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Looks Like The ( Late Night ) Life Has Been Sucked Out Of CM


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I was talking to a owner of a new bar that just opened (He's Thai) last week. He's been working in and owned several places in CM in the past 14 years. He told me that three days after he opened the cops stopped by and told him he would have to pay them 5,000 baht a month. If he did he could stay open later. He said the bar next door decided to close and move because of that.

He had owned a bar in the Night Bazaar for a number of years. When he first opened, he paid the cops 300 Bhat a month. It kept rising and when it reached 3000 Bhat, He shut it down three years ago. Apparently most of these (mostly Thai) places operate with a thin profit margin.

He said a number of places are moving away from around the moat because the cops are getting really greedy or they're shutting down early.

Also, landlords are rapidly raising rents...

BTW, I asked what else he got from the cops. They told him they protect him from the Mafia. He told me they ARE the Mafia.

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Pat...another poster stated Number 1 is now Ladyboy City....so you're not missing much. The decline of MM and LK has been noticeable for at least five years, and there is pretty much of a consensus on that here, and its demise is separate from the recent crackdown, but hurt even more. While Dayli (soi 11) never stayed open past about 1, anyway, the cyclist killings seemed to have been the straw that broke the camel's back, and for lack of a better word...the authorities have become "militant" about closing at 24:00. BTW, the killer's BAC was reported at about .08ish (or less), which clearly is not an indication of a 100 pound girl, who drank the night away. Terrible. reckless driving habits, which are amplified with alcohol, are the killer around here.

Meanwhile, up here by CMU, the bars next to me remain closed, but you can still buy at the 7-11 right by the back gate.

Late night drinking is very convenient for tourists, who like myself, have traveled 11-14 time zones to get here, or even the 6 or 7 for the Euros. It's a great way to get acclimated.

What is MM and LK? Do you have to be so lazy with your typing?

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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Sad trolling fail.


Nope. Genuine question.

Most normal tourists in Chiang Mai have spent the day walking around temples in the hot sun, or visiting an elephant camp, or hiking around on Doi Suthep, etc etc.

Sure, they go out for a drink, but really, what proportion of them are left standing after midnight? I'm guessing not very many...

I'm with you Biker dude. I frankly don't understand why it's so darn important to be able to party past midnight. There's plenty to do all over town before then, so I'm just fine if they shut everything down by midnight. As for Loi Kroh, the city should just bulldoze that entire strip.

The City should rather bulldoze the Scam "Karaoke Bars" on Chang Klan road but too much Money for all involved there when a tourist get extorted ...

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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Sad trolling fail.


Nope. Genuine question.

Most normal tourists in Chiang Mai have spent the day walking around temples in the hot sun, or visiting an elephant camp, or hiking around on Doi Suthep, etc etc.

Sure, they go out for a drink, but really, what proportion of them are left standing after midnight? I'm guessing not very many...

I'm with you Biker dude. I frankly don't understand why it's so darn important to be able to party past midnight. There's plenty to do all over town before then, so I'm just fine if they shut everything down by midnight. As for Loi Kroh, the city should just bulldoze that entire strip.

Have you ever heard of circadian rhythms? not everyone is on the same rhythm.

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Pat...another poster stated Number 1 is now Ladyboy City....so you're not missing much. The decline of MM and LK has been noticeable for at least five years, and there is pretty much of a consensus on that here, and its demise is separate from the recent crackdown, but hurt even more. While Dayli (soi 11) never stayed open past about 1, anyway, the cyclist killings seemed to have been the straw that broke the camel's back, and for lack of a better word...the authorities have become "militant" about closing at 24:00. BTW, the killer's BAC was reported at about .08ish (or less), which clearly is not an indication of a 100 pound girl, who drank the night away. Terrible. reckless driving habits, which are amplified with alcohol, are the killer around here.

Meanwhile, up here by CMU, the bars next to me remain closed, but you can still buy at the 7-11 right by the back gate.

Late night drinking is very convenient for tourists, who like myself, have traveled 11-14 time zones to get here, or even the 6 or 7 for the Euros. It's a great way to get acclimated.

What is MM and LK? Do you have to be so lazy with your typing?

Moon Muang and Loi Kroh, if we're going by context.

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Would some kind poster please explain the difference between a normal and a not normal tourist.

I would think the only not normal tourists are the ones who cause trouble, do drunk driving or riding, and walk around shirtless.

So IMO, I would say that most tourists are normal.

