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Knife attacks kill 2 people at central Sweden Ikea store


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One theory for the deafening media silence is that one of the victims was decapitated.


Apparently there is a photo of unconfirmed authenticity showing a decapitation, I have no wish to see it or post it.

Edited by Steely Dan
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There was indeed a unclear picture showing a nearly decapitated woman and a scetch from an eyewitness showing how she was apparently killed.And the most sickening is the way this story is hidden now in both Swedish and scandinavian newspapers !!

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There was indeed a unclear picture showing a nearly decapitated woman and a scetch from an eyewitness showing how she was apparently killed.And the most sickening is the way this story is hidden now in both Swedish and scandinavian newspapers !!

It's because the victims were ethnic swedes and the killer(s) aren't swedish, it's customary MSM way of reporting. Not that long ago a group a somali men raped an ethnic swedish woman on a boat trafficing between Sweden and Finland. Everyone knew immediately that it wasn't ethnic swedish men doing the gang raping and MSM reported "swedish men" even though only one of the guys had swedish citizenship.

To add to insult MSM is now writing that asylum seekers are afraid of made up fears that they will be targetted for this and police had increased the "protection" for them... only in Sweden will you hear about stupid shit like this.

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Approximately 50% of Eritreans are Christian and 48% Muslim.

Eritreans of all religions are fleeing the oppressive regime there, so it is slightly more likely that these two accused are Christian than it is they are Muslim.

Not that the resident Islamaphobes will give any credence to that! They will use this attack to spread their hate while they can, and instantly forget all about it if it turns out that the attackers aren't Muslim!

The Swedish authorities are currently satisfied there is no political motive to this attack.

Saying that providing police protection for innocent asylum seekers to prevent revenge attacks from mindless idiots is 'stupid shit' proves only one thing about the poster; and it isn't pleasant!

From Sweden boosts security for asylum seekers after IKEA knife attack; two Eritrean suspects detained

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention said this week the number of suspected hate crimes — attacks motivated by the victim's religious, sexual or racial identity — hit a record level last year.

In one of the latest incidents, two homeless migrants were shot at as they slept in a car in the northern Swedish town of Boden last week.

Not directly related to this topic, but to learn the truth about why Eritrean refugees are fleeing their homeland, read Escaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem – at least I won't be tortured'

Edited by 7by7
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7 by 7

I know your posts are always measured and sensible.

However, in this case

1. A decapitation has been described as a stabbing.

2. The police and press have gone to great lengths to provide as weak a description of the attackers as possible.

3. The police describe the attack as "apparently motiveless", "random" and "crazy".

It is very hard for me to believe there is not an official policy to keep terrorist attacks on members of the public covered up and out of the press.

I find that patronising and deceitful.

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Approximately 50% of Eritreans are Christian and 48% Muslim.

Eritreans of all religions are fleeing the oppressive regime there, so it is slightly more likely that these two accused are Christian than it is they are Muslim.

Not that the resident Islamaphobes will give any credence to that! They will use this attack to spread their hate while they can, and instantly forget all about it if it turns out that the attackers aren't Muslim!

The Swedish authorities are currently satisfied there is no political motive to this attack.

Saying that providing police protection for innocent asylum seekers to prevent revenge attacks from mindless idiots is 'stupid shit' proves only one thing about the poster; and it isn't pleasant!

From Sweden boosts security for asylum seekers after IKEA knife attack; two Eritrean suspects detained

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention said this week the number of suspected hate crimes — attacks motivated by the victim's religious, sexual or racial identity — hit a record level last year.

In one of the latest incidents, two homeless migrants were shot at as they slept in a car in the northern Swedish town of Boden last week.

Not directly related to this topic, but to learn the truth about why Eritrean refugees are fleeing their homeland, read Escaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem – at least I won't be tortured'

So they flee their home country in Africa and first idea they have in their head is "hey, i want to flee to the almost northern most nation in Europe because well.. why not!"? Makes perfect sense if they really were refugees... right?

