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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate


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What happened to him since them? Did he have a number of mini strokes? did he go to clown college?

How did his hair got so much blonder laugh.png

I'm not a fan but instead of his hair and appearance, I found it interesting his message was the same before he even had a "message".

May not even agree with everything he says, just liked the consistency for the sake of consistency. Not unlike Bernie the Commie or Ron Paul.

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What happened to him since them? Did he have a number of mini strokes? did he go to clown college?

How did his hair got so much blonder laugh.png

I'm not a fan but instead of his hair and appearance, I found it interesting his message was the same before he even had a "message".

May not even agree with everything he says, just liked the consistency for the sake of consistency. Not unlike Bernie the Commie or Ron Paul.

I am not a fan also, and I agree with part of his protectionist message, protecting it's people is the primary purpose of any government, I don't like the man, having worked at a management level in the construction company that did all the concrete at the Tramp towers on the west side highway NYC I know some of the man and God help as if he becomes president. In an unrelated point, His facial expressions during his speeches remind me of Benito Mussolini As far as consistency is concerned , it is nor always a virtue as I mature and learn more I have changed my position on many issues, I am sure you have also, it is part of our growth as human beings so why would we not want that from our politicians?

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I am not a fan also, and I agree with part of his protectionist message, protecting it's people is the primary purpose of any government,

I don't like the man, having worked at a management level in the construction company that did all the concrete at the Tramp towers on the west side highway NYC I know some of the man and God help as if he becomes president.

in an unrelated,point His facial expressions during his speeches remind me of Benito Mussolini

As fat as consistency is concerned , it is nor always a virtue

as I mature and learn more I have changed my position on many issues, I am sure you have also,

it is part of our growth as human beings

so why would we not want that from our politicians?

I knew Jeb and Hillary from working. Jeb not a bad guy but not that bright. Hillary is a crook.

What was Trump like to work for?

Edited by lostoday
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This is the man that says that wants to runs America like a business..and a top Republican candidate for the US Presidency....


When he was asked about his bankruptcies on the TV debate..and the financial damage he caused in other companies, he responded... "I just used the system, and the other companies were not so honest anyway"

On his "Trump Towers" in Baja California, in Tijuana, Mexico, in 2007..he just abandoned the construction site, never built anything, and runs with US$ 30.000.000 in buyers deposit money. His luxury project presentations in San Diego and his promises attracted hundred of American investors, that never got any money back. He said that he was just the "promoter" not the developer, but later he returned in court just 3 million to some Mexican "buyers".... Sure..."anyway...those "buyers" were not so honest..too"...and very dangerous people to scam.

Edited by BKResort
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