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New step in Trump's feud with Fox News; Clinton weighs in


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New step in Trump's feud with Fox News; Clinton weighs in

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's turbulent relationship with Fox News showed signs of improvement Monday even as Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton seized on the billionaire businessman's clash with the network to cast his Republican rivals as being bad for women.

Trump and Fox News, one of the most powerful voices in Republican and conservative circles, have been in a bitter feud since last week's presidential debate. While he leads recent polls, the former reality television star has drawn heated criticism from many in his own party for saying Fox moderator Megyn Kelly had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

The network's chairman, Roger Ailes, reached out to Trump directly Monday, assuring him he'll be "treated fairly" by the station, Trump tweeted Monday.

"Roger Ailes just called. He is a great guy & assures me that 'Trump' will be treated fairly on @FoxNews. His word is always good!" wrote Trump, whose unorthodox campaign is dominating the race and summertime polls.

Speaking publicly for the first time since the debate, Clinton on Monday said Trump's comments about Kelly should not overshadow the rest of the GOP field's policies dealing with women.

"They brag about slashing women's health care funding," Clinton told reporters while campaigning in New Hampshire. "They say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapist's child, and we don't hear any of them supporting raising the minimum wage, paid leave for new parents, access to quality child care, equal pay for women or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead."

Fox News representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but one of the network's personalities, Steve Doocy, tweeted that Trump would be appearing on "Fox and Friends" Tuesday morning to talk about his relationship with the network.

Trump maintains he was treated unfairly in a series of tough questions, including one from Kelly about Trump's history of negative statements about women. Trump later told CNN that Kelly, angry over his response, had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."

He maintained Monday that he never intended to say anything inappropriate about Kelly and said the uproar over his criticism was "all fueled by the press."

"This wasn't meant to be much of an insult," he told NBC's "Today" show.

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, a Kentucky senator, lashed out at Trump in a Monday conference call with reporters, describing him as "an empty suit here full of bravado, but not really full of anything meaningful for the country."

"Unless someone points out the emperor has no clothes, he'll continue to strut about and what we'll end up with is a reality TV star as the nominee if we're not careful," Paul said.

Trump spent the weekend criticizing both Kelly and Fox News in interviews and online.

"It amazes me that other networks seem to treat me so much better than @FoxNews. I brought them the biggest ratings in history, & I get zip!" he tweeted.

Associated Press writer Jocelyn Noveck in New York and Kathleen Ronayne in Exeter, N.H. contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-11

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A circus indeed...

The more I listen to this Trump and the more I watch him - the more I feel he is a nut cake.

On the other hand, whenever American Politicians eventually elect a POTUS on behalf of American People and in the name of American Democracy -

the choice is always the worst! A Tradition with very few exceptions...

P.S. This does not make Clinton a more desirable candidate.

Edited by ABCer
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The Republicans and Fox News (and their strong anchor Ms. Kelly) have tried for years to overcome the image of the GOP as being dismissive of women and treating them as objects (that's why all the women on Fox news are so fat and ugly tongue.png )

This Trump show has really thrown a monkey wrench into the works in that effort, and the Repubs know that this further results in gains for Clinton with women and men who support women.

Clinton has been smart thus far to avoid the conflict, but now using it to portray the Repubs in their "true anti-women's rights light" as portrayed by their candidate, Trump, she is playing this gift from heaven very well. I don't like Clinton, and am not a democrat, but it looks like a big fail for the Repubs again, even early on.

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Yeah right. Women are so dumbed down that they always vote for a woman no matter what. crazy.gif They'll always lean in favor of a crooked or incompetent woman even if a competent man is running. No woman could ever dislike Megyn Kelly or like seeing her get a comeuppance. Nosiree, they are all feminists, hate all men and especially love that blonde, ditzy Kelly.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of women enjoyed watching Trump light into Kelly. There are women who don't like Fox News, let alone some blonde who seems to have everything except street smarts.

The polls would indicate that Trump came out ahead of Kelly, but what would we know?

