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Jeb Bush links Clinton to rise of Islamic State


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Some would go further and suggest the rise of Isis was not down to complacency and naivety but was the direct result of conscious policy decisions. In a sane world this would have been more than enough to bring down the government.


Written by Michael Flynn of Texans For a Sane Foreign Policy - the publishers of Levant Report.

This from Levant Report: "Many Syria watchers have known of Israel's support to Syrian Al-Qaeda for a long time..." http://levantreport.com/2015/06/23/ex-cia-no-2-mike-morell-acknowledges-israeli-qaeda-relationship-along-the-golan/

Seems like a lot of deals have been being made. What a miasma.

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It was Clintons' job as Secretary of State. She failed.

Go ahead and blame the 2 Bushes. I've heard better arguments on the playground.

Your comment is akin to blaming the police when crazed lunatics go on a killing spree. The only failure was the Iraqi invasion. It failed because the country was not pacified and the instigators who took refuge in Syria, Iran and elsewhere were not eliminated. This was your dream team of the violent guttersnipe Cheney and his stooge Bush the younger. in action. The failure was starting a war, but not having the ability to end it with the defeat of all enemies.

When the allies liberated most of Europe, they didn't stop and negotiate a truce with the barbarians and their supporters. They followed through.The result has been a relatively stable Europe. When the free world stopped at the North Korean border and then pulled back, it laid the foundation for the sadistic madness that is the little fat boy, the North Korean dictator.

Secretary Clinton was one of the few Secretaries of States of the past 25 years who was well respected by foreign countries. Tough, intelligent and savvy. She can run circles around Jeb the former governor of one of the most politically corrupt states in the USA. The only hope for the Republican party is if Trump crushes Jebadiah in the primaries.

You're trying to change the subject. The subject isn't the first 2 Bushes. It's Clinton. She failed. Miserably. Show me, and the rest of the world what she did. We'll wait.

Since you bring up WW2, you might want to check out the mess the allies left in the middle east. Or WW1. Or, to be more precise, that they didn't fix.

The subject is "Jeb Bush and the rise of the islamic state".

IS was created during G.W. Bush's tenure as a direct result of him handing over too much power to the Shi'a and them going after the Sunni for payback.

To try and claim otherwise, or blame IS on Obama, is absurd.

Or would you rather Obama had sent more American troops to their deaths to topple Assad, and risk confrontation with Russia in the Middle East? Because that was what would have been required to stop IS proliferating.

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That's a fair point.

I actually think it's good for Hillary's chances if Bush is nominated.

The big question in this election is will people ultimately reject "dynasty" or not.

Assuming Hillary is nominated AND Bush is nominated, the clear answer will be no.

Then it's easy ... Clinton brand is much more popular nationally than the Bush brand.

Bush Lite

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a classic case of he who smelt it dealt it. The Bush dynasty is who really created the way for ISIS. They almost single handedly destabilized the Middle East.

Jeb also said the USA should not elect another democrat as that is too much of a dynasty.

I guess he doesn't consider 3 members of the same immediately family to in any way be a dynasty?

The hypocrisy is just sickening.

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And Bush's daddy is responsible for the rise of Al Qaeda, and his brother was at the helm when 9/11 occurred. IS hasn't killed as many Americans as Al Qaeda. I wouldn't bring up the presidential performance of family relations, if I was Bush.

If you throw enough at a wall eventually something sticks. He quotes "It was a case of blind haste to get out and to call the tragic consequences somebody else's problem(Gee when GWB left office it became somebody else's problem. Obamas)" Bush will say. "Rushing away from danger can be every bit as unwise as rushing into danger, and the costs have been grievous(A big round of applause for George W. Bush he started it)." Gee it sees like George was the one rushing in and upsetting the apple cart starting a false war costing TRILLIONS. Once he satisfied his ego and hung Saddam well the wheels fell off of the wagon. Saddam for all of his shortcomings kept the house in order in that part of the world. Once GWB hung him all the rats(Al Qaeda, Taliban) and wantabe rats(ISIS) came out of the woodwork and caused today's problems. Oh I get it "Just Call Me Jeb" wants to start another war after all the Bushes seem to have the war gene in their body.

