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Jeb Bush links Clinton to rise of Islamic State


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And this is what is wrong with Bush. Look at his "prepared remarks"--prepared by someone not including Jeb Bush, I'll bet--and how they had to be put out in advance of the actual, well, remarks. Sort of like peeping out to see if the coast is clear and if he is going to say something oh, so wrong, and being prepared to dash back under his rock if someone is offended too much. This is why I support Trump.

Trump the heavyweight cheesy.gif

Iraq is a complete loser issue for anyone named Bush. So he should talk about it every day thank you.

Bush and Bush and Bush and Iraq = 25 years of America's misery, bankruptcy, headaches.

The Bushes are so concerned about Iraq they should move there and run for president from one of Saddam's gold toilet palaces. clap2.gif

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This election will be a piece of cake for Clinton.....no competition on sight.

I sure hope you are wrong.

He's not wrong thx.

In the heat of the election campaigns it will seem close during September and October next year, but the voting won't be close as the returns are reported from 7 pm to midnight of election day November 8th.

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Not quite. Barry beats him out.


33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey.

Anyone who believes Obama's the worst president out of the last 2 is smoking dope or burning crosses in front yards (or has a secret desire to burn crosses in front yards)

GWB won 2 wars against enemies of the US. Internationally, Obama has done nothing. Nationally Obama has completely screwed up the healthcare system. Try your racist comments somewhere else.

Never fails. When someone has no argument they scream racism.

And, where does that lie,

"33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey." come from?

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Some would go further and suggest the rise of Isis was not down to complacency and naivety but was the direct result of conscious policy decisions. In a sane world this would have been more than enough to bring down the government.


Yet, a year ago, anyone who suggested this on this forum was branded anti-American and conspiracy theorist.

Funny that when the left say it, it's rubbish, but now it is peddled by the right as ammunition against the left.

Myself and others have steadfastly addressed this. No, I dont want the crystal ball award. We just had no credibility until voices inside starting confirming it, Steely Dan among those voices.

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Not quite. Barry beats him out.


33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey.

Anyone who believes Obama's the worst president out of the last 2 is smoking dope or burning crosses in front yards (or has a secret desire to burn crosses in front yards)

GWB won 2 wars against enemies of the US. Internationally, Obama has done nothing. Nationally Obama has completely screwed up the healthcare system. Try your racist comments somewhere else.

Never fails. When someone has no argument they scream racism.

And, where does that lie,

"33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey." come from?

You have a very strange definition of 'winning a war'.

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Not quite. Barry beats him out.


33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey.

Anyone who believes Obama's the worst president out of the last 2 is smoking dope or burning crosses in front yards (or has a secret desire to burn crosses in front yards)

GWB won 2 wars against enemies of the US. Internationally, Obama has done nothing. Nationally Obama has completely screwed up the healthcare system. Try your racist comments somewhere else.

Never fails. When someone has no argument they scream racism.

And, where does that lie,

"33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey." come from?

What are you smoking? How can you claim that GWB won 2 wars?

Year on year the amount of troops and civilians being killed in Afghanistan rose. 14 years and billions of dollars later it is still an insecure country where the Taliban still hold many areas and IS have now started to show their face.

As for Iraq, yeah Saddam wasn't a nice guy but the security situation was a lot better than it is now. Before the war no AQ in Iraq. After the war AQ everywhere. Sectarian violence and civil war and now IS. What a great victory in the war against terror that's been. Another 12 years and billions wasted.

Just because Bush stands on an aircraft carrier hundreds of miles from danger and claims mission accomplished doesn't make it so.

Some people will believe any old BS.

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Not quite. Barry beats him out.


33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey.

Anyone who believes Obama's the worst president out of the last 2 is smoking dope or burning crosses in front yards (or has a secret desire to burn crosses in front yards)

GWB won 2 wars against enemies of the US. Internationally, Obama has done nothing. Nationally Obama has completely screwed up the healthcare system. Try your racist comments somewhere else.
Never fails. When someone has no argument they scream racism.
And, where does that lie,
"33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey." come from?

What are you smoking? How can you claim that GWB won 2 wars?

Year on year the amount of troops and civilians being killed in Afghanistan rose. 14 years and billions of dollars later it is still an insecure country where the Taliban still hold many areas and IS have now started to show their face.

