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Tourists among 19 killed by bomb at Bangkok's Erawan shrine


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Muslim trouble in the south may now be targeting Thailands hot spots for bigger devastation, I have always suspected they would hit Nana as its enclosed .

me too. also places like walking street at night or kao san road. though why near this shrine ? islamics maybe ?


What the hell are you guys trying to do----- give them a few ideas on where to set off the next one ?????????????sad.pngsad.png RIP to the victims and hope the injured soon recover

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You realize that I'm only pointing out a possibility mentioned in one of the news articles, I hope. Its not a theory I support, and I'm not going to speculate on any theories at this point as that would be a bit foolish with so many possibilities and no access to any first-hand information

My point was to defend open-mindedness and critical thinking. It doesn't cost us anything more than time and some mental effort to not always accept what those in power tells us is right or best but instead sometimes to consider all options and factors.

Doctors are taught various things including: if you think that's what it is, that's what it is, and, 95% probability is fine, we don't do the other five very much at all.

So, do I believe in conspiracy theories? Yes, but only very rarely. Do I endorse critical thinking, yes, but not when the patient only has bronchitis.

Then I got this message when I tried to reply:

"You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text"

So, I'll try this to reply this way.

Unfortunately, this isn't a simple case of bronchitis.

No, you misunderstand, you have to take the first quote in conjunction with the second quote.

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No, you misunderstand, you have to take the first quote in conjunction with the second quote.

Got the same message again so unable to reply properly.

Unfortunately, the "quoting restrictions" have ruined this discussion. (Something I'll keep this in mind before posting again. This has happened too many times.)

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I have no narrative for this photo -- it appeared on a FB group I manage... This Westerner in this photo obviously looks like the CCTV photos of the bombing ... I do not know if this photo is of a prior arrest or one of an arrest for the bombing... Just posting it for FYI...

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the fact that they targeted the shrine rather than a major tourist area suggests a religious bias, and as we are all aware the majority of muslims may not be terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim

Ratchapraisong area stays for what ?

Red protest area

Red bombing site for several times;

who alwas made there troubles ?

yes, correct, the " REDS "

so why you think now trhat this were other groups ??

When Yingluck was the 1 minister , who make problem ? red really ? or the stupid Suthep ?

OK, if it is a quiz I go for RED................................................... are you REALLY that stupid ?

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Wow. This thread really shows how thoughtless and detached from reality so many members of this forum are.

People are mourning the dead. Can't you find something better to do than trot out your ridiculous speculation?

Unfortunately not.

Did you not see the Khao Tao thread ?

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I have no narrative for this photo -- it appeared on a FB group I manage... This Westerner in this photo obviously looks like the CCTV photos of the bombing ... I do not know if this photo is of a prior arrest or one of an arrest for the bombing... Just posting it for FYI...

This is interesting. I am in Australia at the moment and caught the tail end of an interview with this chap on commercial tv. He is an Australian film maker who was at the shrine and put his backpack down at that spot. He was castigated by social media and went to the police voluntarily. After a 6 hour 'interview' he is free to go.

He certainly looks like the guy in the CCTV footage. My worry is that in an effort to get a quick conviction in order to keep the tourist $ coming in that the authorities will never really get to the bottom of this. Within hours the army were saying it was Red Shirts, then an Arab looking person and now this CCTV footage.

Like I said in my previous post ..Thai politics is wheels within wheels within wheels.

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Muslim trouble in the south may now be targeting Thailands hot spots for bigger devastation, I have always suspected they would hit Nana as its enclosed .

me too. also places like walking street at night or kao san road. though why near this shrine ? islamics maybe ?


What the hell are you guys trying to do----- give them a few ideas on where to set off the next one ?????????????sad.pngsad.png RIP to the victims and hope the injured soon recover

hardly bloody rocket science to know to damage the economy then a bomb in any of these areas will have maximum effect. the government or reds would never put a bomb near this bhuddist shrine , it was islamics !!! ive just spoken to a few other educated thais and they all say it was islamics originally from china and deported out of thailand , from what i gather this group or people associated with this group also held some type of protest outside the turkish

embassy in bkk recently.

100 Chinese Muslims 'plotting to join ISIS' deported from ...
12 Jul 2015 - The Chinese government claims more than 100 minority Muslim Uighurs who were sent back from Thailand to China after fleeing the country ..
Edited by dirtycash
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Thailand have not signed the TTP so risk loosing their automobile industry, I am glad they won't sign as it is a crok.