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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Yes, it's kind of a worldwide phenomenon.

We have a local resort, bar, restaurant, competition qualified billiards table, swimming pool, near us in the wilds of far north east Bueng Kan, open 24 hours. What's wrong with that? He has no intention of closing early. In addition the local cops will not enforce it. He gets Thai customers from around the area and many of them are off duty police.

This is the problem with Military Governments perhaps, although I know even so-called democratic governments make the same mistakes, always catering to the bottom end of the human food chain to design the "rules". To keep us in line. To tow the line, and take our taxes to tow it.

I don't drink as such, but if I cannot sleep and want to go and have a drink somewhere, why not?

What is this obsession with control?

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Seems my posts have been misinterpreted. I have nothing against drinking after midnight - I'd be a hypocrite to say I did. I was simply questioning the idea that this will have an impact on 'normal' tourists. Plenty of popular holiday destinations close down around midnight, after all.

Besides which, whenever I've visited Chiang Mai it's never seemed like much of a party town.

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Well, you need to avoid the foreigner spots,

Oxide in Santhitham, special events, live music, pretty serving girls

Current promotion 4 large Singha Light for 200bht

attachicon.gifashahi.jpgattachicon.gifoxiden.jpgattachicon.gifsingha light.jpg

Bla Bla Bar in Nimman Soy 5, special events, live music, OK serving girls

Current promotion 3 Large Chang Classic for 100bht

Dayli in Nimman Soy 5, same same

Early closing is good, you can take her home before she turns into a pumpkin guy.

what are these 2 girls from the 2nd photo down doing ??????????????????any kind of lesbian game?i did not want to be rud at all , but i am alwaays amazed as thai pose in a photos.

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night life is gone and boring time is installed, not only in thailand ..but in many countries now..............!

for 20 years,drunk.gif i was then living in alicante (spain),.... i went out the earlier time at 11.30 to midnight...cause before there is fast nobody inside the bars....and coming back at 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning...driving my own car always (and i swear i never had any accident)....when all bars where closing then some other clubs or disco was starting at 6, 7 am in the morning till 12..13 noon next day....so when i arrived the first time in bangkok i was pretty surprised and disapointed about the night life offer(then close time was 2 AM)..anyway, i dont care, i had enough fun for long time and when some people talk about parting in thailand, i turn around ..........they have no idea of whats night life is!


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Once again, I am reminded of Mexico. I just looked at the weather in Hermosillo. 104F with 41% humidity, low 80, tomorrow 105F, with a slim chance of a T-storm. The "normal" tourists, expats, and residents (with a brain) are doing a siesta during the high heat, or taking their date to one of those hourly hotels with the curtains to hide your car. The bars will get rolling about 23:00, and go all night. The only municipality in the nation, whose tap water is 100% treated. http://www.weather.com/weather/today/l/MXSR0091:1:MX Many do a similar variation here. Go out in the morning for a while, run a few errands, maybe a temple or two, then you come back and the maid has cleaned your room, your date is gone, your passport is safe...time for a nap....it might even work to your advantage to be sober during prime "viewing" hours. I was out walking today and it is hot as F^^^ out in the sun. I almost had to stop at ICON and KSK to cool off on a five mile walk. I grew up in an area, where everyone worked a day job (too many for the government) and people who came and went at strange hours were always "suspect." I heard about a lady being scrutinized for being on the phone on her porch at midnight..some folks thought they were working for the Cali Cartel or something ridiculous...turns out it was the only opportunity she had to speak with her son, who was on combat duty in Iraq. Once I lived in other areas, I realized that lots of people work weird hours for whatever reason. There is a bar across from Phoenix Baptist Hospital named The Recovery Room. Opens at 0600. It seemed to be a more educated crowd than the 5pm Guiness Pint people, who wore their neckties to Happy Hour. I hope this all works out for the good of the economy in Chiang Mai. Apparently, some of the Police are pretty big drinkers themselves as I noticed their is a statue out front of the Mueang Station depicting an officer carrying his drunken partner out of a bar, after drinking too much. Such dedication and teamwork.