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^Kelly is obviously the opposite of the extreme position you are asserting. She's highly educated, sharp as a tack, beautiful, and moderately right-wing, but not extreme right as most Fox women (pretend to be). It was surprising that Ailes allowed her to become such a star with her obvious somewhat liberal underpinnings. She did it in spite of him, and now he is pleased to go along because it makes Fox appear more reasonable with regard to women, and she is a rain maker for ratings stealing the show from old guys like Bill O'Reilly.

The Polls show that Trump is gaining, rather than losing popularity after his hormonal dig reference to Kelly. If you look at the demographics of Trump supporters now that is not surprising: white male, uneducated. We'll see how this plays out longer term but it's great fun to watch.

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Yeah right. Women are so dumbed down that they always vote for a woman no matter what. crazy.gif They'll always lean in favor of a crooked or incompetent woman even if a competent man is running. No woman could ever dislike Megyn Kelly or like seeing her get a comeuppance. Nosiree, they are all feminists, hate all men and especially love that blonde, ditzy Kelly.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of women enjoyed watching Trump light into Kelly. There are women who don't like Fox News, let alone some blonde who seems to have everything except street smarts.

The polls would indicate that Trump came out ahead of Kelly, but what would we know?

Golda Meir? Indira Gandhi? Margaret Thatcher?

Not counting all those women who stood behind and manipulated and directed the miserable sods known in history as "Great Man".

I am not really a sexist. Least of all I am a Women's Liberationist.

But a person who can run a big family stands a better chance of running a country than a 'macho man' often thinking with his dick.

( do not take this as a vote for Hillary; besides - I am not American)

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A circus indeed...

The more I listen to this Trump and the more I watch him - the more I feel he is a nut cake.

On the other hand, whenever American Politicians eventually elect a POTUS on behalf of American People and in the name of American Democracy -

the choice is always the worst! A Tradition with very few exceptions...

P.S. This does not make Clinton a more desirable candidate.

God help the western world if Trump gets in, he will be a 100% war maker.

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While I agree with most of being said here, I must admit: Trump is the first "political" person where I believe what he says. He speaks his mind. IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises after election. He doesn't hide anything...he doesn't care if you don't like what he says...if you don't agree with him, so be it. He doesn't seem to change his way in order to get votes. That is what I like about him...and pretty much the only thing I like about him. I wish all politicians would speak their mind instead of saying what people want to hear.

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"They brag about slashing women's health care funding," ? No, that's called abortion.

"They say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapist's child, and we don't hear any of them supporting raising the minimum wage, paid leave for new parents, access to quality child care, equal pay for women or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead." - Never said the first, and the rest? That's government intervention you are talking about. The US is a capitalist nation. Not your 1984 socialistic horrorscape that Orwell warned us about, Clinton.

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Well, the first goal of any pol is to 'get along' in order to get something done. Compromise must be his/her middle name. Excepting of course dictators or sultans who merely speak their mind and results happen. Those guys not really politicians. True politicians depend on hearing the voice of the people and responding.

But artists of all kinds speak from the heart, have no need to compromise with anyone.

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While I agree with most of being said here, I must admit: Trump is the first "political" person where I believe what he says. He speaks his mind. IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises after election. He doesn't hide anything...he doesn't care if you don't like what he says...if you don't agree with him, so be it. He doesn't seem to change his way in order to get votes. That is what I like about him...and pretty much the only thing I like about him. I wish all politicians would speak their mind instead of saying what people want to hear.

IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises

Most people would be more than surprised to have World War III come down on them.

Trump's grand corporate strategy is to create chaos then to swoop in amidst the confusion to grab the prize he wants, and it's snared him billions.

In global and international affairs Trump would be Putin and Kim Jong Fat combined on steroids. Trump's loudly public feuds with NBC, Univision, Fox et al and the political world does not involve nuclear weapons.

Can you picture Trump at the UN singling out heads of government around the world for their due bashings. Publicising Putin's personal cellphone number as if it were some kind of frat prank.

Liking Trump because he speaks his mind is one thing. Approving of Trump because he speaks his mind and because one believes what he says gives the country two crackpots.

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^^First time I've heard Trump described as an artist, other than "con artist." laugh.png

He is a good businessman, but started with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is highly American-centric, and knows or cares little about foreign affairs or business probably. He is a stereotypical New York loudmouth, but brilliant at using media and the perception of money for his own advantage. I can only cringe when thinking of him trying to negotiate a delicate international deal, whether in business or politics.

