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At least 10 involved in Erawan bombing, some of them Thais, police say


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I truly hope that the people involved in this cowardly attack are caught soon, I think the many misleading and conflicting statements from the Police need to be coordinated more professionally.

Worry less about specualtion and more about detection - best of luck catching these <deleted>.

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Quite obvious that the 3 former suspects who "shielded" the guy in the yellow shirt came in a group including 3 teenage girls. But it's ok to follow any trace even if it takes 3 days to figure it out.


Edited by RoboGeisha
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They have no idea. They just keep making announcements as if they have a clue. They do not. The two others in the shrine, for whom an arrest warrant was issued, just turned themselves in. They are tour guides. Again, the authorities have no clue what they are talking about.

By tour guides do they mean gem store scam artists or actual tour guides?

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If the two men and woman captured on the camera standing near the prime suspect know they are being pursued for "interrogation" and are actually innocent bystanders, they are more likely to get as far from Bangkok as possible. PTP interrogations seem to begin with a statement of guilt followed by physical and verbal "enhancements."

Maybe the PTP should offer them a reward to come forward and amnesty if guilty.

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I really think that we all have to be worried as unless these animals are caught, it means that Thailand is still in danger, at anytime and anywhere. We and our loved ones and people we know can be in danger. This is no laughing matter. I really hope that these people are caught fast if not, we are all in a serious limbo. I am advising all my friends to stay away from thailand at the moment.

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I really think that we all have to be worried as unless these animals are caught, it means that Thailand is still in danger, at anytime and anywhere. We and our loved ones and people we know can be in danger. This is no laughing matter. I really hope that these people are caught fast if not, we are all in a serious limbo. I am advising all my friends to stay away from thailand at the moment.

In panic mode?

One incident happened at one place and one point in time. You chance of dying in a vehicle accident far exceed the chance of bomb. You should advice your friends that they should not fly because there is more of a chance they will die in a plane crash or on the way to airport than in a bomb attack.

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I really think that we all have to be worried as unless these animals are caught, it means that Thailand is still in danger, at anytime and anywhere. We and our loved ones and people we know can be in danger. This is no laughing matter. I really hope that these people are caught fast if not, we are all in a serious limbo. I am advising all my friends to stay away from thailand at the moment.

In panic mode?

One incident happened at one place and one point in time. You chance of dying in a vehicle accident far exceed the chance of bomb. You should advice your friends that they should not fly because there is more of a chance they will die in a plane crash or on the way to airport than in a bomb attack.

Especially in Thailand,add train wreck as well.

regards worgeordie

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God you guys are negative.

Give the cops and intelligence services some credit, and let them do their jobs.

They'd rather be looking for the people responsible than answering inane questions from the media .

Of course they're not going to give anything useful away at this stage of the investigation, it's jus the standard "yea we're looking for people and following leads" that you'd hear anywhere in the world at a time like this.

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I think one should take it for granted that professionals from the USA are here and not only observing but giving advice too - on condition that the thais mustn't reveal this so as not to lose face. The USA isn't going to step away from their wish to have maximum and accurate information about any terrorist incident in any country to which it has access - and you can take it for granted that the thais will roll out the red carpet to them - as I said, discreetly. In fact in an earlier report there was a statement referring to 'allies' working with them.

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10 would be a very large number for a simple pipe bomb, just put down and leave, hardly an Oceans Eleven job, plus more people in a group = more loose lips and someone gets picked up.

This makes no sense, they refuse help from the US. Oz, the UK for terrorist experts and forensics but ask interpol for help even though they dont suspect foreigners but one did place the backpack..

This is ridiculous, why wouldnt you want this solved asap and save your tourist industry ? its almost as if someone is deliberately muddying things and acting like keystone cops on purpose.

They dont have a scooby or they do and are deliberately spreading many theories and rumours whilst refusing international professional help for a reason.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security before its paradise safe in our hands image... an image they dont even have anymore... thats long gone.

One thing is for sure, in front to the world yet again Thailand has shown itself to be woefully incompetent and unwilling to put security

You remember Charly Hebdo in Paris?

Boston Marathon shooting?

Munich 92 Olympic bombing?

Atlanta Olympic bombing ?

Norway shooting 2011?


You've got tunnel vision

And you're not reading his post. He's making no claim that it is preventable. He's saying that handling the case is incompetent.

But since you mentioned the other events around the world:

* police killed or apprehended the perps, often within hours/days.