Maybe, just mmaaaaayyyybeeeeeee, it's known everywhere in the world that the swedish welfare system is very generous. Especially if you have stamps that says "asylum seeker" and then "asylum granted". If you aren't swedish then you have no way of understanding the system and how it works. If you are and you say otherwise... well then you are ignorant.

And yes, it's stupid shit that police are stationed outside refugee hotels (yes, they are hotels and in some cases mansions). I urge you to book a plane ticket to Sweden and visit areas such as Rinkeby, Tensta, Kista, Alby, Rosengård, Herrgården etc etc etc and tell me who it is that REALLY need the protection from who.

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1) Originally described as a stabbing, though none of the reports from reputable sources I have seen mention decapitation.

Though as this attack has been described as 'crazy' then it is, of course, not surprising if the victims suffered serious injuries; including a near decapitation.

The usual suspects, of course, use this as 'proof' this was an Islamist jihadist attack. The same people who applied that label to a fatal RTC in the UK last year because one, yes just one, of the four, yes four, drivers arrested was a Muslim!

2) As both suspects are in custody, why would the police need to provide a detailed description of them?

Why would the reputable media need to publish such?

I don't know the law in Sweden, but if it is in anyway similar to that of the UK such precise details would not normally be released, unless doing so would aid in locating and arresting the suspect, as doing so may prejudice any future trial.

3) They have the evidence which leads them to that conclusion, why would they lie?

Of course, conspiracy theories abound about most things; and in the current climate it is not surprising that certain elements want to use this attack to push their own political agenda.

Me? I prefer to await for the truth to emerge when these men come to trial.

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Asheron, if you read the Guardian article linked to above, and other similar information, you would know that most refugees want to stay in countries closer to home but are often expelled from them!

Sweden has long had a tradition of accepting more than it's fair share of refugees; as the descendants of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi occupied Europe will confirm.

Conditions in the refugee centres are not luxurious.

Cold comfort: the Syrian refugees trying to make a new life in Sweden

Of course, no one will deny that some refugees are not genuine, that some are criminals fleeing justice in their home country or who have committed crimes in their country of refuge.

But to approve of the indigenous population carrying out revenge attacks on those who are innocent is appalling.

What will certain people be advocating next; labour camps and gas chambers?

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Asheron, if you read the Guardian article linked to above, and other similar information, you would know that most refugees want to stay in countries closer to home but are often expelled from them!

Sweden has long had a tradition of accepting more than it's fair share of refugees; as the descendants of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi occupied Europe will confirm.

Conditions in the refugee centres are not luxurious.

Cold comfort: the Syrian refugees trying to make a new life in Sweden

Of course, no one will deny that some refugees are not genuine, that some are criminals fleeing justice in their home country or who have committed crimes in their country of refuge.

But to approve of the indigenous population carrying out revenge attacks on those who are innocent is appalling.

What will certain people be advocating next; labour camps and gas chambers?

No one, atleast not me, is approving of any attacks on any refugees. Where or how did you conjure that thought? The risk of any "revenge attack" is like 524822 less than an ethnic swede getting his or her teeth kicked in while walking in the park and having the audacity to look at an immigrant crowd for a millisecond. Do you know that if a white guy/girl walks in any of the areas i previously listed in the DAY TIME he/she will definitely get approached by an immigrant gang asking what the he/she is doing there? If a swedish girl is walking in Stockholm city with jeans it will not take long before she hear comments such as "svennehora" (swedish whore). Any blondish girl in a school with even slight immigrant amount are daily called "svennehora" in school without any kind of action from the school or teachers. These are facts that happen every single day everywhere in Sweden.

And the very reason why the so called refugees are expelled is only because they aren't real refugees. Sweden is for instance giving blanket asylums to anyone who speaks arabic and says "Syria" even though the government official checking that person KNOWS he or she isn't Syrian.

And people are scratching their head and pondering why Sweden democrats are very soon the largest party in Sweden... that's quite an achievement in a nation where children in school are still brain washed into socialism.


I just now read that the main suspect for the murders had before gotten the "verdict" that he would be extradited from Sweden to Italy where he actually already had "residence permit". I guess Italy doesn''t give you enough money for free each month unlike Sweden so he wanted to come to Sweden.

