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Jakthip selected as next Thai police chief


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Why do they all wear the little badges with parachutes on…..?coffee1.gif

Because they have all (allegedly) done parachute training. Apparently the training doesn't involve an aircraft.

Yep indeed, that's why 2-3 of them died last year when their chutes failed to open during a training/qualification jump. ;)

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If I recall right in both Georgia and South Korea they kicked out the complete police force and started from zero.

Replacing one corrupt with the next corrupt won't help. Considering that you only get promoted if you pay your superior everyone beside the lowest ranks is corrupt.

But you're in Thailand where EVERYTHING you consider normal is different but same same!!

How do you think the promotions work in your beloved Junta?

Oh Fat Haggis----Junta Junta----elections election----for gods sake man every post---disagree with things --fair---I do YES submarines-----non clean up properly of police---I agree stability has to be in place--------but get so pigged off with your small congregation talking about public being dragged into brainwashing camps, Things are IN GENERAL better than they have been for 4 years.

Big problem for many countries is the world mega recession, slow down of the economy---and again of late your crowd have blamed the PM....

The police here needs mega wake up call or get out the lot.

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I'm all for a clean out from top to bottom of the RTP, as well as the RTA, NOBODY should be above the laws of the land, but yet they are, have been and always will be.

As for my congregation, and you being pigged off, welcome to the real world, where many of my flock, as I may as well accept your labeling of anti junta posters, are every bit as pigged off with you and your own congregations condescending comments, as if this Junta is the second coming itself.

My congregation, who I suspect are not pensioners, and neither have lived in the country any more than 10 years, know full well WHY the junta need to be in power, you and your lot, fortunately for us, we can see through all the bullshit, as we've not been subjected to various propaganda over the years, something you keep claiming that we have!!

Not once in my paltry little 3 years here has anyone ever attempted to coerces me to "support" any cause or faction, nor have they ever sat me down and made me watch Thai political broadcasts, it's actually a blessing not being fluent in Thai, as our bullshit filters work just fine, I have noticed that the longer one lives in Thailand, the more they've accepted the status quos, and how easily they can be "swayed"

The PTP, nor the UDD appeal to me, neither does the Democrats, but what appeals to me even less, is a military junta pulling the wool over the country and it's citizens eyes!!

Thaksin Suthep, and Prayuth.... same same but different!!

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Why do they all wear the little badges with parachutes on…..?coffee1.gif

Because they have all (allegedly) done parachute training. Apparently the training doesn't involve an aircraft.

I believe that they do some jumps in a harness on a reel, from one of those scaffolding training towers.

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6 good years to bulid his nest egg, no wonder his smiling are THE LAND OF SMILES :) :) :)

6 good years to rob steal and under mind the media the people and laugh at the JUNTA. Lets be honest the Army have no hope. There not street smart enough. The police as they say are the gangsters.

Anyway nothing has or ever will change the only difference is the leader has some well chosen words read from western books

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Me wife's nephew gained his wings a a conscript infantryman and he never entered or (exited) an aircraft. I think that if you are serving in an airborne / SF or special paramilitary police push, then yes I believe you may get to jump from an aircraft.

Mind you, said nephew was in the Mortar Platoon for 18 months, and never fired one of them either! He did two range practices with his M16 in his whole service.

Edited by JAG
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Why do they all wear the little badges with parachutes on…..?coffee1.gif

Those are PARU wings. The Thai Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit based in Hua Hin are the RTP Special Forces. The PARU unit was formed in the mid-1950s under the sponsorship of HM and initially trained by the legendary CIA agent Bill Lair. The CIA considered the Thai PARU to be elite fighters and were involved in CIA operations all over southeast Asia from the 50s onwards. Maybe they still are, I dont know. Whether this guy is corrupt or qualified to be national police chief I have no idea, but the Thai PARUs are the real deal. They are loyal to the extreme and are considered to be HM's personal combat bodyguards.

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According to Isranews his net worth is 962 million baht.

http://www.isranews.org/investigative/investigate-asset/item/40589-juktippp_333.html (but its in Thai).

Seems like all top Police officers in this loony-bin are multi-millionaires ... He looks like a trustworthy guy, little like a used car salesman ...

I dont see this country making it through the coming 10 years ... going down the drain in full speed ...

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I don't know why the Thai economy is in such a state. All these police and army generals seem to be amazing economists have vast wealth far beyond what their salaries could provide for. They must be some seriously shrewd savers and business men to get so much money. You'd think they'd be able to apply it to the Thai economy as a whole....


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900 Millions.

Working for the police seems to be worth it, yes a million times to pay off.

Maybe obligatory stock market gains are there with this.

Would like to know, what an average thai worker feels, when he hears these figures

I'm guessing there's a lot of resignation out there. There never seems to be an end to the snouts in the trough. Has been going on for eons, is still going on, and will be going on for the foreseeable future.

