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Pattaya faces Indian boycott over failure to end jet ski scams


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The solution is simple. If you get scammed. Pay the money and let the dust settle. We all look the same remember!! A week later with a pair of sun gasses and a bit of a disguise rent out the jet ski and bomb it down to the quiet part of the beach where you earlier stashed your canister of petrol. Burn the bitch to the ground, off with your bar wig and moushache and flee on your already parked motor bike near by. that would just about equal things up a bit.

But --- dont they take your passport as a security to get their jet ski and thats how you cant avoid the followup scam ??

If they dont demand your passport now, they sure would for one and all after just one of your suggested incidences.

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City Councilman Sanit Boonmachai said tourists who encounter jet ski scams should file a report with police and then city hall officials will become involved to mediate a solution.

On their last day they rented 2 jetskis, however I had advised them against the night before, so when I called them that evening for our goodbye meeting they were negotiating with the jet ski mafia at their hotel.

Hahaha, please tell us you said to them "See? Didn't I advise you not to do that? But NO, you wouldn't listen to me."

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It needs someone to stand up to the jet ski mafia and police scammers and if its the Indian government then so be it they are possibly more concerned about their citizens than the Junta are about their ones, giving the whole country of Thailand a bad name because of a few rotten apples in the barrel they need to be weeded out and chucked on the rubbish heap along with their jet skis and the cooperating police moved to an inactive post in a scabby district full of honest cops.

You direct on everything. But a whole pot of police should be fired

and removed from the police force forever. I would like to be paid every month for being inactive and corrupt....that would be ok with me...lol

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Ha ha ha ha...Nice thinking. But if you get caught. The police will certainly not treat you as Thai people and look the other way. You can expect time in the number seven worst and number 3 most corrupt prison and judicial system in Asia. Nopalai remand prison in Chonburi is the most brutal in Thailand. I highly do not recommend any type of retaliation on their turf...tealt bad idea

The solution is simple. If you get scammed. Pay the money and let the dust settle. We all look the same remember!! A week later with a pair of sun gasses and a bit of a disguise rent out the jet ski and bomb it down to the quiet part of the beach where you earlier stashed your canister of petrol. Burn the bitch to the ground, off with your bar wig and moushache and flee on your already parked motor bike near by. that would just about equal things up a bit.

But --- dont they take your passport as a security to get their jet ski and thats how you cant avoid the followup scam ??

If they dont demand your passport now, they sure would for one and all after just one of your suggested incidences.

I highly do not recommend any form of retaliation on their turf. It's a loosing proposition all the way around. Nompalai remand prison is only 15 minutes away. And its worst in the country....?

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Ha ha ha ha...Nice thinking. But if you get caught. The police will certainly not treat you as Thai people and look the other way. You can expect time in the number seven worst and number 3 most corrupt prison and judicial system in Asia. Nopalai remand prison in Chonburi is the most brutal in Thailand. I highly do not recommend any type of retaliation on their turf...tealt bad idea

The solution is simple. If you get scammed. Pay the money and let the dust settle. We all look the same remember!! A week later with a pair of sun gasses and a bit of a disguise rent out the jet ski and bomb it down to the quiet part of the beach where you earlier stashed your canister of petrol. Burn the bitch to the ground, off with your bar wig and moushache and flee on your already parked motor bike near by. that would just about equal things up a bit.

But --- dont they take your passport as a security to get their jet ski and thats how you cant avoid the followup scam ??

If they dont demand your passport now, they sure would for one and all after just one of your suggested incidences.

I highly do not recommend any form of retaliation on their turf. It's a loosing proposition all the way around. Nompalai remand prison is only 15 minutes away. And its worst in the country....?

You seem to have been in there!!! Do you have a better suggestion?

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I would like to see the police do something about them from walking in the middle of the street 4-5 abreast blocking traffic and getting upset when you honk to alert them they are creating a hazzard. They walik in the middle of lanes of traffic even though there are sidewalks available. This is not racist, this is an observation and a problem that needs to addressed.

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I would like to see the police do something about them from walking in the middle of the street 4-5 abreast blocking traffic and getting upset when you honk to alert them they are creating a hazzard. They walik in the middle of lanes of traffic even though there are sidewalks available. This is not racist, this is an observation and a problem that needs to addressed.

incorrect, this is racism reinforced by untutored personal observation - if you don't understand how this works...Google it....it's called confirmation bias.

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I would like to see the police do something about them from walking in the middle of the street 4-5 abreast blocking traffic and getting upset when you honk to alert them they are creating a hazzard. They walik in the middle of lanes of traffic even though there are sidewalks available. This is not racist, this is an observation and a problem that needs to addressed.

incorrect, this is racism reinforced by untutored personal observation - if you don't understand how this works...Google it....it's called confirmation bias.

and your post is called lean over backwards till my spine breaks liberalism

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I would like to see the police do something about them from walking in the middle of the street 4-5 abreast blocking traffic and getting upset when you honk to alert them they are creating a hazzard. They walik in the middle of lanes of traffic even though there are sidewalks available. This is not racist, this is an observation and a problem that needs to addressed.

sidewalks available, generally not in Pattaya

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I would like to see the police do something about them from walking in the middle of the street 4-5 abreast blocking traffic and getting upset when you honk to alert them they are creating a hazzard. They walik in the middle of lanes of traffic even though there are sidewalks available. This is not racist, this is an observation and a problem that needs to addressed.

incorrect, this is racism reinforced by untutored personal observation - if you don't understand how this works...Google it....it's called confirmation bias.

and your post is called lean over backwards till my spine breaks liberalism

Difference being, the former is real the latter an imagined puerile repost

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Let us hope the Indian tourists follow this up. Thai community leaders are famous for not making changes, improvements, or engaging in progress unless there is either a huge loss of face, or alot of cash involved. Rarely will they do it for the right reasons or because it is the right thing to do. So, this kind of pressure could bring about change. And alot of egg on the face is always going to be a positive thing for Pattaya. Who knows? Maybe they will stand up to both the cops and the jet ski scammers. Sort of the same thing.

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