Edited by Asheron
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Asheron, how long have you lived in Sweden for?

Are you recounting the experiences of yourself, your family, your friends? If so, upsetting though it must have been, not a statistically viable sample; unless you have a very large number of family and friends living in Sweden.

Do you have any reputable, independent sources to substantiate your claims?

I don't doubt that some Muslims in Sweden do use the insults you mention; there are ignorant gits everywhere.

Being dark skinned my wife has been called a 'Paki' by white morons many times over the 15 years she has lived in the UK. At first she replied that she was Thai, only to be called a whore instead! Now she just ignores them.

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Asheron, how long have you lived in Sweden for?

Are you recounting the experiences of yourself, your family, your friends? If so, upsetting though it must have been, not a statistically viable sample; unless you have a very large number of family and friends living in Sweden.

Do you have any reputable, independent sources to substantiate your claims?

I don't doubt that some Muslims in Sweden do use the insults you mention; there are ignorant gits everywhere.

Being dark skinned my wife has been called a 'Paki' by white morons many times over the 15 years she has lived in the UK. At first she replied that she was Thai, only to be called a whore instead! Now she just ignores them.

I was born and lived almost all my life in Sweden. I'm not just recounting what has happened to me/family but what i have read from what others, strangers to me, have said openly.

I would say that Sveriges Radio are pretty "reputable" sources even though they are so far left that they only see red when they look around. Of course, if you don't speak swedish, norwegian or danish you wont understand a word they are saying besides "svennehora" and "rasism". And to show how far left Sveriges radio really are they interview in the end Tobias Hubinette... a VERY well known leftist extremist.


And "Dagens Nyheter" is the largest "liberal" (not the definition of liberal in USA) news paper in Sweden, and "reputable", where they published a very rare debate article from two FP (Folkpartiet, basicly "The liberal party") politicians actually taking up the issue of "svennehora" etc.


Just one account from someone i don't know.



I'm sorry to hear how your wife is treated, maybe an UK thing? But i can say that generally Sweden is an extremely tolerant nation to live in regardless your skin color. So extreme that it is borderline retarded when it comes to tolerance.... because they are actually tolerating intolerance.

Edited by Asheron
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Briggsy, I'm afraid you've lost me.

It seemed to me that in this post you are saying that the Swedish authorities are making deliberate efforts to hide the true facts about this appalling attack.

Did I misunderstand?

No, you did not understand.

Perhaps I could say your summary of my post is too strong, too black and white. Your summary suggests the Swedish authorities are lying.

I would say they are not lying but deliberately omitting information and shading and accentuating the story to create a different impression in the reader's/listener's mind. They are spinning the story.

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Asheron, how long have you lived in Sweden for?

Are you recounting the experiences of yourself, your family, your friends? If so, upsetting though it must have been, not a statistically viable sample; unless you have a very large number of family and friends living in Sweden.

Do you have any reputable, independent sources to substantiate your claims?

I don't doubt that some Muslims in Sweden do use the insults you mention; there are ignorant gits everywhere.

Being dark skinned my wife has been called a 'Paki' by white morons many times over the 15 years she has lived in the UK. At first she replied that she was Thai, only to be called a whore instead! Now she just ignores them.

I was born and lived almost all my life in Sweden. I'm not just recounting what has happened to me/family but what i have read from what others, strangers to me, have said openly.

I would say that Sveriges Radio are pretty "reputable" sources even though they are so far left that they only see red when they look around. Of course, if you don't speak swedish, norwegian or danish you wont understand a word they are saying besides "svennehora" and "rasism". And to show how far left Sveriges radio really are they interview in the end Tobias Hubinette... a VERY well known leftist extremist.


And "Dagens Nyheter" is the largest "liberal" (not the definition of liberal in USA) news paper in Sweden, and "reputable", where they published a very rare debate article from two FP (Folkpartiet, basicly "The liberal party") politicians actually taking up the issue of "svennehora" etc.


Just one account from someone i don't know.



I'm sorry to hear how your wife is treated, maybe an UK thing? But i can say that generally Sweden is an extremely tolerant nation to live in regardless your skin color. So extreme that it is borderline retarded when it comes to tolerance.... because they are actually tolerating intolerance.

