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Thai Ministry list of 'farang forbidden jobs' is a barrel of laughs


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Here is the list.


I'm particularly gutted by no. 21. (the card) I've always been a bit of a card.

I didn't know no. 23 (Job Buddha) was based in Thailand nor up for grabs. I would have thought non-Thais could do that elsewhere, though.

No. 18 (Lghn a job) baffles me completely but I suspect it's what the compiler of this list does.

The list appears to have been taken down. Apparently someone tipped them off.

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Hilarious!!! I've seen some funny translations around the world but this beats them all!

Google "funny signs asia" if you think the above were funny, my favorite are the Chinese translations.

This one has some good signs and products - http://justsomething.co/34-hilarious-translation-fails/

Check out #5, the instant soup, "Cheap, fast & easy".............clap2.gif

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For your information, Aluminium can also be spelled and pronounced aluminum depending on which country a person is from. There is such a thing as American English.

Let's not forget how the British screwed up the spelling of Island.

Anyone care for a fag?

Your bird is really sexy.

Put the grocieries in the boot.

Maybe, but there will never be such a thing as English American. whistling.gif

I'm an Aussie and I much prefer the way the Poms man-handle the language. The Yanks just dee-stroy it.

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I'd like more info about the Farmer's Gas Party.....

Does Animals of the Forest mean prohibiting the wearing of monkey suits or two guys in a Horse costume running about in the national parks?

Finally, I'd like to see a list of the Pilot Countries, just to be safe.

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For your information, Aluminium can also be spelled and pronounced aluminum depending on which country a person is from. There is such a thing as American English.

Let's not forget how the British screwed up the spelling of Island.

Anyone care for a fag?

Your bird is really sexy.

Put the grocieries in the boot.

Maybe, but there will never be such a thing as English American. whistling.gif

I'm an Aussie and I much prefer the way the Poms man-handle the language. The Yanks just dee-stroy it.

Sorry... us 'Yanks' perfected it... among SO MUCH ELSE!!! 'Murica (go ahead... feed the troll!)

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For your information, Aluminium can also be spelled and pronounced aluminum depending on which country a person is from. There is such a thing as American English.

Let's not forget how the British screwed up the spelling of Island.

Anyone care for a fag?

Your bird is really sexy.

Put the grocieries in the boot.

Maybe, but there will never be such a thing as English American. whistling.gif

I'm an Aussie and I much prefer the way the Poms man-handle the language. The Yanks just dee-stroy it.

Sorry... us 'Yanks' perfected it... among SO MUCH ELSE!!! 'Murica (go ahead... feed the troll!)

American= the english language raped coffee1.gif

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The list seems more geared towards keeping the low-skilled and 'cultural' jobs for the Thais, which is fine...But I noticed that taxi driver has been taken off the list and could swear that it was there in previous released lists...

The engineering and architectural entries are confusing, as any major engineering projects in the country are designed, commissioned, and checked by foreigners.

garments making... I see many Burmese and Indian tailors here
cigarette making by hand.. see many foreigners rolling their own too!
street vending... seen some of these, but not for a while now
office or secretarial work... I see many foreign secretaries and office workers
legal or lawsuit services... lots of foreign lawyers about too!

Driver is on the list....thogh some classes of drivers of aeroplanes are allowed.

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Direct your mirth at Google Translate or Bing.

It should not be humour directed towards the Ministry, but pity. No English speakers in the office? I can hardly credit that. The pity is that the boss that approved the promulgation could not condescend to ask advice from a subservient.

Mind you, to be fair...if you are not bilingual you would not know that these online translators are atrocious.

No pity whatsoever. All they had to do was take it into town and get it translated properly.

Not exactly rocket science, is it?

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Hilarious!!! I've seen some funny translations around the world but this beats them all!

Google "funny signs asia" if you think the above were funny, my favorite are the Chinese translations.

This one has some good signs and products - http://justsomething.co/34-hilarious-translation-fails/

Check out #5, the instant soup, "Cheap, fast & easy".............clap2.gif

One of the funniest I saw came out of China during the Beijing Olympics.

A well-made sign stated the shop was "Server unavailable, try again later". Those online translators!

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heres fix

  1. Manual work;
  2. Work in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry or fishery excluding specialized work in each particular branch or farm of supervision:
  3. bricklaying, carpentry or other construction work;
  4. wood carving;
  5. driving mechanically-propelled carried or driving non-mechanically-propelled vehicle, excluding international aircraft piloting;
  6. shop attendance;
  7. auction;
  8. supervising, auditing or giving services in accountancy excluding internal auditing on occasions;
  9. cutting of polishing jewellry;
  10. haircutting, hairdressing or beauty treatment;
  11. cloth weaving by hand;
  12. weaving of mats or making products from reeds, rattan, hemp, straw or bamboo pellicle;
  13. making of Sa paper by hand;
  14. lacquerware making;
  15. making of Thai musical instruments;
  16. nielloware making;
  17. making of products from gold, silver or gold-copper alloy;
  18. bronzeware making;
  19. making of Thai dolls;
  20. making of mattress of quilt blanket;
  21. alms bowls casting;
  22. making of silk products by hand;
  23. casting of Buddha images;
  24. knife making;
  25. making of paper of cloth umbrella;
  26. shoemaking;
  27. hat-making;
  28. brokerage or agency excluding brokerage of agency in international trade business;
  29. engineering work in civil engineering branch concerning designing and calculation, organization, research, planning, testing, construction supervision or advising excluding specialized work;
  30. architectural work concerning designing, drawing of plan, estimation, construction directing or advising;
  31. garments making;
  32. pottery or ceramic ware making;
  33. cigarette making by hand;
  34. guide or conducting sightseeing tours;
  35. street vending;
  36. type-setting of Thai characters by hand;
  37. drawing and twisting silk-thread by hand
  38. office or secretarial work;
  39. legal or lawsuit services.

I don't know, but I prefer #18, lghin a job better. clap2.gif

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I would hope that the children of the rich do much better than this when they come back from Overseas University,

But if they had a person do this and not a computer then you can see they never left Thailand for school,

Google translate is great for Western languages , but as you can see not for Thai

will they fix this and put out another list soon ?

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Have to agree with Rob above...

As we are in Thailand, would not say the Thai government has any requirement to have this information available in English ....

.... But if they are going to have the English translations available, then should ensure they are at least understandable.

I am from Norway. A country with less then half the population of Bangkok.

Here is the English verion of our ministry of labour: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/id4/

Thailand has far more English speaking "aliens" than Norway.

Just saying...

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