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Military junta now chases progress in stripping of Thaksin’s police rank

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Military junta now chases progress in stripping of Thaksin’s police rank


BANGKOK: -- Justice minister General Phaibul Khumchaya said Saturday that he would officially ask the legal affairs officials of the ministry to question over the delay in considering stripping former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra of his police rank and would also invite a representative of the Royal Thai Police to clarify the issue.

“There is only one answer to the issue, whether it is “Yes” or “No,” and nothing else to say, so that we can answer the people about it,” Gen Phaibul said.

He said he had to follow up the matter closely after Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha redesignated the Justice Ministry to follow up the progress.

He said that the Justice Minister did not interfere in the matter from the beginning because the prime minister has earlier designated the Royal Thai Police to handle the case.

But after the prime minister redesignated the ministry to go and see its progress, he had to chase on the matter closely.

Gen Phaibul said he wanted a police representative to report its progress to see if there was any problem in the delay.

He said he would like the stripping of police rank to be just a normal individual matter as the very issue that must answer the public is that the law is applied equally with all persons and with same standard, and no selective practice.

He also said that after hearing explanation from the legal affairs officials and the police representative, the ministry will have a clearer answer to the issue.

He said the issue raised question from the public, stressing that whether it could or could not do needed to have one answer, strip or not strip.

There was no need to shelf the issue, he said.

Gen Phaibul also insisted that any action taken would not take into consideration whether the person was a former prime minister or not.

If this was taken into account, then it could hardly answer the people’s suspicion, he said.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/military-junta-now-chases-progress-in-stripping-of-thaksins-police-rank

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-08

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

You forgot to mention the sentence was mercifully halved from 56 to 28 years thanks to admitting her "heinous crimes" ...........coffee1.gif

Edited by englishoak
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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

her crime consisted of Facebook postings...

she was sentenced to 56 years. Although she originally pleaded innocent, she finally came 'round to the military court's point of view and pleaded guilty.

Since she pleaded guilty, they cut her sentence in half to 28 years.

Her kids are somewhere around 7 years old as I recall... The lady will get out of jail in time to see her grandkids go to high school.

I'd rather that the strip Thaksin of all his police ranks, clothes, body hair, ... whatever, than to pursue inane and vicious LM cases...

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

her crime consisted of Facebook postings...

she was sentenced to 56 years. Although she originally pleaded innocent, she finally came 'round to the military court's point of view and pleaded guilty.

Since she pleaded guilty, they cut her sentence in half to 28 years.

Her kids are somewhere around 7 years old as I recall... The lady will get out of jail in time to see her grandkids go to high school.

I'd rather that the strip Thaksin of all his police ranks, clothes, body hair, ... whatever, than to pursue inane and vicious LM cases...

I also would rather see Thaksin stripped of his police rank seeing he's a criminal fugitive. The RTP is dragging the case along as if they're a force in itself. Even my friend Heybruce was complaining about them.

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This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Meanwhile back in the real world, they were accentuated political charges anyway.

And yes, there is a massive amount the justice dept could be doing to aid Thailand economically. This is utterly pointless political point scoring to satisfy their masters.

Edited by Snig27
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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Meanwhile back in the real world, they were accentuated political charges anyway.

And yes, there is a massive amount the justice dept could be doing to aid Thailand economically. This is utterly pointless political point scoring to satisfy their masters.

Meanwhile back in the real world PMs are supposed to stay away from private business, by law. To avoid 'conflict of interest'.

So, let the Justice Department do it's work and don't worry they also handle other cases at the same time just like the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Commerce deal with a many fold of issues. Even the PM is dealing with many problems at the same time and still finds an hour to try his skills on a bicycle.

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Meanwhile back in the real world PMs are supposed to stay away from private business, by law.

"By law". Do you mean the unwritten constitution the other which was trashed, or do you mean Article 44?

Surely there is some hidden meaning to your statement that the rest of us can't see?

The only law in Thailand right now is what the general says it is. You must have been sleeping. You need more coffee.

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

Meanwhile back in the real world, they were accentuated political charges anyway.

And yes, there is a massive amount the justice dept could be doing to aid Thailand economically. This is utterly pointless political point scoring to satisfy their masters.

Meanwhile back in the real world PMs are supposed to stay away from private business, by law. To avoid 'conflict of interest'.

So, let the Justice Department do it's work and don't worry they also handle other cases at the same time just like the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Commerce deal with a many fold of issues. Even the PM is dealing with many problems at the same time and still finds an hour to try his skills on a bicycle.

