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Researching Da Nang and although it appears to be growing in popularity, there still seems to be a lot of dioxins on farmland and water sources leftover from US bombing with Agent Orange.

Anyone spend significant amout of time their confirm any of this?


This topic is not Thai related - belongs in the SEA forum.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Google up this subject on your own some.

Or better yet...type in any country followed by UXO

as in www.cambodia.uxo

Unexploded ordinance. Do the same with Vietnam and Laos.

Helluva legacy out in the jungle waiting to be found.

Knock yourself out. That stuff will be in the food system for generations to come.

I was just south of DaNang, bicycling the hamlets west from Hoi An. It took a little bit for my

eyes to adjust to the harsh sunlight as I entered a shop to buy some refreshment. The entire back

wall was nothing but a series of shelves, holding about 800-1,000 large Mason jars.

The shop keeper had tears in her eyes, sobbing "...look what you Americans have done to us."

Mason jars all filled with deformed and aborted human fetuses. Arms sticking out of head, etc.

National Geographic and Lonely Planet should be called on the carpet with their pronouncements that

"VietNamese have forgotten all about the America War."

Believe that at your own peril. They have not forgotten.

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