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Wissanu defends crisis panel's powers


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Wissanu defends crisis panel's powers

Says NSRRC will need special powers during the transition period, but Weng slams it as 'politburo"

BANGKOK: -- DEPUTY Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam has said giving "super power" to the National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Committee (NSRRC) is necessary, as the country is in a transitional period, while red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn has labelled the body a communist party "politburo".

Wissanu responded yesterday to concerns over a provisional clause in the new charter draft that would empower the commission to intervene in any event before it leads to violence, by taking both executive and legislative power away from the government and Parliament. It would have this power for at least five years after the charter comes into force.

He said he did not know all the details |about the commission, but from what he had gleaned from the news it would not be permanent, which was vital during the transitional period.

Wissanu admitted it was sometimes necessary for the country to back away from democracy, although it could not stand permanently against democratic principles. He cited Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who had said drafting the charter must be done in "our own" way. It had to benefit the country and at the same time not contradicted universal principles, Wissanu said.

Asked if the commission would overrule the government if the latter failed to manage a crisis, as stipulated in the provisional clause, Wissanu replied that it would be troublesome to the commission if their actions were deemed illegitimate and a petition was filed with the Constitutional Court.

But he refused to comment on whether he thought the five-year term of the commission was too long.

The draft stipulates that after five years, |a referendum would be held to determine |if the public wants the commission to |continue.

Asked if the National Reform Council could hold a meeting to discuss the charter submitted to it by the Constitution Drafting Committee, he said doing so was impossible in accordance with the amended 2014 interim charter as it would result in chaos. However, he said NRC members could personally discuss the matter.

Wissanu added that he knew nothing about CDC chairman and deputy NRC chairman Borwornsak Uwanno's proposal to establish a national reconciliation government.

But he said the Cabinet would have to consider any additional questions in the referendum proposed by the NRC.

Red-shirt leader Weng criticised Borwornsak for daring to empower the |commission with such controversial authority. He said doing so violated Article 113 of the Criminal Code, which stipulated any attempt to overturn the executive and legislative powers was an act of treason.

He said resolving political conflicts could be easily achieved by returning power to the people and letting each agency do their job.

For example, the Election Commission should facilitate an election. Police and soldiers should act strictly as instructed by the |government. This could help resolve the |conflict without having to set up the |commission.

Weng said the additional referendum questions that the NRC and the National Legislative Assembly would propose would satisfy the People's Democratic Reform Committee, because they would relate to reform being carried out before an election was held.

Meanwhile, NRC member Anek Laothamatas said the two major parties should be responsible for bringing peace to the country.

Anek, who chairs the NRC's reconciliation panel, proposed that a national reconciliation government operate for four years after adoption of the charter and that the idea be put to the public in next year's referendum.

He said he was confident his fellow NRC members would support the idea.

He asked that all parties think hard about the idea, as he did not want the nation to return to the old conditions because it was heading towards a brighter future.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Wissanu-defends-crisis-panels-powers-30266709.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-17

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CDC spokesman allays fear of Crisis Committee


BANGKOK: -- The Constitution Drafting Committee spokesman has tried to allay public concern about the National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Committee or Crisis Committee assuring that there is nothing to be worried about.

General Lertrat Rattanavanich asked doubters and members of the public to look at the spirit of the draft charter likening the Crisis Committee to the National Security Council or the case when the prime minister also holds the defence portfolio concurrently.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Visanu Kruea-ngarm said that the Crisis Committee was just a temporary measure during the transition period. He referred to an earlier remark by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha that the draft constitution must be a Thai-style draft charter which should be good to Thailand and does not contravene with international principles.

Pheu Thai party’s acting secretary-general Poomtham Vechchayachai, meanwhile, voiced his objection to the proposed Crisis Committee pointing out that it goes against democratic governance as it has more power than the government and the parliament.

The modified drat charter is to be deliberated by the National Reform Council and the cabinet on August 19-20 instead of August 17-19 as earlier scheduled so that the CDC and the NRC will have more time to finetune the draft at its final stage.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/cdc-spokesman-allays-fear-of-crisis-committee

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-17

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I think the spirit of the draft Charter can be summarized rather easily:

1) The role of the military shall be maintained as a powerful organization above the law.

2) The roles of elected people shall be minimized while still maintaining a semblance of democracy for the purpose of placating other governments and a restive population.

3) In the event of a crisis, which may be defined as any attempt to change #1 or #2, history shall be repeated.

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Prayut has characterized his own NCPO as a politburo-like organization that paralles China's one-party politburo government.

China's politburo leadership is composed of military officers and "princelings," so Prayut's analogy is very astute.

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