Edited by keemapoot
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While I agree with most of being said here, I must admit: Trump is the first "political" person where I believe what he says. He speaks his mind. IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises after election. He doesn't hide anything...he doesn't care if you don't like what he says...if you don't agree with him, so be it. He doesn't seem to change his way in order to get votes. That is what I like about him...and pretty much the only thing I like about him. I wish all politicians would speak their mind instead of saying what people want to hear.

IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises

Most people would be more than surprised to have World War III come down on them.

Trump's grand corporate strategy is to create chaos then to swoop in amidst the confusion to grab the prize he wants, and it's snared him billions.

In global and international affairs Trump would be Putin and Kim Jong Fat combined on steroids. Trump's loudly public feuds with NBC, Univision, Fox et al and the political world does not involve nuclear weapons.

Can you picture Trump at the UN singling out heads of government around the world for their due bashings. Publicising Putin's personal cellphone number as if it were some kind of frat prank.

Liking Trump because he speaks his mind is one thing. Approving of Trump because he speaks his mind and because one believes what he says gives the country two crackpots.

I stand by my word. I wouldn't get any surprises. I would expect total chaos. Maybe not necessary WW3 ( but, it wouldnt surprise me if this happens without trump as a leader ). The only thing I like about him is his transparency. I wish every politician would be like that. The way it usually is, whoever can lie most convincingly would be elected.

To be clear, I would not vote for him because it would not end pretty for the US / world. But I do like that he speaks his mind AND stands behind what he says ( though, again, I do not agree with what he says ).

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Damn, I gotta remember to sign up for Steve Doocy tweets.

Rand calls Trump an empty suit. That's beautiful. Remember when Rand Paul was an important candidate? It's the Trump show now.

Fox doesn't have any choice. They created Trump. Allowed him to spew his disgusting lies and hyperbole. Now he's a monster threatening to take the lemmings off a cliff and Roger Ailes knows he's...you know.

Oh, som nom na. (Thai word meaning "deservedly")

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He may very well win. And if WWIII started while he was in office, at least it wouldn't be by surprise, being attacked without warning from some lying, two-faced country leader faying peace. Bet he wouldn't have taken 9+yrs and 2 presidencies to find Bin-Laden. Might be just the wake-up call the US and the world needs to stop playing patsy to every terrorist group waving a religious banner and worrying about hurting their poor little feelings.

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The US media is careful not to say "Sanders weighs in", which is curious. His campaign events and public gatherings have totaled more attendees than Clinton and Trump combined. Taking the media blackout a question further, calling Sanders a 'commie' and 'socialist nitwit' is the same as calling the British 'commies and nitwits' -- Sanders merely supports the same key social programs that GB has had in place for quite some time.

Since Bush the Lesser said "America has no greater friend than Great Britain" after 9/11, I expect Fox news is admitting our best friend across the Pond is both 'commie' and 'socialist'.

Context put in context always seems taken out of context (contextually).


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^Kelly is obviously the opposite of the extreme position you are asserting. She's highly educated, sharp as a tack, beautiful, and moderately right-wing, but not extreme right as most Fox women (pretend to be). It was surprising that Ailes allowed her to become such a star with her obvious somewhat liberal underpinnings. She did it in spite of him, and now he is pleased to go along because it makes Fox appear more reasonable with regard to women, and she is a rain maker for ratings stealing the show from old guys like Bill O'Reilly.

The Polls show that Trump is gaining, rather than losing popularity after his hormonal dig reference to Kelly. If you look at the demographics of Trump supporters now that is not surprising: white male, uneducated. We'll see how this plays out longer term but it's great fun to watch.

"If you look at the demographics of Trump supporters now that is not surprising: white male, uneducated."

As opposed to the rocket scientist demographics supporting Hillary? Carping women in HR. Hispanics who can't graduate high school. Unemployed and unemployable blacks. Millennial would-be revolutionaries who live at home with mom and dad.

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While I agree with most of being said here, I must admit: Trump is the first "political" person where I believe what he says. He speaks his mind. IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises after election. He doesn't hide anything...he doesn't care if you don't like what he says...if you don't agree with him, so be it. He doesn't seem to change his way in order to get votes. That is what I like about him...and pretty much the only thing I like about him. I wish all politicians would speak their mind instead of saying what people want to hear.

