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Is It To Late To Extend My Non-o?

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I was issued a 1 year multiple entry Non-O visa from Brisbane Aus last year. The visa was valid untill this past August 1. I did a visa run on July 31 and got an extra 90 days "bonus stamp" so now I am stamped in on the same Non-O visa untill October 28. My questions are a sfollows.

Even though the validity of my visa stamp has expires, my latest entry stamp was gained from that visa, so am I still able to apply for a visa extension on the basis that I have entered thailand on my old Non-O visa?

I am also married to a Thai and I have the marriage cert, so where is the best place to go to get a new 1 year multiple entry Non-O visa. I think there is also a O marriage visa but I dont have enough funds to apply for that so my only option is to try to get another 1 year multi O. where to go? I ask now because i was about to book a trip to Penang but Ive read that they dont give 1 year multi O visas any more, is this true? where else in this region could i get one?


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You asked about extension of stay and yes you can do that if you meet the requirement - but then you go on to say you don't?

Your best bet for a multi entry would probably be your home country but KL and Singapore have been more likely to issue them recently than Penang.

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Thbanbks for that help. Would a letter from a company in my home country stating that I am earning so much money be enough to meet the 40k per month needed to get an extension, or would i need to show more proof than that. I dont have enough cash in the bank here but i have plenty back home, i just dont wanna transfer the money here and loose alot on the exchange.

Looks if i h\dont have enough for the extensiuon, ill be going to singapore og kl then. One more question, is it true that the decision to extend or not is up to the immigration officer that handles your extension application?

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On support Thai wife the extension or not is a committee decision at Bangkok. Not sure that will change or not with the decentralization policy.

You would have to ask what would be acceptable but I seriously doubt that a letter will do it. But I would ask as nothing is lost in doing so.

Not sure where the exchange loss occurs. If you bring the money in to make the account 400k you then can use than money for the support process. Normally a wire transfer gets a better rate of exchange than any other method (even after the large fee) if the transfer is large.

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Bring the money in as cash. If your money is legal just make sure you can prove it if questioned by aussie officials when leaving Australia.

When you get to Bk you change your money in the black market. There are several places to do this. The one with the best rate is identical to a small bank branch just without ATM, bank-book update machines etc.

This little bank is as safe as any other bank to do exchange in and you will get a better exchange here regardless of where went.

It has armed guards, not only one guard which is the case of a standard sized branch in Thailand. Its owned by high ranking police in Bangkok. It has a counter with some 10 people behind, seats on rows to sit down in if busy, money counting machines etc.

Thais have deposit money in this system for decades and its quite normal seing thais deposit several milions at a time.

You will probably see more millions being counted and handled around in here on your 10 minute visit than in any other normal bank branch.

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