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Yesterday, Friday, I arrived at the new Promenada Immigration Chiang Mai at 2pm. I was greeted with a sign saying "90 day full" This had the effect of me being unable to do my 90 day report which was already 3 days overdue. I have been away and returned home late in the morning so I couldn't get to Immigration earlier.

This was my first visit to the new Office and the first time in 11 years I have failed to get a 90 day report filed.

I am disappointed that an additional Office that presumably would be well-planned and designed to reduce waiting time, before it opened, could accommodate something as straightforward as this. Now I have to return on Monday when I will be overdue by 6 days. Is this a problem for me regarding a fine?

Yes, I know about online and mailing methods.

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If the 6 days includes the date your report is due you can do it on Monday without a problem. I suggest you get there early.


Thank you UbonJoe. yes, it is my plan to go early in the morning.

I will go to the Old Office and get the shuttle bus to Promenada Immigration. Do you know if that bus will be crowded and if there is possibility too many people? I realise that many people have transport and will go direct but still quite a few, like me, will be needing to go the New Office for the first time.


From what people are saying I think if you get the shuttle bus you will probably arrive too late to get a ticket.

Alternatively, there appears to be a visa agent next door to immigration who has some sort of deal with immigration provided you cross their palms with THB500.


There are also reports that if you present yourself to the desk and explain that you are near or past expiry of your 90 day they may accommodate you. Obviously too late to do that for your first attempt but if you run into the same issue on your next visit don't hesitate to bring it to their attention.


You will definitely be too late if you take the first shuttle from the old Immigration office. It's not too difficult to locate a tuk-tuk in the city at 6 am -- they tend to hang out in front of the major hotels. I can always find one in front of Kad Suan Kaew mall, if you live near there. The going rate to Promenada is 200 baht.

If that's too expensive for you, then take the first shuttle from the old location and maybe you'll get lucky and get a queue card when they hand them out at 8:30 am. If not, then there's the option of paying the agent next to Prom. Imm. 500 baht. It will be interesting to learn if they can do the report for you 0n-the-spot, without having a queue number, or if they ask you to come back the next day to reclaim your passport. We haven't had a report of that yet.

You're in for a fine for being late. Technically, it's suppose to be 500 baht/day, with a max of 2000 baht, but I suspect, they'll just ask for 2000 baht. Incidentally, they have the authority to go as high as 5000 baht, but the only times I've know CM Imm. to go that high is when someone creates a scene, a major scene, over having to pay a fine or has been very egregious in not filing reports for years and years, on purpose (not out of ignorance).


Thank you all for your help.

I plan to go early on Monday. I can't imagine arriving at Immigration at 8am and not being able to get a ticket for that day. In any event, I will be the 6 days over my due date so telling them that will likely influence matters.

I think it would be a good idea that people who go to Immigration for any purpose and discover there is no time to deal with them, that this is recorded in their files to indicate there was good intent.

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Nancy, Thank you for your detailed reply. I WILL take the chance that arriving on the first shuttle bus will allow me to get a 90 day report filed.

I never travel by tuk tuk!! I have had enough of being charged double/triple/quadruple. Now I hail a sawng thao, outside of bus stations and Immigration and airports. Yesterday, I went from Thae Pae gate to Promenada for B100 and from Promenada to Airport Plaza for B50. This was after I was offered a rate of B200 outside Immigration. I told them I would walk!!


Good luck.

The way I read your post it does not appear you are overdue,simply past the date on the slip in your passport?

So unlikely you will get a fine as Tywais said you have 7 days from the due date.


You're in for a fine for being late. Technically, it's suppose to be 500 baht/day, with a max of 2000 baht, but I suspect, they'll just ask for 2000 baht. Incidentally, they have the authority to go as high as 5000 baht, but the only times I've know CM Imm. to go that high is when someone creates a scene, a major scene, over having to pay a fine or has been very egregious in not filing reports for years and years, on purpose (not out of ignorance).

There is no 500 baht a day fine for late reporting. That is for overstay.

For late or not reporting it is a max fine of 5000 baht. But it is immigration policy to charge a 2000 baht fine.


Good luck.

The way I read your post it does not appear you are overdue,simply past the date on the slip in your passport?

So unlikely you will get a fine as Tywais said you have 7 days from the due date.

Thank you, you are right: my slip says 11 August. Going Monday sees me at 17th and therefore within (or on) the 6 days-after concession


Good luck.

The way I read your post it does not appear you are overdue,simply past the date on the slip in your passport?

So unlikely you will get a fine as Tywais said you have 7 days from the due date.

