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Thai editorial: A grave misstep in the dance with China


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A grave misstep in the dance with China

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Foreign Minister Tanasak's 'love talk' could damage relations with Asean neighbours and the wider international community

The "human touch" can be a useful tool in international diplomacy, but only if you know how to use it. The way it was wielded by Foreign Minister General Tanasak Patimapragorn last week during the Asean ministerial meeting in Malaysia left a hole in the reputation of Thai diplomacy. Meanwhile the general himself has become a figure of fun in diplomatic circles.

"Thai junta envoy admits crush on China", was the headline international media used to report General Tanasak's statement from the podium while standing beside Chinese counterpart Wang Yi during their press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

"If I were a woman I would fall in love with his excellency," he told reporters in English, much to the surprise of China's top foreign envoy, who appeared somewhat unsure of how to respond.

There would be nothing wrong with his statement if the general had made it at a closed-doors meeting or informal conversation (though such sentiments are more usually associated with quiet chats over a candle-lit dinner).

But offering these words while attending media and diplomats were waiting for a statement on territory disputes in the South China Sea, and relations between China, Thailand and Asean, was a blunder of serious proportions.

Diplomacy is the art of expression. The task of a diplomat is to know what to say in any given situation and how to say it.

Thailand's top diplomat knew he was dealing with a rising powerhouse in the region. Beijing is now at loggerheads with several Asean member-countries over disputed territory in the South China Sea. China and Asean are attempting mediation of the conflicts through a code of conduct governing the disputed sea.

The Thai foreign minister has a crucial role as a coordinator between Asean and China, and the international community was eager to hear what he had to say on progress in firming up the code of conduct.

But rather than using his diplomatic skills to express the delicate regional power relations and rivalry that exists between Thailand, Asean, China and the United States, Tanasak chose to express his personal feelings towards the Chinese minister.

Of course, this wooing of Wang Yi was actually a clumsy attempt to show that Thailand maintains "special" ties with China even as relations between Beijing and other Asean member states sour.

Our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand, one which grew closer after the military coup of May last year. It was hardly necessary for Thailand to flaunt that fact in front of representatives of other Asean countries at a regional meeting where they were calling for unity in dealing with China. Where is Thailand's spirit of solidarity with Asean? Was it a good idea to express affection for a country that is in conflict with our regional neighbours?

The coup on May 22 last year has already damaged Thailand's international reputation. The country has also suffered penalties over human trafficking and problems with illegal practices in the fishing industry. Democratic norms have been shelved and basic liberties curbed.

Few expected that the general in charge of the foreign ministry would be able to salvage Thailand's reputation in international eyes. But the minister has a duty not to make thing any worse than they already are. From now on, Tanasak would be wise to heed the words of Abraham Lincoln: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/A-grave-misstep-in-the-dance-with-China-30266311.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-11

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.
Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

You really see befriending China at the exclusion of other Asean partners as a zero sum benefit to Thailand.

Quite what Ace is being china's buddy worth within Asean because I can't quite see it?

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

I have, never ever, read a more stupid comment in my life...

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Quote: "But rather than using his diplomatic skills to express the delicate regional power relations and rivalry that exists between Thailand, Asean, China and the United States, Tanasak chose to express his personal feelings towards the Chinese minister."

What skills? A soldier isn't a diplomat, isn't a soldier, isn't a diplomat.....

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You display extraordinary ignorance of the political and diplomatic skills needed to rule a country. Then you try to blame this man's blunder on The Nation which gave a balanced report.

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

Wow! Jai yen yen.

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Charlie 1, do you reckon that the stuff I've written is a load of rubbish ?

Do you accept that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will never try to boot Thailand out of whatever club they're in ? Do you accept that those three countries basically need Thailand's roads to do their trade between them ? So ASEAN can never boot out Thailand ?

Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who have got a dispute over whatever islands with China ? And that Thailand has NOT got any disputes over land or islands with China ?

Do you accept that China is building a railway line in Thailand ? And that no railway line is being built in Vietnam and Phillipines ? Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who are sending their workers to Thailand, and that it is not the other way round ? As in no workers from Thailand will be going to Vietnam and the Phillipines under the new rules regarding freedom of movement of skilled workers in ASEAN ?