Edited by bangmai
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Once again, I am reminded of Mexico. I just looked at the weather in Hermosillo. 104F with 41% humidity, low 80, tomorrow 105F, with a slim chance of a T-storm. The "normal" tourists, expats, and residents (with a brain) are doing a siesta during the high heat, or taking their date to one of those hourly hotels with the curtains to hide your car. The bars will get rolling about 23:00, and go all night. The only municipality in the nation, whose tap water is 100% treated. http://www.weather.com/weather/today/l/MXSR0091:1:MX Many do a similar variation here. Go out in the morning for a while, run a few errands, maybe a temple or two, then you come back and the maid has cleaned your room, your date is gone, your passport is safe...time for a nap....it might even work to your advantage to be sober during prime "viewing" hours. I was out walking today and it is hot as F^^^ out in the sun. I almost had to stop at ICON and KSK to cool off on a five mile walk. I grew up in an area, where everyone worked a day job (too many for the government) and people who came and went at strange hours were always "suspect." I heard about a lady being scrutinized for being on the phone on her porch at midnight..some folks thought they were working for the Cali Cartel or something ridiculous...turns out it was the only opportunity she had to speak with her son, who was on combat duty in Iraq. Once I lived in other areas, I realized that lots of people work weird hours for whatever reason. There is a bar across from Phoenix Baptist Hospital named The Recovery Room. Opens at 0600. It seemed to be a more educated crowd than the 5pm Guiness Pint people, who wore their neckties to Happy Hour. I hope this all works out for the good of the economy in Chiang Mai. Apparently, some of the Police are pretty big drinkers themselves as I noticed their is a statue out front of the Mueang Station depicting an officer carrying his drunken partner out of a bar, after drinking too much. Such dedication and teamwork.


I seriously hope you were being facetious with your comment about the statue, as it is one of a cop carrying a injured/sick child, and NOT his drunk buddy. If you weren't being facetious, then shame on you.

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Wont last that long(bars closing early)nothing ever does in thailand,but i can understand the thai police response to that horrendous accident.

CM bored me to tears. Nearly dropped to my knees to kiss the pavement on my return to Pattaya. No, I'm not a monger. Happily married to a Thai lady.

Did you ever take any trips around the province of Chiang Mai? I mean outside the actual city. If you like Nature..you won't be disappointed. I agree with you, the worst part of chiang mai is the moat area. Smelly and full of budget shops/cafes and hotels.

However, Pattaya has all that beat...except...the surrounding area is not all that interesting...like up here. So if you are comparing the town..ok....

Pattaya peeps have the clubs and girls...sure.

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I don't generally go to bars these days, and the last time I did any bar hopping in CM must have been around 2006-2007. The bars on Loi Kroh were generally closing at around midnight back then, give or take, but not staying open very late. (Only a few nights around Loi Kroh seemed plenty to me, anyway.) Spotlight stayed open later, but not too many were interested in going there as the place was mostly dead (most who went didn't stay so long). Hot Shot Closed even earlier. Fun, friendly, yes... But closing about 11PM-ish on weekends, and Bubbles wasn't far behind. There was something over by Bar Number 1. Only went there once. Bunch of guys, mostly, sitting there in the dark, quietly, drunkenly, smokingly staring at a soapy gal smearing herself on a window or something. Not my kind of scene, Not quite sure what time they closed, but I think a bit later. Mostly, there was a lull from about midnight until maybe 1:00 or 1:30AM, when Spicey would open? Or maybe it opened at 2AM. I can't remember. I do seem to recall, however, that it didn't really get going until 3AM or a bit after. Some bars worth visiting in ChiangMaiLand back then. Mostly Thai clubs I think, and I believe they stayed open a bit later than midnight. Was always made welcome and had a good time or three out that way anyway. In fact, the places in ChiangMaiLand and Spicey really seemed the only worthwhile places to go.

The OP's complaints seem to be that things in Chiang Mai have reverted to what I've described above, for circa 2007. Maybe things changed a bit between 2007 and 2015? Maybe lots of bars in CM started staying open later? I don't know. Maybe not really? If they did, however, then it's probably a safe bet that they'll change again, as likely will the new rules about where and when alcohol can be served, where bars can be located, etc., etc. Too, different people with different priorities often come to this or that town to run the show for a while, then move on to other towns with someone else coming to take their place(s). And they all have different thoughts on how to best run the show.

Regardless, Chaing Mai has never been known for having the most exciting nightlife around. Maybe two steps above Chiang Rai, but ten steps behind Pattaya, BKK, et al. Seems I've been reading complaints similar to OP's for at least 12-13 years, anyway ("Don't go to Chiang Rai! It's even worse up there!!!").

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I seriously hope you were being facetious with your comment about the statue, as it is one of a cop carrying a injured/sick child, and NOT his drunk buddy. If you weren't being facetious, then shame on you.