I hear that a lot. I think it's a performance. He's re-styled The Apprentice so that he is one of the competitors. Reality TV taken to a new level. Makes a mockery of GOP values. That's ok with me. Fox gets the ratings and Ailes is rolling around in it like a pig in the stuff pigs usually roll around in. Win-Win-Win situation all around. Megyn will probably get the Vanity Fair cover.

What brings it to even higher levels of absurdity are these teevee pundits assessing his moves as political gambits, second-guessing his intentions etc like he really is candidate. I have to double check if I'm watching a news channel or The Daily Show. Is that Donald Trump or Don Rickles? Trump needs to say 'hockey puck' more often.

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While I don't like Clinton (either one) and hope that I never have to vote for her as the (again) barely lesser of two evils, what Hillary said is right on. The troglodyte, lying, plutocratic, corporatist, anti-worker, union busting, racist, misogynist, homophobic, theocratic dominionist, war mongering neocon GOP has done everything in it's power to cut resources for women and all workers. As they did with their attempt to overthrow the US gov't after the election of FDR they are trying again, this time with money (see Koch (John Birch Society bros.)-ALEC, teabaggers) and a packed right wing extremist, federalist "gang of 5". I do believe when American became a democratic republic it's government was mandated with something life, pursuit of happiness, oh yea, something about separation of church and state, you know perhaps you read something like that at one time. Then again, probably not.

Perhaps some of you should try reading these: http://r.duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.archives.gov%2Fexhibits%2Fcharters%2Fdeclaration_transcript.html


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I do not like Trump, never have done, I think he is too arrogant

He is not a brilliant business man, if the money he inherited had been invested in an S&P tracker fund he would have more

However I admire his current campaign, I believes he speaks from the heart, and for him to be so far ahead in the polls, tells me something about the other contenders, THEY ARE EVEN WORSE!!!!

All this coming from America!!!

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"If you look at the demographics of Trump supporters now that is not surprising: white male, uneducated."

Sounds like Howard Stern's demographic. I picked up on it around the time he slammed McCain. Shock value, and the one with biggest mouth gets all the attention.

Let's have some fun: where will he take it next? I'm guessing a comment about Obama referencing miscegenation.

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'If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" as Harry Truman said. Kelly was spot on calling Trump on his outrageous labeling, and Trump confirmed that he is loud mouth unthinking bigot. Some may admire him for speaking his mind, but fail to notice what an awful mind he has that is speaking.

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While I agree with most of being said here, I must admit: Trump is the first "political" person where I believe what he says. He speaks his mind. IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises after election. He doesn't hide anything...he doesn't care if you don't like what he says...if you don't agree with him, so be it. He doesn't seem to change his way in order to get votes. That is what I like about him...and pretty much the only thing I like about him. I wish all politicians would speak their mind instead of saying what people want to hear.

IF I were to vote for him, I wouldn't be getting any surprises

Most people would be more than surprised to have World War III come down on them.

Trump's grand corporate strategy is to create chaos then to swoop in amidst the confusion to grab the prize he wants, and it's snared him billions.

In global and international affairs Trump would be Putin and Kim Jong Fat combined on steroids. Trump's loudly public feuds with NBC, Univision, Fox et al and the political world does not involve nuclear weapons.

Can you picture Trump at the UN singling out heads of government around the world for their due bashings. Publicising Putin's personal cellphone number as if it were some kind of frat prank.

Liking Trump because he speaks his mind is one thing. Approving of Trump because he speaks his mind and because one believes what he says gives the country two crackpots.

Trump says he is very rich. Don't know his books, but I can believe this.

Trump says he wants to be a President. I can believe this too. Can't blame the old man for wanting.

Trump speaks his mind. A bad trait for a President or any Diplomat. Many people justly perceive him as a Boer.

Unfortunately my mind is nothing like his mind. This leaves me worried. He may pass in US for a President, but by my standards he hardly passes for a retard.

This makes me double worried. Because Americans usually elect the worst possible candidate. It's a kind of a National Tradition there.

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