* police were thorough and professional

* statements to the media / public were concise and factual.

(No I do not want to discuss any of these cases if anyone disagrees; Atlanta for example was definitely more messy in media communications, but nowhere near Thai levels.)

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God you guys are negative.

Give the cops and intelligence services some credit, and let them do their jobs.

They'd rather be looking for the people responsible than answering inane questions from the media .

Of course they're not going to give anything useful away at this stage of the investigation, it's jus the standard "yea we're looking for people and following leads" that you'd hear anywhere in the world at a time like this.

"Give the cops and intelligence services some credit"

Give me one good reason why we should do that?! Just one example of a case where the police worked swiftly and professionally to solve a case......just one.

OTOH, I could start listing unsolved cases and bungled investigations but I'm afraid my keyboard would collapse.

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Substantive facts or please just shut up with the speculation based on banal logic. Everyday it is a different story and often contradicting what came before. All speculation and supposition at this point. A while ago we were told for no definitive reason that no Thai could be involved in such a brutal act, now they are sure that Thai's are involved. This is not an international driven incident but a local political issue and as such you can bet the house that Thai's are involved.

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Police have just cleared one of the two men and a woman captured on the camera standing near the prime suspect for interrogation. Likely the other two will also be cleared should they also turn themselves in to police.

Meanwhile, a reporter for BBC who just visited the crime scene found sharpnel and ball bearings in building walls within 50 meters of the expolision. As did several other people working/living in the area. So apparently the police didn't attempt to sweep the entire area for evidence. The reporter attempted to turn in the possible evidence at the nearest police station but WAS REFUSED. All on video.

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This case looks like going the same way as the previous 3 bombings.Lots of hot air but no result. Just too many Indian chiefs giving press releases and the PM trying his very best to stay as far away and no hospital visits nor his symbolic presence at the crime scene. Neither did he order a special team with full authority to investigate and press releases. 2 days to finally alert Interpol, 3 days to find the taxi drivers are just indecisive decision making. By now the foreigner is long gone in some foreign country and the finger prints left on the taxis are all erased.

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They have CCTV which shows ONE man leaving a backpack which was probably the bomb.

How can they now say it was a team of at least TEN?

What makes them think it took months of planning? From what I've seen it took no planning at all. There was no security so the man simply walked in, left the bomb and walked out. Not a lot of planning involved in that.

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To really describe the complete incompetence of the authorities in this matter, you would need to use Roget's Thesaurus, and even then you would be hard pressed to give a full and complete description.

Don't know about that, is "Thainess" in the Thesaurus?

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Where did the number 10 come from??? Why not 6 or 25???

Absolutely clueless!!! Makes you really have confidence

In these "Keystone Cops"

When the fortune teller says ten you go with ten so if it's wrong it is his fault and not yours, saving your face.

Edited by arrowsdawdle
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If this is an domestic power struggle either between factions in the administration or between the administration and those currently left out in the cold, then there will be no public revealing of the those who ordered the attack.

Odd comments from the police in which they say, "Thais are definitely involved," or "at least 10 people are involved," are all you are going to get.

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As usual, RTP (and other) spokesmen say strange things that seem to defy logic and evidence-based reasoning.

I suppose there are two possible explanations:

1) They are sending out clever misdirection so as to confuse the perpetrators, all while the noose is slowly tightening.


2) They are really truly morons.


or 3) it's mistranslated. How often are we reminded how poor English skills are here?

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10 People CONSPIRACY Hardly How do you keep a secret with 10 People This is a a few people but I think it may be beyond the resources of the Thai police. Bring in the FBI and Boston Police and let them assist

They have experiences in this area. It is a move that will not loose face but create confidence with the people.

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I think one should take it for granted that professionals from the USA are here and not only observing but giving advice too - on condition that the thais mustn't reveal this so as not to lose face. The USA isn't going to step away from their wish to have maximum and accurate information about any terrorist incident in any country to which it has access - and you can take it for granted that the thais will roll out the red carpet to them - as I said, discreetly. In fact in an earlier report there was a statement referring to 'allies' working with them.

Do you think it might be NCIS? Perhaps we could get a Starbucks with Gibbs?

Or maybe Tom Selleck and his kids - the PM seems to like Blue Bloods?

No doubt the local CIA, FBI and whatever other spooks are attached to the Embassy here are poking about. But I doubt they are leading, advising or recipients of the red carpet treatment.

Remember Uncle Sam doesn't think it was a terrorist act yet.

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