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5 women accused of being witches beaten to death in India

Lite Beer

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India embraces CHAOS. They love it. It is in their DNA. You are not going to change them. You might wish to isolate yourself from their scourge. This makes them unpredictable, it also makes them top notch surgeons and programmers. They have no box to think out of. The above incident is deplorable, yet typical for any place of 1.2 billion embracing CHAOS as a national religion.

Thailand---believe it or not--embraces ORDER. Much more freedom in Thailand than in USA. If you go too far in Thailand,

you'll get the back of the hand. Or a visit from the BiB. In USA---COMFORT is the national religion.

Back to India---the following is several of endless examples---a bus with 68 seats sells 51 tickets, yet Indians feel compelled to stomp, riot and crush their countrymen and women boarding a simple bus. None of this in Thailand. Assigned seats on buses and movie theaters in Thailand! I love it!

Buses in Thailand are simply astonishing. One of the best bus systems in the world.

USA lacks a bus system worth mentioning.

Ever take a flight intra-India? A Boeing 737 is on final approach within Indian airspace. Indian passengers UNCLIP their seat belts, grab their luggage and run towards the front of the airplane, climbing over all. The pilot makes a great landing, but with all the passengers crammed up in the front bulkhead and their WEIGHT, the damn plane is WHEEL BARROWING down the runway, disaster narrowly averted! Nose gear severely overloaded.

This is NOT an isolated incident. Anyone that has traveled within India knows they are risking their lives being exposed to their national embrace of CHAOS.

One on landing I stood up and blocked the lunatic Indians with my crutches --blocking the aisle. They were very pissed off they could not exercise their CHAOS-given rites. The pilot thanked me.

I am walking with my lady friend at a seaside resort in Kerala at Fort Cochin. Indian men run up to grab my girls breasts.

My crutches came in handy.

Shopping at Topps in Pattaya. Pattaya Klang and Sai Song April 2015. The check out lane is long. My hand carried shopping basket is almost grazing the blouse of a stunner Tai female in front of me. She turned around and gave me a megawatt smile. Out of no where, a young Indian male crashes into the Tai female's back, sending her crashing to the ground. Yes, he is fondling her tits on the way down, grabbing her. I snared the louse by the ear and marched him to the back of the line and scolded him.

Animals. They are far from ready for prime time.

Guess what? Head to India, but upon landing, buy or find a STICK, or a switch. Indians respect a switch. It is what their cops carry. You are talking their language.

Yep. I lived in Chennai for a couple of years. Made some great friends and met some wonderful people.

But, sexual harassment, low caste bullying, superstition, were unbelievable.

In one 5 star hotel bar / night club saw an Indian lick the back of a Western woman in a low cut evening dress. Saw some very nervous nurses in the airport departure lounge. They were returning to UK hospitals and were scared shitless of being groped and touched up. They asked to sit with me as the Indian's would think twice if a Westerner might complain. Apparently the police and security wouldn't be interested in anything they said but would feel obliged to do something if I complained.

Travel outside the cities and you really are travelling back in time and exposing yourself to a very different world with very real dangers.

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India embraces CHAOS. They love it. It is in their DNA. You are not going to change them. You might wish to isolate yourself from their scourge. This makes them unpredictable, it also makes them top notch surgeons and programmers. They have no box to think out of. The above incident is deplorable, yet typical for any place of 1.2 billion embracing CHAOS as a national religion.

Thailand---believe it or not--embraces ORDER. Much more freedom in Thailand than in USA. If you go too far in Thailand,

you'll get the back of the hand. Or a visit from the BiB. In USA---COMFORT is the national religion.

Back to India---the following is several of endless examples---a bus with 68 seats sells 51 tickets, yet Indians feel compelled to stomp, riot and crush their countrymen and women boarding a simple bus. None of this in Thailand. Assigned seats on buses and movie theaters in Thailand! I love it!

Buses in Thailand are simply astonishing. One of the best bus systems in the world.

USA lacks a bus system worth mentioning.

Ever take a flight intra-India? A Boeing 737 is on final approach within Indian airspace. Indian passengers UNCLIP their seat belts, grab their luggage and run towards the front of the airplane, climbing over all. The pilot makes a great landing, but with all the passengers crammed up in the front bulkhead and their WEIGHT, the damn plane is WHEEL BARROWING down the runway, disaster narrowly averted! Nose gear severely overloaded.