Perhaps as a balance you can provide the stats on anti Muslim attacks / abuse in Sweden with the rise of the right wing and neo Nazi organisations in Sweden. A sample is provided below, I'm sure with your focus on the asylum seeker issue in Sweden you can provide detailed statistical info.


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Approximately 50% of Eritreans are Christian and 48% Muslim.

Eritreans of all religions are fleeing the oppressive regime there, so it is slightly more likely that these two accused are Christian than it is they are Muslim.

Not that the resident Islamaphobes will give any credence to that! They will use this attack to spread their hate while they can, and instantly forget all about it if it turns out that the attackers aren't Muslim!

The Swedish authorities are currently satisfied there is no political motive to this attack.

Saying that providing police protection for innocent asylum seekers to prevent revenge attacks from mindless idiots is 'stupid shit' proves only one thing about the poster; and it isn't pleasant!

From Sweden boosts security for asylum seekers after IKEA knife attack; two Eritrean suspects detained

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention said this week the number of suspected hate crimes — attacks motivated by the victim's religious, sexual or racial identity — hit a record level last year.

In one of the latest incidents, two homeless migrants were shot at as they slept in a car in the northern Swedish town of Boden last week.

Not directly related to this topic, but to learn the truth about why Eritrean refugees are fleeing their homeland, read Escaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem – at least I won't be tortured'

When I first heard of the murders I gave the probability of the murderer being a Muslim immigrant at 95% or more. The fact that Eritreans are divided half and half Christian and Muslim would not change that estimate. Indeed if the rumors of decapitation are correct the probability of the murder being anything other than Muslim falls to a minute probability.

The,Swedish government spokesmen seem to be pushing the line that the victims were very unlucky to suffer such a freak occurrence. I guess they are still searching for a motive despite a film in public domain showing the assailant shouting 'Allahu Snack bar' very clearly indeed. I guess in one respect I agree with the Swedish government spokesman, the victims were very unlucky - unlucky to have a government allowing three times the number of immigrants per capita as Germany, the next most suicidal nation.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Here we go, the murderer had been refused a residence permit, so evidently decided murder would secure an extended stay, Halal meals, education and conditions undreamed of in Eritrea.


Meanwhile IKEA have stopped selling knives. Perhaps a Sweden wide policy of.using plastic knives and foregoing the pleasure of steak will save them from death by culture enrichment. Meanwhile Swedish police have stepped up security around asylum lodging to protect them from a backlash from evil whitey.


The response of the Swedish authorities to the ‘stabbings’ which killed what is reported to be a Swedish native mother and son shopping in the Västerås branch of IKEA – the largest in the country – has mystified some international observers.

Immediately after the attack by the newly arrived migrants, who shared a room in a government asylum shelter and had only arrived in the country less than four weeks before, Swedish police rushed to protect migrant communities from “dark forces in society”.

“Local police across the region have been tasked with taking these measures, to be there for safety purposes for everyone there – those who work there and those who live there,” Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters.

Talk about Stockholm syndrome.

P.S might as well stop selling chain saws and give up on forestry while they're at it.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

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Asheron, how long have you lived in Sweden for?

Are you recounting the experiences of yourself, your family, your friends? If so, upsetting though it must have been, not a statistically viable sample; unless you have a very large number of family and friends living in Sweden.

Do you have any reputable, independent sources to substantiate your claims?

I don't doubt that some Muslims in Sweden do use the insults you mention; there are ignorant gits everywhere.

Being dark skinned my wife has been called a 'Paki' by white morons many times over the 15 years she has lived in the UK. At first she replied that she was Thai, only to be called a whore instead! Now she just ignores them.

I was born and lived almost all my life in Sweden. I'm not just recounting what has happened to me/family but what i have read from what others, strangers to me, have said openly.

I would say that Sveriges Radio are pretty "reputable" sources even though they are so far left that they only see red when they look around. Of course, if you don't speak swedish, norwegian or danish you wont understand a word they are saying besides "svennehora" and "rasism". And to show how far left Sveriges radio really are they interview in the end Tobias Hubinette... a VERY well known leftist extremist.