I bet you're a riot at parties. wink.png

I wouldn't know, as I stopped going to "parties" years ago. I found them stupid, and almost always full of drunks who have a habit of running off at the mouth, usually about things they have no knowledge of. For me, my CBR and an open road is a hell of a lot more fun.

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I seriously hope you were being facetious with your comment about the statue, as it is one of a cop carrying a injured/sick child, and NOT his drunk buddy. If you weren't being facetious, then shame on you.

I bet you're a riot at parties. wink.png

. For me, my CBR and an open road is a hell of a lot more fun.

Not recommended after midnight.

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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Yes, it's kind of a worldwide phenomenon.

We have a local resort, bar, restaurant, competition qualified billiards table, swimming pool, near us in the wilds of far north east Bueng Kan, open 24 hours. What's wrong with that? He has no intention of closing early. In addition the local cops will not enforce it. He gets Thai customers from around the area and many of them are off duty police.

This is the problem with Military Governments perhaps, although I know even so-called democratic governments make the same mistakes, always catering to the bottom end of the human food chain to design the "rules". To keep us in line. To tow the line, and take our taxes to tow it.

I don't drink as such, but if I cannot sleep and want to go and have a drink somewhere, why not?

What is this obsession with control?

I sometimes like to drive fast and if I want to go at 100mph why shouldn't I?

I do understand that one of the dangers of doing it at night is the likelihood of being crashed into by some drunk driving home after having a skinful at a late opening bar....

Political correctness gone mad smile.png

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England beating Australia at Cricket,

No not like that, i think it was about time

we let you win for a change.

Right. Pretty much for certain that England have won the last FOUR Ashes series played in England, 2005, 2009, 2013 and now 2015 !!

In the same timeframe I think there have been three in Australia of which Australia won two England won one.

So all in all since 2005, the Ashes score will be England 5 Australia 2.

This Australia team was the worst ever. All out 60?

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Once again, I am reminded of Mexico. I just looked at the weather in Hermosillo. 104F with 41% humidity, low 80, tomorrow 105F, with a slim chance of a T-storm. The "normal" tourists, expats, and residents (with a brain) are doing a siesta during the high heat, or taking their date to one of those hourly hotels with the curtains to hide your car. The bars will get rolling about 23:00, and go all night. The only municipality in the nation, whose tap water is 100% treated. http://www.weather.com/weather/today/l/MXSR0091:1:MX Many do a similar variation here. Go out in the morning for a while, run a few errands, maybe a temple or two, then you come back and the maid has cleaned your room, your date is gone, your passport is safe...time for a nap....it might even work to your advantage to be sober during prime "viewing" hours. I was out walking today and it is hot as F^^^ out in the sun. I almost had to stop at ICON and KSK to cool off on a five mile walk. I grew up in an area, where everyone worked a day job (too many for the government) and people who came and went at strange hours were always "suspect." I heard about a lady being scrutinized for being on the phone on her porch at midnight..some folks thought they were working for the Cali Cartel or something ridiculous...turns out it was the only opportunity she had to speak with her son, who was on combat duty in Iraq. Once I lived in other areas, I realized that lots of people work weird hours for whatever reason. There is a bar across from Phoenix Baptist Hospital named The Recovery Room. Opens at 0600. It seemed to be a more educated crowd than the 5pm Guiness Pint people, who wore their neckties to Happy Hour. I hope this all works out for the good of the economy in Chiang Mai. Apparently, some of the Police are pretty big drinkers themselves as I noticed their is a statue out front of the Mueang Station depicting an officer carrying his drunken partner out of a bar, after drinking too much. Such dedication and teamwork.


I seriously hope you were being facetious with your comment about the statue, as it is one of a cop carrying a injured/sick child, and NOT his drunk buddy. If you weren't being facetious, then shame on you.

Please tell me you don't actually mean what you wrote.

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It took you about a minute and a half. Do you have anything constructive to add?

I'm curious also.

See below that you may have missed.

Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Sad trolling fail.


Nope. Genuine question.

Most normal tourists in Chiang Mai have spent the day walking around temples in the hot sun, or visiting an elephant camp, or hiking around on Doi Suthep, etc etc.

Sure, they go out for a drink, but really, what proportion of them are left standing after midnight? I'm guessing not very many...

CM isn't Patong, Patts or a Full Moon Party. Never was.

Perfectly reasonable question.

I've been to CM enough times and more than happy to purchase beer from the hotel in the later hours.

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