This is NOT an isolated incident. Anyone that has traveled within India knows they are risking their lives being exposed to their national embrace of CHAOS.

One on landing I stood up and blocked the lunatic Indians with my crutches --blocking the aisle. They were very pissed off they could not exercise their CHAOS-given rites. The pilot thanked me.

I am walking with my lady friend at a seaside resort in Kerala at Fort Cochin. Indian men run up to grab my girls breasts.

My crutches came in handy.

Shopping at Topps in Pattaya. Pattaya Klang and Sai Song April 2015. The check out lane is long. My hand carried shopping basket is almost grazing the blouse of a stunner Tai female in front of me. She turned around and gave me a megawatt smile. Out of no where, a young Indian male crashes into the Tai female's back, sending her crashing to the ground. Yes, he is fondling her tits on the way down, grabbing her. I snared the louse by the ear and marched him to the back of the line and scolded him.

Animals. They are far from ready for prime time.

Guess what? Head to India, but upon landing, buy or find a STICK, or a switch. Indians respect a switch. It is what their cops carry. You are talking their language.

I noticed you said you were on the plane with crutches. Were you also drugged up to your eye balls when you imagined the plane wheel barrowing down the run way or all of the passengers climbing over each other? Perhaps you were dreaming when the pilot thanked you personally for saving the flight with your magic crutches.

All the flights I took in India were very boring by comparison. Yes a few people were out of there seats before the plane had stopped and people were in the wrong seats when boarding but nothing I haven't seen in Africa, Middle East, or Central Asia.

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You know what, it may have been some time ago but trust me the UK and the USA have both killed a lot of women because they were accused of being witches.

This is true. In my small country we have a hill called Witches Hill. And in days gone by they would arrest people, mainly women, suspected of being witches and put them in a barrel and role them down the hill. If they were alive at the bottom they would be executed as it was felt if they survived the hill they had witches powers. If the died they were given a proper burial and deemed to not be witches. Guess there's some sort of logic in that !!

What happened 4 or 500 years ago has little bearing on what's happening in India present day.

I disagree. The point is that the Indian people who do this kind of thing are not intrinsically different to us, the difference is education. If you are brought up in a village that believes in witchcraft then the likelihood is that you will also believe in witchcraft.

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You'd expect something like this in Udon Thani or deepest, darkest Mukdahan....

How you come to that idea?

I live in rural Udon Thani province 12 km from the next police station and had for some time a GF in rural Mukdahan, but would not come to that conclusion.

Thinking from ghosts and believing in them, is one thing, but beating 5 women to death another story. blink.png

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Superstition... another one of god's great gifts to man kind.

which God is that, there are so many, especially in India

I'll rephrase that.

Another one of the many gods great gifts to mankind. ☺

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You'd expect something like this in Udon Thani or deepest, darkest Mukdahan....

How you come to that idea?

I took the tuk-tuk to Sarcasmburi, and arrived there quite easily.

Taking the tuk-tuk to Sarcasmburi, and arriving in Udon Thani or deepest, darkest Mukdahan, quite easily. is one thing, - but beating 5 women to death is a completely other story on another level. blink.png

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I had the pleasure (Misplaced) of living and working in India for about 3 years. I observed a bus turned over, the driven beaten close to death then the bus was set afire and the driver thrown into the flames to finish him off. His misdeed was to hit a rickshaw and driver who pulled in front of him. (welcome to calcutta) I have to agree with the rule of chaos, but this seemed confined to the rural villages. I never saw this behavior in Assam (northeastern part) where I spent a lot of time nor in the bigger modern cities, Cacutta is considered the arnpit of India by most Indians, thus the exception. The saving grace for me, other than a unbelieavable salary was leaving the country every 3 months to get a new visa, It always took at least a full week to get approval and retun back to the routine.

I made some friends while there but not good nor lasting friends. Most seemed to eventually get around to wanting a favor, usually somewhat illegal. I once took a photo of a tea plantation and a man came out of the bushes mad as a jap. got in car and got out of there. my driver said some believe if you take their photo you have taken part of what might be called a soul by christians. Neither the driver no i had seen the man as i was taking a photo of a black panther which was stalking a small calf in the tea bushes. Its a weird country divided by caste, filthy living conditions endured by most and no hope for a improvement in life style.But a unbeliveable experience if you can live thru it. The British certiantly had their conforts as most of their orginal houses can still be seen and are in use by Indian civil servents in many cases.

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