However big money involved here. Also big money to be lost if Thailands resorts and Hotels are empty and that would only take a couple more tragic events.

Thailand getting a bit to cozy with China.

Thai airways in economic trouble could easily go bust so could many resorts and hotels, this bomb would have made a superstitious impact on Chinese tourists.

The shrine itself was hardly damaged.

Easy to plant a bomb in a location that puts blame on the red shirts and big enough to strike terror around the globe.

This was a message from someone, and since CNN covered it right from the first few minutes in a grand scale I have my thinking cap on because most know that CNN and CIA go together, they came up with dash cam footage and all sorts of incredible stuff.

Certain people in this world are not to happy for Thailand to be to close to China and that is fact.

The Thai Baht crashed to an all time low after the bomb went off, so it would be interesting to know who placed betts on the share market on the Baht falling before the bomb as heavy investing took place before 9-11.

Watch the political front closely as the answers will lye there I think.

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Exactly, the scale and nature of it is not the style of the Reds, I'm beginning to lean towards a new external faction of some sort.

What do you mean by "not the style of the reds" ???? didn't a red supporter threw a hand grenade into a crowd of peaceful protesters before the coup ??? he's face was at 2 meters from a CCTV camera...!!.... It happened on a daily basis then.....!

You have a short memory or did not follow the news then ???

Best regards.....

The protesters violently stopped people from going to work, voting and moving through the city as they pleased. Is this all irrelevant because you support the yellows. Can they do whatever they want and it is still considered peaceful?

You are very quick to judge .....!!!.....And where did I said that I support the Yellows ??? or any colour side ???... I was just reporting some facts....that shocked me !!!!

Just by reporting something I am automatically branded as supporter of the other side....Nice one..!!!!

I guess thinking before you speak or write down something sitting on your bar stool is a too difficult process for you....!!!


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I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but the CCTV cameras indicate they are colour cameras. These do not give a good picture in the night. Most security cameras that operate 24/7 are a combined colour / black & white. THey change from colour to B&W when the light level goes down.

It is no wonder the police cant get a good picture of the sustect if they are using just colour cameras

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I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but the CCTV cameras indicate they are colour cameras. These do not give a good picture in the night. Most security cameras that operate 24/7 are a combined colour / black & white. THey change from colour to B&W when the light level goes down.

It is no wonder the police cant get a good picture of the sustect if they are using just colour cameras

Of course they use colour cameras. How else would they know what colour shirts people were wearing?

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I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but the CCTV cameras indicate they are colour cameras. These do not give a good picture in the night. Most security cameras that operate 24/7 are a combined colour / black & white. THey change from colour to B&W when the light level goes down.

It is no wonder the police cant get a good picture of the sustect if they are using just colour cameras

Of course they use colour cameras. How else would they know what colour shirts people were wearing?

Exactly, but the light may not have actually been low that is the point. If as it iappears it was quite dark then they are using the wrong cameras for a surveillance system.

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Wow. This thread really shows how thoughtless and detached from reality so many members of this forum are.

People are mourning the dead. Can't you find something better to do than trot out your ridiculous speculation?

C'mon. "Terrorists" ( maniac drivers ) on Thai roads murder many people every year, far far more than every terrorist incident put together, but there is no national outpouring of mourning for them ( though perhaps there should be ).

Unless one of us is personally touched by a death it will be forgotten in a few months time.

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Muslim trouble in the south may now be targeting Thailands hot spots for bigger devastation, I have always suspected they would hit Nana as its enclosed .

me too. also places like walking street at night or kao san road. though why near this shrine ? islamics maybe ?


What the hell are you guys trying to do----- give them a few ideas on where to set off the next one ?????????????sad.pngsad.png RIP to the victims and hope the injured soon recover

Good grief. Do you think they are so stupid that they need to read TV to know where to put a bomb?

There have been warnings going back to the Nite Owl days that Nana Plaza is an ideal bombing location for a fundamentalist monster.

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No, you misunderstand, you have to take the first quote in conjunction with the second quote.

Got the same message again so unable to reply properly.

Unfortunately, the "quoting restrictions" have ruined this discussion. (Something I'll keep this in mind before posting again. This has happened too many times.)


You just delete the oldest quote to be able to reply yourself. Takes 5 seconds.

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