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Palestinian killed after stabbing Israeli police officer

Lite Beer

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What country is Israel "colonizing" for?

Answer: None.

The colonialist explanation of Israel is the classic Israel demonization meme that ignores the ancient ties of the Jewish people to THAT SPECIFIC region and also totally ignores the vital reasons the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (thousands of years of Jews being persecuted in the diaspora).

Look at a map of British Mandate Palestine.


Does anyone in their right mind think that Israel wants to expand to that level?

Of course they don't as most of that land is not linked to the Jewish people.

Particularly Jordan .

Given the history of resistance against the existence of Israel by it's neighbors, of course Israel needs and will continue to need to be bigger than a postage stamp.

It's funny that the obsessive Israel demonizers can't take a news story and just see it for what it is. Instead, every story from Israel is for their propaganda purposes to trash everything about Israel. It used to be the BDS movement was only about west bank products. Now it's about artists from Tel Aviv and recently, disgustingly, a festival in Spain banned an AMERICAN Jew because he refused to state an "anti-Zionist" agenda. In other words, so much of the Israel demonization agenda (and BDS) is deeply infected with Judeophobia.

So don't wonder why the vast majority of global Jews support Israel's right to exist and defend itself against such racists.

Bold and underline by me for clarity.

Guess what JT, trying to get bigger for their own needs, as you've admitted to, is not defending itself. It is illegal expansion into territory that is not Israel's to expand into.

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