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PM keen to meet new US ambassador
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- PRIME Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha Friday welcomed United States Ambassador to Thailand Glyn Davies, saying he wished to talk to the envoy and forge mutual understanding.

"I wish the envoy comes here quick and meets me first so that we can discuss issues. If he listens to others, there will be misunderstanding," Prayut said.

The US Senate on Thursday confirmed Davies as the new ambassador succeeding Kristie Kenney.

Prayut said he conveyed his desire to meet Davies via a group of US businessmen he met recently.

When asked if the appointment of Davies was a positive sign that would result in better bilateral ties, Prayut said he did not think the relationship with the US was in bad shape.

The US downgraded relations with Thailand after the coup led by Prayut last year.

Prayut said he understood that the US had to react to the coup based on it being the leader of the democratic world. But he said he would show other nations that he did not destroy anything but simply enforced the law to benefit the country.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/PM-keen-to-meet-new-US-ambassador-30266168.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-07

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Prayut "simply enforced the law to benefit the country."

He should try a different story. Insurrection and abolishing the Thai Constitution are hardly legal enforcement acts.

Somehow I don't think Ambassador Davies needs any understanding from Prayut about what kind of government Prayut wants to establish. But dialog is always welcomed.


" and finally Mr. Ambassador don't worry about issuing public statements on Thai issues as someone from my govt will do it for you. "


"If he listens to others there will be a misunderstanding"

Oh no general, unless he's a complete idiot he'll see what's going on quite easily with his own eyes.


So the new ambassador will understand "Thainess" at the end of the conversation?

Would love to read the ambassador's note at the end of the meeting, they could be very interesting.

Wikileaks where are your best sources?


I am sure the Thai bashers will have a lot to say about the PM regarding his comments. I do agree that a Democracy does need to be re-established, but it must be done correctly. Time is running short for the PM before the people will demand the return of an elected government. I will say however, to those Farangs that like to Thai bash, has the coup made your life worse, better, or the same. If worse, can you tell us in what way please? Thank you......


The fact that there is so much defensiveness, so much explaining speaks volumes.

I am starting to think this Govt does not believe their own BS.


I'll be very disappointed if the US Ambassador is ready to "officially" sit down with a military leader and discuss relations as if he were an elected leader.


of course he is, of course he is, it will come out as

"The new US Ambassador visited the PM and GUSHED at how great he looked and that although the US 'officially' doesn't like Junta's they have FULL and WONDERFUL admiration and faith in the Good General and are so pleased he is saving the country and FULLY support him and the boys in green"

in fact a recent DJJAMIE officially approved poll showed:

93% of those polled LOVED the General and the Junta and the other 7% were liars


" and finally Mr. Ambassador don't worry about issuing public statements on Thai issues as someone from my govt will do it for you. "

An excellent point. The current administration in Thailand blithely does what I've never seen any other government do -- from Pinochet's to Mao's -- and that is paraphrase the foreign diplomats' statements. To the benefit of the current administration, natch.


I am sure the Thai bashers will have a lot to say about the PM regarding his comments. I do agree that a Democracy does need to be re-established, but it must be done correctly. Time is running short for the PM before the people will demand the return of an elected government. I will say however, to those Farangs that like to Thai bash, has the coup made your life worse, better, or the same. If worse, can you tell us in what way please? Thank you......

Its not about our life better or worse....its about rights

If you rob a bank tomorrow, it will not make my life better or worse, but is it right ?

Hitler did not make my personal life better or worse, so he was right ?

Ah, but if YOU rob a bank tomorrow, will it make YOUR life better or worse? I guess time will tell. If Hitler did not make your life better or worse, you are fortunate. There are a lot of Jews that would be better at answering your question, and could answer it very easily. If you live in Sweden, does the current PM make your life better or worse. You would care less......

Has Prayuth, through his desires to put this country in a better place. trampled your rights in trying to make it better. End the rice scheme, try to end corruption, (prevalent unfortunately in every country), make the police more accountable to the people. Does this offend your sense of rights? Was anything getting better in people rights before the coup? Sometimes a complete makeover is needed, and my point is, the people are not suffering, except for their right to protest. I can live with that for a while. The protesters were happy with status quo to begin with.

Contributions to this thread aren't over but I'll jump the gun, so to speak, and award you the Friends of Fascism Prize for this OP.


The US Ambassador, ( not "envoy" - AMBASSADOR ), is busy having Thai "don't understand " translated to

" Damned fools " and then to draft acceptable replies to possible questions - end result of meeting

" How much should I make out that check for ? "


To all the junta sycophants, how is this coup any different to the previous 19, and what did any of those coups (bar the first) change?

Coups in Thailand are like the seasons, they come and go,ebb and flood. It's a result of never having been colonized, they are like children in the school playground and the bell rings,they are still looking for a teacher.


To all the junta sycophants, how is this coup any different to the previous 19, and what did any of those coups (bar the first) change?

Coups in Thailand are like the seasons, they come and go,ebb and flood. It's a result of never having been colonized, they are like children in the school playground and the bell rings,they are still looking for a teacher.

Spot on. I just get bored of idiots thinking Prayuth is the saviour. It's a story that has been told so many times since 1930.


I'll be very disappointed if the US Ambassador is ready to "officially" sit down with a military leader and discuss relations as if he were an elected leader.

He's the ambassador. He's supposed to talk to people, not necessarily endorse their presence.


I am sure the Thai bashers will have a lot to say about the PM regarding his comments. I do agree that a Democracy does need to be re-established, but it must be done correctly. Time is running short for the PM before the people will demand the return of an elected government. I will say however, to those Farangs that like to Thai bash, has the coup made your life worse, better, or the same. If worse, can you tell us in what way please? Thank you......

Thai Bashing, is in most cases, but not all, simply people making observation based on actual experience , and these are observations which are shared by anyone who has the capacity to synapse . However there are many here who fly a false flag for their own purposes alone.

Furthermore you can not re-establish that what has never been in place. There has been only a paper semblance of democracy with the credibility of a Kaosan Road ratification since the formation of the constitution.

Thailand is a sovereign nation supported by a military strength well beyond it direct needs. Militarism extend into all Government organizations and schools under the guise of nationalism which is a red herring.It is quite dictatorial

Regarding the impact of the coup on falangs. Negligible ,as we all have no stature here and are incidental except for our financial contribution to the GDP.

Perhaps you should try to broaden you perspective and view the many side of the equation with a broader outlook to the impacts which are effecting this country. Cheap beer and food are no justification for the ills of this society.


He has oiled his tongue and got his knee pads on already, time for some serious licking

Which is "he"?

The one who wants joy and happiness

Ah, a "J&H" session. Steamy stuff.


Posts containing Hitler generalizations have been removed as well as the replies. Posts commenting on moderation have been removed as well.

Every person on ThaiVisa should learn Godwin's Law by heart.

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