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"Thailand and China established modern diplomatic relations in 1975."

Perhaps a more notable relationship between Thailand and communist China was the communist insurgency in Thailand that began in 1965 and lasted until 1983.

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People still believing that China products are low quality, cheap made, etc, etc....Wroonggggg.

Most very high quality and very expensive products in the world are made in China now, from Apple to Asus and Sansung, from Ford to Honda, from Casio to Bulgary, from Levis to Dior.

China do not make the best cars in the world because..at this time...it is better business to build the parts for other makers. American made cars were no competition to Japanese cars in the 80s, but its engines had good reputation.

Since the 90s, the biggest Ford engines factory is located in China.

China have the labor power, and now the financial power...and its economy is growing faster than any other country.... and its is in Asia.

Why look in other way?

Ford: Where have you obtained your "facts" because you are not correct. Ford does not "own" factories in China. It has a 25% interest in a Joint Venture. This is a very big difference from a fully owned operation. The Chinese government owns and controls the JV partner Chang'an at 50%, with Mazda owning the other 25%. The Chinese government tells foreign investors to cut the Chinese government in for the controlling share, or the foreigners cannot enter the market. This is very different than the free for all the stupid western governments grant China when the Chinese government gobbles up western assets. The vehicles Ford is building in China are old crap cans like Escorts, The new Edge is a low cost small SUV version. Hardly powerful, nor cutting edge. It is strictly for the Chinese market. There is something called NAFTA that impacts the North American automobile manufacturing set up. It is why Mexico is the dominant supplier in the North American market and it is why Thailand recently saw its opportunity to gain automobile market share disappear. (The Thai government was oblivious to the Trans Pacific trade treaty negotiations and instead of being at the negotiating table to protect Thailand interests, was busy singing praises of China. A case of an actual bonafide tangible opportunity screwed up in favour of Chinese dreams.)

Chinese products destined for foreign markets are overwhelmingly of low quality and poorly made, often using components that are dangerous or toxic or unreliable. The Chinese build as per the cost requirements of the foreign buyers who do not mind selling crap to their customers who insist on purchasing crap if it is cheap enough.

You reference Apple, and Samsung and ASUS. Maybe all Asians look the same to you, but the high tech components for the products are still sourced from Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. These countries should not be confused with the PRC. ASUS is a Taiwan based company. The recent selection of Pegatron as a supplier, moving some production away from Taiwan based Foxcomm was for risk management purposes, and also to manufacture lower end devices.

The fact, is that none of the companies you reference, NONE, use China for the manufacture of complex or high tech products. China is used for the component sourcing or assembly that is labour intensive. The companies have no intention of transferring technology to China because the history of China is to steal technology from others.

The only one who is wrong is you. Chinese companies, particularly the government typically source only from Chinese suppliers. It is only the stupid westerners who source from China. The Chinese are laughing at westerners as they dump their crap into the west and walk away with the profits. China takes it to the next level with Thailand. Thailand exports low profit goods, which China transforms and then sells back to the Thais. Thailand will regulate western investors, and block the purchase of small parcels of land but gladly whores itself to the Chinese. The worst possible mistake for Thailand is to get closer to the parasitic state of China. The Chinese will feast upon Thailand and when they are finished use Thailand as a garbage dump.


Bravo, Khun Vibul! I hope soon Americans left-liberal fundamentalists will realize that Thailand is not their marionette anymore

Yes, those pesky liberals who actually care about slavery and depletion of resources - shame on them!!


"Thailand and China established modern diplomatic relations in 1975."

Perhaps a more notable relationship between Thailand and communist China was the communist insurgency in Thailand that began in 1965 and lasted until 1983.

You mean the XXXXTreme Saving Face brainwashing campaign??


Bad Idea. Thailand should better satisfy the US. China is a sinking Boat.

rofl, they have just 1.5 billion people and their current economic problem is that they have just 6% economic grow instead of the usual 7.5.

Look around in your house and check what is NOT made in China......

While they have their problems a sinking boat looks different......

I couldn't agree more. I remember just 15 months ago the "Financial Analysts" is the US were calling for everyone to pull their investment money out of China because it was forecast that China growth would decrease from 11% per year to only 6%. Most countries of the world would die to have 6% growth right now.


I couldn't agree more. I remember just 15 months ago the "Financial Analysts" is the US were calling for everyone to pull their investment money out of China because it was forecast that China growth would decrease from 11% per year to only 6%. Most countries of the world would die to have 6% growth right now.

The numbers in China are all suspect. Everything about the place is opaque. They could be broke and you wouldn't know it until the floor disappeared below you.

There is a good summary about the reliability of Chinese economic data reports;

Fantasy or reality?

Moreover, in 2013, researchers at the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission looked at the reliability of Chinese economic data and concluded that China's official statistics "are not as reliable as those produced in the United States and Europe."

Speaking to DW, Erik Britton, a macroeconomist at UK-based Fathom Consulting explained what he believes are the problems with China's official figures. The analyst argues that first, the data are delivered within an improbably short window after the quarter has elapsed, and then never revised - unlike any other country around the world.

Second, said Britton, the numbers are always uncannily close to the forecasts made by officials, making this "a startlingly accurate forecast performance, unlike any other economy or forecasting institution."

And third, they do not stack up with other data which Chinese officials themselves argue are more accurate, he said, adding that "altogether, it seems they are much more like what the authorities would like to see than what really is happening: fantasy, rather than reality."

Economists at Capital Economics also point to flaws in the way China's real GDP is calculated, which have led to an exaggerated growth rate as well as downward pressure on prices.

However, they stress that other indicators support the view that "growth has stabilized or even picked up, even if at a lower level than the official figures show." China, experts say, also has a war chest of about $3.7 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves to overcome any serious economic challenges the country might face.


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