And "Dagens Nyheter" is the largest "liberal" (not the definition of liberal in USA) news paper in Sweden, and "reputable", where they published a very rare debate article from two FP (Folkpartiet, basicly "The liberal party") politicians actually taking up the issue of "svennehora" etc.


Just one account from someone i don't know.



I'm sorry to hear how your wife is treated, maybe an UK thing? But i can say that generally Sweden is an extremely tolerant nation to live in regardless your skin color. So extreme that it is borderline retarded when it comes to tolerance.... because they are actually tolerating intolerance.

Perhaps as a balance you can provide the stats on anti Muslim attacks / abuse in Sweden with the rise of the right wing and neo Nazi organisations in Sweden. A sample is provided below, I'm sure with your focus on the asylum seeker issue in Sweden you can provide detailed statistical info.


There are a handful semi-active nazis in Sweden. In the third largest city in Sweden jews can't walk outside without being harassed and no it's not the nazis doing the harassment. Jews are fleeing Sweden and jewish children can't play outside on the school ground out of fear from those you so adamantly defend. Your profil says "Australia"... you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Sweden. I wouldn't argue about things in Australia because i know it would be retarded for me to say that things are this and that in Australia without having ever even visited Australia.

And as you have comprehension issues i'll try to explain... just because person X says "group A does this more than group B" doesn't mean that person X is saying all in group A are this or that. But inside your head you think like this which is very obvious from your posting history.


And get your facts straigth... that NY times article about an "arson" against a mosque in Eskilstuna was by police ruled out as an accident/not a crime.[1]. And to my knowledge no one has been arrested and charged for the arsons against the mosques in Eslöv and Uppsala... so how do you know that it was nazis?

[1] http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=87&artikel=6116068

Edited by Asheron
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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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Any decent well-heeled shopper would go beserk at Ikea....such bad service...no staff to help out, everything self-service, no staff to advice on kitchen set-ups etc, hard to find merchandise,no bags etc, no packing even for food take aways etc......stupid lazy swedes. I hate shopping at Ikea thailand.

What in the world does that rant have to do with the story.

Agreed, but what in the world does this have to do with Thailand?

Surely the headline would have indicated it was in the World News forum.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Your allegation is based upon the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by the sites you & others obviously follow. I believe that so far Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism; I suggest to you they have more facts to hand than you. If the killers are identified as being motivated by Islamic extremism then it needs to be made public.

I have made clear that in my view far right political parties are just as much a threat to Western democracy as the Islamist. Beyond me why so many of this forum subscribe to the far right and support their agenda.

Edited by simple1
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Asheron, how long have you lived in Sweden for?

Are you recounting the experiences of yourself, your family, your friends? If so, upsetting though it must have been, not a statistically viable sample; unless you have a very large number of family and friends living in Sweden.

Do you have any reputable, independent sources to substantiate your claims?

I don't doubt that some Muslims in Sweden do use the insults you mention; there are ignorant gits everywhere.

Being dark skinned my wife has been called a 'Paki' by white morons many times over the 15 years she has lived in the UK. At first she replied that she was Thai, only to be called a whore instead! Now she just ignores them.

I was born and lived almost all my life in Sweden. I'm not just recounting what has happened to me/family but what i have read from what others, strangers to me, have said openly.

I would say that Sveriges Radio are pretty "reputable" sources even though they are so far left that they only see red when they look around. Of course, if you don't speak swedish, norwegian or danish you wont understand a word they are saying besides "svennehora" and "rasism". And to show how far left Sveriges radio really are they interview in the end Tobias Hubinette... a VERY well known leftist extremist.


And "Dagens Nyheter" is the largest "liberal" (not the definition of liberal in USA) news paper in Sweden, and "reputable", where they published a very rare debate article from two FP (Folkpartiet, basicly "The liberal party") politicians actually taking up the issue of "svennehora" etc.


Just one account from someone i don't know.



