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Thai police identify 2 more Bangkok blast suspects


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What has not been mentioned so far is the location of where he left the bag in relation to the location of the crater the bomb left in the ground. If they are one in the same place then the chances are that he is the bomber but if they're not in the same place then they must be barking up the wrong tree.

Since every announcement coming from Thailand contradicts the previous announcement, who knows what's really happening?

I know whats really happening. The military have no idea whatsoever. They've made so many enemies that it's simply a case of the chickens coming home to roost for them. To them all of us are the enemy.

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Sooner or later, Thailand will need help from other countries to find/deal with these attackers.

Watching the general's favorite (Blue Bloods) TV show might not be enough. rolleyes.gif

Read the print version of the Nation. Statement of Foreign Ministry: the involvement of any foreign police investigation would tarnish our sovereignty. No other country would allow this interference...

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It never ceases to amaze me how the authorities in Thailand make such an utter farce of dealing with the media. Government or Police spokespeople are constantly contradicting each other and making claims that they clearly have no evidence for. “This is the work of at least 10 people and must have taken a month to organize”, which seems to be pure speculation on the part of the police chief. Just today alone the police said they were certain the 2 other people in red and white were involved, yet within hours this is proved wrong. The forensics team have apparently finished cleaning up the site, yet the BBC found several bits that clearly came from the bomb today. Yesterday someone claimed the bomber had already left the country, today someone else from the police said they were certain he was still in Thailand. He’s apparently definitely not a Thai, yet the sketch looks remarkably Asian. The motorbike taxi driver said he may have spoken in a foreign language but that also proves nothing.

This circus happens every time there is a high profile case. Complete and utter muppets. What is rather sad is that not a one of them seems to notice how incompetent they look. For a nation that supposedly puts so much importance on face, you’d think they would try to deal with this in a controlled and intelligent manner. That’s Thainess I guess.

Any police apologists want to defend these idiots?

On the vague off chance any journos are on here and read this. Can someone please ask about the apparent warning the police said they received? Was it a telephone call, a letter or email? If it was a call was it in Thai? Did they have an accent or was it written in Thai? I haven’t seen any details on this in the media, which seems odd.

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Mr Redshirt and Mr Whiteshirt now cleared. The Keystone Cops circus rolls on in reverse. They are now back to the original claimed 10 suspects they think are involved with one of those suspects originally wearing a yellow shirt but who now in all probability is wearing a different coloured shirt.

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If this bombing is as sophisticated as the police claim, with all the numerous people involved as lookouts, etc., why the hell did the guy wear a bright yellow t-shirt making himself so easy to spot on cctv? Seems it would have been better to wear nondescript dark clothes. Does not seem at all as sophisticated as they are trying to claim. Just sayin'

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For me, I just don't trust the capabilities of Thai Police to catch the terrorists. I have a terribe time now, my wife and two kids are Thai and visit the Grand parents now. Thai police is asking for internationasl help but the guys who did it seem to me to be Thai nationals.

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For me, I just don't trust the capabilities of Thai Police to catch the terrorists. I have a terribe time now, my wife and two kids are Thai and visit the Grand parents now. Thai police is asking for internationasl help but the guys who did it seem to me to be Thai nationals.

No Thai would do such a thing....except on 6 Oct. 1976 and May 2010.

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The next move by the police is predictable. Search for and locate a group of 10 Myanmar immigrant workers one of who owns a printed yellow shirt, round them up, identify them, take finger prints and interrogate them while in custody. Evidence may then possibly be found at the scene of the crime connecting them to the dastardly deed. At very best an impermanent confession might even be obtained to support forensic evidence. This tactic has worked before to solve crimes.

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From the Concise Oxford Dictionary...


· v. (identifies, identified)
1 establish the identity of.
2 recognize or select by analysis.
3 (identify someone/thing with) associate someone or something closely with.
(identify with) regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as (someone else).

Well give the Bib a break they got (2) Recognised a red shirt and a yellow shirt. Toss them a peanut 10/10 goto the top of the farce force.


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This is like the Bali and Oaklahoma bombings, find some local or Asian patsies, get Mossad or some spies to do the mini nuke. Has all the trappings of a

False Flag. Say for example it was jihadists, well they are all on the NATO Payroll, so some one would be paying them to do it. Follow the money. Who has an interest in destabilising Thailand? They are joing BRICS aren't they?

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What has not been mentioned so far is the location of where he left the bag in relation to the location of the crater the bomb left in the ground. If they are one in the same place then the chances are that he is the bomber but if they're not in the same place then they must be barking up the wrong tree.

Since every announcement coming from Thailand contradicts the previous announcement, who knows what's really happening?

Just from watching the video, it is obvious that the suspect intended to leave the backpack. If the time signature matches, they have the first suspect 'identified'. A normal tourist would have remembered his own backpack - especially a younger person, within a short distance(IMO) For me, it appears the suspect speeds up his pace when he leaves the scene, not much but it is noticable when compared to his approach to the bench.

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What has not been mentioned so far is the location of where he left the bag in relation to the location of the crater the bomb left in the ground. If they are one in the same place then the chances are that he is the bomber but if they're not in the same place then they must be barking up the wrong tree.

Since every announcement coming from Thailand contradicts the previous announcement, who knows what's really happening?

Just from watching the video, it is obvious that the suspect intended to leave the backpack. If the time signature matches, they have the first suspect 'identified'. A normal tourist would have remembered his own backpack - especially a younger person, within a short distance(IMO) For me, it appears the suspect speeds up his pace when he leaves the scene, not much but it is noticable when compared to his approach to the bench.
He knew that the bag had to be positioned. ( and possibly secured) in such a way that it was not very easily seen....not from the perspective of an unattended item drawing the attention of security but rather the very strong likelihood that it could be stolen in about 10 seconds if visible
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Things are getting more and more interesting. The plot thickens once again.

Thai Police: At Least 10 Involved In Bombing

sky_174244.gifSky News – 13 minutes ago

Thailand's police chief says at least 10 people were involved in the Bangkok bomb attack that killed 20 people.

He also said the attack had been planned at least one month in advance.

"It is a big network. There was preparation using many people," police chief Somyot Poompanmuang said.

"This includes those who looked out on the streets, prepared the bomb and those at the site and ... those who knew the escape route," he said.

"There must have been at least 10 people involved."

Police had already said they were looking for three suspects , including a young man in a yellow T-shirt seen on grainy video footage apparently planting the bomb.

That man could be foreign, according to authorities, who also released a sketch of the suspect.

At least 10 people involved, also said a month planning the incident, what is the Police Chiefs evidence as to this latest information, or has he plucked out of fresh air (again)…

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According to SKY NEWS the red and white shirts handed themselves in to police and have been released as a chinese tourist and his Thai tour guide.

But! we think that ten people were involved but now we must be down to one as we released the chinese tourist and his Thai guidewai2.gif

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