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It seems that in every city, recreation area and in many towns there is a club or group of clubs called " RCA ".

They always seem to involve loud music, dancers, and girls for rent.

I have often wondered what the "RCA" stands for.

I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with The Radio Corporation of America!

Does anyone know what it stands for and why it seems to be a country wide occurrence?


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It's Royal City Avenue, as mentioned

I didn't realise they duplicated it in other cities but it doesn't particularly surprise me. It's easy marketing, everyone knows about RCA in BKK so mention RCA somewhere else and you'd assume it's bars/clubs

I think it's pubs and nightclubs in other cities naming themselves after Royal City Avenue in Bangkok, in the hope that the dim-witted and foolish will mistake said pub for a happening nightspot.

There are also plenty of Hollywoods...


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