I'm sorry to hear how your wife is treated, maybe an UK thing? But i can say that generally Sweden is an extremely tolerant nation to live in regardless your skin color. So extreme that it is borderline retarded when it comes to tolerance.... because they are actually tolerating intolerance.

Perhaps as a balance you can provide the stats on anti Muslim attacks / abuse in Sweden with the rise of the right wing and neo Nazi organisations in Sweden. A sample is provided below, I'm sure with your focus on the asylum seeker issue in Sweden you can provide detailed statistical info.


There are a handful semi-active nazis in Sweden. In the third largest city in Sweden jews can't walk outside without being harassed and no it's not the nazis doing the harassment. Jews are fleeing Sweden and jewish children can't play outside on the school ground out of fear from those you so adamantly defend. Your profil says "Australia"... you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Sweden. I wouldn't argue about things in Australia because i know it would be retarded for me to say that things are this and that in Australia without having ever even visited Australia.

And as you have comprehension issues i'll try to explain... just because person X says "group A does this more than group B" doesn't mean that person X is saying all in group A are this or that. But inside your head you think like this which is very obvious from your posting history.


And get your facts straigth... that NY times article about an "arson" against a mosque in Eskilstuna was by police ruled out as an accident/not a crime.[1]. And to my knowledge no one has been arrested and charged for the arsons against the mosques in Eslöv and Uppsala... so how do you know that it was nazis?

[1] http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=87&artikel=6116068

A long response, but not actually answering my question in the context of your post.

BTW the neo-Nazi issue in Sweden was referred to in a Swedish English language media outlet, yes it claimed neo Nazi membership is declining, but their activities are increasing

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I was born and lived almost all my life in Sweden. I'm not just recounting what has happened to me/family but what i have read from what others, strangers to me, have said openly.

Thank you for answering that; I was unaware that you are Swedish.

However, it is still very possible that your experiences, and those related to you, are not giving a true picture; just as the 'experiences' related by certain British ex pats living in Thailand do not reflect the reality of life in the UK.

To be frank, your dismissal of reports about attacks on immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants, in Sweden makes me even more sceptical.

I am not denying that individual Muslims are as capable of racist attacks and insults as anyone else, of course they are.

In the UK such incidents, including attempts by a very tiny minority to enforce strict Sharia law on the streets in certain areas, are illegal and, if reported to the police, the offenders are arrested, put before a criminal court and if found guilty suitably punished; including being jailed.

Is it not the same in Sweden?

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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Your allegation is based upon the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by the sites you & others obviously follow. I believe that so far Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism; I suggest to you they have more facts to hand than you. If the killers are identified as being motivated by Islamic extremism then it needs to be made public.

I have made clear that in my view far right political parties are just as much a threat to Western democracy as the Islamist. Beyond me why so many of this forum subscribe to the far right and support their agenda.

Maybe because the far right (who is still legal politically BTW) is the only source of information about the rapidly growing threat from radical Islam nowadays,since all other sources keep quiet because of political correctness ?

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Here we go, the murderer had been refused a residence permit, so evidently decided murder would secure an extended stay, Halal meals, education and conditions undreamed of in Eritrea.


Meanwhile IKEA have stopped selling knives. Perhaps a Sweden wide policy of.using plastic knives and foregoing the pleasure of steak will save them from death by culture enrichment. Meanwhile Swedish police have stepped up security around asylum lodging to protect them from a backlash from evil whitey.


The response of the Swedish authorities to the ‘stabbings’ which killed what is reported to be a Swedish native mother and son shopping in the Västerås branch of IKEA – the largest in the country – has mystified some international observers.

Immediately after the attack by the newly arrived migrants, who shared a room in a government asylum shelter and had only arrived in the country less than four weeks before, Swedish police rushed to protect migrant communities from “dark forces in society”.

“Local police across the region have been tasked with taking these measures, to be there for safety purposes for everyone there – those who work there and those who live there,” Vastmanland police spokesman Per Agren said, as quoted by Reuters.

Talk about Stockholm syndrome.

P.S might as well stop selling chain saws and give up on forestry while they're at it.


That kind of sentiment doesn't jell with the party line. You know, those ideologicaly challanged individuals who are basically dhiminis...

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