Hahaha, why don't you put on a silk suit and a red nose, and buy yourself some prime time on a Friday evening ....

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Yesterday they sentenced a woman of two kids, who was under 30 , to 28 years for article 112.

Priorities indeed!!

You forgot to mention the sentence was mercifully halved from 56 to 28 years thanks to admitting her "heinous crimes" ...........coffee1.gif

Medieval times still, dark ages, backward!

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

And yes, there is a massive amount the justice dept could be doing to aid Thailand economically.

Can I have some examples?

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This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

I don't think they are punch drunk. Was friends with a retired general and he was trained at Fort Bragg. He spoke excellent English and he knows the people trying to run the show right now. He didn't have much good to say about the intelligence of some and I will refrain to use his exact description, but he did say that they are just trying anything they can to control a chain of events that is likely to happen. A great deal of money seems to be at stake as does control of more. Pretty much shooting in the dark from what he explained in the hope of being in control and coming out well. Doesn't give one much confidence in how things will turn out.

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

And yes, there is a massive amount the justice dept could be doing to aid Thailand economically.

Can I have some examples?

I was thinking the Justice Dept should focus on the numerous public officials that are deemed to be corrupt by virtue of being on some lists. These cases seem to have dropped out of sight, just when it looked like prosecution, rather than transfers, could be the end point.

It is estimated corruption consumes 20 to 30% of the Thai GDP. Setting Thailand on a consistent course of action and prosecuting officials would be beneficial to the economy.

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This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

I don't think they are punch drunk. Was friends with a retired general and he was trained at Fort Bragg. He spoke excellent English and he knows the people trying to run the show right now. He didn't have much good to say about the intelligence of some and I will refrain to use his exact description, but he did say that they are just trying anything they can to control a chain of events that is likely to happen. A great deal of money seems to be at stake as does control of more. Pretty much shooting in the dark from what he explained in the hope of being in control and coming out well. Doesn't give one much confidence in how things will turn out.

Spot on indeed, it's all about the control

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This seemingly minor issue which should have been easily resolved has been turned into a complete and totally unnecessary Hollywood production.

The retiring national police chief made it clear he wanted nothing to do with it, delayed the matter by setting up a committee then questioned their findings and its been allowed to drag on.

If a timely decision can't be made on a non-issue what faith can there be that the country's so called leaders can handle the big stuff ?

Maybe I need to set up a committee to consider my answer.

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When this guy appointed someone accused and charged with arranging the murder of his wife as an advisor, he lost any credibility he ever could had. Oh noooooooo Thaksin police rank, when his advisor's still strutting around.... crazy!

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Review of Thaksin's police rank 'to be clear soon'
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- An assessment on whether former PM Thaksin Shinawatra's police rank should be revoked will become "clear" soon, Justice Minister Paiboon Koomchaya said yesterday.

Paiboon said he would discuss the matter with the ministry's legal experts and police.

"The point is that we must be able to assure the public that the law and regulations will be enforced fairly and with the same standard, without any preferential treatment," he said.

He would have a clear answer once legal points have been discussed with relevant authorities. "There are only two answers - revocation or not," he said.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has assigned the Justice Ministry to look into the matter after the Royal Thai Police made no progress. Police rules call for an officer who is convicted to have his rank revoked. In 2008, Thaksin was sentenced to two years in jail for abuse of authority.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Review-of-Thaksins-police-rank-to-be-clear-soon-30266227.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-09

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From the OP

"He said he would like the stripping of police rank to be just a normal individual matter as the very issue that must answer the public is that the law is applied equally with all persons and with same standard, and no selective practice."


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This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

you post deserved a "like" right up to the word "oxygen" then you spoiled it whistling.gif

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Do you think the Justice Department should help the economy instead?

or the police for that matter

Snig27 - and although I'm not really interested in what you post here I would like to know your top 10 reasons why the Thai economy is in tatters as you describe, my guess would be - you couldn't think of one that is actually related to the current government

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Meanwhile back in the real world PMs are supposed to stay away from private business, by law.

"By law". Do you mean the unwritten constitution the other which was trashed, or do you mean Article 44?

Surely there is some hidden meaning to your statement that the rest of us can't see?

The only law in Thailand right now is what the general says it is. You must have been sleeping. You need more coffee.

I look at it a different way, the fact that article 44 exists and is needed tells me there is something seriously wrong with the Thai Justice and Legal System showing how ineffective it is, maybe something that needs reformed

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