Edited by elgordo38
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Can we all take a moment to remind ourselves that it really doesn't matter who becomes president of the United States.

Even a crazy jerk like T. Rump would not be able to raise a finger without first consulting all the generals and (above all) the arms companies.

His first day on the job he gets a good nights sleep. When awakening there will be a group of men in black with briefcases waiting to give him his does and don'ts program for the next 4 years. There have been so many black clouds in American history with serious questions attached that were never truly answered. The Kennedy(s) assasination, 9/11(Why did the 3rd tower fall? No videos or evidence of the pentagon attack) Martin Luther Kings murder, Yes the Iraqi's had yellow cake and tubes of some sort and more.

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I really don't think a Bush should start banging on about IS when the family created it!


While I have at last some time for Jeb Bush, this argument (if that is what it is) that H. Clinton's actions led to the rise of IS is a bit like an arsonist blaming a fireman for wrong hose selection as the cause of the resulting devastation!

It gets even worse, as I think Clcog alludes - George Senior started the whole jihadist movement by supporting the various mujahideen groups in Afghanistan against the Soviets. George Junior started the Iraq war based on the non-existent weapons of mass destruction and that the Sadaam regime was somehow connected to the 9/11 massacre event - both completely false. There were no WMD and of all the leaders in the Middle East, Sadaam was a kind of secularist who would have had no time for Al Qaeda and its idea of a fundamentalist caliphate.

Having backed the USA into a war that could not be won but could very well grumble on with great loss of life (both Iraqi and American), the next administration would have to try to extricate themselves and the USA from this mess.

The central question should really be whether H Clinton and Obama tried to withdraw the troops too early. I actually do not have a lot of time for Hiliary and much to disagree with Obama but this kind of decision is always going to be a real throw of the dice, whatever you do, where the outcomes are highly unpredictable.

If the Republicans have a chance at the White House, Jeb is probably the best face to put forward, given the plainly unelectable and sometimes strange folks in the lineup this time around. But that is not going to happen if he takes this stupid approach. Yes, go after H Clinton and there is plenty to go on. But saying that she is responsible for the rise of IS and especially with his lineage would be to throw the towel in rather early.

He should change astrologers. The present one seems to see him in the future with a golden crown on his head. Yes verbally he is his own worst enemy. They should zipper his mouth and put cue cards in his hands it would improve his chances immensely.

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^That brings up a pertinent point. Given Clinton's age, she certainly doesn't have menstrual cycles anymore, so if Trump wins the nomination, it will be difficult for him to claim she is "on the rag." laugh.png

That's such an awful phrase. I prefer "has the decorators in".


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^That brings up a pertinent point. Given Clinton's age, she certainly doesn't have menstrual cycles anymore, so if Trump wins the nomination, it will be difficult for him to claim she is "on the rag." laugh.png

That's such an awful phrase. I prefer "has the decorators in".


Well spotted. However, even my crude reference pales by comparison to Trump's style: "blood coming out of her wherever." biggrin.png

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Most of us outside of the USA believe that it was Bush that started all this by the faulse and lies that Iraq had these weapons of mass destruction. We all know now after investigators after the war could not find any.

Any one who knows the history of Iraq and most Middle East countries know they cannot be democratic states because there are to many different tribes and they have been at war with each other for thousands of years. Iraq can only be ruled as a police state and Sadam was the only one who did it.

We can all see this now the way Iraq has turned out. Another USA f**^ up. When this war started I was in our club and a lot of the guys were saying good on America get rid of that Bastard Sadam, I said to them Iraq will turn out like a nightmare it cannot run like a democracy to many tribes, we can all see this now, when it is to late.

And the twin towers, there is so much everdence that the CIA or other agency's were involved to do this not terrorists. No side windows on the planes, torpedo type shapes under the front of the plans and an orange glow a fraction before they hit the buildings, only military plans have no windows and these shapes under them. There are 2 documentary's on the twin towers and they will leave you wondering.

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That's a fair point.

I actually think it's good for Hillary's chances if Bush is nominated.

The big question in this election is will people ultimately reject "dynasty" or not.