The Nation mentioned "was it a good idea to express affection for a country that is in conflict with our regional neighbours?".
Well, it's only the Phillipines and Vietnam who are having conflict with China. Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, NONE of them has anything against China ? Do you accept that ?

After all the above points, do you accept that ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand needs ASEAN ? Do you accept that it doesn't really matter even if Thailand did slightly offend certain ASEAN countries because of their over-friendly comment towards China ?

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

I have, never ever, read a more stupid comment in my life...

Couldn't agree more. What a bloody jackass. Shows his complete misunderstanding of the entire region.

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Tonbridgebrit - If ASEAN/EU/US/China etc need Thailand more than Thailand needs them, why is it that Thailand is not significantly more powerful than it is, other than in the minds of a few nationalists and foreign lackeys?

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

I have, never ever, read a more stupid comment in my life...

You should check out some other threads, gosh, you have a treat awaiting you

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Charlie 1, do you reckon that the stuff I've written is a load of rubbish ?

Do you accept that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will never try to boot Thailand out of whatever club they're in ? Do you accept that those three countries basically need Thailand's roads to do their trade between them ? So ASEAN can never boot out Thailand ?

Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who have got a dispute over whatever islands with China ? And that Thailand has NOT got any disputes over land or islands with China ?

Do you accept that China is building a railway line in Thailand ? And that no railway line is being built in Vietnam and Phillipines ? Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who are sending their workers to Thailand, and that it is not the other way round ? As in no workers from Thailand will be going to Vietnam and the Phillipines under the new rules regarding freedom of movement of skilled workers in ASEAN ?

The Nation mentioned "was it a good idea to express affection for a country that is in conflict with our regional neighbours?".

Well, it's only the Phillipines and Vietnam who are having conflict with China. Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, NONE of them has anything against China ? Do you accept that ?

After all the above points, do you accept that ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand needs ASEAN ? Do you accept that it doesn't really matter even if Thailand did slightly offend certain ASEAN countries because of their over-friendly comment towards China ?

Thailand doesn't send workers to other countries because it hasn't got any to send.

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Thailand.

The first sentence reads like a handbook for dictators. The remainder of the diatribe was read very quickly without much effect.

In order to influence readers. one has to learn the art of successful writing. I'm still working on that.

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Tonbridgebrit - If ASEAN/EU/US/China etc need Thailand more than Thailand needs them, why is it that Thailand is not significantly more powerful than it is, other than in the minds of a few nationalists and foreign lackeys?

Please try to understand peoples comment before posting your rhetoric. He said they need Thailand's roads and infrastructure to be able to trade with each other. Nothing else required.

Thailand is not powerful because the world laughs at things like dirty politicians who try to give themselves amnesty for all corruption since 2004. Or where the uneducated masses vote in a fugitives sister as PM with no prior experience of politics whatsoever and who never made a decision herself in her whole term. Nobody will bring serious business here : only those who see an opportunity in a country with cheap labour and where they can bend any rules with bribes and kickbacks.

This gaff by the general will make absolutely no difference whatsoever. China know exactly why they want to be 'friends' with Thailand and they will keep smiling and be nice so that they get it. Meanwhile Thai politicians will be running around slapping themselves on the back at how well they did. Right up until China starts making some demands and then the heads will come off as nobody has any clue what to do.

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Charlie 1, do you reckon that the stuff I've written is a load of rubbish ?

Do you accept that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will never try to boot Thailand out of whatever club they're in ? Do you accept that those three countries basically need Thailand's roads to do their trade between them ? So ASEAN can never boot out Thailand ?

Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who have got a dispute over whatever islands with China ? And that Thailand has NOT got any disputes over land or islands with China ?

Do you accept that China is building a railway line in Thailand ? And that no railway line is being built in Vietnam and Phillipines ? Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who are sending their workers to Thailand, and that it is not the other way round ? As in no workers from Thailand will be going to Vietnam and the Phillipines under the new rules regarding freedom of movement of skilled workers in ASEAN ?

The Nation mentioned "was it a good idea to express affection for a country that is in conflict with our regional neighbours?".