None of the previous governments had any credibility and the current one has absolutely......no, better not.

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This morning i saw a Thai cop appearing in busy traffic and he ordered a motorcy without helmet to the side of the road. The driver stopped but then pulled away full speed and nothing happened. I followed them and expected another cop further down the road but there was none.

At a stoplight the driver and his passenger had big fun about it.

So if you don't stop for the police nothing will happen. Lesson learned, what a joke they are.

what should he do? Shoot him?

No he shout not shoot him.

He should do as in my country the police does, TAKE his license plate number, search motor vehicle registration, take his/her name and address, mail a registered mail Appearance come at the Police station and take the case from there.

This speeding away I have seen many times in my years in Thailand because they know NOTHING will be done about it. This is how criminals are created.

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Why do they all wear the little badges with parachutes on…..?coffee1.gif

Because they have all (allegedly) done parachute training. Apparently the training doesn't involve an aircraft.

Seems indeed not from an aircraft at dropping altitude, just from the tower. Says something about paratroopers here. Only got my 'winged' badge (same as a green barret in our land), as a side instruction, with two real jumps at the end, but in a NATO country... The red barret para-commandos there had to have, many, more, including night jumps. But, hey, this is glitter-glitter shine-shine country, most coppers I've seen (are supposed to?) have got it, as they wear the wings with the chute.

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The guys worth 900million and no-one questions how he got to be that wealthy at 56!

Maybe to get the top position, one needs to have shown great expedience at making money......and it doesn't matter how that wealth was gained!

Maybe it would be a good thing when the NACC would take a closer look at the origin of his wealth, before he takes up his new position, it could make things clear and avoid a possible next shamefull situation for Thai top-brass, military and police? But do they care in that 'band of brothers', being above the Law as much as any old-and-new 'elite'? I doubt it: do as we say, don't look at what we do, the dark middle ages still are the period of time here...

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Seems the 'another strong candidate', pol. Gen. Aek, is also at the helm of the BMTA, oh my, no less, ...and there's a fresh lawsuit against that BMTA about the NGV buses contract (That the BMTA has also already been advised to 'put at the side' and to keep the old trash, are those 'dark clouds' creating some double link, like for him not to be 'suitable' for the top of RTP, and like dropping the NGV concluded deal because of possible wrongly placed 'interests'? Will we ever know, TiT?)!

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If I recall right in both Georgia and South Korea they kicked out the complete police force and started from zero.

Replacing one corrupt with the next corrupt won't help. Considering that you only get promoted if you pay your superior everyone beside the lowest ranks is corrupt.

South Korea did not sack them all.... all over 35 yrs old were dismissed ...all training colleges were closed down and trainers sacked... all sacked policeman were banned from police stations and foreign trainers and policeman were brought in to teach and train new policeman . Many young soldiers became policeman. Government increased wages to something worthwhile and gave good pensions. That did the job very well. wai2.gif

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According to Isranews his net worth is 962 million baht.

http://www.isranews.org/investigative/investigate-asset/item/40589-juktippp_333.html (but its in Thai).

Here is it translated to English.....................

The title of ". Maj. A.. Machine nectar Chaijinda" received from the public eye again!

The Policy Committee of the National Police (K.t.ch.) Chosen as the meeting of the National Police (the police chief), the new "Big Otto". Maj. A.. Somis Bush. purple The upcoming retirement

In addition, a "how to" and then the police chief, "said Maj.. The. Engine nectar," a member of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA). With.

Issara News Agency www.isranews.org Flip Property ". Maj. A.. Machine Tip" to submit to the Commission Against Corruption Centre (NCC), the NIA office. 2557 were as follows.

". Maj. A.. Machine nectar" that has assets 87,467,441 baht.

Including cash of 1 million baht deposit six accounts 3,719,441 Baht (account Bank of America two accounts totaling 4 billion dollars), the investment 2 (PCL. THAI two billion baht, CO. Guest of five hundred thousand Baht) 502 000 baht. 2 plots (Rayong. 10 was 4 Aug 57 million) to 14 million baht, THB 7.35 million vehicles, five vehicles, and other assets (guns, paintings, Buddha) 70,896,000 baht debt.

Dr. Busaba Chaijinda wife has assets of 870,902,622 baht.

Including cash, six million baht, deposit 24 accounts 89,826,585 baht, investments 38 175 172 975 baht, landed 84 conversions 365 218 805 baht, the house has 17 after 197 894 257 baht (Ban Sai Mai province Thailand 150 million baht), vehicles 9 units to 31.2 million. Baht, other assets of 5.5 billion baht (three clock house) liabilities 6,302,541 baht loan from the bank.

The couple has assets 962 067 522 Total liabilities 6,302,541 baht baht.