Thank you, you are right: my slip says 11 August. Going Monday sees me at 17th and therefore within (or on) the 6 days-after concession

You should have no problem if reporting on Monday because, as you say, thats the 6th day.

It is also the last day because the rule is that you must report within 7 days after the due date. So we only actually get 6 days over to report without facing a fine.


Good luck.

The way I read your post it does not appear you are overdue,simply past the date on the slip in your passport?

So unlikely you will get a fine as Tywais said you have 7 days from the due date.

Thank you, you are right: my slip says 11 August. Going Monday sees me at 17th and therefore within (or on) the 6 days-after concession

You should have no problem if reporting on Monday because, as you say, thats the 6th day.

It is also the last day because the rule is that you must report within 7 days after the due date. So we only actually get 6 days over to report without facing a fine.

Thank you for making that distinction.It is important that "within 7 days" in many cases means you have 7 actual days but in the case of 90-day filing days one has only 6 days, not 7. It's a bit confusing if not familiar with it. It is only because it is the weekend that I didn't go the following day.

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Let's face it, Thai Immigration is one huge mess!

From self-serving Immigration officials not wanting to recognize nor facilitate the on-line and mail-in processes, to the various scams and "peripheral" leeches like the so-called agents, all vying to rob you of some hard earned cash.

We longer stayers, whether retired, married and/or on a work permit are all contributing regularly and not insignificantly to the Thai economy. It beggars belief that they could plan (sic), design, build and open a new Immigration Office to cater to one busy district and for it still not to be able to cope with the normal daily demand! TIT I guess!

Is there any way that we, as affected and concerned clients, can present our concerns to someone in the Thai government that actually:

  • gives a damn and;
  • has the power and/or will to actually do something about it?
Fantasy land I know, but it would be nice to think that a community as large as this on TVF could actually band together and achieve something that would really benefit the ex-pat community in a real and meaningful way.

Perhaps one of the immigration gurus on here might have an idea of how to approach this and to whom we, as the TVF community, might make a representation of our observations, woes and wishes?

Properly formulated, I would not mind footing the costs for such a thing.

Just my 2c.o

For starters, if you haven't already, you could take the survey that Tywais posted on the CM forum about the on-line queue which was recently pulled by CM Immigration. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/848600-chiang-mai-immigration-on-line-queue-survey/

It helps to have some numbers, data, etc to take forward to Immigration.

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Last month I went to Promada to do my 90, and couldn't find the damn place! Followed the signs, etc., but nothing. Asked people where it was "Oh, over there". Yeah, over WHERE? Screw that. Got on the PCX, went to the old office, done, in and out in 5 minutes.


Last month I went to Promada to do my 90, and couldn't find the damn place! Followed the signs, etc., but nothing. Asked people where it was "Oh, over there". Yeah, over WHERE? Screw that. Got on the PCX, went to the old office, done, in and out in 5 minutes.

It must have been before they opened the new office at Promenada, because as soon as it opened, they stopped accepting in-person reporting at the old office. You still mail-in your reports to the old office address, but no more in-person reporting. (darn!)


Last month I went to Promada to do my 90, and couldn't find the damn place! Followed the signs, etc., but nothing. Asked people where it was "Oh, over there". Yeah, over WHERE? Screw that. Got on the PCX, went to the old office, done, in and out in 5 minutes.

It must have been before they opened the new office at Promenada, because as soon as it opened, they stopped accepting in-person reporting at the old office. You still mail-in your reports to the old office address, but no more in-person reporting. (darn!)

Ok, so can someone tell me exactly WHERE the new place is? Went to Promanada last week with my wife to go to Rimping. Saw the signs and arrows, but still couldn't find the office. My Thai wife asked 3-4 people, and no one knew anything.

Send me a pm.


I constantly read about the "problems " with the CM immigration office(s).

I am very thankful that when in thailand I am in Udon Thani. Never had a major problem there.

90 day reports have been completed with 5 mins of arrival ...................every time. One desk JUST for 90 day reports...............

the worst i have experienced there was to queue behind 3 other people...............but still completed within 5 mins.

scan , print, sign , staple..................................done and dusted.


Thank you for asking me. yes, I went to Immigration, Promenada on Monday, arriving at 7am. I was 17th in the queue but I wasn't seen until 10 am then 5 minutes and it was all over.

By the time I went in at 10 am there were about 70 in line for 90 days. If it takes one hour and a half (from 8.30 opening time) for 17 then I imagine the last one of those still waiting went in late in the afternoon. Given they close for lunch it would be touch and go if indeed they did get seen. Anybody arriving after 8.30 has little chance to get their 5 minute job done!

It's not good enough, is it?

I will look forward to my next 90 day notice to be online or by post

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