Well, it's only the Phillipines and Vietnam who are having conflict with China. Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, NONE of them has anything against China ? Do you accept that ?

After all the above points, do you accept that ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand needs ASEAN ? Do you accept that it doesn't really matter even if Thailand did slightly offend certain ASEAN countries because of their over-friendly comment towards China ?

So who is paying for the Chinese building the dual railway lines in Thailand ? Last time I checked it was the Thai's which means that it is not a gift of the Chinese. By the way the Chinese will build the China Lao link of the high speed train. The high speed train rail lines in Thailand will be done by the Japanese.

Regarding the movement of skilled labour I suggest you read Andrew Biggs opinion piece in the Bangkok post that was placed over the weekend. After reading it you will realise that Thailand have much to fear of the well educated Vietnamese and Phillipinos. Why do you think so many factories have been closed in Thailand and moved to countries like Vietnam.

As to who needs who, its a question of someone not caring about his friends because he has many, until he loses his last friend. Thailand is in a process of destroying relationships build up over many decades and in return are focusing their "love" on China. The question is are you willing to give up friends for an unknown like China ?

ASEAN can survive without Thailand and Thailand can survive without ASEAN but both will be weaker without the other.

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There are no black and white or simple answers for Thailands best interactions with its neighbours. However if it is clever it will take the benefits of Chinese rising economic power without distancing itself too far from the US. In fact it has a long history of successfully playing both sides, presumably those in charge are well and truly aware of that.

The US is a bully and a war monger that reduces non-compliant countries to ashes, however they are the devil you know. The Chinese don't have a history of imperialism however their rise is worrying to many especially as they flex muscles in bullying territorial claims in the Pacific, the devil we are yet to truly know.

Regardless we are just along for the ride as spectators...

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Tonbridgebrit - If ASEAN/EU/US/China etc need Thailand more than Thailand needs them, why is it that Thailand is not significantly more powerful than it is, other than in the minds of a few nationalists and foreign lackeys?

Hello Baboon.

I'm trying to say that Laos, Cambodia and Burma need Thailand's roads in order to trade with each other. Let's say them three threaten to boot Thailand out of ASEAN. Well, Thailand can very easily take it one step further, and threaten a trade embargo against them three. Them three then can't transport their goods through Thailand. They will have problem. Can anybody ever imagine Cambodia and Laos telling Thailand "look here, we might pull our workers out of Thailand" ? It will simply never happen. Cambodia receives a huge amount of money being sent there by the Cambodians working in Thailand. Cambodia needs this money to survive, they're not interested in any major disputes with Thailand. As for Laos, they're actually next door to China, their country (economy) is already heavily linked to China. They don't actually have any problems with China.

Yes, Thailand needs the US/EU/China more than they need Thailand. Agree. But if Thailand is in with China, then a trade embargo by the US or EU is not going to be catastrophic for Thailand. Also, the US and EU are certainly not going to do a trade embargo against Thailand. Thailand is in ASEAN, they won't do an embargo against ASEAN. Also, the USA and the EU are trying to prevent Thailand joining the 'China Club', they're trying to stop Thailand from being a saterllite state of China. They know that isolating Thailand will only push Thailand into becoming even more closer to China. That's not what they want, they're trying to prevent China from increasing it's sphere of influence.

It's like saying a church, and there's people in the area. Now, a mosque has been built. If I'm a church, I might say "look, I don't care if people don't want to come to my church, I just don't want to see them turning up at that mosque". Many things in life are like this. :)

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A diplomat didn't find the right words... so what? I find it rather frightening that it was blown up to such a big issue/article in the first place. coffee1.gif

China, respectively all of Asia is the future, the US is an old shoe, Europe will be a burning inferno and nothing's gonna change it. Get real, folks!

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Charlie 1, do you reckon that the stuff I've written is a load of rubbish ?

Do you accept that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will never try to boot Thailand out of whatever club they're in ? Do you accept that those three countries basically need Thailand's roads to do their trade between them ? So ASEAN can never boot out Thailand ?

Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who have got a dispute over whatever islands with China ? And that Thailand has NOT got any disputes over land or islands with China ?