Assuming Hillary is nominated AND Bush is nominated, the clear answer will be no.

Then it's easy ... Clinton brand is much more popular nationally than the Bush brand.

Are you sure you don't mean 'dysentry' ?

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Naaaah .... not US troupes.

Turkey has open borders for ISIL ... open borders for supplies weapons and ammunition ... new ISIL recruits and teenage school girls and Turkey allows wounded ISIL fighters hospital care in Turkey.

Hell if Turkey wants to be in NATO ... sent Turkish troupes to fight ISIL.

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I wonder if ole Jeb Boy ever considers this current problem before anybody decides to

put more US troops in the ME...regardless of/for what reason. Will Jeb Boy lead a charge?

I kinda freakin doubt it. I'm speaking for all my brother vets....stop this shit.


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Most of us outside of the USA believe that it was Bush that started all this by the faulse and lies that Iraq had these weapons of mass destruction. We all know now after investigators after the war could not find any.

Any one who knows the history of Iraq and most Middle East countries know they cannot be democratic states because there are to many different tribes and they have been at war with each other for thousands of years. Iraq can only be ruled as a police state and Sadam was the only one who did it.

We can all see this now the way Iraq has turned out. Another USA f**^ up. When this war started I was in our club and a lot of the guys were saying good on America get rid of that Bastard Sadam, I said to them Iraq will turn out like a nightmare it cannot run like a democracy to many tribes, we can all see this now, when it is to late.

And the twin towers, there is so much everdence that the CIA or other agency's were involved to do this not terrorists. No side windows on the planes, torpedo type shapes under the front of the plans and an orange glow a fraction before they hit the buildings, only military plans have no windows and these shapes under them. There are 2 documentary's on the twin towers and they will leave you wondering.

A pity you let a good post deteriorate by twin towers conspiracy nonsense.
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When will journalists learn English? A troop is a collective noun meaning many individuals. One individual is a trouper.

For someone who has taken it upon themselves as a grammar policeman targeting anybody, i would suggest you look up what a trouper is.

1. A person who is reliable and uncomplaining and hard working

2. An actor who travels around the country presenting plays

If you actually meant trooper, then don't put 100% trust into your spellchecker especially when attacking others.................................wink.png

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Most of us outside of the USA believe that it was Bush that started all this by the faulse and lies that Iraq had these weapons of mass destruction. We all know now after investigators after the war could not find any.

Any one who knows the history of Iraq and most Middle East countries know they cannot be democratic states because there are to many different tribes and they have been at war with each other for thousands of years. Iraq can only be ruled as a police state and Sadam was the only one who did it.

We can all see this now the way Iraq has turned out. Another USA f**^ up. When this war started I was in our club and a lot of the guys were saying good on America get rid of that Bastard Sadam, I said to them Iraq will turn out like a nightmare it cannot run like a democracy to many tribes, we can all see this now, when it is to late.

And the twin towers, there is so much everdence that the CIA or other agency's were involved to do this not terrorists. No side windows on the planes, torpedo type shapes under the front of the plans and an orange glow a fraction before they hit the buildings, only military plans have no windows and these shapes under them. There are 2 documentary's on the twin towers and they will leave you wondering.

for 100% all this ISIS problem we have today - and also the activation of Al qaeda -

Bush - and his allies the US -

and as US the people of Us are responsible for all this what happens now !

Without Bush - all this never would have happened !!

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BUSH= WAR always cause that brings money to a particular group of people


Yeah Jeb, tells us about how it's Clinton's fault. coffee1.gif

Not even close. Bush never even makes the top five. You are the worst at US history, maybe.coffee1.gif

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Not quite. Barry beats him out.


33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey.

Anyone who believes Obama's the worst president out of the last 2 is smoking dope or burning crosses in front yards (or has a secret desire to burn crosses in front yards)

Edited by impulse
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Joe Bush is a ass for making these remarks. Iraq has enough military power to fight ISIS if they so choose to do. Maybe the really want to welcome ISIS!

Top marks for living up to your name,

I thought ISIS was commanded by Iraq X Army leadership. Why would they want to fight them?

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