It was the straw that broke my back with her...

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“So I want this project to be built quickly, so that people around Phrea Vihear Temple will be able to sell souvenirs to tourists.”

Why not just put up a web-site with your ridiculous souvenirs and sell them online, then you dont have to actually having the tourists in your precious Land of Scams but only get the Money ... Ups, forgot web-sites and thais not a good combo either ...

I Wonder if this fool would understand how stupid he is if somebody would take good time to explain it to him ... but I doubt it - The Idiocy has won here ...

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"Thai and Cambodian security forces have battled at least twice over the long-contested Preah Vihear just across the border from Si Sa Ket" Shake of the head. Two nominally Buddhist countries fighting over a temple. Have they ever heard the second noble truth? "Suffering comes from attachment"? Like having a war over which country is most peaceful.

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Great idea! But why stop there, how about also cloning the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon and the Sydney Harbour Bridge whilst singing "We Are The World"

I sincerely hope they do not clone the brilliant people that have come up with this "tourist appeal" related idea while so many important things here go begging for lack of money. "The list is to long to go into in detail you know infrastructure, education, medical care,water planning, pollution and well the list is endless. This is purely and simply a case of "sour grapes" Why not build a landing pad for alien spacecraft now there is a tourist attraction. Is this the same group that wants submarines and trains to China? Even my Thai g/f got a chuckle out of this one. Every day I open TV visa thinking well what can be number 1 on the you know what parade today and then something like this comes along. I can hardly wait to open TV tomorrow to see another "brilliant" idea. In the spirit of honesty and fairness it is a beautiful temple.

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The Thai government should be deported to the moon.

Out of the question it would cost to much money although the moon would give them lots of raw material to work with. Of course they would knock down the American flag and claim it for their own. They should contact Branson I don't know if the Virgin space vehicle has that kind of range.

Edited by elgordo38
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Well when they do replicate the thing, when giving tours they should also give the modern history of the monument; what happened to the Cambodian refugees....during the Khmer rouge years....nothing in particular to be proud of.

Who would want to see a replica of a pile of rubble and @#$@?

They would have to ask the Cambodian government for permission as this would be a blatant infringement of the copyright laws that they keep claiming to enforce.

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“So I want this project to be built quickly, so that people around Phrea Vihear Temple will be able to sell souvenirs to tourists.”

That about sums it up.

It was a 2 bit tourist trap at best.I bought a wooden penis as a key ring for 20 baht.

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i think youre all missing the point here, they can copy it but make it better with water tight roofs and atm machines so the chinese can go inside and buy trinkets. plus, once they film a few soaps there the thais will go by the million so they can stand outside and take selfies.....it will make billions!

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Oh my, what a stupid idea. Do they really think tourists, especially foreign tourists, would be interested in coming to Thailand to see a copy? Real tourists travel to see the real thing.

Another stupid idea from another brain dead bureaucrat. I wish these guys would stop having their brain farts in public.

I wonder why people go to Disney World or Las Vegas...

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Go ahead and build your "clone". It will draw a few curious at first, then die. People who want to see Preah Vihear, want to see the REAL THING, not some mock up bull crap!

Thai thinking at it's best.

this is the chinese way ..................copy , copy , copy .

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Go ahead and build your "clone". It will draw a few curious at first, then die. People who want to see Preah Vihear, want to see the REAL THING, not some mock up bull crap!

Thai thinking at it's best.

this is the chinese way ..................copy , copy , copy .

Don't be racist just because you have limited knowledge. Four greatest inventions by the Chinese ; gunpowder, paper making, printing & compass. Who copy who????

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Go ahead and build your "clone". It will draw a few curious at first, then die. People who want to see Preah Vihear, want to see the REAL THING, not some mock up bull crap!

Thai thinking at it's best.

this is the chinese way ..................copy , copy , copy .

Don't be racist just because you have limited knowledge. Four greatest inventions by the Chinese ; gunpowder, paper making, printing & compass. Who copy who????

I think he means Modern Chinese, not the ones of 1,000 plus years ago...the ancestors would not feel like they descendants have been honorable....

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I find it odd that they'd be so ready to copy something so clearly khmer in design. According to Thai history books the evil khmers came to Thailand and burnt everything, Thai history is all clean and squeaky too in these books of course.

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