Do you accept that China is building a railway line in Thailand ? And that no railway line is being built in Vietnam and Phillipines ? Do you accept that it is Vietnam and the Phillipines who are sending their workers to Thailand, and that it is not the other way round ? As in no workers from Thailand will be going to Vietnam and the Phillipines under the new rules regarding freedom of movement of skilled workers in ASEAN ?

The Nation mentioned "was it a good idea to express affection for a country that is in conflict with our regional neighbours?".

Well, it's only the Phillipines and Vietnam who are having conflict with China. Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, NONE of them has anything against China ? Do you accept that ?

After all the above points, do you accept that ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand needs ASEAN ? Do you accept that it doesn't really matter even if Thailand did slightly offend certain ASEAN countries because of their over-friendly comment towards China ?

Thailand doesn't send workers to other countries because it hasn't got any to send.

"Thailand doesn't send workers to other countries because it hasn't got any to send."

Well, I'm just talking about Thailand and its workforce with Vietnam and the Phillipines. We have to bear in mind that Thailand's GDP per person is considerably GREATER than Vietnam's and the Phillipines. Basically, you normally get out of a low-wage country and move to a high -wage country to work. That's why loads of Polish people, and Romanians, leave their country and turn up in Britain to work.

That's why in the future, Vietnamese and Phillipinos will turn up in Thailand. Actually, there's already a number of Vietnamese migrant workers (some of them illegal) in Thailand. Now then, a Thai person in his/her right mind would not really go to Vietnam or the Phillipines to work.

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"the international community was eager to hear what he had to say on progress in firming up the code of conduct."

And he answered them with an immature and rude statement - pretty well says NO PROGRESS.

I give "thumbs up" to Tanasak for speaking from the heart. thumbsup.gif

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Nation Newspaper, shut up. Shut your mouth, and stop printing such ridiculous stories.

Do you really think that if Thaksin or Abhisit were back in charge, oh, Thailand would not be so close to China ?

You want to call this a 'grave mistep' ? I say that it is you who is more likely to be making a grave mistep by printing such a silly opinion. Okay, what exactly are you trying to say ? You wrote "our Asean neighbours were already aware that China enjoyed a close relationship with Thailand". Well, yes, everybody already knows that. Is it dangerous for Thailand to say this, and say it to ASEAN ? Off-course not. ASEAN already knows. You want to talk about Thailand's spirit of solidarity with ASEAN ? Was it good to show affection for a country (China) that is in conflict with THailand's neighbours ? What nonsense are you on about ?

Get real, China is the big dominant power in the Far East, and ASEAN is actually powerless against China. ASEAN needs Thailand more than Thailand neeeds ASEAN.

Nation Newspaper, if you look at a map of the area, you will notice that Thailand sits between Burma, Laos and Cambodia. Basically, any club involving them three needs to have Thailand in it. Otherwise, Thailand will simply not allow the other three countries to trade (using Thailand's roads as road freight). So, if Thailand pulls out of ASEAN, then three of ASEAN's countries will have a massive problem. Also, the Phillipines needs Thailand more than Thailand needs them. ASEAN's rules means that skilled Phillipinos will be allowed to enter into Thailand and work, and those Phillipinos will benefit massively if they can can enter Thailand. You really think the Phillipines will be willing to pull out their future skilled workers from Thailand because they are offended by Thailand's actions ? No way. Phillipinos are not stupid, they're going to want to keep their skilled workers in Thailand. It's almost as absurd as trying to claim that Poland might pull it's workers out of England. It will not happen.

About China. Thailand's ace card IS China. Vietnam and the Phillipines have their territory disputes with China, yes, they are closer to China. Thailand does not have such disputes, hence, Thailand gets on with China. Good. Hence, Thailand will benefit by being China's launch-pad into ASEAN. Vietnam and the Phillipines might try to do a partial block of the Chinese goods being imported, they won't do it though. But if they did, the Chinese goods will simply be transported to Thailand, and then re-routed to Vietnam and the Phillipines.

So, Nation Newspaper, stop trying to say that Thailand should be worried because ASEAN might be offended by some comments made by Thailand. Thailand has very little to fear. ASEAN is scared, not Th

For a political commentator you'd make a damned good bus driver.

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