Interestingly, ". Maj. A.. Machine nectar" is listed on the portion of income that is income from "foreign intelligence" of 7.2 billion baht.

Later ". Maj. A.. Machine nectar" interview confirmed Issara News Agency said. Foreign Intelligence Service is the Foreign Intelligence Service. Can not disclose details The amount of the police This can be verified income in this segment. It is the duty of the NCC already

(Reading: "Heavenly Machine" show Foreign Intelligence 7.2 lakh on account of the NCC - Flick details).

Current ". Maj. A.. Machine nectar" deputy police chief before K.t.ch. to consider giving up tenure as police chief of Dr. Busaba owned university.

Reading: 150 houses immortalized. "Mechanical Tip - Mir", a collection of paintings - 70 Guns. - Rich 968 million.smile.png biggrin.png

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Obviously a very honest hard working fellow as was his predecessor and his colleagues in the RTA.....

Thailand is broken.... it seems nobody has the testicular fortitude to fix it and on present performance it looks like every single one of the people in power are completely and irredeemably corrupt and without morals

How can anybody expect Thailand to be taken seriously when nepotism and cronyism is visible at every single turn, lets not even get into the subject that all the main protagonists seem to have amassed great wealth that is totally at odds with their earnings

Sad and shameful and I wonder how the cheerleaders can put a positive spin on this one......

Edited by mark131v
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This morning i saw a Thai cop appearing in busy traffic and he ordered a motorcy without helmet to the side of the road. The driver stopped but then pulled away full speed and nothing happened. I followed them and expected another cop further down the road but there was none.

At a stoplight the driver and his passenger had big fun about it.

So if you don't stop for the police nothing will happen. Lesson learned, what a joke they are.

The new fashion is to kick them of the motorcy.

what should he do? Shoot him?

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Me wife's nephew gained his wings a a conscript infantryman and he never entered or (exited) an aircraft. I think that if you are serving in an airborne / SF or special paramilitary police push, then yes I believe you may get to jump from an aircraft.

Mind you, said nephew was in the Mortar Platoon for 18 months, and never fired one of them either! He did two range practices with his M16 in his whole service.

Sounds like the old British National Service mate. My Uncle spent 2 years in the Royal Artillery. Most of that time was travelling on trains travelling around Germany.

Some of the teachers, including now elderly ladies, at my wife's school wear those wings with their scout uniforms. Not one has ever jumped from an aircraft. They say the wings are awarded for completing so many jumps off the training tower.

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Indeed Bb rather a waste of two years I reckon.

We have quite a contingent of para trained scout masters at my school. One of the more senior female teachers is some sort of an army reserve officer, and on important occasions she cuts about in her best uniform, plastered in wings and medals. It's probably a good thing that my Thai is not up to asking if she got them for being first in the NAAFI queue...

Incidentally, I read recently that the Thai military had a medal for victory in the second World War. I rather thought that they were ( unenthusiastic) allies of Japan.

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I'm all for a clean out from top to bottom of the RTP, as well as the RTA, NOBODY should be above the laws of the land, but yet they are, have been and always will be.

As for my congregation, and you being pigged off, welcome to the real world, where many of my flock, as I may as well accept your labeling of anti junta posters, are every bit as pigged off with you and your own congregations condescending comments, as if this Junta is the second coming itself.

My congregation, who I suspect are not pensioners, and neither have lived in the country any more than 10 years, know full well WHY the junta need to be in power, you and your lot, fortunately for us, we can see through all the bullshit, as we've not been subjected to various propaganda over the years, something you keep claiming that we have!!

Not once in my paltry little 3 years here has anyone ever attempted to coerces me to "support" any cause or faction, nor have they ever sat me down and made me watch Thai political broadcasts, it's actually a blessing not being fluent in Thai, as our bullshit filters work just fine, I have noticed that the longer one lives in Thailand, the more they've accepted the status quos, and how easily they can be "swayed"

The PTP, nor the UDD appeal to me, neither does the Democrats, but what appeals to me even less, is a military junta pulling the wool over the country and it's citizens eyes!!

Thaksin Suthep, and Prayuth.... same same but different!!

Each to his own BUT please Quote PTP appeal to you"........ Well Yingluck was the understudy boss of them, and it was they who were under orders from Thaksin. and they appeal to you, but then you say Thaksin Suthep and Prayuth are same-------are you trying to wind people up---because you really have got yourself twisted up with who is good and who is not. amazing. I am on one path forward and that is stability-----and weeding out the previous cheats.

I do not care at this time -even if the military have to do it. no one else can and certainly elections cannot at this moment in time. because of my going along with reform the minority anti army posters call me an R. slicker.

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6 years left unreal what Thailand needs is young blood and with that you get true enforcement not some old twit sitting back and contemplating retirement benefit.

He has 6yrs left has he? But the OP says he is 56 and retires in 6 yrs when he is 60clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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