As for Iraq, yeah Saddam wasn't a nice guy but the security situation was a lot better than it is now. Before the war no AQ in Iraq. After the war AQ everywhere. Sectarian violence and civil war and now IS. What a great victory in the war against terror that's been. Another 12 years and billions wasted.

Just because Bush stands on an aircraft carrier hundreds of miles from danger and claims mission accomplished doesn't make it so.

Some people will believe any old BS.

Speaking of bs, the aircraft carrier had 'Mission Accomplished' for itself. Not for Bush. Presidents don't go into combat zones. Except Bush. For Thanksgiving.
The US won both those wars. And in your 3rd paragraph you contradict yourself. Al-qeada was already in Iraq. Before the war. And IS was on existence before 9/11. Before the war.
Afghanistan was an 'insecure' country before the Soviets invaded. Always will be. And Saddam started 2 wars. Some security.
Tell wild stories to children. Or liberals. History is a subject you might want to brush up on. Real history. Not this re-written socialist crap you're reading.
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What are you smoking? How can you claim that GWB won 2 wars?

Year on year the amount of troops and civilians being killed in Afghanistan rose. 14 years and billions of dollars later it is still an insecure country where the Taliban still hold many areas and IS have now started to show their face.

As for Iraq, yeah Saddam wasn't a nice guy but the security situation was a lot better than it is now. Before the war no AQ in Iraq. After the war AQ everywhere. Sectarian violence and civil war and now IS. What a great victory in the war against terror that's been. Another 12 years and billions wasted.

Just because Bush stands on an aircraft carrier hundreds of miles from danger and claims mission accomplished doesn't make it so.

Some people will believe any old BS.

Speaking of bs, the aircraft carrier had 'Mission Accomplished' for itself. Not for Bush. Presidents don't go into combat zones. Except Bush. For Thanksgiving.

The US won both those wars. And in your 3rd paragraph you contradict yourself. Al-qeada was already in Iraq. Before the war. And IS was on existence before 9/11. Before the war.

Afghanistan was an 'insecure' country before the Soviets invaded. Always will be. And Saddam started 2 wars. Some security.

Tell wild stories to children. Or liberals. History is a subject you might want to brush up on. Real history. Not this re-written socialist crap you're reading.

Ha ha ha. Great answer. I don't agree with you so it is socialist crap. I don't know where you get your "real" history from but you should really try some different sources. I read the stories of the soldiers who fought in these wars, the journalists that have covered these regions long before these wars and know the damage we have done there. I have also talked to Iraqis and Afghans and yes, these countries were not paradise before the West's intervention but Iraq is worse than it ever was and Afghanistan is no better. Islamic fundamentalism is much worse than it ever was before these wars were fought and lost.

Bush Jnr did a good job of avoiding war when he was younger. He certainly wasn't the only president to go into a war zone. Their was Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Johnson.

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The Bush family consider the US armed forces to be the personal tool and toy of the Family to be used at their pleasure and for their delusional self-aggrandisement, even if it's never worked out in that way.

Jeb as president would have to prove his stuff to ol' dad and to bro George and to the Republican party. Jeb would have to bomb bomb bomb Iran so he could land under the final "Mission Accomplished" banner at Tel Aviv airport to the smiling Bibi's open arms.

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Not quite. Barry beats him out.


33% think blacks shouldn't have the vote, too. But they wouldn't even have the balls to say it on a survey.

Anyone who believes Obama's the worst president out of the last 2 is smoking dope or burning crosses in front yards (or has a secret desire to burn crosses in front yards)

GWB won 2 wars against enemies of the US. Internationally, Obama has done nothing. Nationally Obama has completely screwed up the healthcare system.

I think you "misundersetimate" Bush.

""I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office." --Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008"

And a GWB quote that proves he was prophetic.....

""Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004"

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Bush III: The Saga Continues.

God help us all. Trump now Bush. Didn't the lessons of Vietnam teach them anything. The mums and dads of american children do not want them returned in a body bag. The IS is even harder to combat. At least there was a defined piece of country and two idealogies to define it all. Here everyone seems to be up evreyone else and are only friends under sufference. The people of the region must combat it themselves, not rely on the west and after it is all over spread their hatred.

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